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标题: 最新研究发现细胞爆炸可引发瞬间癌症 [打印本页]

作者: jiandong2001    时间: 2011-1-8 23:57     标题: 最新研究发现细胞爆炸可引发瞬间癌症

        英国科学家已经揭开了“瞬间癌症(instant cancers)”形成的神秘面纱:在一些情况下,一个细胞突然发生的“大爆炸”对DNA造成的破坏,会跟几十年的艰辛生活对DNA造成的破坏一样大。
" S; h( r& ?& x. ~6 P, k: l
* s( Z3 \8 V1 D0 ?  该研究是由英国剑桥郡附近的韦尔科姆基金会桑格学院研究所进行的,该发现与长期存在的理论:癌症是人的一生中发生的数百或数千次变异导致的结果相冲突。该研究指出,不管一些人是多么努力让自己更健康,也不见得就会身体棒棒,因为命运正在密谋击垮他们。这很好地解释了为什么一些人前不久通过X光和其他方法检查还好好的,没有任何癌变迹象,几个月后就被确诊患了癌症。
8 u0 s7 G6 z4 y$ r( P" \
; w2 {2 ]. O/ D$ D; h  据《细胞》杂志说,虽然大部分情况下染色体受损都是由长年累月的细胞突变引起的,但至少有四十分之一的癌症并不符合这一常规模式。有些损伤似乎是在一夜之间形成的。研究人员彼得·坎贝尔博士说:“细胞应该会说:‘就到这吧!’然后缴械投降,但是它并不会就此放手,它会努力把染色体重新拼接在一起,就像拼接一件珍贵的瓷器一样。它们试图重建不可重组的染色体,最终与灾难性染色体组走到一起,大大缩短癌症进程。”
* M2 T& a" h( `# R8 V7 y% F, S. w% T, r
  这种现象在骨癌中特别常见,这种癌症出现截然不同的受损模式的概率高达四分之一。坎贝尔说:“很多癌症需要几年,甚至几十年才能形成。但是我们发现,有些患者的癌症形成过程似乎比这更快。我们见过很多这种病例,一个人在前不久的检查中还没发现任何异常迹象,几个月后却被诊断出患上了扩散性很强的癌症,也许是细胞里发生的一次灾难性事件缩短了癌症的发展进程。”) g! D% U" S5 ?
* r: d% V% g. ]
. P* U$ J3 r( X% m! N2 N: H# J1 T( Y8 F. j' z' `4 H  d, g  w$ {
作者: jiandong2001    时间: 2011-1-9 00:01

作者: sunsong7    时间: 2011-1-9 00:24

'Cell explosions' can trigger instant cancers
* O8 p6 |$ Y) y7 `$ H7 c3 }9 tJanuary 8th, 2011 . v/ X9 R/ n; O  r
IANS  http://www.deccanchronicle.com/g ... instant-cancers-193
9 k1 |9 t( L7 i- s( ]: e+ z( vBritish scientists have decoded the mystery of why 'instant cancers' seemingly appear out of nowhere.3 W2 [( O2 l/ f0 _7 }$ H9 A) I! E0 g
The finding from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the UK contradicts the long-held theory that thousands of mutations over a lifetime cause cancer. * k" T3 K8 N  s0 |
It also helps explain why some people are diagnosed with cancer only months after x-rays or other tests fail to detect traces of the disease, the journal Cell reports.
; M3 V4 K' L: ~, a4 O0 YThe discovery was based on the genetic flaws in 750 tumours. In most cases, the damage to chromosomes upheld the conventional picture of cancer creeping up over the years, according to the Daily Mail.
7 M8 P, Z& ]0 I% g8 p2 ~But at least one tumour in 40 didn't fit the pattern. Instead, the damage appeared to have been done almost overnight.
# C& E- B( O$ ]. u1 P( z# AResearcher Peter Campbell said: "The results astounded us. It seems that in a single cell, in a single event, one or more of the chromosomes explode - literally into hundreds of fragments."
) u5 r. F8 e2 c$ eIf the cell then botches the repair, stitching the fragments back together in a 'higgledy piggledy' fashion, the damage to its genome, or cache of DNA, leaves it ripe for the rapid development of cancer.$ X( o( F4 R) D
Campbell said: "They attempt to reconstruct the unreconstructable and they wind up with a disastrous genome that shortens the road to cancer."
: S3 O) ?- f# J" T8 N8 nThe phenomenon is particularly common in bone cancers, where the distinct pattern of damage is seen in up to one in four cases. But it is thought to be to blame for more than one in 40 of all cases of the disease.
0 x% d6 u6 o  p4 u8 ]: j4 D% `
$ q- T# l: g  C# C( k- Z
( s6 @2 L/ `, q: b2 gThe Mystery of "Instant Cancers"
6 ?$ v: p6 j; w( Z$ q0 u4 x#0, by emeline, 07 January 2011 09:52 AM  http://tinfoilpalace.eamped.com/ ... of-instant-cancers/+ F' E2 |' L1 q- x( y$ a0 L: D% c
Why some cancers seems to develop in an instant - cells can explode wreaking havoc in DNA
: f% U; ^$ X1 _0 x9 z7 p0 B4 H: uThe mystery of 'instant cancers' - tumours that seem to appear out of nowhere - has been solved by British scientists.; g) ~4 y/ t% n* M
In some cases, a single apocalyptic ‘explosion’ in a cell can cause as much damage to the DNA as decades of hard living.
. j$ T0 _1 X0 k, I) |; e[attach]20130[/attach]' L; s% d  y% X* N2 H; x
A model of a DNA Molecule. Scientists have found one in 40 cancers could develop rapidly after an unexpected cell explosion causes DNA damage, \* f# I- W! @
The finding, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute near Cambridge, contradicts the long-held theory that cancer is the consequence of hundreds, or  thousands, of mutations that build up over a person’s lifetime.
9 ], Y8 _" i$ N7 h. y2 o7 xIt suggests that no matter how healthy some people try to be, fates is conspiring against them.  And it helps explain why some people are diagnosed with cancer only months after x-rays or other tests found no trace of the  disease.
0 u8 N, c9 {2 p7 R4 fThe discovery was made from the study of the genetic flaws in 750 tumours.( g- m2 K& Z/ r' S  \) p
In most cases, the damage seen to the chromosomes fitted with the conventional  picture of cancer creeping up over many years.; C% {4 a# J9 u, j& f
But at least one tumour in 40 didn’t fit the standard pattern, the journal Cell reports.
2 a4 p: ?# R7 ?! A( ~( T1 E$ X" S3 B5 i
Scientists ‘Crack’ Mystery behind Instant Cancers 8 D) Z8 T7 M$ j( ]- u
Submitted by Davell Wilkins on Fri, 01/07/2011 - 08:57  http://topnews.us/content/232009 ... ind-instant-cancers
! p) J- l5 m) N4 R* w[attach]20131[/attach]- s1 d% }; E9 U6 ^: z7 a# p) E
Claiming to have cracked the suspense shrouding the occurrence of tumours that appear from nowhere, British scientists say the so-called 'instant cancers' may be due to an abrupt ‘cell explosion’ called DNA damage. This sudden cell explosion could be a cause of cancer in one in 40 cases.
$ h% q& ^; f* m/ Y9 v! t, oDone by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute near Cambridge, the discovery took into account the study of the genetic flaws in as many as 750 tumours.$ T+ F* q& e$ J, E0 j  L' s
Also, this discovery contradicts the prevailing theory that the lethal disease cancer resulted out of hundreds, or even thousands, of cell alternations that take place in a human body.
! g9 f+ D# N% X: M  SAccording to the scientists, one in 40 cancer cases could be a result of unexpected cell explosion, which subsequently rapidly damages the DNA. And in a few cases, the scientists say, the damage caused to the DNA by a single apocalyptic ‘explosion’ in a cell was equivalent to about as much as 10 years of hard living.0 u0 v5 K) a; g0 D2 i
“It seems that in a single cell in a single event, one or more chromosomes basically explode - literally into hundreds of fragments”, said study leader Dr. Peter Campbell, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton.
, Z7 e! N5 J1 x1 A' EAnd in some cases, DNA repair machinery tries to attach the chromosomes back together but gets it disastrously wrong, says Dr. Campbell, adding out of the hundreds of mutations that result, several promote the development of cancer. , g+ J+ h4 {, Y
. E9 ^& C* J6 F9 T' l7 Y! H
+ ^5 ~* q" ~' z4 B6 W: |. J# T) ]( p

作者: stemcellfamily    时间: 2011-1-9 03:29

作者: hylok    时间: 2011-1-9 06:27

. \. I3 n. i3 r+ G" j5 |6 z- F; q- X) I9 o* T
' m2 h* j$ ^6 l3 W$ J  人类免疫系统在健全的情况下能够杀灭部分癌细胞,但是否能杀灭所有类型突变的癌细胞就不得而知了,再严密的网都有疏漏的时候,小概率事件不等于没有,这正是大自然神奇之处。
作者: 小鲁鲁    时间: 2011-1-9 09:24

应该是这篇,评论把文章里面的称呼都换了……哈哈。) H  X- d8 e0 U0 `8 e* Z# r  m

( t! t% }8 _6 p, O+ k6 c[attach]20139[/attach]
( A) Z: r# a& A/ w. @/ k) OCELL 144(1) pp. 27 - 40
( @/ H1 }' S% L: p4 ~Massive Genomic Rearrangement Acquired in a Single Catastrophic Event during Cancer Development
作者: tpwang    时间: 2011-1-9 10:03

回复 小鲁鲁 的帖子
% V* M# Y6 b, \0 m) a1 S2 f* T. I. G' _4 L2 B2 G
( _; w0 h4 `9 S; X" G3 }7 [9 M( o# D3 x$ b7 W0 l
We would predict that inthe case of chromothripsis, the overwhelming
/ [% S5 ?9 N, H+ O; t8 b7 j, r7 Fmajority of cells suffering such spectacular genomic damage would 8 W. R( t6 ~0 ^4 _- L2 J. q3 S
either die or acquire more detrimental than advantageous variants.; w/ P: D% E7 M3 R
However, very rarely, a cell might acquire one or more cancercausing
, b1 M7 y7 M7 _- Z- L5 X6 blesions from such an event and this clone would then have taken a
0 T$ y* ]+ p" f' {" F3 p: ?considerable leap along the road to cancer. There would still be the 9 S/ i! p& q! ?1 h* W2 C
need for additional mutations in cancer genes, exemplified by the # J  f& C+ e, K4 `2 G4 H+ N
second hits in CDKN2A seen in the chordoma and thyroid cancer . C& u. j6 j$ T. t
samples (Figure 7), but we might anticipate the emergent tumor 1 U& k- L+ G. c; O/ I( v" h$ `/ N
having shorter latency.
0 }2 g! T/ u. R$ v+ z
2 k) |* M, M, e& d看起来是说特定过程的一个灾难性事件导致rearrangements,修复
) c. v+ u7 d8 }' c1 C; V过程太急太乱,然后再遇到进一步的突变,应该说是一个灾难性! v4 |' O! }) g6 x' K
事件引发的加速癌变过程。" t7 e+ ~# C) N

8 n  I4 w8 Z( iThe genomic regions involved in each example are sharply circumscribed,
/ H5 Q  }. |# e# L0 C% X& Z% D& G/ }whether it be a whole chromosome, a chromosome arm or a region of just ) |$ r% ~7 |% [% S& t% O+ V% i7 Z0 x
a few megabases within a chromosomal band. It seems likely that the insult # ]' W/ g, Q  E* m) i( M; Y: v
occurs while the chromosomes are condensed for mitosis.
4 S( V- U8 Y7 ?( x, ]& |
: ^$ o- _. C1 Y3 ~# j; G这个可能情景是否有延伸的意义。。。
作者: jiandong2001    时间: 2011-1-9 11:15

作者: sunsong7    时间: 2011-1-9 18:11

本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-1-9 18:12 编辑
( m$ o& ^$ j. ]  r. p8 {  c% c) \! Y/ x5 [
呵呵,大家找到家的感觉啦!% `: Q( A3 U: B
作者: shulp2211    时间: 2011-1-9 20:50

XX  谢谢分享。。。。。
作者: mbjane    时间: 2011-1-12 12:39

作者: zhanglianglu    时间: 2011-12-30 22:56

作者: 大笨鸟    时间: 2012-1-4 16:31


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