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干细胞随笔 今日: 0|主题: 578

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干细胞的不对称分裂机制 attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-9-30 644148 marrowstem 2010-9-30 21:02
诺奖——我也来猜猜看 attach_img marrowstem 2010-9-24 214696 marrowstem 2010-9-27 19:07
诺贝尔奖的“风向标”——2010年拉斯克奖揭晓 attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-9-27 113031 marrowstem 2010-9-27 18:53
寻找记忆分子 agree marrowstem 2010-9-12 19964 marrowstem 2010-9-12 10:21
自然:先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题 agree marrowstem 2010-4-7 618666 jwwd 2010-9-9 00:07
中国科研文化(ZT) attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-9-3 617607 marrowstem 2010-9-4 19:29
学术非功利 agree marrowstem 2010-9-2 210748 marrowstem 2010-9-2 21:48
细胞身份危机(Cell Identity Crisis) attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-8-31 221361 懵懂干细胞 2010-8-31 21:56
一个迟到的开始 recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 marrowstem 2010-6-25 2859299 exin11 2010-8-18 14:32
“话聊”肿瘤干细胞 attachment agree  ...2 marrowstem 2010-4-17 1526678 liucx 2010-8-17 15:08
肿瘤:一种分子网络疾病 agree marrowstem 2010-8-3 518002 exin11 2010-8-16 15:03
读《寂静的春天》有感 attach_img marrowstem 2010-8-14 513367 lixiaodong 2010-8-15 12:01
Nature:RNA可以象DNA一样复制 attachment agree marrowstem 2010-8-12 515980 lixiaodong 2010-8-15 11:45
干细胞的“完全手册”(ZT) agree marrowstem 2010-4-27 920924 happyending 2010-8-10 09:21
Make a story(ZT) attachment agree  ...2 marrowstem 2010-7-29 1230181 tainlangxing 2010-8-9 08:59
Drunk in the breeze(立秋有感) marrowstem 2010-8-8 718616 yuyan 2010-8-8 21:20
单一靶点药物可以“打败”肿瘤吗? recommend agree marrowstem 2010-8-4 417108 张也行 2010-8-4 22:54
进化的舞台由干细胞演绎 attachment agree marrowstem 2010-7-1 512642 lixiaodong 2010-8-3 12:49
细胞笔记(问与答) recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 marrowstem 2010-1-10 3074860 marrowstem 2010-8-3 11:47
基因内涵的新发展(ZT) attachment recommend agree marrowstem 2010-7-31 317429 lixiaodong 2010-7-31 15:23
Stem cells in niche of bone marrow begin to talk about...... agree marrowstem 2009-9-29 413349 ganxibao11 2010-7-29 13:29
被“炮轰”的癌症干细胞理论(ZT) agree marrowstem 2010-7-19 712609 LiuRoc 2010-7-19 20:43
人类基因组计划完成10周年庆(ZT) attach_img agree marrowstem 2010-7-8 321185 baixueyao029 2010-7-8 18:22
再生过程中的干细胞演化 agree  ...2345 marrowstem 2010-5-29 4076180 marrowstem 2010-6-29 20:19
将干细胞变成跟踪并摧毁癌细胞的导弹(ZT) agree marrowstem 2010-6-20 220410 张也行 2010-6-21 13:08
我们体内另一个基因库的故事 recommend agree marrowstem 2010-6-20 117036 marrowstem 2010-6-20 21:16
象牙塔 attach_img agree  ...2 marrowstem 2010-6-11 1433968 juyue2010 2010-6-15 12:29
肿瘤靶向治疗的优与忧 agree marrowstem 2010-5-16 715386 beidouhan 2010-6-13 21:17
抑血管、抗肿瘤 agree marrowstem 2010-6-3 614430 rainsky1314 2010-6-11 16:05
“流产的革命” agree marrowstem 2010-6-9 017396 marrowstem 2010-6-9 20:30


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