干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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[教学视频]University of Wisconsin professor James:Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Implications  ...23456..27 艾木头 2009-3-11 264353264 mk990 2024-3-15 22:27
[教学视频]Lim Domain Binding Protein 1 Regulates Hematopoietic Stem Cell Maintenance Self-  ...23456..24 雪原 2009-5-7 234290915 天蓝色 2024-3-13 05:07
[教学视频]干细胞治疗恒河猴糖尿病的研究 recommend  ...23456..23 wuxu22 2009-10-19 224284292 狂奔的蜗牛 2024-3-13 03:07
[教学视频]细胞无菌操作标准示范 agree  ...23456..25 懵懂干细胞 2010-8-7 246336372 安安 2024-3-12 00:24
[教学视频]Gibco细胞培养基础视频 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..36 kaka 2012-12-12 356538107 旅美学者 2024-3-11 01:48
[教学视频]Video on how stem cells work and develop  ...23456..26 samalada 2009-3-12 258367280 leeking 2024-3-5 04:47
[会议视频]2008年世界干细胞高峰会系列视频(24)--Commercialization of Stem Cells and Market Trends  ...23456..27 雪原 2009-5-6 262314447 王者之道 2024-2-29 02:56
[教学视频]Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Ischemic Disease: Scientific Basis and Early Clinica  ...23456..22 雪原 2009-5-7 217272766 初夏洒脱 2024-2-23 18:27
[教学视频]Dr. Douglas A. Melton :Embryonic Stem Cells and Disease Part 2 of 6  ...23456..23 ayan0513 2009-3-11 225307810 HongHong 2024-2-22 09:02
[教学视频]Dr. Douglas A. Melton :Embryonic Stem Cells and Disease Part 3 of 6  ...23456..25 ayan0513 2009-3-11 243337296 初夏洒脱 2024-2-19 05:35
[教学视频]引物设计视频教程 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..40 smkx 2010-8-11 396565019 水木清华 2024-2-10 18:15
[教学视频]英语学习录音:Stem Cells and Cancer(音频)  ...23456..26 taro 2009-7-11 257317998 追风 2024-2-6 17:10
[教学视频]Stem Cell Research: Where Science Meets Politics and Ethics  ...23456..25 ayan0513 2009-3-11 245332974 dataeook 2024-2-6 01:57
上海干细胞技术与应用部分录音 attachment recommend 大猪小猪落玉盘 2010-4-20 114557 xuliangytu 2010-4-20 22:33


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