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sunsong7 发表于 2012-1-20 17:06



[b]Flexible Adult Stem Cells, Right There in Your Eye[/b]
ScienceDaily (Jan. 5, 2012) — In the future, patients in need of perfectly matched neural stem cells may not need to look any further than their own eyes. Researchers reporting in the January issue of Cell Stem Cell, a Cell Press publication, have identified adult stem cells of the central nervous system in a single layer of cells at the back of the eye.
That cell layer, known as the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), underlies and supports photoreceptors in the light-sensitive retina. Without it, photoreceptors and vision are lost. The new study shows that the RPE also harbors self-renewing stem cells that can wake up to produce actively growing cultures when placed under the right conditions. They can also be coaxed into forming other cell types.

"You can get these cells from a 99-year-old," said Sally Temple of the Neural Stem Cell Institute in Rensselaer, New York. "These cells are laid down in the embryo and can remain dormant for 100 years. Yet you can pull them out and put them in culture and they begin dividing. It is kind of mind boggling."

Temple's group got the RPE-derived stem cells they describe from the eyes of donors in the hours immediately after their deaths. But the cells can also be isolated from the fluid that surrounds the retina at the back of the eye, which means they are accessible in living people as well.

"You can literally go in and poke a needle in the eye and get these cells from the subretinal space," she says. "It sounds awful, but retinal surgeons do it every day." By comparison, access to most other neural stem cell populations would require major surgery.

Temple said they were curious about the proliferative potential of the RPE given that the tissue is known to be capable of regenerating entire retinas in salamanders. But that plasticity in adulthood had seemed to be lost in mice and chicks. Still, "given the evolutionary evidence, we thought it was worth revisiting," she said.

They placed RPE tissue taken from 22-year-old to 99-year-old cadavers into many culture conditions to see what they could make the cells do. They found one set of conditions that got the cells dividing. Not all of the RPE cells have this regenerative potential, but perhaps 10 percent of them do.

Further work showed that the cells are multipotent, which means that they can form different cell types, though the researchers admit there is more to do to fully explore the cells' differentiation capacity.

There are other implications as well. For example, these cells may explain diseases in which other tissue types show up in the eye. Their presence also suggests that there might be some way to stimulate controlled repair of the eye in the millions of people who suffer from age-related macular degeneration.

"I think it might be possible," Temple said.


[url=http://www.lifeomics.com/?author=3][color=#0000ff]cyq[/color][/url] 发表于 2011-12-05  
这家公司就是美国加利福尼亚州门罗公园(Menlo Park, California)的Geron公司,他们在11月14日宣布将终止干细胞疗法的开发工作,集中精力开发抗肿瘤药物。早先就职于Geron公司,担任干细胞生物部门主任,目前在美国华盛顿州西雅图市Carpenter咨询集团公司(Carpenter Group Consulting in Seattle, Washington)工作的Melissa Carpenter指出,这简直就像是一个晴天霹雳,对于整个干细胞研究领域来说都是一个不小的打击,我们好不容易盼到一个有希望的产品,结果它还是没能迈过最后那道坎。
人体胚胎干细胞(Human embryonic stem cell)可以分化为人体内任何一种细胞,因此它们也就能够在我们人体生病的时候替换掉各种受损的器官和组织。Geron公司开发的就是这样一款产品,主要用于治疗脊髓损伤(spinal-cord injury),这可是一个非常大的挑战,不仅仅是因为其中涉及到多种细胞。有一些业内人士相信Geron公司可以将这个项目开展下去,部分原因是比较容易诱导人体胚胎干细胞分化出神经前体细胞(neural-cell precursor),而且动物实验的结果也非常好,Geron公司当时就是靠着这些动物实验结果打动了投资人,给他们投资。但是最终还是得人体实验说了算。
Geron公司原计划在8名患者身上进行I期临床试验,但是最终只有4人注射了他们的干细胞产品——即通过人体胚胎干细胞诱导分化得来的细胞产品。在今年9月刚刚担任Geron公司首席执行官的John Scarlett介绍,他们将继续对已经参与实验的志愿者进行观察,但是不打算再招募新的志愿者参加实验了。所有这四名志愿者都没有表现出明显的毒副作用,但是在他们身上也没有看到奇迹发生,虽然I期临床试验的主要目的是观察药物的毒性,并不是观察药物疗效的。
美国加利福尼亚州圣摩尼卡(Santa Monica, California)的Advanced Cell Technology (ACT)公司目前是唯一一家还在为人体胚胎干细胞产品开展正规临床试验的公司,他们的产品是人体胚胎干细胞来源的视网膜细胞,他们希望这款产品可以治疗退行性眼病(degenerative eye disease)。
ACT公司的首席科学官Robert Lanza认为,投资人和患者还是非常希望看到人体胚胎干细胞具有治疗效果和商业价值的,他指出,他们这个研究领域才刚刚起步,迫切需要一针’兴奋剂’。所以他们肩头的压力特别大。
Geron公司是在获悉他们的干细胞产品不能在欧洲申请到专利之后迅速作出关闭干细胞研究部门的决定的,读者可以参阅[url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/news.2011.597][color=#0000ff]http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/news.2011.597[/color][/url]了解欧洲对人体胚胎干细胞产品专利问题新法规的相关信息。但是,美国纽约Rodman & Renshaw投资银行的分析师Reni Benjamin却相信这不是Geron公司的真实原因。今年2月,一直担任Geron公司首席执行官的Thomas Okarma突然离职,于是整个公司的商业策略都随之作出了改变,并不仅仅是干细胞这一个部门有了调整。鉴于此,Benjamin认为,Geron公司是退出了干细胞研究领域,但这并不意味着这个领域就没有希望了,其它的干细胞临床实验并没有受到影响而放慢脚步。
Geron公司在促进干细胞产品的临床试验方面投入了很多资金。他们资助完成了J. A. Thomson等人1998年在《科学》([i]Science[/i])杂志上发表的那篇介绍如何获得人体胚胎干细胞的论文(J. A. Thomson et al. [i]Science[/i] 282, 1145–1147; 1998)的研究;同时也投入了大笔的资金用于开发新的干细胞诱导分化技术;而且他们还在进行人体临床试验之前进行了大量的动物实验,验证了干细胞产品的安全性。这些前期工作为后来开发干细胞产品的公司铺平了道路。Lanza指出,Geron公司打下的这些基础让后继者轻松多了,现在Lanza等人已经非常清楚药品监督管理部门需要提供哪些材料。
除此之外,Geron公司还为我们提供了其它的方便。比如美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)的胚胎干细胞专利问题专家Ken Taymor就介绍说,Geron公司控制了大量与人体胚胎干细胞疗法相关的专利,他们现在非常想给其他人提供授权,帮助他们开发干细胞治疗产品。
当从1990年至1998年间一直执掌Geron公司,现在担任美国加利福尼亚州阿拉梅达(Alameda, California)BioTime生物技术公司首席执行官的Michael West被问到其他生物技术公司可以从Geron公司那学到哪些经验和教训的时候West就说了五个字:“枪打出头鸟。”

[/b]1990年11月,Michael West创办了Geron公司。
2011年2月,长期担任公司首席执行官的Tom Okarma突然宣布辞职。
2011年9月,John Scarlett被任命为公司新任首席执行官。

MONYA BAKER. (2011) Stem-cell pioneer bows out. [i]Nature[/i], 479:459.

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