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埃博拉之役四十年 [复制链接]

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-9-22 13:33 |只看该作者
9 S5 l$ q- \4 V/ B2 L# _$ \2014-09-21 1 来源:生物360 作者:筱玥 131 03 e! X) T' |' ~* J6 ?
# P% D% |2 E) s! ]" p  I9 K" z# O+ A; S7 I% b1 c9 a4 H
研究者希望通过感染性疾病的模型,对病毒的扩散情况进行预测,并寻找如何终止埃博拉病毒扩散的方法。6 v$ r! ~4 f# E$ f( Y
Alessandro Vespignani希望,他最近的研究结果最终被证明是错误的。今年7月,这位来自坐落于美国波士顿的东北大学的物理学家,开始构建模型,阐释致死性的埃博拉病毒在西非的扩散方式。以目前的态势推测,发病及死亡人数将迅速攀升——目前的统计在3000多例发病及1500例左右的死亡——这一数字将很快达到数万乃至数十万。“绝对是让人感到恐惧的数字,”他说。3 `6 r: J$ a4 E8 r" |
Vespignani并不是唯一一个想要预测这起前所未有的病毒感染大爆发发展趋势的人。最近,WHO已经做出估测,发病病例将超过20,000。全世界的科学家也都日以继夜地在计算机上构建模型,以期准确地描述这一致死性病毒的扩散趋势。传染性疾病研究者Jeremy Farrar指出,这样的模型在抑制疾病扩散方面“具有非常大的作用”。他是位于伦敦的维康信托基金会(Wellcome Trust)的负责人。这些计算机模型可以帮助WHO等机构预测需要多少医疗设备及医护人员,以及哪些方法是控制爆发最好的选择。来自伯尔尼大学的数理流行病学家Christian Althaus表示,WHO和撒玛利亚救援会(一个抗击埃博拉病毒的救援组织)都已经与他取得了联系,希望了解他的预测情况,他也正在构建埃博拉模型。
' C9 ~6 Q9 }9 x9 x; Q但是,研究者的工作还是受到了阻碍,一方面是由于目前爆发情况的数据还很有限;另一方面,是因为缺乏对埃博拉病毒传播方式的了解。例如,目前已经知道,参加死于埃博拉病毒的人的葬礼也有可能被传染,但是到底是如何传染的,还不得而知。“在此之前,我们从未遇到过埃博拉的大爆发,因此关于这个病毒的流行病学知识非常匮乏,”来自佛罗里达大学的生物统计学家Ira Longini说。“埃博拉的突袭,让我们措手不及。”) H9 }+ {+ M1 q  s
对数学家而言,与任何一种传染病大流行的搏斗的核心,在于降低一个数字:Re,病原体的有效繁殖率,或者这样解释,一名受感染者平均可以传染多少人。当Re高于1时,意味着这一疾病会继续传播,如果低于1,意味着疾病将会终止。; v2 C9 S- L% e: `+ {) k
传染病大爆发模型通常会追踪四组人群:第一,易感染人群;第二,已被感染,但还不具传染性;第三,已患病,且具有传染性;第四,已康复人群。一个模型可以从大体上描述人们从一个群组移动至下一群组的速度。以此为基础,便可以计算出Re的数值。; V0 c: ^1 i4 ~" J" p
如果埃博拉病毒继续保持目前的态势传播,那么,Science曾经接洽过的研究者,包括WHO在内,其预测都将被证明是过于保守的。“如果利比里亚的疫情照此发展下去,那么,到12月1日,累计发病数目将超过100,000,”Althaus预测。当然,这种长期预报,出现错误的机率更高,他提到。可是,其他的研究者们也并未给出更加乐观的估计。弗吉尼亚理工学院的Caitlin Rivers预计,在接下来的两周,将会新增1000例病例,在塞拉利昂,这一数字也相似。3 P3 K4 g" w) H
Vespignani已经对埃博拉传播到其它国家的可能性进行了分析。基于数百万飞机乘客的数据,以及来自人口普查和移动设备所显示的人口移动模式,他已经构建起了一个覆盖全世界范围的模型,可以引入埃博拉病毒,并且进行成百上千的模拟。总体而言,病毒从西非传播至其它地区的机率较低,Vespignani指出,但风险会随着疾病流行规模的增大而提高。根据他的模型,加纳、英国和美国是最有可能出现埃博拉病毒的三个国家。(塞内加尔,在上周首次报道了发生于其境内的埃博拉病例,也在Vespignani指出的最有可能出现埃博拉病毒的10个国家之列。)/ D* [  k5 z1 t" o! R: G% X
但模型的预测能力与获得的数据是息息相关的;可能有多达四分之三的埃博拉病例并未被报告。此外,建立模型的研究者也可能使用了错误的关键参数,例如,病毒的繁殖期也许已经发生了变化,但研究者还是采用的爆发初始时的数据。“我们可能已经走错了方向,但是却没有任何信号可以告知我们这一点,”Martin Meltzer说,他任职于位于亚特兰大的美国疾病预防与控制中心。6 K8 Z- {" x1 h+ q7 J* K
& Y* \; v8 u6 Q+ YRivers对各种干预手段的效果进行了评估,例如,增加保护性措施与设备,隔离被感染者等。按照最乐观的方案,对每个感染者都进行追踪,通过各类干预,可以讲医院内的传播率降低75%。但即使如此,在她的模型中,埃博拉病毒感染者的死亡率大幅降低,却还是没有将Re降到1以下。. O2 N6 X4 N/ F
Althaus表示,每个国家所面临的挑战各有不同。“在几内亚和塞拉利昂,Re接近1,只要干预方案稍有提高,就可能使疾病传播终结。“而在利比里亚,Re数值一直都在1.5左右徘徊,“这意味着,在那里,一切才刚刚开始。”" `0 l: Y* X$ F+ ]! h6 p) M5 [
Meltzer指出,西非的人们需要改变他们的行为方式。“我们无法仅仅依靠建立医院,去消除疾病传播。那里的人们,需要从根本上转变,如何应对疾病。”对疾病进行模拟,是件并不复杂的事,Vespignani表示。“我可以轻易地在模型上,将葬礼上的疾病传播率降低40%,那只需要一行代码而已。但是,在实际中,却是一个艰难的过程。”3 r' `' K9 v4 D3 ?# c' N; h6 h% u+ _; d
  [0 V/ a! F+ ?, nKai Kupferschmidt. Estimating the Ebola epidemic. Science, 5 September 2014; DOI: 10.1126/science.345.6201.11081 Q' _0 ]1 {8 c: |
原文出处:http://1/news/show/11637.html3 S. F9 l/ e2 S8 t

" h/ n6 E; k: O3 q7 b

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-9-22 13:37 |只看该作者
Ebola Outbreak: CDC Estimates As Many As 500,000 Ebola Cases By End Of JanuaryBy Marcy Kreiter@marcykreiterm.kreiter@ibtimes.com
! I, _" o5 }6 O2 ]6 Aon September 21 2014 12:04 PM

  }% c! [  N& l) V. z9 Y7 g- {4 _7 T% ?1 d

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9 z3 t2 k5 H+ |: |0 }
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A health worker prepares to remove a dead body infected with the Ebola virus in Monrovia, Liberia, Sept. 11.Reuters/James Giahuye: o- p8 n; i7 G
2 j2 X- f' Z( D& b% \; S9 a: `

  U; D6 [( N. I+ F& m. r, j
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As many as 500,000 people could be infected with Ebola virus disease by the end of January, according to the U.S.) F$ t0 y: f; j
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- c. O' F6 q/ l5 gin Atlanta. The CDC estimate, due to be released this week, is based on “dynamic modeling” and assumes no additional aid to help battle the disease, a person familiar with the report told- Z7 ^" ], a! T0 C" w7 _
the Washington Post.

Infectious-disease experts, aid workers and global health advocates said the number of Ebola cases is increasing much more rapidly than the World Health Organization, or WHO, had projected, especially in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, collectively the West African epicenter of the outbreak.- M0 W! u4 o& J: B8 w
Villagers are complicating containment; y8 a! H- C9 G* o0 G
efforts with police reporting health-care workers in Sierra Leone coming under attack while trying to bury victims.

United Nations officials say now that the outbreak has moved from rural to urban areas, the number of cases is doubling in about three weeks. Ebola is spread person-to-person through bodily fluids.

“One of the scary things about this outbreak is that all the general models of the past have been broken,” John Connor, associate professor of microbiology at Boston University School of Medicine and investigator at the university’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, told the Post. “I’m really worried that no one has a handle on everything that’s happened. Do we know all the places where there’s been virus present?”

A man has his temperature checked for symptoms of the Ebola virus before entering a sports betting parlor in Monrovia, Liberia, Friday.$ z- j% I9 C6 a$ g
Reuters/James Giahyue

WHO estimates
& T8 S1 D  t2 B- Iat least 5,357 people have been infected so far, 2,630 of whom have died, but officials say those numbers largely underestimate the problem. The disease has been detected in Nigeria and Senegal, as well as the hardest-hit countries. Laurie Garrett of the Council on Foreign Relations estimates there probably will be 250,000 cases by Christmas without intervention.

U.S. President Barack Obama last week0 t3 |8 C! [9 B/ I
announced plans& |6 R. d5 Y7 _! O
to send U.S. troops to West Africa and commit as much as $1 billion to fight Ebola, calling the disease a serious security threat.

/ @2 P. l6 d& d9 }7 w  G% ^


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7 a; c. b$ E( c8 ~) P4 s  e, l+ W& W6 E- g( G! A; J

8 h+ G- O& s4 ~! J: D; V$ l, L8 [2 e# B6 d/ \
6 g( k) @3 Z  C7 E: H& \, j9 a0 Y
  p& y! Y* s) y2 `7 W# v8 A7 ]9 L4 k

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-9-22 14:00 |只看该作者


$ ~7 }' v( ?, h4 a5 \6 J
3 H; w8 p- |: {9 D6 i  t

, w: _% A( N+ k7 c" y[size=1.1em]

The deadly2 _. _+ r* L4 n
" R. t7 s' R( |# f7 eoutbreak sweeping across three countries in West Africa is likely to last 12 to 18 months more, much longer than anticipated, and could infect hundreds of thousands of people before it is brought under control, say scientists mapping its spread for the federal government.

“We hope we’re wrong,” said Bryan Lewis, an epidemiologist at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech.

Both the time the model says it will take to control the epidemic and the number of cases it forecasts far exceed estimates by the8 x" S! _& Z2 V
World Health Organization, which said last month that it hoped to control the outbreak within nine months and predicted 20,000 total cases by that time. The organization is sticking by its estimates, a W.H.O. spokesman said Friday.

But researchers at various universities say that at the virus’s present rate of growth, there could easily be close to 20,000 cases in one month, not in nine. Some of the United States’ leading epidemiologists, with long experience in tracking diseases such as influenza, have been creating computer models of the Ebola epidemic at the request of the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department.

3 w% }. Y, ]* u) i+ |1 ^Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
# z1 l# T8 [5 U8 t7 ?9 |( M" ideclined to comment on the projections. A spokesman, Tom Skinner, said the agency was doing its own modeling and hoped to publish the results soon. But the C.D.C. director, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, has warned repeatedly that the epidemic is worsening, and on Sept. 2 described it as “spiraling out of control.”

While previous outbreaks have been largely confined to rural areas, the current epidemic, the largest ever, has reached densely populated, impoverished cities — including Monrovia, the capital of
& t; J" o& S9 I0 L& J# L' c" }$ jLiberia
2 h" g/ v8 \/ }0 O* N— gravely complicating efforts to control the spread of the disease.
$ G5 U* B6 ?7 A3 I( P' Y/ fAlessandro Vespignani, a professor ofcomputational sciences( {; d* p; C$ o. r- b' Z
at Northeastern University who has been involved in the computer modeling of Ebola’s spread, said that if the case count reaches hundreds of thousands, “there will be little we can do.”

What worries public health officials most is that the epidemic has begun to grow exponentially in Liberia. In the most recent week reported, Liberia had nearly 400 new cases, almost double the number reported the week before. Another grave concern, the W.H.O. said, is “evidence of substantial underreporting of cases and deaths.” The organization reported on Friday that the number of Ebola cases as of Sept. 7 was 4,366, including 2,218 deaths.

“There has been no indication of any downturn in the epidemic in the three countries that have widespread and intense transmission,” it said, referring toGuinea, Liberia and" F5 u0 N9 }& z+ @; a( r" ^
Sierra Leone.

The scientists who produced the models cautioned that their dire predictions were based on the virus’s current uncontrolled spread and said the picture could improve if public health efforts started to work. Because conditions could change, for better or for worse, the researchers also warned that their forecasts became shakier the farther into the future they went.

Dr. Lewis, the Virginia Tech epidemiologist, said that a group of scientists collaborating on Ebola modeling as part of an N.I.H.-sponsored project called Midas, short for; z6 }1 B$ z; u2 s: I: l/ }
Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study, had come to a consensus on the projected 12- to 18-month duration and very high case count.

Another Midas participant, Jeffrey L. Shaman, an associate professor of environmental health sciences at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, agreed.

“Ebola has a simple trajectory because it’s growing exponentially,” Dr. Shaman said.

Lone Simonsen, a research professor of global health at George Washington University who was not involved in the modeling, said the W.H.O. estimates seemed conservative and the higher projections more reasonable.

“The final death toll may be far higher than any of those estimates unless an effective vaccine or therapy becomes available on a large scale or many more hospital beds are supplied,” she said in an email.

Dr. Vespignani
# [! Z- f( u7 psaid that the W.H.O. figures would be reasonable if there were an effective campaign to stop the epidemic now, but that there is not.

The modeling estimates are based on the observed growth rate of cases and on factors like how many people each patient infects. The researchers use the past data to make projections. They can test their methods by, for instance, taking the figures from June, plugging them into the model to predict the number of cases in July, and then comparing the results with what actually happened in July.

Dr. Shaman’s research team
; J9 L6 B8 y1 r. m' i) L+ kcreated a model
' {- |4 M; }5 @that estimated the number of cases through Oct. 12, with different predictions based on whether control of the epidemic stays about the same, improves or gets worse. If control stays the same, according to the model, the case count by Oct. 12 will be 18,406. If control improves, it will be 7,861. If control worsens, it will soar to 54,895.

Before this epidemic,7 _8 A" i" Q! h+ q" H) i( [7 Y
the largest Ebola outbreak* o0 b2 P/ E% g& T* d" Q% W
was in Uganda from 2000 to 2001, and it involved only 425 cases. Scientists say the current epidemic surged out of control because it began near the borders of three countries where people traveled a lot, and they carried the disease to densely populated city slums. In addition, the weak health systems in these poor countries were not equipped to handle the disease, and much of the international response has been slow and disorganized.

But questions have also been raised about whether there could be something different about this strain of Ebola that makes it more contagious than previous ones.

Researchers are doubtful, but Thomas W. Geisbert, an Ebola expert at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, said it was important to keep an open mind about the possibility. During vaccine tests expected to start next month in monkeys, he said, he and his colleagues will monitor infected animals to see if they develop unusually high virus levels early in the disease that might amplify its infectiousness.

Some scientists have also suggested that as the outbreak continues and the virus spreads from person to person, it will have more opportunities to mutate and perhaps become even more dangerous or contagious. But Stuart T. Nichol, chief of the C.D.C.’s Viral Special Pathogens Branch, said that so far, researchers monitoring the mutations had seen no such changes.

Article from1 N. o/ B( D% A4 j$ w5 R
New York Times

) G9 k+ |. n7 q+ R! _7 U" N  m! j1 t
& F7 s7 w8 A6 B( ?5 p; f

1 F: P  Y- b. F3 F& U

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-9-25 14:50 |只看该作者


7 u3 s) G  h1 }1 ]3 m6 F$ R2 T2014-09-24 1 来源:生物360 作者:koo 6 p0 i# Z+ l8 \% a

' T2 S8 H: y" A$ S3 ]* d( ]9 A8 O% e在利比里亚蒙罗维亚,红十字会成员正在搬运上周死于埃博拉的一名妇女的遗体。官员们呼吁民众谨慎处理患者遗体。
$ a- \' ]7 X* a$ R本周二,美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)发布了一份报告,对西非的埃博拉疫情做出了不乐观的预测。该报告使用计算机建模,针对利比里亚和塞拉利昂的疫情,进行了最坏和最好情况的估计。- c% c) O8 X4 p7 |4 U. p0 `
在最坏的情况下,到9月30日,这两个国家可能共有2.1万宗埃博拉病例,如果病情不断蔓延,缺乏有效的方法来遏制它,那么到明年1月20日,会增至140万宗。CDC考虑到很多病例都没有被发现,估计实际病例可能是统计数据的2.5倍,据此得出了以上预测。5 f. g* Y+ q& k
- u0 t# z4 @4 u/ a7 @6 _  H! J该报告根据8月的数据,做出了疫情猖獗的预测,但CDC主任托马斯·R·弗雷登(Thomas R. Frieden)博士表示,8月之后,随着更多的援助逐渐抵达了该地区,疫情似乎有所改善。  c2 F* y6 b3 Z+ C3 r
. w% P8 V) ]$ N9 C外界专家称,CDC的建模数目与该领域其他人的预测相吻合。& D* y* g! e! V9 `+ s
“这份报告很不错,”佛罗里达大学生物统计学教授艾拉·朗吉尼(Ira Longini)说,他也对这次疫情进行了计算机建模。“它总结了问题的严重程度,以及要应对它,必须开展哪些工作。”
; J" x+ j6 y4 m; U! y$ L# I布莱恩·刘易斯(Bryan Lewis)是一名流行病学家,供职于弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)弗吉尼亚生物信息学研究所(Virginia Bioinformatics Institute),他认为这些估计是合理的,相对于其他模型得出的估计数目而言,甚至有点偏低。他说,如果CDC的模型使用世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,简称WHO)的一些最新数据,那么“很不幸,这些已经非常大的病例估计数目,甚至就会变得更大”。2 N. c$ j. q, C( Y. C/ S
, u! q; ~) v' f  X) L6 L3 e- @8 {CDC没有对几内亚的猖獗疫情进行估计,因为在该国,埃博拉是一波一波来袭的,研究者无法对此建模。
  W! {! Q$ e0 z" Z4 L本周一,WHO修订了自己的估计数字,称如果疫情控制状况没有得到改善,那么到11月2日,病例数目将超过2万例。这个数字比CDC的预计保守,但WHO的报告还指出,很多病例都未经报告,如果缺乏行之有效的帮助,疫情最严重的三个国家很快就会报告每周数千人的死亡数目。WHO说,自己的预测与CDC的很相似。" _; D* @* ]6 S4 U$ x! f& y3 u
WHO的报告还首次指出,这种疾病不会消失,而是可能会成为西非的地方病,这意味着,埃博拉可能在那里成为一种常见病。$ k* f& Z% ]$ Y5 a
上周,奥巴马总统承诺,将派遣3000名军事人员到利比里亚,搭建17家医院,每家提供100张床位;弗雷登博士说,这是整个解决方案的一部分。不过目前还不清楚,这些医院将在何时准备好,以及由谁来提供医疗服务。3 S! o! f$ S/ X) ~  o- a) E( E4 r
弗雷登博士说,国防部已经提供了一些材料,用来搭建一个25个床位的病房,以便治疗那些感染了埃博拉的医疗人员,搭建工作将很快完成。他说,这是一个很重要的安全措施,有益于鼓励医务人员担当志愿者。他说,还有更多援助团正在抵达该地区,以搭建治疗中心,而且“一大波”援助将会“很好控制住埃博拉疫情”。6 z- u) Y2 V- L$ e# u/ N
卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)全球卫生教授周启康博士(Dr. Jack Chow)曾是WHO官员,他说,“只有当这些床位都建好,投入使用,而且有人提供医疗服务时,这一大波援助才能变成现实。”" J. ~* l# G8 ^% w$ H  p
; w$ Q0 h$ H3 ^1 }4 l% b: Y2 P: EWHO的报告称,一家新的治疗中心刚刚在利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚开业,它拥有120张治疗床位,还有30张床位用于分诊。患者已经在门口一字排开。
8 {! @9 n6 @3 vCDC报告承认,和可以提供的床位数目相比,病例数目的增长速度更快。该组织表示,在此期间,可以采用不同类型的治疗方式,让患者在家中或社区中心里,接受亲戚和其他人的护理。护理者将获得保护设备,以防止疾病蔓延。
# W  |. R; ]7 m) N* g6 C美国政府还将运送40万份手套和消毒剂到利比里亚,以帮助患者的家人在家中护理他们。+ \7 E: k; b; s4 j- v1 O# r
在利比里亚,由于没有足够的床位供患者住院,至少有一个援助组织已经转移工作重心,开始侧重于教导人们如何开展家庭护理,并提供相应的物资。该组织名为撒玛利亚救援会(Samaritan's Purse),其副主席肯·艾萨克斯(Ken Isaacs)说,“我认为护理工作将在家庭中开展,这一点不可避免,而家庭护理这个概念可以发挥更加突出的作用。”
" e# W, W2 ?9 @/ o' t! b$ j, x文出处:http://1/news/show/11684.html

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-9-29 19:45 |只看该作者

利比里亚闹埃博拉病毒“僵尸”丑闻 全球致三千人死作者:  2014年09月29日   来源:中化新网   

1 v2 w8 [$ J1 G7 G+ l( p4 U

, n" V$ N" F7 e; T1 a  当地民众指政府未有提供足够协助对抗埃博拉。

  中化新网讯 综合媒体报道,世界卫生组织发布最新疫情通报说,仍在西非肆虐的 埃博拉疫情已经导致超过3000人死亡。世卫同时警告疫情还在持续扩散。


  当地媒体报道,两名“复活”的女死者是40多岁的夸伊(Dorris Quoi)和60多岁的凯贝(Ma Kebeh),分别来自东北部宁巴州两个小区。两人被指已死,在被送往埋葬期间突然“复活”,吓煞民众。其中凯贝在被判定死亡后两天,一直被关在室内,不曾进食亦没接受药物治疗,令“复活”之事更显不可思议,引起民众恐慌。惟报道未提及两人“复活”后的健康状况。



  利比里亚的埃博拉疫情在西非疫国中属最严重,死亡个案占总数4成,惟对抗疫情的资源却严重不足。其中西南部博米州仅得两名医生,除照顾埃博拉患者,更需处理日常病人。医生之一洛根(Gobee Logan)称,他们几乎需照顾8万5千名病人。世卫则于周五表示,英国葛兰素史克及美国NewLink药厂的数千剂伊波拉试验疫苗,最快可望明年初送到疫国使用。

. W+ F; |1 n" ]5 X/ o4 I
0 l+ J7 B4 g, ^6 d  b# Q
  《每日速递》网址:http://s.ccin.com.cn/specialinfo/center.jsp- _! ?" F+ r3 b8 U' c$ t& M

Rank: 2

发表于 2014-9-29 21:27 |只看该作者
4 d5 B3 N. O- v6 p

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-9-30 13:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2014-9-30 13:21 编辑 3 H# v' O, M) j; c

) \$ ?/ i( u' I# O5 M回复 dgl706 的帖子
; m( w7 ^$ D+ y+ s5 P1 m) O8 S1 f5 Q9 e8 c

医生用艾滋病药治活埃博拉病患 13人获救

; T. T- L8 g, r- ]5 C( c: `
: H2 b7 @& E4 s# s4 e, F& z
# e7 J! ]6 a% _
美国有线电视新闻网9月27日报道,埃博拉疫情持续肆虐,病人之多已远超医院负荷,感染人数仍在不断攀升,援助和疫苗也迟迟不见踪影,绝望之中,利比里亚一医生“兵行险着”,启用抗HIV药物进行治疗,不料竟获奇效。. V2 z+ Q7 k9 z$ _. M0 a$ b: `8 L

1 ?, {  A: W; `+ u; x' X

在杜伯曼堡的一家隔离中心,医生洛根让诊所内的埃博拉感染者服用了治疗艾滋病的药物拉米夫定,结果15人中13人生还,死亡率从原来的70%下降至7%。据了解,生还病人在感染后的5天内服用了拉米夫定。(新闻晨报 (微博))

: i! V' u3 Z/ N4 e( d
7 [5 M6 G  ^& N  z# F/ M

& a% ^0 C8 {7 R! ~

SAT SEP 27, 2014 AT 10:59 AM PDT

Ebola Breakthrough?
3 U) R- o; V* r) r3 `0 A& d% N2 Cbywilderness voice

  • ! a  A% ?) o, y1 [
+ ~7 W; j$ c) B+ z
Dr. Gobee Logan, a doctor in rural Liberia, has given an HIV drug, lamivudine, to 15 Ebola patients. 13 survived.  Continue past the mating paramecium for more:8 k( i: c) z3 {2 O: c6 s8 t
"My stomach was hurting; I was feeling weak; I was vomiting," Elizabeth Kundu, 23, says of her bout with the virus. "They gave me medicine, and I'm feeling fine. We take it, and we can eat -- we're feeling fine in our bodies." Kundu and the other 12 patients who took the lamivudine and survived, received the drug in the first five days or so of their illness. The two patients who died received it between days five and eight.
( [  l, ^" p# s' u...
0 o: U: ]8 D8 c7 T8 t' R[Dr. Logan] also knows American researchers will say only a real study can prove effectiveness. ..."Our people are dying and you're taking about studies?" he said. "It's a matter of doing all that I can do as a doctor to save some people's lives."- f' a" V6 U3 q0 l# Z! V
# E9 b9 R% ?; q/ E" c, x8 q# ^Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says that theoretically, Logan's approach has some merit.... other drugs in this class are being studied to treat Ebola
Lamivudine is a nucleoside analog:
, G4 ]: p6 u/ chttp://en.wikipedia.org/...
These agents can be used against hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, herpes simplex, and HIV. Once they are phosphorylated, they work as antimetabolites by being similar enough to nucleotides to be incorporated into growing DNA strands; but they act as chain terminators and stop viral DNA Polymerase. They are not specific to viral DNA and also affect mitochondrial DNA. Because of this they have side effects such as bone marrow suppression.
Ebola virus uses RNA only and does not create any DNA.  However, RNA requires nucleotides for its assembly just as does DNA, so it stands to reason it could work for Ebola as well as HIV. In any case, it seems to be working, since the chance of this large a proportion of patients surviving otherwise, without treatment, would be quite unlikely.  7 D- {) T+ u6 L* x6 {
1 s" G8 m. q( r6 F- |, u

* v+ a8 p2 V% Y1 O; c0 CORIGINALLY POSTED TO WILDERNESS VOICE ON SAT SEP 27, 2014 AT 10:59 AM PDThttp://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/09/27/1332809/-Ebola-Breakthrough9 I9 Z) G& u0 M1 ~( j
' a6 \8 J+ R5 z% u  Q
Ebola Crisis: Liberia Doctor Treats Patients With HIV Drugs - Most SurviveDeath rate falls from 70% to 7% after doctor treats patients with HIV drug
  • 5 V; C7 L; o3 K& h# m" d
    By Tom Porter
      X* V; c8 t1 E8 p/ V  n' RSeptember 27, 2014 14:53 BST

  • ( x8 V* @) V2 |4 U9 w- f2 K4 w& J
$ R6 `  T# y# `: J! E" p! ]
Ebola treatment clinic in Monrovia, [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]Liberia.([color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]Pascal Guyot/AFP/[color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]Getty Images)6 Q6 F: Y4 E7 x& K$ h/ X4 L' r
A doctor who was used anti-HIV medication to treat Ebola out of desperation after being inundated with patients, has reported positive results.+ s8 Y2 X) C4 W$ x  Y

[color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]Dr Gobee Logan gave the [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]drug lamivudine to 15 Ebola patients in a clinic in Tubmanburg, and 13 survived.

This gives patients treated with [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]lamivudine a 7% mortality rate, whereas overall mortality rates for those infected are 70%.

"My stomach was [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]hurting; I was feeling weak; I was [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]vomiting," Ebola patient Elizabeth Kundu, 23, told CNN. "They gave me medicine, and I'm feeling fine. We take it, and we can eat – we're feeling fine in our bodies."

Those patients who survived after taking lamivudine, took the medication during the first five days of infection. The two who died started treatment five and eight days after onset of the illness.

"I'm sure that when [patients] present early, this medicine can help," Logan said. "I've proven it right in my center."

Logan said that he was aware that the medical establishment would remain sceptical until[color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]research had been undertaken involving a much larger group of patients, half of whom would be given lamivudine, and the other half a placebo.

"Our people are dying and you're taking about studies?" he said. "It's a matter of doing all that I can do as a doctor to save some people's lives."

He said that he decided to try using lamivudine after reading in a medical journal that HIV and Ebola replicates in the body in similar ways.

Initially Logan tried the drug on a colleague who had become infected, and within two days he showed signs of improvement and survived.

Researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told CNN that they would be willing to carry out follow-up tests.  

The World Health Organisation said that [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]experimental use of two trial Ebola [color=rgb(255, 0, 0) !important]vaccinesdeveloped by GlaxoSmithKline and NewLink has begun.

, n# \; z# g3 ~% j& }' o; shttp://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ebola-crisis-liberia-doctor-treats-patients-hiv-drugs-most-survive-1467487& H4 S. w1 z( X9 @5 r6 A: y: H2 k

8 j& C) v7 A" r' J4 H
) k9 S% |  c8 w* D
/ Z! M, o4 n7 k

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-10-2 01:10 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2014-10-2 01:11 编辑
5 U; l8 g. n8 d  d
7 U1 ~$ n9 k1 z+ o6 K4 ]

非洲以外第一例 美确诊本土首例埃博拉感染病例(1)

; c3 A7 i5 ~1 w$ u; O, K5 X( [

' D5 ^8 V3 m  R  p# g9 K, [

  • ( U$ T$ K7 \% Y5 a$ @
评论 邮件 [url=]纠错[/url]# @& p  T, O, r0 h+ \
2014-10-01 08:06:00 来源:中国日报网站-环球在线  作者:王欢
) c. k- o9 q$ }

  中新社休斯敦9月30日电(记者 王欢美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)30日宣布,美国得克萨斯州达拉斯市一位成年男性病患被确诊带有致命埃博拉病毒,这是美国本土发现的首例埃博拉感染病例,也是非洲以外确诊的第一例。目前,该患者病情危重,在医院被“严格隔离”。



  疾控中心主任弗里登(Thomas Frieden)在30日的发布会上表示,该患者从利比亚到美国达拉斯探亲,他于9月19日离开利比亚,9月20日抵达得克萨斯州,当时没有任何症状。



  该院流行病学家古德曼(Edward Goodman)30日指出,埃博拉病毒不会通过空气传播,在医院里的其他患者和工作人员没有任何风险。他补充说,“西非没有足够的隔离装备和自来水,而我们没有这些问题,完全有能力照顾这位病人,并确保其他人的安全。医院目前继续正常运转。”

  达拉斯卫生和人类服务部门主任汤普森(Zachary Thompson)表示,“疾控中心将派遣健康专家部署到达拉斯,我们完全有信心防止其传播。”

  “人们没有理由对此担心。”休斯敦贝勒医学院热带国家医学院院长霍特兹(Peter Hotez)表示,“埃博拉病毒不会轻易地在人与人之间传播,我们在控制和跟踪病毒方面有非常出色的基础设施,因此美国不会出现埃博拉疫情。”

+ J/ Z' J. I* {- t


9 E6 g  y' f2 U4 g/ f


7 Y& C2 S$ b& o8 j0 a


+ C- i7 H* z: g9 |" u4 w0 r8 K$ {7 X% L. u6 C0 @; {! v0 Q  H: T

  延伸阅读埃博拉发现者:早期研究设备简陋 庆幸未被感染

  {$ k: {7 e* i  A4 `7 J5 M# D! x) {) S


  中新网9月29日电 40年前,比利时安特卫普一名年轻的科学家彼得·皮奥特所在的团队发现了埃博拉病毒,德国明镜周刊》近日对皮奥特进行了专访,皮奥特向记者谈及了当初埃博拉病毒是如何被发现,以及为何此轮埃博拉病毒会如此严重等话题。










- ?5 K% S2 L' y) Q; }2 [' [) h: h6 T+ K# I( A. h; u









  延伸阅读英媒:埃博拉破坏西非生活方式 握手亲吻受限制



1 F8 U8 \  A' L. o: _1 \: U( L

  中新网9月25日电 据英国媒体24日报道,在遭受埃博拉侵袭的西非国家,疾病除了带来死亡之外,也同样影响着人们的生活方式,人们握手、亲吻脸颊的习俗,和日常生活的所有方面,几乎都遭到了破坏。

















) q9 B0 D* g  a) j

9 K8 P% F# x! u3 y

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-10-2 01:12 |只看该作者

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 30, 2014
# b; U" w5 H9 v- ]Contact: Media Relations
& u8 a$ p' u" K7 T& X(404) 639-3286

' N, j6 z5 i1 y' A: b- T" E

0 r8 N( _# V1 e' G0 W- _0 PCDC and Texas Health Department Confirm First Ebola Case Diagnosed in the U.S.

CDC and Texas Health Department Confirm First Ebola Case Diagnosed in the U.S.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed today, through laboratory tests, the first case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States in a person who had traveled to Dallas, Texas from Liberia. The patient did not have symptoms when leaving West Africa, but developed symptoms approximately four days after arriving in the U.S. on Sept. 20.

The person fell ill on Sept. 24 and sought medical care at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas on Sept. 26. After developing symptoms consistent with Ebola, he was admitted to hospital on Sept. 28. Based on the person’s travel history and symptoms, CDC recommended testing for Ebola. The medical facility isolated the patient and sent specimens for testing at CDC and at a Texas lab participating in the CDC’s Laboratory Response Network. CDC and the Texas Health Department reported the laboratory test results to the medical center to inform the patient. A CDC team is being dispatched to Dallas to assist with the investigation.

“Ebola can be scary. But there’s all the difference in the world between the U.S. and parts of Africa where Ebola is spreading. The United States has a strong health care system and public health professionals who will make sure this case does not threaten our communities,” said CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. “While it is not impossible that there could be additional cases associated with this patient in the coming weeks, I have no doubt that we will contain this.”

The ill person did not exhibit symptoms of Ebola during the flights from West Africa and CDC does not recommend that people on the same commercial airline flights undergo monitoring, as Ebola is contagious only if the person is experiencing active symptoms. The person reported developing symptoms several days after the return flight. Anyone concerned about possible exposure may call CDC-Info at 800-CDC-INFO for more information.

CDC recognizes that even a single case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States raises concerns. Knowing the possibility exists, medical and public health professionals across the country have been preparing to respond. CDC and public health officials in Texas are taking precautions to identify people who have had close personal contact with the ill person, and health care professionals have been reminded to use meticulous infection control at all times.

We do know how to stop Ebola’s further spread: thorough case finding, isolation of ill people, contacting people exposed to the ill person, and further isolation of contacts if they develop symptoms. The U.S. public health and medical systems have had prior experience with sporadic cases of diseases such as Ebola. In the past decade, the United States had 5 imported cases of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) diseases similar to Ebola (1 Marburg, 4 Lassa). None resulted in any transmission in the United States.

CDC has been anticipating and preparing for a case of Ebola in the United States. We have been:

  • Enhancing surveillance and laboratory testing capacity in states to detect cases
  • Developing guidance and tools for health departments to conduct public health investigations
  • Providing recommendations for  healthcare infection control and other measures to prevent disease spread
  • Providing guidance for flight crews, Emergency Medical Services units at airports, and Customs and Border Protection officers about reporting ill travelers to CDC
  • Disseminating up-to-date information to the general public, international travelers, and public health partners
    / e% z' q* c' V; r. k

The data health officials have seen in the past few decades since Ebola was discovered indicate that it is not spread through casual contact or through the air. Ebola is spread through direct contact with bodily fluids of a sick person or exposure to objects such as needles that have been contaminated. The illness has an average 8-10 day incubation period (although it ranges from 2 to 21 days); CDC recommends monitoring exposed people for symptoms a complete 21 days. People are not contagious after exposure  unless they develop symptoms.

2 ~/ s$ i$ N; L6 X9 F


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2014-10-8 17:12 |只看该作者
埃博拉病毒曾到过上海?9 g. j3 [5 d) z4 ?  E
2014-09-27 10:23:36 来源: 东方早报(上海) 王月丹   北京大学基础医学院免疫学系副主任、教授,医学博士
4 ~: h. n  v) S% V3 T  ?9 `# z  由于埃博拉病是一种由埃博拉病毒引起的高度烈性的传染病,人类感染后,可出现发热、呕吐、腹泻、头痛、皮疹,甚至内脏坏死和出血,最终因大出血和肝、肾器官功能衰竭而死亡,因此,以前也被称为埃博拉出血热。埃博拉病的死亡率高达30%~90%,是世界各国高度关注和严格控制的传染病。目前,德国、奥地利、阿联酋、菲律宾、玻利维亚和我国香港等多个国家和地区均已发现过疑似埃博拉病的人,但大多已排除怀疑,并未发现埃博拉病的患者,可以肯定的是,目前除了非洲以外的国家和地区还未发现埃博拉病的感染者。
% {9 ]( i7 O8 z& i  在亚洲,包括我国在内,并没有发现过埃博拉病的患者,但是,这并不等于亚洲没有埃博拉病毒。虽然令人难以置信,但是一种被称为雷斯顿埃博拉病毒的埃博拉病毒,也曾经光顾过我国上海市。研究表明,在2011年2月至9月间,在来自我国上海市三个农场因病死亡的137例猪标本中,有4例存在着雷斯顿埃博拉病毒的感染,感染率为2.92%。所以,埃博拉病毒离我们并不远,可能就在我们周围。
/ ]; M* j8 l* _: r: d- y/ ? “亚洲”埃博拉病毒是一种对人安全的动物病毒。 埃博拉病毒属于丝状病毒的一个属,包括四种病毒,其中扎伊尔埃博拉病毒和苏丹埃博拉病毒是引起埃博拉病的主要病原体,塔伊森林埃博拉病毒可感染人类,但只会造成类似登革热的症状,并不致命。以上三种埃博拉病毒都是源自非洲的病毒,但雷斯顿埃博拉病毒,却是一种地道的源自亚洲的埃博拉病毒。1989年,美国弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿(Reston)的研究人员在一群从菲律宾进口的食蟹猴体内,发现了一种新型的埃博拉病毒,并命名为雷斯顿埃博拉病毒。这种新埃博拉病毒在形态学和基因组成上与非洲的埃博拉病毒相似,可以引起猿猴出血热,但却不会造成人类感染或出现任何临床症状。通过病原学和流行病学调查,人们确认雷斯顿埃博拉病毒来自菲律宾,并在菲律宾和其他一些亚洲国家的养猪场也发现了这种病毒。
) g) t9 v' S( L% x: b  不过,研究人员认为,与埃博拉病毒属的其他“亲戚”相比,雷斯顿埃博拉病毒只是一种可能影响养猪等畜牧行业的动物病毒,对人类是安全的,我们并不需要对雷斯顿埃博拉病毒的光顾而感到恐慌。# C6 `6 f2 [5 i+ T1 z

8 I7 D8 c9 _* G; X) l# chttp://news.163.com/14/0927/10/A7533MDP00014AED.html
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