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Cancer cell :通过抑制β- catenin使白血病干细胞逆转为前白血病阶段 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


优秀会员 金话筒 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-14 14:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
$ g! {6 U" T  `0 h. ]
主题:Cancer cell :通过抑制β- catenin使白血病干细胞逆转为前白血病阶段" S8 j& e8 H8 u: f
0 q) N+ a1 Z( W# \
+ I/ o& x1 G$ Y3 C由干细胞之家新闻小组成员qingshui1985翻译(转帖请注明)
+ m; }3 f. _7 Y+ g; _) m3 Z* W
. X9 N: K7 w7 N  L6 F6 O, |在伦敦大学皇家学院的研究人员发现,抑制血液中β- catenin可以使白血病干细胞逆转前白血病阶段。
6 T. }  ^: L! @/ P0 G/ Q
8 K# X+ t5 n$ B) H他们还发现,先前对很多治疗不敏感的白血病干细胞,在抑制这一蛋白后,将发生改变。此时,相关的治疗方法可以对白血病干细胞起作用。
2 T! g- {" i5 f- o. Q/ h2 x
, t& a! d7 b6 k" G  h+ j伦敦皇家学院血液系主任Eric So教授说,这一成果发表在12月13日的Cancer cell 杂志上。这一研究对于更有效的治疗侵蚀性白血病迈出了关键一步。3 H$ A3 ?3 P$ |

, K6 {+ Z9 w) g* t, r$ M  S迄今,人们对β- catenin在急性白血病的干细胞发育和药物耐药性中的作用一无所知。而本研究成功的揭示了β- catenin蛋白对白血病治疗的重要作用,通过抑制这一蛋白可以作为潜在的靶点,选择性治疗白血病。这一研究受到了国际癌症研究协会(美国癌症研究所),英国癌症研究和凯肯德尔白血病基金资助。
+ |( C' B) H: ^! C$ P
2 M% G6 X6 P. B+ O5 d1 n皇家学院的科学家发现多种类型的白血病与MLL基因有关。涉及到70%的儿童患者和10%的成人患者。而且其致死率很高,仅50%的儿童经过的白血病治疗后能存活超过2年。  W0 I9 T. F' f4 i- i8 i- v

- n1 r! _. [( K  I, x' l; `; @为了了解这一疾病的发展过程,皇家学院的研究人员采用一系列的实验观察前体白血病干细胞(这类干细胞并不完全转为白血病)与白血病干细胞究竟有何不同(后者维持白血病,使之容易复发)。他们利用从脐血中培养的人类胚胎干细胞,以及从两个人的白血病患者获得的白血病细胞在小鼠里进行了研究。
' S6 h5 T! Y& e4 [. Z9 w
5 C, [7 d1 }* Q; n8 c小鼠研究显示,由于β- catenin的活化作用,前体白血病干细胞能够发育为白血病干细胞和诱导白血病发生。但抑制β- catenin,白血病干细胞呈现生长减缓现象,而且白血病干细胞逆转为前白血病阶段。此外,当β- catenin的完全灭活,使其完全的符合前体白血病干细胞状态,即使对小鼠进行MLL基因突变,小鼠也不发生白血病。7 t2 t  i- p  T7 G/ u7 U- f" n; B

9 g& y8 H' b. N; N" D随后,研究人员想看看抑制MLL白血病人中的β- catenin蛋白将会如何取得什么效果。他们发现,在抑制MLL白血病细胞中的β- catenin蛋白能够再次降低白血病细胞增殖能力和自我更新能力(白血病发展的重要组成部分)。这证实了β- catenin在人类疾病的的重要作用。
& A- }1 B% C! T" s# H1 b9 X! `' Z' n" G6 l; |
这项研究还首次揭示了β- catenin蛋白在介导白血病干细胞介导耐药性中的关键作用。在一些情况下白血病干细胞能够抵抗药物治疗。但这项研究表明,抑制β- catenin可以在使这些治疗人的MLL白血病细胞的重新有效。
& T- f  \2 y  {" ]1 u) d2 W
! {* G: \0 }% ZEric So教授说:'这些结果是非常令人兴奋的,从而为今后更有效的治疗这种侵蚀性的白血病提迈出了关键一步。这一研究提供了令人信服的证据,β- catenin蛋白质可以被利用来作为治疗这种疾病有效的靶点。1 q6 c! ^, N! @
$ [* ~5 @) C; n$ Q
当前的用于治疗白血病的方法中,以攻击健康的血细胞和癌细胞的治疗方法最多。但有趣的是,β- catenin并不是正常的血液干细胞所必需的蛋白。因此,如果我们能够专门针对在骨髓中β- catenin蛋白设计治疗方法。我们将有可能获得有效地消灭白血病干细胞,同时对健康血液干细胞无影响的治疗方法。9 S4 X2 @# G) B0 p
( P8 R3 l5 |( _, }
“未来还需要更多的研究工作,才能应用到治疗白血病人,但这个研究的结论很不错。现在,我们将继续探讨这些变化背后的分子机制,如找出β- catenin在MLL基因白血病发展中的分子机制。如果我们能找到其中的规律,可以应用到其他类型的白血病。”4 d/ J+ L9 m7 g7 s6 C! N/ G4 a

$ r9 N; A: y) J) E; X个人翻译,理解不准确的语句还望大家积极指出。( q9 b, w  i3 O+ y0 m. o6 J1 V+ v
$ `- C- D" ]/ X
* n- ?. {, c9 _1 ~5 i$ o: t' x& @
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Rank: 3Rank: 3


优秀会员 金话筒 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-14 14:04 |只看该作者
英文稿件:. _$ U( R/ t/ q5 d9 p0 X, y
Leukemia: Leukemic Stem Cells Reversed to Pre-Leukemic Stage by Suppressing a Protein8 [+ ?9 J5 d  A7 S0 A! t' R# H

+ A, r' T8 e) f/ P3 w- s- ]  _Researchers at King's College London have discovered that leukaemic stem cells can be reversed to a pre-leukaemic stage by suppressing a protein called beta-catenin found in the blood.& d  W$ [4 T4 Y: ]1 m
. _; ?) b! ~" H. y( F/ H9 ]
They also found that advanced leukaemic stem cells that had become resistant to treatment could be 're-sensitised' to treatment by suppressing the same protein.
6 n5 d" s- w5 \1 Z8 t
' \9 ^  e. @1 y" ]- eProfessor Eric So, who led the study at the Department of Haematology at King's College London, says the findings, published December 13 in the journal Cancer Cell, represent a 'critical step forward' in the search for more effective treatments for aggressive forms of leukaemia.
  {0 o. G8 ?) B% c0 P' t) S# y: S, ^8 F6 }; |' r
The role that beta-catenin plays in the development and drug-resistance of stem cells in acute leukaemia was previously unknown. This study, funded by the Association for International Cancer Research (AICR), Cancer Research UK and the Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund, reveals its significance and highlights it as a potential therapeutic target that could allow selective eradication of leukaemic stem cells.
! `1 @$ y9 r9 u$ Z% k. U; _
8 K4 n) @1 \. t- ?, X1 h# H$ s6 DKing's scientists looked at leukaemic stem cells found in types of leukaemia that involve mutations of the MLL gene. This accounts for around 70 per cent of infant leukaemias and 10 per cent of adult acute leukaemias. The prognosis for this type of leukaemia in children is not good -- only 50 per cent survive past two years after receiving standard anti-leukaemia treatment.4 o$ s/ p# B/ G: @. q$ o$ v
! ^# Y4 s: a! _: x+ M$ A7 M
To understand how the disease develops, the King's team carried out a series of experiments to look at how pre-leukaemic stem cells (which do not always develop into leukaemia) are different to leukaemic stem cells, which sustain the disease and are likely to be responsible for relapse. They carried out studies in mice, in cultured human cells derived from cord blood, and on human leukaemic cells obtained from two leukaemia patients., l1 @0 ^0 j. v% Y3 f  ~$ p: l
2 i  {5 s- C6 q$ a
The studies in mice showed that pre-leukaemic cells developed into leukaemic stem cells and induced leukaemia, in part by activation of beta-catenin. But suppression of beta-catenin in leukaemic stem cells reduced leukaemic cell growth, delayed the onset of leukaemia and reversed the stem cells to a pre-leukaemic stage. Furthermore, when beta-catenin was completely inactivated in mice with pre-leukaemic cells, the mice did not develop leukaemia, even though they carried MLL gene mutations.9 b/ I- H+ F- g% X' l1 ^8 \
( b( u. m8 E# W/ u% k9 p
Researchers then wanted to see how suppression of the beta-catenin protein impaired human leukaemic cells. They found that suppression of the protein in MLL leukaemic cells again diminished their ability to proliferate and renew themselves (an essential part of how leukaemia develops). This confirmed the important role of beta-catenin in the human disease.- Y, T1 L5 U7 g* M4 l
8 Z" X. @$ u) d+ Q9 {
The study also revealed a previously unrecognized critical function of beta-catenin in mediating drug resistant properties of leukaemic stem cells. Leukaemic stem cells can become resistant to treatment in some cases but, crucially, this study showed that suppression of beta-catenin in human MLL leukaemic cells made them sensitive again., m1 a- ~6 e" ~" F" H
6 |) Q  k0 X" \4 g: g
Professor Eric So, who led the study at King's, said: 'These results are extremely exciting and represent a critical step forward in the search for more effective treatments for this devastating form of leukaemia. The findings provide compelling evidence that this protein could be exploited to develop an effective therapeutic target for this form of the disease.7 Y: P5 }1 G0 v& ^6 M1 {
, h. Y% o5 j) B% p/ P" i
'Most of the current anti-cancer therapies used to treat leukaemia attack healthy blood cells as well as cancerous ones. Interestingly, beta-catenin is not required for normal blood stem cells. So if we can specifically target beta-catenin in the bone marrow, we can have potentially a more effective and less toxic anti-leukaemia therapy that can efficiently eradicate leukaemic stem cells but spares healthy blood stem cells.. E# [+ D) ?3 d3 v
, X" `" y2 w' U0 O
'Much more research needs to be done before we can adopt this approach in treating people with leukaemia, but the findings of this study do look promising. We will now investigate the mechanisms behind these molecular changes to find out why beta-catenin is so important in the development of MLL leukaemia, and if we can apply the principle to other types of leukaemia.'! p( I8 b' l, o$ K6 H, a4 F( ~
3 [& `$ f+ x' L- E0 }8 j
Dr Mark Matfield, AICR's scientific co-ordinator said: 'The whole field of cancer stem cell research is relatively new, but this discovery has the potential to be one of the most useful in this rapidly-advancing area, because it shows us directly how a new treatment could be developed.'! u4 T- Z# N1 F+ U
1 K7 ^  ]% c% \6 n& Y* A/ G
Journal Reference:% x8 N, F$ P& J/ ]- d6 I
+ _' j8 d- [. C; u& f* B
Jenny Yeung, Maria Teresa Esposito, Arnaud Gandillet, Bernd B. Zeisig, Emmanuel Griessinger, Dominique Bonnet, Chi Wai Eric So. β-Catenin Mediates the Establishment and Drug Resistance of MLL Leukemic Stem Cells. Cancer Cell, Volume 18, Issue 6, 606-618, 14 December 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2010.10.032 2 `0 i) G$ o- }& o2 d

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