干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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pdf电子书:Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..36 bobo 2009-3-26 356900149 keanuc 2024-2-1 03:33
PDF电子书:细胞信号转导 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..37 xiaomao_zhoubo 2010-5-7 3631036871 mk990 2024-2-1 03:18
PDF电子书:大鼠脑图谱 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..23 leeche 2010-11-7 223720708 lalala 2024-1-31 06:01
pdf电子书:A Cell Biologist's Guide to Modeling and Bioinformatics 2007 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 勺子河道 2009-4-21 318950046 咖啡功夫猫 2024-1-29 23:53
PDF电子书:Immunology 5e attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 kosmos.y 2011-8-11 245536693 某某人 2024-1-22 07:08
PDF电子书:从RNA提取到荧光定量完整解决方案 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..31 aminhair 2011-3-18 303670113 xuguofeng 2024-1-18 10:04
两本分子生物学技术的手册 attachment agree  ...23456..25 cc1986 2010-11-17 248740093 Diary 2024-1-16 21:27
pdf电子书:Functional Genomics Methods and Protocols attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 ibex 2009-10-7 285639486 123456zsz 2024-1-15 05:17
PDF电子书:Cancer Systems Biology attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 gnts 2012-4-26 262683790 tuting 2024-1-6 12:27
PDF电子书:Genetic NatureCulture Anthropology and Science beyond attachment agree  ...23456..26 siguxiang 2010-4-29 252601811 心仪 2024-1-6 03:25
PDF电子书: Genetics-a conceptual approach, 2nd edition attach_img agree  ...23456..26 tait1 2011-5-27 257714377 leeking 2024-1-3 16:10
PDF电子书:Handbook of Behavior attachment agree  ...23456..24 dongdegushi 2010-3-25 236552058 生物小菜鸟 2023-12-27 01:52
PDF电子书Mesenchymal Stem Cells Methods and Protocols 200页 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 hawkyiger 2010-1-22 272786988 Greatjob 2023-12-25 11:17
PDF电子书:Protocols for Adult Stem Cells 2010 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 magicb 2012-12-31 247606220 vsill 2023-12-20 16:37
pdf电子书:生物药剂学与药物动力学(第五版)2006 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 yudoudou 2011-2-5 273711502 一个平凡人 2023-12-1 13:10
MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY,7TH EDITION,2013 1247页电子版 attachment agree ycguo 2015-10-5 245347 123456zsz 2015-10-21 15:27
PDF电子书:细胞的分子生物学(第四版,下册) attachment recommend agree kouke80 2010-4-12 454198 w343989328 2012-7-5 10:38
PDF电子书:细胞的分子生物学(原书第4版,中文版 上册) attachment recommend agree  ...2 kouke80 2010-4-12 14108893 w343989328 2012-7-5 10:38
PDF电子书:gene IX attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..49 telomerase 2009-10-12 488704949 shane_wang91 2012-5-29 14:18
PDF电子书:生物化学——基础理论与临床 attachment agree hzh0525 2012-5-27 062376 hzh0525 2012-5-27 06:57
PDF电子书:基因组3 attach_img recommend agree hzh0525 2012-5-22 076599 hzh0525 2012-5-22 06:58
PDF电子书:生命科学名著 细胞 attachment recommend agree hzh0525 2012-5-21 966556 andylee824 2012-5-21 15:13
PDF电子书:造血干细胞生物学及其研究方法 attachment agree  ...2 hzh0525 2012-5-16 1252931 mqz_11 2012-5-17 14:33
PDF电子书:干细胞组织工程技术 基础理论与临床应用 attachment agree  ...2 hzh0525 2012-5-16 1450091 sdwzg119 2012-5-17 14:32
PDF电子书:肿瘤干细胞 attachment recommend agree hzh0525 2012-5-16 740731 wlandragon 2012-5-17 13:24
PDF电子书:精编分子生物学实验指南 第五版 attachment agree  ...2 hzh0525 2012-5-16 17127242 sdwzg119 2012-5-17 11:55
PDF电子书:Stem Cell Biology and Gene Therapy attachment agree hzh0525 2012-5-16 118075 cz200203 2012-5-16 15:22
发一本电子书miRNA实验指南,感谢干细胞之家 attachment  ...2 codon 2011-7-26 1743382 levell 2011-7-27 08:22
PDF电子书:罗宾病理学(英文,第7版) attachment recommend kouke80 2010-4-12 128195 dongdegushi 2010-4-12 23:37
PDF电子书:干细胞研究工具与实验方法(中文导读版) attachment recommend agree  ...2 kouke80 2010-3-28 1557260 lingren 2010-3-29 11:11


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