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$1700000将被用于有关骨质疏松的研究 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


精华勋章 积极份子 优秀会员 博览群书 美女研究员 新闻小组成员

发表于 2011-1-17 03:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
News resource: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/213693.php% s; w4 K0 U* q8 D7 h

/ s# K: P. \" F0 @4 h' C  q* h8 l$1,700,000 Funding Of NeoStem's Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells Being Developed To Treat Osteoporosis
4 v# ^1 Q5 y# K9 zMain Category: Bones / Orthopedics
' O8 W/ M  V# W) B4 B5 tAlso Included In: Stem Cell Research% C: b  X7 ~& b4 F* d8 g
Article Date: 14 Jan 2011 - 2:00 PST
9 Z9 Y: |4 I/ c0 W! Q
* s- d/ K& B" i$ y; Y  H说明:由干细胞之家新闻小组成员decloud2009翻译(转帖请注明)。个人翻译,理解不准确的语句还望大家积极指出。
# S" P8 x5 S* A" r% u  r& y2 {- W2 r' H) N' C/ [1 m
  * i0 _: u4 \" N9 Z" V
NeoStem, Inc.  声明FY2010 Technology/Therapeutic Development Award application number PR101055, 已经通过了国会定向的医学研究项目办公室的同行评审,将获得Department of Defense (DOD)的赞助.4 Z, j& Z# Y0 }9 `8 F5 u4 [: o
这项$1,700,000的奖金, 公司将用公司的VSEL™技术来继续进行对一种独特的干细胞群的研究, 并期望用这种小的胚胎干细胞相似的来治疗骨质疏松和改进骨骼健康.0 v# q& I" t! @0 K% d- j

. u8 Z: u1 a5 u/ ?8 d6 ?/ X“这项计划将戏剧性的改变在军事上和医疗中治疗骨质疏松和骨折的方法.” Dr. Russell Taichman说.( 牙科学教授, 牙周病学和口腔医学系,牙科学院,密执安大学) “骨质疏松影响了全世界范围内750万,并在老年人口中导致严重的发病率和致死率, 骨质疏松是骨折导致死亡的一个主要的原因.”
% V% U) C. c# \; a! v) F, S在2005年, 由于骨质疏松导致的骨折的医药费用高达190亿, 预计2025年将达到250亿. 此外,骨质疏松和相关的骨折已经引起了军方的高度关注,因为时间而导致的影响全军范围的应力性骨折., A# x( ~+ l3 e; w) R( Q
. B- ]: X+ t2 L8 W
Dr. Denis Rodgerson, 该项目的主管和研究带头人, 说:” 我们很荣幸可以获得这项基金. 它是我们能够和Dr. Taichman和他的同事Dr. Laurie合作,一起去探讨VSEL™技术在自体,细胞基础上骨质疏松和其他疾病治疗的治疗的重要的潜能.”0 C# g3 V2 d8 T1 |) H. T
* d- v" u# i# n; ^
Dr. Robin Smith, NeoStem的CEO, 说道:”我们非常激动,像Department of Defense这样一个卓越的权威机构会和我们一起分享, 有关我们的技术在临床上的潜在应用,并继续支持更进一步VSEL™在临床多方面的应用的研究.5 q6 J3 {- `1 B" F! O
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Rank: 3Rank: 3


精华勋章 积极份子 优秀会员 博览群书 美女研究员 新闻小组成员

发表于 2011-1-17 03:59 |只看该作者
NeoStem, Inc. (NYSE Amex: NBS) ("NeoStem" or the "Company"), an international biopharmaceutical company with operations in the U.S. and China, announced that its FY2010 Technology/Therapeutic Development Award application number PR101055 has been recommended for funding by the Department of Defense (DOD) Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) of the Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).' m' W3 D7 m5 D4 s7 M
0 k" N: b4 P0 Z: U( y- d! \2 J
The $1,700,000 award, which the Company will receive upon completion of the award process, will be applied towards funding the Company's proposal to continue a strategy aimed at employing the Company's VSEL™ Technology which uses a unique stem cell population, very small embryonic-like stem cells, to treat osteoporosis and improve bone health.
# d4 K( S9 W* t; D2 s4 [The work proposed in this application has the potential to dramatically change the way in which osteoporosis and bone fracture is treated in the military and in the general population," said Dr. Russell Taichman, Professor of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan's School of Dentistry who will work with the Company on the study. Dr. Taichman added "Osteoporosis is a major medical condition affecting 75 million people worldwide and causing significant morbidity and mortality in the aging population and the increased incidence of fractures is the major cause of death from osteoporosis. / ^; S3 k, z* f) A+ B- J  [, f" j
In 2005, the estimated cost burden of fractures due to osteoporosis was $19 billion and that is expected to rise to over $25 billion by the year 2025. In addition to being a major concern for the general healthcare community, osteoporosis and related bone fractures have become a concern for the military with significant loss of duty time across all branches of the military due to related stress fractures."  h1 {, c9 c) k6 O
Dr. Denis Rodgerson, NeoStem's Director of Stem Cell Science and Principal Investigator for the study commented, "We are honored to have been recommended for this award. It will enable us, together with Dr. Taichman as co-Principal Investigator and his colleague Dr. Laurie K. McCauley, Chair, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan's School of Dentistry and Professor of Pathology at the University of Michigan Medical School, to explore the significant potential for VSEL™ Technology to provide benefits in autologous, cell-based therapies for osteoporosis and other diseases of the bone."7 J& n- O, g! f  n4 g7 a
Dr. Robin Smith, NeoStem's CEO commented, "We are thrilled that such a preeminent authority as the Department of Defense shares our excitement and vision regarding the clinical applications of our licensed technologies and continues to support the advancement of our VSEL™ Technology in multiple clinical applications."
1 m+ l$ u- D6 V/ i* @5 T% W0 f& C/ @
& t+ a4 G6 r% J7 F% ?, v0 sSource: NeoStem, Inc
9 c! ]; a' k7 y, I
; U. h1 J# a% k+ Z8 q* a3 Z/ V

Rank: 8Rank: 8


论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-1-17 08:15 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tpwang 于 2011-1-17 08:16 编辑 ) S; k# h: n, W: c0 W

* W' X, w0 {, r8 G' y. F' g8 |, P) o回复 decloud2009 的帖子
0 Q- j3 [* Q& I" s- l8 d# H% @# y7 e; B/ a1 h+ o  y8 f6 C6 E
感谢楼主消息,两点小商榷。6 {* c0 @( o& y) @  N! A* f

0 j  r2 G- Y7 ]. C, d  x) D' I“并期望用这种小的胚胎干细胞相似的来治疗骨质疏松”,本句的翻译稍有不畅。Very Small Embryonic-Like (VSEL) stem cell,是指一种成人骨髓里分离出来的“极小型类胚胎样干细胞”(这个翻译也不是十分严谨),应是一种自体成体干细胞治疗技术,要避免造成“小胚胎干细胞”的误导,翻译为“小的胚胎干细胞相似”不通顺,如果直译成“小的胚胎干细胞相似干细胞”又太繁琐。不知国内有无“标准”的翻译先例。VSEL治疗骨质疏松的机理与研究状况为何,不知有无资料。7 r% o6 t9 I& Z) x' T) v) [4 D
; a+ b; O( R% G
另一个小地方,是“已经通过了国会定向的医学研究项目办公室的同行评审,将获Department of Defense (DOD)的赞助”这句,严密点可以翻译为“已经国防部下属‘国会直接拨款医学研究项目办公室’审评,推荐国防部予以资助。审评推荐与批准之间还有个upon completion of the award process的过程。
4 u3 W& G& g6 ]; X$ C$ u/ m% v
% o1 l  Z! m8 a' |7 v+ B这个新闻里比较有趣的是NeoStem, Inc. ……an international biopharmaceutical company with operations in the U.S. and China,将要在中国开展业务,但申请国防部资助得到推荐,这有点意思。理论上来说,美国国防部的经费是不可能用于任何与非美国本土机构或个人有关的项目的。也可能这项资助会带有限制性条款,但考虑到干细胞治疗骨质疏松不仅仅是一个军事用途的项目,所以要限定该项目成果只能用于美军方或不许用于开辟其他国家市场,似乎不合情理。也许,中美之间的一些军事合作限制有了松动,使得这类事情成为可能。4 a: E% f3 Y' C5 }( K) I: a$ z: D
" i  Y: k  d+ k; q9 j+ e
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