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2010年12月16日 Nature主要内容   [复制链接]

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优秀会员 热心会员 积极份子 帅哥研究员

发表于 2010-12-16 16:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
[自然要览]$ S/ H* h/ C. S1 D
/ a3 Q, F5 G* s- r( r- a# c
) J+ B6 R8 T! `7 F" y3 r: Y
' J5 }, |# g: c/ c
# X; w9 e+ `9 l封面故事:拯救北极熊仍为时不晚
$ v: `2 ^- Y5 I- X4 w7 Z. G' _Greenhouse gas mitigation can reduce sea-ice loss and increase polar bear persistence
: u8 b* X6 L/ e8 _http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1131&issue=7326
8 B. n, ^. s9 A0 b1 e8 a
0 ?+ k7 c* X- \1 F' S: e$ ~* f1 B9 u: A( H$ e, o! j$ l
胚胎中的基因网络形成(Gene networking in the embryo)
, H" r4 F  y4 ]$ E8 {. r9 KEmerging properties of animal gene regulatory networks6 T$ x* i! q: `4 y; A* I0 E
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1105&issue=7326
( t, Y3 C# E2 D$ ?- T1 q* B; y
  d& x* u( u# a, x. s* o6 a8 p# X* g% M( j/ h
果蝇幼虫的避光机制(How fruitfly maggots avoid sunlight)
& o5 y" W* T5 e7 DLight-avoidance-mediating photoreceptors tile the Drosophila larval body wall9 t* y. E2 K8 I3 Q, k
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1109&issue=7326
) ]; ?# t. L6 q) K' f' t9 \$ Z
" D& L% X7 c% u. h  E( s
; Y8 }; G6 q; T, o8 q5 wTRIM24将组蛋白代码与乳腺癌联系起来(TRIM24 links histone code to breast cancer)0 q3 g2 i1 l( ~$ n2 D1 |& g% c
TRIM24 links a non-canonical histone signature to breast cancer
( \+ d2 l0 M3 s7 Z& |0 D, Khttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1113&issue=7326
& R- F3 m! b+ ~! E' z. j2 B3 ^$ ]) Z; u
$ `  V8 z9 w; X- B
/ l# _: W2 f1 Z8 L& R, [CRTC3蛋白与肥胖症有关(CRTC3 protein linked to obesity)* v/ A- x: ~* B: l
CRTC3 links catecholamine signalling to energy balance4 l4 ^  l+ A( w! i4 R
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1116&issue=7326
  g4 i+ [! k4 h3 }
8 E/ l$ q/ x& H! D1 M8 z" @1 K, O) {! I
附近星系中较小的恒星(The lesser lights of nearby galaxies)
+ h! |% Y/ R) b* W5 v. k" CA substantial population of low-mass stars in luminous elliptical galaxies" v& O) z2 i# x6 D% h
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1119&issue=7326
6 S1 |! e& J0 h: T& f* o) r3 {% t# w7 K" h5 b. z4 ?
: o) `! g5 F: d$ M& d' ]
关于土星环成因的一个新模型(The formation of Saturn’s watery rings)! U! Q. `  @/ M5 [, m6 L* l
Origin of Saturn’s rings and inner moons by mass removal from a lost Titan-sized satellite
3 p' I/ a1 I3 F' shttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1122&issue=7326
8 B; D/ X+ z! X- F( B6 {% G( n/ y5 [& Z2 i
$ X3 U3 q% S! p# y+ i
一个以前不知道的缺陷类型(Pleating crystals)9 |& n$ B# s- x7 V( T. g0 c8 w
Pleats in crystals on curved surfaces
3 m$ ~) `6 Y8 _) O9 @0 R5 ahttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1125&issue=73265 B& A% g. q- i
5 h$ w& F, Q' j4 ?+ l  d
$ v9 P& ?  r* z+ F. s' D
地球内核磁场强度的估计(Earth’s internal magnetic field estimated)" }0 K* U: f# [% s) ]8 S
Tidal dissipation and the strength of the Earth’s internal magnetic field
5 X" J/ N8 {. L$ I6 j$ `/ E- chttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1128&issue=7326
- g2 c5 C% l* K0 {; e
2 l- B. X! L4 `% s3 E8 T, J  ^7 G( ?
酵母新表现型在演化过程中的引入方式(Evolutionary change fit for purpose)# @) C  a- e  n0 c; S2 c
Intercalation of a new tier of transcription regulation into an ancient circuit" n: N# a7 W- ?8 Y
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1134&issue=7326& ^/ p) x& F! V2 T4 ]6 w  ?
  A# V- A$ [( ~
- {5 G$ K% h/ m2 W5 X' X4 R0 p
关于神经系统响应物理刺激的一个理论得到验证(Neural activity in the balance)6 G* u. Z6 p9 V
Noise correlations improve response fidelity and stimulus encoding# ^/ E" c& j/ f0 a) z0 H! r
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1142&issue=7326
. d1 [; o( [6 P8 @$ b: Q7 p1 R# q& X+ D: I  m

# W! t. r/ d1 f8 p黑素瘤中的抗药性机制(Drug resistance mechanism in melanoma)" E- l: [; \0 W
COT drives resistance to RAF inhibition through MAP kinase pathway reactivation / Melanomas acquire resistance to B-RAF(V600E) inhibition by RTK or N-RAS upregulation4 |4 P1 V5 w# a9 N& _* ^
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1094&issue=7326* {% b4 \, t# D( Q3 S. R

+ @# c8 X+ E5 E  I( ]( S& p8 u$ e, s: ?9 ?
RNA聚合酶的抑制(RNA polymerase inhibition)( ^6 _$ V5 c) a8 P# j
Crystal structure of bacterial RNA polymerase bound with a transcription inhibitor protein
) V1 a  s2 |( P, {# v/ Bhttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1102&issue=7326
. s$ L2 {) n$ u  v2 q" Q/ i" A2 K2 L, i) C! u

6 m- Y. F1 V- u! R) X! F+ bDNA转位酶的运动(DNA translocase in action): F6 M# ^1 v3 Y7 o( m5 f4 T2 \
Single-molecule imaging reveals mechanisms of protein disruption by a DNA translocase8 t' B( |& H5 ~3 o
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1106&issue=73266 h, z) h: U+ t- y3 j9 H
0 {5 J: l, x0 p% s

! c+ l" E4 \1 c: s4 I& L离子和基质运输的耦合机制(Sodium-coupled transport)
8 N8 w& u3 f. g3 D* A& eThe mechanism of sodium and substrate release from the binding pocket of vSGLT5 R# D: V  O' }5 C- }! \2 S. D& F
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1110&issue=7326
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积极份子 热心会员 帅哥研究员 优秀会员 小小研究员

发表于 2010-12-16 20:40 |只看该作者
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小小研究员 热心会员 积极份子 优秀会员 优秀版主 名家 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-17 10:30 |只看该作者
; ^8 b3 z& F: x2 h----------------------
# r3 @2 o) M3 T/ {8 N8 q7 W8 ^) oARTICLES
# q; F# y2 W4 B) T4 _6 x----------------------
/ M! z3 [' f. t6 U  tLight-avoidance-mediating photoreceptors tile the Drosophila larval  
& O& r7 n; w- W& Abody wall        pp921 - 926+ F0 Q9 s( }  X' o
Light sensing outside the eyes is common in many animals but is  
3 N( s1 l$ O, F9 c  @) R( Yusually confined to specialized organs. Here, the entire body wall of  % g2 L$ \  A  }. r; x) U
the fruitfly larva is found to be tiled with blue- and ultraviolet-
& P- T6 o: X1 d; A# \( Nlight sensing neuronal dendrites, which are essential for the larva's  % V9 _: ~5 R! C4 \  T/ P$ J1 e# J
innate light-avoidance behaviour. The phototransduction machinery used  3 S2 `, T1 j9 |2 U7 H6 i3 L
by these neurons is distinct from other Drosophila photoreceptor  
: h5 }1 Z7 l+ _, Imolecules but similar to a system recently identified in nematode  5 a, R9 n# Q& {! a5 |% K7 ~; |2 G
neurons., ^4 c3 f+ o. e1 q/ \
Yang Xiang et al.5 u* Q. ^2 O0 y7 u- F- p7 p8 G
0 {2 C; w6 K  r! K: B: P1 l& E  @Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09576.html3 J0 H% U" K; k' h: L2 ]
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09576.html3 q5 I: Z5 [3 o0 M- S
. Z( I: I, N2 x. m) p
TRIM24 links a non-canonical histone signature to breast cancer        pp927  7 ]5 S; D  d  M, @* ^
- 932
0 ~1 g( F$ Q8 z5 oA crystal structure of the tandem PHD and bromodomain regions of the  
* K! m& c* h$ x, Ftranscription and chromatin regulator TRIM24 reveals combinatorial  + G" [% _5 L6 T: B' P& A" Z1 N
recognition of dual marks on the histone H3 tail. TRIM24 is involved  ) j- L" Z( A: ]3 u* |
in activation of oestrogen-dependent genes and is aberrantly expressed  $ B0 J% u3 t, }
in breast cancer.
( K0 Q, I' c, L7 P) e3 E, |. IWen-Wei Tsai et al.
7 f1 P4 U( X$ I: d  Vdoi:10.1038/nature09542- L) n, `4 @! O( i
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09542.html
  z# |; Q/ }& o4 WArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09542.html3 _; _2 w- w/ W: {

' t' A1 L& x* |* oCRTC3 links catecholamine signalling to energy balance        pp933 - 939. l9 u& C# @2 A
β-adrenergic receptor signalling in adipocytes stimulates energy  
9 L# F0 i. v) a) D# H; ], bexpenditure via cAMP-dependent increases in lipolysis and fatty-acid  ' V( `4 Q8 m" I# G- y7 e' y
oxidation, and this signalling mechanism is thought to be disrupted in  $ f. z$ X; ]1 L# m  H$ j
obesity. Here, the cAMP-responsive CREB coactivator Crtc3 is shown to  & Y$ W5 ^6 _) m6 z$ `- t
promote obesity in mice by attenuating β adrenergic receptor  
+ N7 ~1 s5 ?% ^3 ~6 ^3 V" {% Ssignalling in adipose tissue.
3 m+ G) g0 a. {( Q4 T! x8 ~) t# p, AYoungsup Song et al.2 S9 Q/ X$ \: [! j. K; c
doi:10.1038/nature09564! |2 z4 P: Y( [7 Y/ @: |
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09564.html, W+ J; `8 d1 O3 i# A7 `
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09564.html# c+ l% U- b9 d% Y
4 ^; f* d' z' j  ~
----------------------+ |5 P4 Z; N0 o7 w4 H- y+ o
6 @4 K. }' J, ~6 |7 F& u----------------------
* k. w0 p; z, O1 G4 U4 TA substantial population of low-mass stars in luminous elliptical  
. V, O2 a" v% Z) rgalaxies        pp940 - 942
! v  ~- R; y6 b1 d5 i6 CThe stellar initial mass function describes the mass distribution of  , K6 J" e5 S3 l/ d/ R, y5 G
stars at the time of their formation. This study reports observations  
% `! f0 j: c, x+ s7 q. O$ d7 a7 ]of the Na I doublet and the Wing-Ford molecular FeH band in the  ' D- ^  z/ ], W$ b% b- J
spectra of elliptical galaxies. These lines are strong in stars with  1 U; W* a  D) h" K: e1 @
& I% _0 x$ C% b9 l2 u$ h4 @6 ?- K2 MPieter G. van Dokkum and Charlie Conroy+ g3 N; Z& u0 `' U* X
doi:10.1038/nature09578# \# S0 E8 t* M
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09578.html% @: I: X3 ~' K$ |
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09578.html
/ f" t* M, Q9 T/ y! M. Y' `3 R* |; g5 D5 n. q! M  Y
Origin of Saturn’s rings and inner moons by mass removal from a lost  9 g# Q: ?) @/ ^, F2 M/ N
Titan-sized satellite        p943
0 y" i4 ^+ o1 T5 b2 VSaturn's rings are more than 90–95% water ice, which implies that  
, Y4 a) y8 u5 j! Yinitially they were almost pure ice because they are continually  ' W" t9 E! g4 x6 _
polluted by rocky meteoroids. Saturn has only one large satellite,  : ~7 n, c3 x$ {
Titan, whereas Jupiter has four large satellites; additional large  
) ?  c) ~& V8 J( Bsatellites probably existed originally but were lost as they spiralled  $ @9 ]6 J* I) T; f" e; O, Z
into Saturn. Now, numerical simulations of the tidal removal of mass  - g7 D5 {) T4 \+ q0 n, J. e: T( d
from a differentiated, Titan sized satellite as it migrates inward  
. S' B, u# W4 Z( Xtowards Saturn are reported. Planetary tidal forces preferentially  
! f3 [1 u8 N, {' |8 U6 w" f6 L9 bstrip material from the satellite's outer icy layers, while its rocky  1 Y7 Y  P$ u. d$ R
core remains intact and is lost to collision with the planet. The  ( U: [! |& X* @1 v
result is a pure ice ring.
- v! [8 d( w5 Q+ e! DRobin M. Canup& j# ]4 W$ o7 j2 o2 y- D' ~
/ `7 f* n" k$ u9 L% HAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09661.html
* M% r4 G  D. t8 g/ P$ sArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09661.html
* E2 y/ ?& m  o5 w# `  s6 A  D" F! W: }0 n$ h: R+ }
Pleats in crystals on curved surfaces        pp947 - 951. }/ D6 G4 i7 c5 [) X6 X2 t
Hexagons can easily tile a flat surface, but not a curved one. Defects  
# [% O6 O( K8 f6 z" H/ n% F, Y9 xwith topological charge (such as heptagons and pentagons) make it  2 U% w" P) _8 x1 ?6 Q! \2 \8 Y
easier to tile curved surfaces, such as soccer balls. Here, a new type  
. q/ |& @( O/ h8 K4 n% cof defect is reported that accommodates curvature in the same way as  . d$ V% L1 @+ V; {5 D: c' {
fabric pleats. The appearance of such defects on the negatively curved  
7 ~5 Y6 B- O4 ]" ~surfaces of stretched colloidal crystals are observed. The results  
1 V2 g# ]  k3 B" ~: x  _will facilitate the exploration of general theories of defects in  , d% ]6 s; t: |6 W
curved spaces, the engineering of curved structures and novel methods  
( X: x8 b9 A( Y3 F. efor soft lithography and directed self-assembly.
; j* w8 q+ W) I; }7 ?; oWilliam T. M. Irvine, Vincenzo Vitelli and Paul M. Chaikin+ H$ \% ]8 n; m( v9 G" @) x
, f; X" _: J& [2 kAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09620.html4 ^2 E# M9 T( V$ l
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09620.html
: s/ B4 s+ Z! O" Y/ c  ^5 g" ?" c! ?- Q$ q2 H5 M( Z, B) c
Tidal dissipation and the strength of the Earth’s internal magnetic  
5 J! n) l- [  ]7 N; pfield        pp952 - 954
' X' u' Z/ f0 \6 C, v6 pHere, an indirect estimate for the magnetic field strength within the  
; P8 m0 N3 K5 q- z+ d1 ~Earth's core from measurements of tidal dissipation is presented.  
4 ^" U. e# l9 G) \. q. k# RPreviously reported evidence of anomalous dissipation in the Earth's  ( {& B) \2 j1 w3 u& s# I' ^/ D
nutations can be explained with a core-averaged field of 2.5 mT,  
, g: H/ w, g9 s% leliminating the need for high fluid viscosity or a stronger magnetic  
# p! w* M) E2 ~4 O! |field at the inner-core boundary.: l# W9 P  l9 H. y7 K, B+ @3 y# k
Bruce A. Buffett5 N4 `8 J: |$ G/ L& A- {  ^/ b% j
doi:10.1038/nature09643: z8 Z7 N# u- c. Z8 E, R* B. f# _0 M
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09643.html
. [9 t2 A% X  HArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09643.html1 ?1 @4 V$ j8 D. _
' G3 C3 Z" q; I( l9 Y
Greenhouse gas mitigation can reduce sea-ice loss and increase polar  : x8 c+ g8 d- @: r' q5 N. k  m% S9 U
bear persistence        pp955 - 958
0 H3 B' B9 @9 \! s0 HThe dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice with climate change has led to the  
4 a. d  S; X# O% R: Rprediction of a tipping point beyond which ice loss is irreversible  ! n3 X+ `) @& `. k
and polar bear habitat will be catastrophically lost. By contrast,  % |8 v% o+ K$ ?, }
this study shows a linear relationship between temperature and sea-ice  
9 O9 h+ A: ]) o$ b" V9 pcoverage that overcomes the albedo effect that would cause a tipping  
1 m( o7 Y5 g8 cpoint. As a result, reducing greenhouse gas emissions can have a  1 x4 M# F! q6 D
positive effect on polar bear populations.6 I! V( e3 P  u& B+ g' [
Steven C. Amstrup et al.
7 I( S$ _6 \- N! P" _* udoi:10.1038/nature09653
$ \" x4 c: [* y( ^1 L7 a( k1 d% B1 P# cAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09653.html
6 N) _: |* z5 t( E9 lArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09653.html( C3 T. ~: f& f! w1 O5 o  b
* p% a- {7 C7 I* i2 o
Intercalation of a new tier of transcription regulation into an  
+ |! l5 |( V) M0 G( ~  _0 Tancient circuit        pp959 - 963
* ~) }1 q7 a& W$ uHow new phenotypes can be introduced during evolution without losses  " z7 \5 [  V* U* k; E& c5 R# J8 H
of fitness remains largely unexplained at the molecular level. By  1 X& J4 z! l( a" o% ]+ ?' j" r
comparing the molecular details of a well known process — mating type  : R8 H% x% Y  \: ~+ P
determination — across a large diversity of yeast species, the  
9 ^0 S- g4 u( r6 c. I; enetwork rewiring event of the intercalation of a new level of gene  , C8 v% [8 \0 }  H# K
transcription control into an ancient regulatory circuit is shown,  : |9 @! _1 R+ V6 L) d. O
which allowed for the creation of a new phenotype — taking food  
$ D+ P3 e! `3 b& oavailability into account when deciding to mate.
$ A; \" M# k9 S6 ELauren N. Booth, Brian B. Tuch and Alexander D. Johnson  P4 r! A: y9 d: F- B, a2 L2 }
6 C+ U9 T) Z- VAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09560.html1 R6 u" ]3 z, t+ l
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09560.html. q" k7 H6 ]3 T& O# q2 d& w; i

( I2 _, T4 F5 k7 F% w- A7 _/ h3 CNoise correlations improve response fidelity and stimulus encoding         / C8 M) U2 [! u
pp964 - 9671 {$ ~( A* B' k! \# |4 n" K
This study introduces a novel recording technique for simultaneously  % V5 y6 [  ], m
measuring excitatory and inhibitory conductances of retinal ganglion  " V: R5 Q7 G& W6 k1 a# I. D
cells to show that excitatory and inhibitory inputs are strongly  " g1 J  `: s" P
correlated, thereby cancelling each other. Furthermore, dynamic clamp  2 |( O8 v+ @5 _; Q' C) S. P# \; G
is used to introduce these conductance changes into the cell with or  ( a; w* i6 o' x
without correlations, and it is found that, as predicted by  7 i9 ]  y+ p: p# a' v0 m* c3 f
theoretical work, correlations significantly increase reliability of  8 Q2 v% F9 }3 G6 ~# L  G  a
the spiking response.# D7 O2 B! N4 ~1 Q7 ^# E
Jon Cafaro and Fred Rieke; i7 @4 D+ W4 n, K2 D. d5 f
doi:10.1038/nature09570! p* I( }/ p% E
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09570.html
% ~8 q( z  z8 l- W* mArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09570.html9 G/ g6 c' _1 n7 Q, f
* K% e4 T! Z7 g, _6 ]
COT drives resistance to RAF inhibition through MAP kinase pathway  
) O- X% a# |- S, H0 g& Y; f# ~reactivation        pp968 - 9729 Z4 ?1 R. r: I
Recent data from early clinical trials in melanoma patients carrying  
. g0 T2 a, z  O0 r1 d. A/ \% H, M' }mutations in the B-RAF gene have shown promising results with the B- 8 j9 I  K8 B8 H% ]5 n
RAF kinase inhibitor PLX4032; however, many patients eventually  1 ]) m1 Z6 s; L8 {2 D
develop resistance to this treatment. Two papers now uncover possible  
" \. p1 @% g+ I5 m+ c! |) `mechanisms of resistance to PLX4032. One paper shows that upregulation  " \- N9 ]0 `* R& g- F
of MAP3K8 (which encodes COT) can confer resistance of melanoma cells  / b0 m1 D7 [, f, e# r
to B-RAF inhibitors, whereas another paper found that melanomas can    E; t) _& Q" C" D7 \# R
acquire resistance due to mutations of N-RAS or increased expression  
8 o# o' _( Z0 D* T" Gof PDGFRβ. Each of these resistance mechanisms seems to apply to at  
" Y/ Q* p0 X" Zleast some patients on recent PLX4032 trial, whereas, surprisingly, so  4 X5 q! J* [; F, n( d$ I
far no secondary B-RAF mutations have been observed.
1 Z* d( t9 z( O4 p, G2 @Cory M. Johannessen et al.
  v; R' a2 p  _" ~% Jdoi:10.1038/nature09627& D- R* f* t3 M1 I$ c8 ~$ C
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09627.html3 h' y) P+ {' U  J- d* J1 Z9 B& R
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09627.html
4 l$ y( [0 O+ f$ x9 u! k+ s7 O6 V9 w
. G$ Q: t- x# z- U# x4 [Melanomas acquire resistance to B-RAF(V600E) inhibition by RTK or N- ; v- `' x( s4 j9 a! E6 R; o# B
RAS upregulation        pp973 - 977
1 s6 T2 ]9 k) X8 m$ X, D* A; h; Y8 hRecent data from early clinical trials in melanoma patients carrying  
# A/ c$ O: }: n4 {, d+ B* p1 s2 ^mutations in the B-RAF gene have shown promising results with the B-
# P/ g5 q1 M: \3 p. iRAF kinase inhibitor PLX4032; however, many patients eventually  
$ y; i6 Q: E8 ~: Hdevelop resistance to this treatment. Two papers now uncover possible  - |1 w  z8 O$ R$ z/ z* y
mechanisms of resistance to PLX4032. One paper shows that upregulation  
) B$ E- V& h, r6 n# Nof MAP3K8 (which encodes COT) can confer resistance of melanoma cells  
  M% t7 R! c9 p; F2 U) z& z- Jto B-RAF inhibitors, whereas another paper found that melanomas can  
/ M* g& P% m! K* C# g. O$ `acquire resistance due to mutations of N-RAS or increased expression  , n5 E0 h( j7 l7 p! u
of PDGFRβ. Each of these resistance mechanisms seems to apply to at  
2 s; ]1 S$ @2 i( ~0 m5 z# [+ ]+ N6 Ileast some patients on recent PLX4032 trial, whereas, surprisingly, so  3 {) @! Y% S; [" |6 F
far no secondary B-RAF mutations have been observed.! Y$ d" ]; z) R6 V, F
Ramin Nazarian et al.
$ H6 f) ~: m/ R  }: qdoi:10.1038/nature09626
/ g$ D6 f3 O/ z  R0 L" `! j3 YAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09626.html& x  k$ M. u9 X8 g7 }" ~
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09626.html! f$ d& i  I1 e5 Z4 a& x# p
7 E2 P9 L+ t# h$ W* s+ {
Crystal structure of bacterial RNA polymerase bound with a  
& I0 E. U- S+ Z6 J; ftranscription inhibitor protein        pp978 - 9822 Q4 v# N/ ~. G/ x. R
A crystal structure of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) bound to the  6 @% G$ A  N: r+ O: b
transcription inhibitor Gfh1 reveals the mechanism of inhibition by  
2 w, v- n8 k3 {5 TGfh1 and an alternative ratcheted state of RNAP.
! L, K3 i1 k# Z- VShunsuke Tagami et al.
/ v/ ]1 O6 w3 S8 t  Z  d/ Xdoi:10.1038/nature09573: G0 a1 Z; {# K" C% f
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09573.html
. C2 T/ `9 r  eArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09573.html- V+ k. G* M5 H! g
& \- r1 V& y) C6 W
Single-molecule imaging reveals mechanisms of protein disruption by a  
, Y9 V# w1 K$ \+ l' C0 P2 c0 aDNA translocase        pp983 - 987, D0 a: z' ^9 p: M
Protein machineries that move along the DNA, such as DNA polymerases  
+ @8 n8 y6 L% M/ C9 Wand helicases, will necessarily encounter other bound proteins  / n) n$ K' f, s/ v
interacting with specific sites. Using 'curtains' of labelled DNA,  
- O6 d& t6 m6 [3 F9 l) Dthis study measured whether such bound proteins interfere with the  ; \/ \  v3 i2 R1 L
activity of the bacterial DNA translocase RecBCD. The translocase is  2 ]9 |$ J! y+ m4 l1 r7 I
able to push the proteins over nonspecific sites for thousands of base  3 K$ N  }2 a4 ~+ J- l
pairs before they are displaced.# `  u/ `# a$ n* Z
Ilya J. Finkelstein, Mari-Liis Visnapuu and Eric C. Greene7 D/ h% _  F4 M# S
+ I3 H  c4 Q$ o' t% @0 y2 AAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... bs/nature09561.html: e9 a+ C" s/ i: m7 H
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... ll/nature09561.html
+ h1 n" I6 s0 a8 `# @3 |5 U" C8 j/ V  \
The mechanism of sodium and substrate release from the binding pocket  ; M* M# q' N: ^8 ~# ^+ k
of vSGLT        pp988 - 991
  U  B5 q4 d) G" k8 y6 W; @! _5 G. xHere, a comprehensive study of the sodium/galactose transporter  1 q; ]) o) _' z$ @% [8 ~
(vSGLT) is presented, consisting of molecular dynamics simulations,  
9 \6 V, Y2 j  R! `, G' Sbiochemical characterization and a new crystal structure of the  ! k) _  H  c, i' N. q
'inward-open' conformation. These experiments show that sodium exit  
9 }  d9 d( R+ R0 g; D; |causes a reorientation of transmembrane helix 1, opening an inner gate  0 s: x3 M7 `! Z  P
required for substrate exit, while also triggering minor rigid-body  ; ?4 h$ L9 E1 s& x2 B+ @" x
movements in two sets of transmembrane helical bundles. This cascade  
9 \6 n4 o8 l. W/ c4 rof conformational changes is responsible for the proper timing of ion  ( w, Q, r7 k$ g6 H6 u4 b4 s
and substrate release.
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