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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞行业新闻 Stem cell news: Nature Medicine: 体外卵子的形成(附原 ...



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Stem cell news: Nature Medicine: 体外卵子的形成(附原文)   [复制链接]

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精华勋章 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2012-2-28 09:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 细胞海洋 于 2012-2-29 01:12 编辑
. y" e& ]7 r) y/ _# ^. ?# `2 n
' V$ m1 s- `) P; Y* x" D0 `5 o哈佛学者用荧光激活细胞分选从人和小鼠卵巢皮质中得到一类高分裂活性的细胞,可体外培养形成成熟卵子,并在体内实验中证实其发育能力。
$ W% _1 I: n, V- |0 B7 |8 U) L, [/ {: G6 S
Nature Medicine | Article
; C% {" @$ w- JOocyte formation by mitotically active germ cells purified from ovaries of reproductive-age women8 T- h7 E; Q  H$ T- |
; L& P/ a( l5 a- |
    * Yvonne A R White,1, 2, 4
+ l- n* V* b$ P8 E- ?    * Dori C Woods,1, 2, 4
0 B& k$ T; f0 L4 J. }) V    * Yasushi Takai,3. V0 f; Q% c/ T/ h8 g
    * Osamu Ishihara,32 h5 U. D& {3 S2 v2 d6 n
    * Hiroyuki Seki3
9 x7 R5 U# S$ a/ m    * & Jonathan L Tilly1, 2
1 a" A2 H3 v! X, M/ u# Y
" H$ n6 ?4 E# w) s: U2 w2 w5 f    * Affiliations- L9 p3 p. Z+ n, s2 L8 \
    * Contributions" k! Z3 w. Q2 |- Z4 Z7 @
    * Corresponding author1 L! h5 U$ S3 w  I9 M

2 Y6 @  D: {: E8 J4 VJournal name:" n  `# s! |* T7 P+ N- Z" B
    Nature Medicine
% f  T+ R$ _$ `& N+ Z: @% ^! f' oYear published:
& j, `! w8 L- S5 v. O$ `    (2012)& s! A, G" e4 q9 m& S
DOI:4 s0 A+ G/ x/ T; X
    doi:10.1038/nm.26693 S' g: O9 R; s" t. H3 F3 Q. w

, b  L2 r) d+ v* rReceived; Q$ K, _8 g$ J
    26 August 2011
! X4 K6 t& l, Q6 o) o* OAccepted
8 f( ?5 b3 L* Q3 F    11 January 2011
5 R! A6 C8 b5 O8 t. p$ _# QPublished online
4 y4 G* @+ Y2 l5 W    26 February 2012 3 G+ K0 L' m2 ?0 J

2 s4 X. M* c/ S6 }Abstract
1 ?( r# N' d" j) x5 \  n) {Germline stem cells that produce oocytes in vitro and fertilization-competent eggs in vivo have been identified in and isolated from adult mouse ovaries. Here we describe and validate a fluorescence-activated cell sorting-based protocol that can be used with adult mouse ovaries and human ovarian cortical tissue to purify rare mitotically active cells that have a gene expression profile that is consistent with primitive germ cells. Once established in vitro, these cells can be expanded for months and can spontaneously generate 35- to 50-μm oocytes, as determined by morphology, gene expression and haploid (1n) status. Injection of the human germline cells, engineered to stably express GFP, into human ovarian cortical biopsies leads to formation of follicles containing GFP-positive oocytes 1–2 weeks after xenotransplantation into immunodeficient female mice. Thus, ovaries of reproductive-age women, similar to adult mice, possess rare mitotically active germ cells that can be propagated in vitro as well as generate oocytes in vitro and in vivo.
) J/ r, `" j- E1 F- |, ?_______________________________________________________________________, N3 Y) t3 F' n* k3 \: X# O$ x
Los Angeles Times  k4 j: _6 P; R$ [  k. [+ ~' N
Eggs made from stem cells could treat more than just fertility
: {/ f% S! V6 [! r5 {* U7 y1 A  N

" N1 T' Q1 l$ ?" W5 e$ e9 ~4 aBy Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times/For the Booster Shots blog/ d0 \/ J' a, H  g, j* b* G
' A7 F$ c6 L: ^0 i8 I8 \) V
February 27, 2012, 4:06 p.m.
9 _3 c$ k: X8 Y& C
" w1 k" r3 V% b" L6 u# Z9 bIn a new study, Harvard researchers say they have found stem cells in women that can be used to grow new eggs. Not surprisingly, this has raised much discussion about whether a woman’s biological clock can be stopped – why worry about running out of eggs if you can just make new ones whenever you  need them?0 [6 Y! c! P4 H; V: c" ]* P
& [4 C8 b- E2 |6 f
The work described in the paper, published online Sunday by the journal Nature Medicine, is still a long way from being useful to women in need of fertility treatments. And many scientists remain skeptical that these ovarian stem cells really can mature into healthy eggs.2 O6 V8 A  y& ^& H1 M

$ I; @4 \( C5 ?But as long as we’re in the pie-in-the-sky realm, let’s consider another way that the ability to grow an abundant supply of eggs would be helpful: to make human embryonic stem cell lines that would be perfectly matched to patients.$ b1 Z5 N' N) M: V6 v

0 F: z7 S  l( ~& pThis was a hot area of research in the middle of the last decade. While many scientists studied stem cells made from embryos that were no longer needed for fertility treatments, a smaller group was pursuing a derivation method called somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. It’s better known as “therapeutic cloning.”) M" _/ O5 O1 s5 ~# [( b# C0 O

# E% K) f. b* ^6 K! ~Here’s the idea: You take an egg and remove all the DNA in the cell nucleus. Then you replace it with DNA from a patient. You give the egg an electric shock so it starts dividing and growing into an early-stage embryo.
1 ]( |! ^) G' p# w0 u& z$ I4 o8 i3 c( b$ F( q+ E
But instead of implanting this embryo into a uterus and producing a baby that’s a genetic copy of another person, you would use it to make a line of human embryonic stem cells. Then you can use those stem cells to make replacement parts – new cardiac cells for patients who suffered heart attacks, for instance, or nerve cells that would replace those lost after a spinal cord injury. In theory, the new cells would work perfectly because they’d be a perfect genetic match. This is the vision of regenerative medicine.' {, ~" b+ \" s5 u8 s
1 E8 U4 w5 e( h) X9 z$ I2 C
For a few months back in 2005, it looked like this vision was on the verge of reality. South Korean researcher Hwang Woo Suk published a landmark paper in the journal Science in which he claimed to have made 11 lines of stem cells that were genetic matches to patients with Type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injuries and the so-called Bubble Boy disease. Scientists rejoiced, as did doctors and patients. But a few months later, Hwang was accused of faking the results. The study was retracted, and Hwang was prosecuted for embezzling research money and violating ethics laws.
4 w8 h; l: f; s0 D" B" s
% M( Z, f9 A7 V8 P4 p: ~: CSince then, researchers at Oregon Health & Sciences University have managed to clone monkey embryos in order to create embryonic stem cells. But in a 2007 study in the journal Nature, they said they had to use 304 eggs to make just two viable cell lines.  g& d+ x3 v' F0 K5 W$ M0 u
- e1 ]+ c! F/ o! {! O- u# H
It’s hard to imagine how scientists would ever get their hands on 304 human eggs, especially since they generally aren’t allowed to pay women who might be willing to donate eggs for research purposes. It’s also not clear that a few hundred eggs would be enough to guarantee at least one line of stem cells. South Korean investigators eventually discovered that Hwang used 2,236 eggs in his studies that failed to produce a single embryo.: j0 W1 A( J# A; q% }4 K; W7 ~4 W

! ]( U7 q# v$ o5 LThis is one of the major reasons why SCNT studies fell by the wayside. (For more on that, read this story from 2006.) But if there were a relatively simple way to grow hundreds – or thousands – of eggs in the lab, some scientists are confident they could create stem cells through therapeutic cloning., y8 A9 U5 G& N' j! p; i! ]; y

) f! r1 h. V- W+ P' f7 EIf so, that would make the research at Harvard relevant to a whole lot of people besides women who hear their biological clocks ticking.
2 v& A' k# ~: T! U  k7 ?3 T1 }
7 [5 ?( z7 ~( a7 W. b! p( `5楼原文 感谢songzxj 提供
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金话筒 优秀版主

发表于 2012-2-28 09:24 |只看该作者

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金话筒 优秀版主

发表于 2012-2-28 09:26 |只看该作者
回复 kittybruce 的帖子; X: p2 i1 D. U" ^$ A) M  u

' L( f, i2 s' o6 T楼主 ,请上传原文

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发表于 2012-2-28 09:41 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3


优秀会员 金话筒 小小研究员 帅哥研究员

发表于 2012-2-28 11:33 |只看该作者
. X  y; }4 d+ Y3 p; Z* Z! ?1 ]/ v; T+ W) {
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Rank: 8Rank: 8



发表于 2012-2-28 15:00 |只看该作者
; v6 h+ I7 C% K5 J( o) y: d$ z) S  d
美国哈佛医学院等机构的研究人员报告说,过去曾在实验鼠卵巢中发现这种卵原干细胞,本次利用同样技术,他们发现人类卵巢中也存在这种细胞。研究所用的人类卵巢由日本研究人员提供,来源是6名接受了变性手术的年轻女性。& m# x) [. Y. {$ M6 ^+ N
' w" K! T4 @# j. D- B8 c% l
" x5 h- x& a  {3 [* l$ N' d8 C  m9 }* n0 r

( ?$ H7 X. l' q- D但是,研究人员同时培育了从实验鼠卵巢组织中获取的卵原干细胞,并证明了可以用它们培育出卵子,还可以用人工授精的方式让这些卵子受精,最终形成胚胎。
+ j) F, q0 A+ w) F- r+ {0 |5 W# j1 Z- T9 w' g
- g5 x/ O( x6 d* z1 A
3 O: b) D1 K; W从实际应用的角度看,这项发现带来了为女性人工繁衍后代的新希望。那些因为各种原因而无法自然产生卵子,从而丧失了生育能力的女性,如果还能够在卵巢中找到这种卵原干细胞,也许还可以通过科技的帮助人工培育出卵子,从而繁衍属于自己的后代。
( B7 m4 d+ K0 B! K
) g) k" y" B" B, Y% X7 k7 L(本文来源:新华网 )

Rank: 3Rank: 3


金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2012-2-29 08:53 |只看该作者
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发表于 2012-3-3 00:06 |只看该作者
songzxj 发表于 2012-2-28 11:33 ( z3 R  I3 a0 A; o8 t/ k$ z- R

& _# h3 `( ^1 \9 i这个是不是模拟体内卵子发生?呵呵,先看看!

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发表于 2012-3-3 00:10 |只看该作者
xiongjiedeng 发表于 2012-2-28 09:41
+ `  X$ k1 b$ y若重复实验得到验证,再结合胚胎的体外培养技术,那将真正能实现全人工繁殖人类了,米国大片中的某些镜头可 ...

4 T0 c/ q3 m  S, y; G! x+ B$ @注意,他们是“从人和小鼠卵巢皮质中得到一类高分裂活性的细胞”,还没有看文章。
0 [- Q. k2 D. D3 z其一:貌似是利用这些细胞的微环境诱导发生卵子的,
; c/ s6 j, e" t& i& m其二:其中也需要卵巢内细胞,这对应用还是有点差距的!要是用普通细胞诱导出卵子,这就NB了!
5 x2 ^9 u) V( M. _- c个人拙见,望指正!
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发表于 2012-3-3 00:21 |只看该作者
kittybruce 发表于 2012-2-28 09:04 5 W- q* m9 H" `
哈佛学者用荧光激活细胞分选从人和小鼠卵巢皮质中得到一类高分裂活性的细胞,可体外培养形成成熟卵子,并在 ...
- B" |! ?1 D' @! W: ~2 I2 L) W
8 }% V* V  o. E5 U& C4 S% whttp://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-52879-1-1.html4 t9 L5 u+ o& X
但是你的题目明显和新闻不对啊:- b! W8 R, z6 v" f% }4 t
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