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楼主: tpwang

干细胞随记:从干细胞治疗模式反观干细胞研究   [复制链接]

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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-1-19 21:29 |显示全部帖子 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 tpwang 于 2011-1-19 21:57 编辑 " e; k# c! l2 F' }+ D6 j

$ N* p* l, f! S人胚胎干细胞产生至今十年多了,胚胎干刚开始有个别案例正式进入临床试验;治疗性克隆闪了腰;iPS仍然很热但从亚马纳卡到很多大牌,都在说疾病模型或药物筛选是最接近的应用;去年又有了“直接转分化”(Direct conversion),但这是组织细胞特异性的模式,还难以想象作为一个普遍性的机制;间充质干细胞临床应用很多,但现在看来与其说体内作用主要是细胞分化替代治疗,不如说很大程度上是免疫作用和therapeutics作用。而基于干细胞的组织工程体外制造组织与器官,仍然是挺远的事情。总体来讲,无论体内体外途径,自体异体,干细胞临床应用的细胞与组织器官替代治疗并没有突破性进展。其他从干细胞研究中衍生出来的治疗模式,例如“体内再生”(in situ regeneration),本质上也还是基于体内干细胞研究引出的一种应用方式。说没有突破性进展的另一个意思,是说上述这些方法以及一些没有提及的模式,都基本上没有超越“原则证明”或“原型证明”(Proof of principle & proof of concept)的阶段,离开工艺化,产品化,产业化还有很大的距离和障碍需要克服,而且,临床应用的可控性问题(包括细胞命运及其相关的免疫排斥和成瘤性)都没有找到具有普遍意义的解答。  F+ F! d) c9 z- [* b1 N

- n6 S, O4 L7 \2 w表面来看,实用的主要障碍之一是“技术”层面的,比如胚胎干细胞体外分化为目标细胞的效率仍然太低,而iPS本身的重组效率还远远不够,再分化的效率也同样不高。而本质上还是对干细胞本身的科学认识仍然很初级。没有对干细胞内在与外在调控机制的全面透彻了解,想要提高效率,就有点黑箱操作的意思。而干细胞的潜在成瘤性,说得极端一些,真有可能从某种意义上说本来就是兄弟俩。看看近期的一些“新研究”,比如mRNA等,一个有趣的现象是癌症与干细胞领域并行。直接转分化的生物学基础可能是所谓plasticity的存在,也可能是一种类似癌变的人工干预。比如心脏本来很少发生癌症,一个可能的原因是心脏细胞的“更换”(turn over)率很低。而如果人为造成一种更换率增高的模式,是否会引发癌变风险的提高,难说。这也属于广义的对干细胞本身了解不够的问题,因为胚胎干细胞本身是一个人造物还是发育过程的体外对应物,都还不确定。任何“重组”(reprogramming)方式,都存在这个问题。也就是说重组现象的本质是什么,是一个更深层次的干细胞本质问题。! G/ Y7 Y! j: o$ G8 z# v9 P

7 [) Q6 a4 R& ]; |7 c) p这当然不是全面否定干细胞及其价值,而不过是想反思各种具体干细胞研究的相对价值,找出思路上的一些东西,更好地理解不断发现的所谓新现象。有时候需要从终极目的来反推,也就是从干细胞终极应用模式的角度,来评价评估各种研究方向,技术和成果。这种评估有多种角度,这里主要是从科学的角度来看。
+ c1 C) b! L& t& ?% h- _* I5 a" n& E  W3 A- [7 M% K$ D' @" S, k
说得“技术”一些,我们对干细胞本身的本质与特性认识还很初步。包括干细胞的操作性概念,如分子特征概念、系统性概念(如反馈调控概念,层次hierarchy概念以及相关的Niche概念等),以及干细胞两大特点自我更新与多潜能的分子调控机制网络,以及个体发育过程的“干细胞”分化成熟过程,了解只能说都还很初步,说得严重些连个框架都谈不上。干细胞研究对发育的意义挺大,而对发育的了解反过来对干细胞应用的意义同样很大,比如很多应用模式都是复制、模拟、补充、调控、甚至逆转发育过程。这也是一个从应用来看干细胞研究的角度。而发育生物学本身未解的问题很多,体外无法模拟体内发育过程是一个重大技术障碍。4 ?8 A) Z- A, _! r
0 A4 B! }1 S: g( M" {
举最有代表性的干细胞分子水平研究为例,现有的研究手段,如干细胞共性关键基因的fingerprint,transcriptional profiling,singalling transduction pathways,telomere mantainance,epigenetics (chromatin modification,histone acetylation),RNA的posttranscriptional regulatory作用等,结合干细胞的功能性特征,自我更新,多潜能,clonality等,把这些现有的东西整合起来,构成一个可操作的框架途径与路线图,还需要大量研究和探索。把这个分子水平的图景再放到发育过程,成体干细胞内源性过程,模拟发育过程的干细胞体外工程,进入体内的应用控制的框架下来看,前途远大,远是说还很遥远,大是说图景大的有点超出想象。
6 P. z8 t" r" L5 y" P8 V; z0 j; I
当然,理念与现实是一个辩证互动关系。并不是说非要把能想到的问题都搞清楚了,才能开始考虑应用。其实现实往往是反过来的,也就是说应用驱动研究。医学上搞不清机理就应用原本就是普遍规律,建立在医学生物学上的现代医疗才开始想反过来走。干细胞应用也会是如此,可能更是如此。因为应用的前提条件除了一定程度的科学认识之外,还有其他的考虑。胚胎干的分化机理远不清楚的前提下,不妨碍观察到其分化细胞的有效性。iPS的机理连个成型的概念还没有,但也不妨碍大家在用它分化为各种组织细胞,在动物模型中证明其潜在临床价值。各种体内重组方法的机制就更不清楚了。某些direct conversion途径试图以发育或机能细胞特性来选因子,但同样远不清楚观察到的效应的分子机制和体内过程。临床应用的两大要素:安全性与有效性,在实践中一般来说是常常凌驾于透彻的机制认识之上的。而这种“黑箱”尝试,往往为机制机理研究提供了确定无疑的研究思路和线索。% y9 ?- e' l2 ^6 j( D; l
" p& T5 j- w5 b+ Y) L5 }! W
这只是个概括性的说法,具体的操作可能是非常多样的。干细胞研究已经涉及到非常复杂的科学和技术问题,也吸引了广泛的应用者的尝试。可以预见总体的信息量会越来越大,越来越杂。如何能够在这么一个信息高速增长的领域,有效地挖掘不同学科方向的交叉优势,可能不是传统的各方向学者各自做自己的随机review能完成的任务,但行家们自家的高瞻远瞩,旁观纵览,纵横联合,是必须的,而不能只是狭隘地关注自己的一亩三分地。否则,不仅无法达成干细胞的有效研发,也枉对干细胞这么大的“名头”和革命性潜能,这不是题外话。9 _& @) f2 ?2 h- D% C) E; }
. k' s& j8 z8 Z' R1 q5 C; Y
干细胞作为一个大概念,近年成果不断,甚至有些令人目不暇给的感觉。科学有其自身的发展规律与道路,而应用有其必然的动机与模式。作为操作者,研究人员能做的就是尽量把握各种现象的本质及其联系,保持一个相对清醒的意识,正确评估各种现象的价值与相对意义。一来可以用于指导自己的研究,二来也承担着为干细胞这么个号称前所未有地涉及人类命运与生活各个方面的科学研究对象提供一个“educated guess"的任务。因为,尽管干细胞研究者仍远不清楚到底这是个什么东西有什么用,公众基本上是两眼一摸黑,而且想法会千奇百怪。
# M! Q5 G4 S; Z2 d0 D; f, K, z2 Q0 ~/ `  |  q! h
: a1 T& t1 [6 l2 f, A. B
4 m) J- F2 H8 _  Z" Q, Y算作一点努力,与大家分享。
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发表于 2011-1-20 00:20 |显示全部帖子
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/ D- q/ Z  R7 Q: c; h9 U
, k$ E3 V8 X* q) S呵呵,干细胞满有点人们心中magic pill的意思,往往是只有你想不到的,没有别人想不到的。记得看到过“干细胞手术缝线”、“干细胞鼻腔吸入”等创意。  m( J" X  W; q, V% r

' t2 b9 x2 v; g, Z" X4 p应该想法搞一个干细胞创意大赛,尤其是邀请潜在消费者参与,估计一定能筛出一些奇异的点子。, _# U+ p* s% I7 L! M

& `& d9 S& A. c4 K未来的干细胞生物科技技术模式化以后,受过点相应教育有闲心闲钱的人,可以买来商品化的设备与资源,自己在家里造自己的细胞,也是一种令人憧憬的“未来世界”。% L: p# l" K. `9 b+ z

8 ^& ?! v$ `& R3 {( H9 k- @
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-1-20 08:52 |显示全部帖子
透明微笑 发表于 2011-1-20 08:40 ' S, F& p$ Y7 X5 G

4 S# t4 B- A% H0 ]( m7 C态度上同意。
3 W' Z; \& [! t6 g" ]
. O) W. @8 }! T" y脚踏实地与先所以然还是后所以然不是相排斥的概念。干细胞科学界极力反对没有任何科学依据的临床使用,以及基于商业利益的使用,因为这是“人命关天”的事情。; P# R2 d1 |" d) C+ m5 ?; g
$ c7 z2 \# H+ j3 j- z! L. `5 m
2 ^$ R, ^5 _; ^1 e& Y9 o  Q! q* O# N" C
$ Y, ~. b) G4 l7 S: K1 r这是所谓“然与不然”说法的文本框架。
& a5 L1 v/ J; B' _) I/ ?* e* k: B$ B2 L" w; [
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发表于 2011-1-20 11:11 |显示全部帖子
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) L5 U+ y% u9 C
) g; W6 e- x# h同意。安全性与疗效是金标准。+ z6 C, x( b$ y' m

+ J: d7 z8 q6 B2 K至于搞清楚所有的问题,是远期释放所有潜能的前提条件,是一个与安全有效有度的应用相互作用的过程。其实,从另一个角度来看,只有应用过程完全证实了机理推定,才能最终确定机理的成立。# I6 I0 m% G" {& N! I) m5 e
$ ]6 g5 ]+ V0 ^9 b; h6 }
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-1-20 11:45 |显示全部帖子
sunsong7 发表于 2011-1-20 11:39
# ]7 ~- T5 t0 K% {! R- ~4 \" m( _. l' \干细胞与以往任何治疗药物的根本不同点是第一次将完整生命体引入另一个生命体,干细胞工程远比20世纪 ...
% ?- z$ e) }) b( g
6 Y; b4 H  o9 D9 K9 ]5 }2 Q+ }  n$ K( f' G
5 P4 ?* ^) s, G2 M5 \, V: e8 |
2 G3 x. @0 D3 E% I* a
7 J! ?4 D5 s6 Q+ D9 v而这个工作,不能只是停留在概念阶段,需要先把科学自身及其意义理顺,而且要不停地理,因为它在不停地快速发展。& B  J  c1 Y& b5 r3 B0 P

, E0 n- F6 U  ^9 m4 a0 |
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-1-20 11:57 |显示全部帖子
回复 tpwang 的帖子
! S2 X0 {5 y* A( T& F; |) a2 @0 c( |& h# I+ \2 N3 c/ y7 j
这个讨论涉及到所谓“医疗创新”(medical innovation)问题,引用ISSCR干细胞研究标准建议里的相关内容(其实这从科学的角度是“不得已”的事情,因为这是可能发生的情况,提出一个标准建议,是某种规范这类行为的尝试)。这里的medical innovation与纯商业利益的行为完全不同,也与标准的临床试验模式有些区别。
- l% @! x+ H" e1 A0 J2 `+ p! C+ N; e' ~' V4 w9 a' Y" O5 z# @
7. Stem Cell-Based Medical Innovation
" m- H5 O0 |) S" c7 k0 s" eHistorically, many medical innovations have been introduced into clinical practice without a formal clinical trials process. Some innovations have resulted in significant and long-lasting improvements in clinical care, while others have been ineffective or harmful. In contrast to the commercial purveyance of unproven stem cell interventions noted in Section 2, the ISSCR acknowledges that in some very limited cases, clinicians may be justified in attempting medically innovative stem-cell based interventions in a small number of their seriously ill patients.
% x) Z& c  c0 ^. zIn the case of medical innovations using stem cells and their direct derivatives, unique considerations justify a heightened level of caution. The diseases which potentially could be targeted by stem cell-based interventions are some of the most intractable diseases confronting clinicians – and interest in stem cell research has resulted in the organization of patient communities with high hopes for the prospect of future stem cell treatments. Due to their relative novelty in science, stem cells and their direct derivatives could behave more unpredictably when delivered to patients than either drugs used off-label or modified surgical techniques. Some attempts at medical innovation using stem cells and their direct derivatives may inadvertently violate physicians’ ethical obligation to “do no harm,” by producing more injury than benefit.
2 H( @) }6 g# n; C' r: \Innovative medical care and clinical research aim at different goals. The mere fact that a procedure is medically innovative does not qualify it as clinical research. Clinical research aims to produce generalizable knowledge about new cellular or drug treatments, or new approaches to surgery. Notably, the individual patient’s benefit is not the focus of clinical research, nor is the individual patient’s benefit the primary focus of the human subjects research committees overseeing clinical research. In contrast, medical innovations do not aim to produce generalizable knowledge but are aimed primarily at providing new forms of clinical care that have a reasonable chance of success for individual patients with few or no acceptable medical alternatives. Unlike clinical research, then, the main goal of innovative care is to improve an individual patient’s condition.
/ v6 p* @/ G1 Z5 Z# RAlthough attempting medically innovative care is not research per se, it should still be subject to scientific and ethical review and proper patient protections. This is especially true for stem cell-based medical innovation.
& Y+ o' Q) [4 E: I+ N- l
* n- z6 |' P' N1 a, Q7 tGiven the many uncertainties surrounding the infusion of cells in ectopic locations and the significant challenges to the processing and manufacture of cellular products, only in exceptional circumstances does the ISSCR believe it would be acceptable to attempt medical innovations involving stem cells and their direct derivatives. The ISSCR anticipates that the following recommendation will be applicable primarily for seriously ill patients who lack good medical alternatives.
8 H' z- ]9 h8 R2 O/ s8 LRecommendation 34: Clinician-scientists may provide unproven stem cell-based interventions to at most a very small number of patients outside the context of a formal clinical trial, provided that:
  |4 U: U$ e* d(a) there is a written plan for the procedure that includes:
% Y3 J5 \  [7 \" E7 H5 Hi. scientific rationale and justification
$ f; D0 ~/ }* X2 x; u+ ]explaining why the procedure has a
3 P* K& |  g% `  d' Sreasonable chance of success, including# Y4 n, M* b9 g! \& U( C: f
any preclinical evidence of proof-of-
& Q+ t: R9 }2 d8 u( V2 h1 w$ Rprinciple for efficacy and safety;+ A+ o2 a$ Q& D, s  R
ii. explanation of why the proposed stem
# f0 g5 @" b) s9 @' Ycell-based intervention should be  P9 E4 d, Z  S* A9 q$ c
attempted compared to existing* L, I! q, R' F& F; z( p/ \* o6 \% D
& G% \9 q# i  ~1 miii. full characterization of the types of cells being transplanted and their$ L5 {2 l( |/ K$ ?, C5 |# t2 ]& K- ?
characteristics as discussed in Section 4, Cell Processing and Manufacture;
) }: j" x9 u1 ?$ Xiv. description of how the cells will be$ X: A6 P  C  ]5 u- O; s0 c
administered, including adjuvant drugs, agents, and surgical procedures; and
+ ]! L9 }/ Y! E# q& K4 K5 h) Pv. plan for clinical follow-up and data
2 r& p3 B3 @# ]! t7 u3 A# h# T) @- Pcollection to assess the effectiveness and adverse effects of the cell therapy;6 S# d% x1 |$ L2 b9 z* ?( V3 i
(b) the written plan is approved through a peer review process by appropriate experts who have no vested interest in the proposed procedure;) }0 n* _4 s* Y# S
" o/ u+ U' k7 q& P  X, r6 o. n
(c) the clinical and administrative leadership supports the decision to attempt the medical innovation and the institution is held accountable for the innovative procedure;. T- q: c5 ~6 H
(d) all personnel have appropriate qualifications and the institution where the procedure will be carried out has appropriate facilities and processes of peer review and clinical quality control monitoring;
) E7 I6 V' o4 E# u$ T(e) voluntary informed consent is provided by patients who appreciate that the intervention is unproven and who demonstrate their understanding of the risks and benefits of the procedure;
( ]7 c) M& c7 {5 ?% @6 X% J" X(f) there is an action plan for adverse events that includes timely and adequate medical care and if necessary psychological support services;
/ x! {- S- W: J% I(g) insurance coverage or other appropriate financial or medical resources are available to patients to cover any complications arising from the procedure; and
0 {6 a+ U. f1 u5 Q0 n/ G(h) there is a commitment by clinician-scientists to use their experience with individual patients to contribute to generalizable knowledge. This includes:
8 m. \9 a! {; Y& b- li. ascertaining outcomes in a systematic: a% W9 x* @( ~+ ~+ r' a! S
and objective manner;( w) Y3 y5 Q1 b) x' |
ii. a plan for communicating outcomes,( |- l1 U5 t* }& `7 N& G6 `1 M- Y
including negative outcomes and. I+ A9 _( P- I" r7 ]& g
adverse events, to the scientific/ Q* Z- G8 I) i* k
community to enable critical review
6 g, z/ t$ d. z7 [. I(for example, as abstracts to
! r" e! j  ]% @, X- Iprofessional meetings or publications in peer-reviewed journals); and
, @/ a- j5 P( X9 niii. moving to a formal clinical trial in a" S% P0 E/ `. E. l# R/ q
timely manner after experience with at# w# J0 \$ B0 B) r7 W
most a few patients.) g7 P% x: S/ e( {4 Y8 C% W
Not following such standards may exploit desperate patients, undermine public trust in stem cell research, and unnecessarily delay better designed clinical trials. Many who provide stem cell-based therapies may claim that they offer innovative medical care not available in
+ ^" f, R8 e9 N# k- G/ W! Cother medical institutions because of the conservative nature of medical care. Strict application of the above criteria to many clinical interventions offered outside of a formal clinical trial will identify significant shortcomings that should call into question the legitimacy of the purported attempts at medical innovation.
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-1-20 23:35 |显示全部帖子
marrowstem 发表于 2011-1-20 17:39
! s& y( y! N6 S8 D这个帖子所探讨的内容很好,尤其是针对中国“学以致用”的科学传统。大家讨论的很热烈,我也来talk about一 ...

, H) H! H2 z1 t, }" A同意,“不违反法律、行规和伦理”是前提条件。
! `* c) v" g, f; W) J
; |# h4 r1 n( l# Z“拿来主义”也是必然的。如前所说,虽然干细胞研究跟的不算晚(相比较其他成熟的学科而言),但在研究方向的引领,总体研究力量对比,科研体制,临床产业衔接等方面都有不小差距。在相当一段时间内做的主要是跟踪和拿来。尽量在关键技术和领域跟上,有条件的话“搬进来”比较接近实用的技术,在国内转化应用。无论从科研上,还是应用产业上都可以考虑。. q4 T" y8 D( n' T- j, f& C3 x

$ c1 o& r' F5 p其他领域比如高铁,就是一个成功的典型模式。
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