干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站's Archiver

sunsong7 发表于 2011-3-19 14:45



hmtg2007 发表于 2011-3-19 14:55


看看biology of cancer

marrowstem 发表于 2011-3-19 16:31

[i=s] 本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2011-3-19 16:47 编辑 [/i]


marrowstem 发表于 2011-3-19 16:34

      至于你说所得肿瘤细胞免疫逃避的事,这又是一个big question:允许我细细道来,说的有没有道理,仅供判断和思考:

marrowstem 发表于 2011-3-19 16:35


marrowstem 发表于 2011-3-19 16:36

[i=s] 本帖最后由 marrowstem 于 2011-3-19 16:37 编辑 [/i]


白色的风 发表于 2011-3-19 17:13

我觉得最重要的是看这个细胞是不是肿瘤干细胞,如果这个细胞是肿瘤干细胞,即使单个细胞也能形成肿瘤,这个在体外实验中已经的得到 证实;体内试验,在NOD/SCID鼠上,也是可以实现的。

白色的风 发表于 2011-3-19 17:13

我觉得最重要的是看这个细胞是不是肿瘤干细胞,如果这个细胞是肿瘤干细胞,即使单个细胞也能形成肿瘤,这个在体外实验中已经的得到 证实;体内试验,在NOD/SCID鼠上,也是可以实现的。

mckf111 发表于 2011-3-19 17:14

你说的这个问题还真有人研究过呢 文章在下面

sunsong7 发表于 2011-5-25 16:08

贴出摘要:Efficient tumour formation by single human melanoma cells ElsaQuintana1
*,Mark Shackleton1 *,Michael S. Sabel 2 ,Douglas R. Fullen3 ,TimothyM. Johnson4 &Sean J.Morrison1
A fundamental question in cancer biology is whether cells with tumorigenic potential are common or rare within human cancers. Studies on diverse cancers, including melanoma, have indicated that only rare human cancer cells (0.1–0.0001%) formtumourswhen transplanted into non-obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID)mice.However, the extent to which NOD/SCID mice underestimate the frequency of tumorigenic human cancer cells has been uncertain. Here we show that modified xenotransplantation assay conditions, including the use of more highly immunocompromised NOD/SCID interleukin-2 receptor gamma chain null (Il2rg2/2) mice, can increase the detection of tumorigenic melanoma cells by several orders of magnitude. In limiting dilution assays, approximately 25% of unselected melanoma cells from 12 different patients, including cells from primary and metastatic melanomas obtained directly from patients, formed tumours under these more permissive conditions. In single-cell transplants, an average of 27% of unselected melanoma cells from four different patients formed tumours.Modifications to xenotransplantation assays can therefore dramatically increase the detectable frequency of tumorigenic cells,  emonstrating that they are common in some human cancers.
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