干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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Bcl-2 differentially regulates Ca2 signals according to the strength of T cell  ...23456..23 kato 2009-4-20 227329421 sshang 5 天前
Myo4p is a monomeric myosin with motility uniquely adapted to transport mRNA  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 242455144 apple0 5 天前
Dnm1 forms spirals that are structurally tailored to fit mitochondria  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 224335637 20130827 5 天前
Regulatory interactions between two actin nucleators, Spire and Cappuccino  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 240478051 happyboy 5 天前
Locally controlled inhibitory mechanisms are involved in eukaryotic GPCR-mediate  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 248396364 橙味绿茶 5 天前
Raf-1 sets the threshold of Fas sensitivity by modulating Rok- signaling  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 248404713 甘泉 5 天前
The actin-based motor protein myosin II regulates MHC class II trafficking and B  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 238477159 天蓝色 6 天前
The phosphatase laforin crosses evolutionary boundaries and links carbohydrate m  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 259493823 biopxl 6 天前
Meiotic telomere clustering requires actin for its formation and cohesin for its  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 239329512 科研人 6 天前
Syndecan-2 induces filopodia and dendritic spine formation via the neurofibromin  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 239468073 小倔驴 6 天前
A collective form of cell death requires homeodomain interacting protein kinase  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 248495363 丸子 6 天前
Derlin-2 and Derlin-3 are regulated by the mammalian unfolded protein response a  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 252408939 pengzy 6 天前
Two regulatory steps of ER-stress sensor Ire1 involving its cluster formation an  ...23456..21 kato 2009-4-20 208420099 丸子 6 天前
Myosin V, Rab11, and dRip11 direct apical secretion and cellular morphogenesis i  ...23456..23 kato 2009-4-20 224417066 lab2010 6 天前
A novel role for Gab2 in bFGF-mediated cell survival during retinoic acid–induce  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 240339072 旅美学者 6 天前
Differential phosphorylation of NG2 proteoglycan by ERK and PKC helps balance ce  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 242461128 甘泉 6 天前
Linker molecules between laminins and dystroglycan ameliorate laminin-2–deficien  ...23456..21 kato 2009-4-20 208366194 txxxtyq 6 天前
Filamin B represses chondrocyte hypertrophy in a Runx2/Smad3-dependent manner  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 231485808 快乐小郎 6 天前
The yeast integral membrane protein Apq12 potentially links membrane dynamics to  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 248375602 ikiss 6 天前
Bax/Bak promote sumoylation of DRP1 and its stable association with mitochondria  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 239454629 beautylive 6 天前
Regulation of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes by GPR3, a constitutive a  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 237366944 aliyun 6 天前
Substrate-specific function of the translocon-associated protein complex during  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 241302848 甘泉 6 天前
Regulation of activity and localization of the WNK1 protein kinase by hyperosmot  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 234465139 mk990 6 天前
Mitochondrial permeabilization relies on BH3 ligands engaging multiple prosurviv  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 247312855 知足常乐 6 天前
Essential roles of G12/13 signaling in distinct cell behaviors driving zebrafish  ...23456..28 kato 2009-3-6 272441921 kaikai 6 天前
Cardiac neural crest cells contribute to the dormant multipotent stem cell in th  ...23456..22 kato 2009-3-6 218350012 墨玉 6 天前
Dynamics of the peroxisomal import cycle of PpPex20p : ubiquitin-dependent local  ...23456..24 kato 2009-4-20 237307170 温暖暖 6 天前
Caspase-mediated loss of mitochondrial function and generation of reactive oxyge  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 258438517 hmhy 6 天前
Physiological regulation of yeast cell death in multicellular colonies is trigge  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 237459136 tuanzi 6 天前
Phosphorylation by Cdk1 induces Plk1-mediated vimentin phosphorylation during mi  ...23456..21 kato 2009-3-6 207395029 immail 6 天前


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