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PDF电子书:BIOETHICS AND BIOSAFETY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY attachment agree  ...23456..24 雪原 2009-6-6 238586832 科研人 昨天 06:10
PDF电子书: Computer Simulation and Data Analysis in Molecular Biology attachment agree  ...23456..25 xuha2010 2010-8-14 241621584 dr_ji 昨天 05:58
PDF电子书:《Signa Transduction Protocols》 attachment agree  ...23456..26 jdrkna 2010-10-9 252528912 lalala 昨天 04:49
PDF电子书:Bioinformatics_Volume I_Data, Sequence Analysis and Evolution attachment agree  ...23456..23 maniacus 2010-9-13 224566900 某某人 昨天 04:48
PDF电子书:The new genetics attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..24 鹤顶宏 2010-6-18 230553713 yukun 昨天 03:44
PDF电子书:基因的分子生物学/5版书 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..81 telomerase 2009-11-4 8041921005 whyboy 昨天 03:44
PDF电子书:Handbook of Biofertilizers and Biopesticides attachment agree  ...23456..24 xuha2010 2010-8-11 237602011 hmhy 昨天 03:27
PDF电子书:Milestones in Matrix Computation attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 wzpwls 2010-2-3 253585212 happyboy 昨天 03:18
PDF电子书:蛋白质分子结构 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 yzhbl008 2010-9-7 253818908 小敏 昨天 02:34
PDF电子书:Avian Influenza Virus (Methods in Molecular Biology),2008 attach_img recommend agree  ...23456..24 yzhbl008 2010-8-22 232650964 tian2006 昨天 02:30
PDF电子书:instant notes-biochemistry 3th ed attachment agree  ...23456..24 francessding 2011-12-16 237548532 追风 昨天 01:38
PDF电子书:卵子发育 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..27 defu 2014-8-9 263719197 碧湖冷月 昨天 01:17
PDF电子书:Biotechnology 5edition attach_img agree  ...23456..24 lifescience1 2010-1-14 238557972 bioprotein 前天 23:55
PDF电子书:In Vitro Fertilization, 2nd ed attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 dxb1985 2012-2-15 250585574 haha3245 前天 22:54
PDF电子书:Advances in Applied Microbiology,v68,2009 attach_img agree  ...23456..25 yzhbl008 2010-9-5 246565166 干细胞2014 前天 21:36
PDF电子书:Evolutionary_Genomics attachment agree  ...23456..23 xcf20305 2015-9-16 224602509 chinagalaxy 前天 20:18
PDF电子书《Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies: From Bench to Clinic》 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 wsl311 2011-10-20 292720229 popobird 前天 19:51
PDF电子书:Biophysics attachment agree  ...23456..26 xuha2010 2010-8-8 252620884 杏花 前天 19:51
PDF电子书:最新版《临床研究的原理与实践》(第3版) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 四海 2014-12-17 258628369 海小鱼 前天 19:46
PDF电子书:GeneX attachment heatlevel  ...23456..31 nines 2012-5-23 302875468 frogsays 前天 18:51
pdf 电子书:The Vitamins, 3rd ed. 2008 attachment agree  ...23456..25 sannia 2010-12-13 248553300 xiaomage 前天 18:16
PDF电子书:INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENETIC ENGINEERING attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23456..31 雪原 2009-6-6 304786258 墨玉 前天 17:38
PDF电子书 - Protein Structure Prediction, methods and protocol attachment agree  ...23456..25 jsnjhnx 2010-11-27 246596291 桦子 前天 16:46
PDF电子书:Regulation of Gene Expression by Small RNAs attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..39 telomerase 2009-5-11 3891011525 多来咪 前天 16:46
PDF电子书:Avian Immunology,2008 attach_img agree  ...23456..23 yzhbl008 2010-8-21 222540252 tuting 前天 15:53
PDF电子书:Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics(中文版) attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..33 qiyu332 2010-4-23 326813824 SCISCI 前天 15:11
PDF电子书:Quantum Biochemistry 2010版 attach_img agree  ...23456..26 cz200203 2012-5-21 252648868 ringsing 前天 13:55
PDF电子书:Sumo Regulation Of Cellular Processes attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..25 lizizi 2011-8-21 246595097 某某人 前天 13:31
【分享】癌生物学-The biology of cancer 中文PDF清晰扫描版【已搜索无重复】 recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..169 wagumaxida 2011-6-3 16802814816 干细胞2014 前天 12:12
PDF电子书:经典免疫学教科书 最新版 Janeway's Immunobiology 7th PPT-chapter 8 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 woosheng 2010-2-27 271632548 frogsays 前天 12:10


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