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sunsong7 发表于 2011-9-7 13:37

科学家实验室培育出人体器官 将延长预期寿命

作者:晨风 来源:新浪科技 发布时间:2011-9-7 12:59:29选择字号:小 中 大  


有关这一成果的详细情况在日前于英国剑桥大学召开的“抗衰老技术”国际会议上做了报告。会议组织者奥伯里·格雷(Aubrey de Gray)解释说:“我们正目睹一个崭新医学时代的开端,在这个时代,衰老将被控制甚至逆转。尽管这些技术目前仍处于实验阶段,但不久的将来就将变为平常的技术。”

会议报告人之一,瑞典卡罗琳斯卡医学院的帕劳·马西阿尼(Paolo Macchiarini)教授介绍了他是如何将实验室培育的气管组织移植入一位患有喉癌的患者体内的。首先科学家们使用一个人工支架构建气管模型,随后采用从该患者身上获取的干细胞进行培育。他说:“这种技术将使我们获得一种非常有前景的新疗法,从而为数以千计因患有气管疾患而呼吸困难的病人送去福音。”

明尼苏达大学教授多丽丝·泰勒(Doris Taylor)甚至已经成功地制成了一个跳动的人体心脏,方法是从一位自愿捐献者的心脏上剥离死亡的细胞组织并代之以新鲜的鲜活细胞。而北卡罗来纳州维克森林大学教授肖恩·索克(Shay Soker)则成功获得了“迷你版”的人类肝脏,他运用取自老鼠肝脏的蛋白质“骨架”,并用人类肝脏干细胞在此基础上培育出一个肝脏。

[b]Spare body parts could be grown in factories in years after scientists implant lab-produced organs in humans[/b]
By Alanah Eriksen

Last updated at 8:55 AM on 5th September 2011

Comments (13) Add to My Stories Share Spare human parts grown in laboratories could be just years away after scientists discovered more than 20 ways of growing organs.
They have already grown the bladder, urethra and windpipe which have been implanted into patients during clinical trials.
Now scientists have set their sights on replicating more complicated organs, including the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas and thymus.
The advances could extend life expectancy and cut waiting times for transplants.

Developments: Spare human parts grown in laboratories could be just years away after scientists discovered more than 20 ways of growing organs
The developments were detailed at a conference on 'rejuvenation technologies' at Cambridge University, reported the Sunday Times.
Organiser Aubrey de Gray explained: 'We are seeing the emergence of a new era of medicine where the diseases of aging can be blocked or even reversed. These therapies are mostly in research now but eventually they will be commonplace.'
One of the speakers, Professor Paolo Macchiarini, of the Karolinska institute in Sweden, told how he impanted a laboratory-grown windpipe into a man sticken by throat cancer.

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It had been created by using an artificial 'scaffold' designed in the shape of a windpipe which was impanted with the patient's stem cells.

'This could open new and very promising therapeutic possibilities for the thousands of patients who suffer from conditions that constrict the airway,' Mr Macchiarini said.
Professor Doris Taylor of Minnesota University, has already created a beating human heart by stripping dead cells from a donor organ and reseeding it with live ones.

They have already grown the bladder, urethra and windpipe which have been implanted into patients during clinical trials., now scientists have set their sights on replicating more complicated organs like the heart
And Professor Shay Soker of Wake Forest University in North Carolina, has created miniature human livers by seeding the protein skeleton from a rat's liver with human liver stem cells.

But there is one organ that can never be grown in a lab - the brain.
But scientists are trailing a drug called rilmenidine to help tackle Huntingtin's diseases which causes dementia and eventual death.
They hope it will boost the action of lysosomes which remove waste proteins that build up. Lysosomes weaken with age

Read more: [url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2033599/Spare-human-parts-factory-years-away-scientists-discover-possible-grow-new-organs.html#ixzz1XF4kOUPL[/url]

塑料制品 发表于 2011-9-7 13:38


zjpjcsc 发表于 2011-9-7 14:12


zjpjcsc 发表于 2011-9-7 14:13


懵懂干细胞 发表于 2011-9-7 14:56

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sxhwf 发表于 2011-9-7 15:02


seall 发表于 2011-9-7 15:24


lele 发表于 2011-9-7 15:40


sunsong7 发表于 2011-9-7 16:07

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sxhwf 发表于 2011-9-7 18:18

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