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Cell stem cell:美科学家发现正常细胞转化为前列腺癌细胞的机制(个人翻译) [复制链接]

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优秀会员 金话筒 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-5 10:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 qingshui1985 于 2010-12-5 10:45 编辑
' i, C% F5 z, i6 g* Y5 l* z3 F3 _" f. b7 Z
(本文个人根据 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/12/101202124114.htm 的英文新闻进行了翻译,因为英语能力,存在错误请谅解)$ O9 W  Q& h3 F
& t# z& _. b! ~  M9 a3 _" y6 G$ `+ L* z
& X2 ]  P; C2 z, ~6 [# f: i- S$ c7 Y
美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校再生医学与干细胞研究中心Eli and Edythe 对此实验进行了长达3年研究,其成果发表在cell stem cell 12月2日网络版上。这一研究可能对于解释肿瘤的生长和发展有重要意义。, B: t: r. ]/ y- `9 `$ P. B3 \
% j! A7 v% m# ^: e; S0 v: @8 t
本研究的高级作者,Howard Hughes 医学研究协会研究员、加州大学洛杉矶分校医学与干细胞研究中心主任Owen Witte 博士说:“Bmi-1通常被认为是一种癌基因。根据前人研究发现,这一蛋白与高危险的肿瘤相关。然而它对于前列腺干细胞维持以及前列腺细胞的作用还不清楚”。
8 U( v. e1 s* x7 e
+ i- R) `& ?' U5 N7 N& `5 k前列腺干细胞中Bmi-1基因敲除和过表达的功能研究表明,Bmi-1的表达对前列腺干细胞的自我更新、维持高度增值能力是必不可少的。敲除bmi-1蛋白将阻断干细胞的自我更新能力,前列腺细胞发育失去了保护机制而产生异常的生长,导致癌症发生。+ ?0 J! \' H; u3 Z$ N
" v7 N* s% \5 G) b  o! a: a% G
. m9 c+ A1 v* n( H3 c2 c
& S% l  ~8 q3 H! `/ n8 }Witte说:“由这些实验得出结论,Bmi-1是维持成体前列腺干细胞自我更新必要的调控因子,对于前列腺癌变的起始和发展具有重要作用。令人鼓舞的是,我们可以看到抑制这一蛋白减缓了肿瘤的疯狂增长,给我们治疗前列腺癌提供了一条新的途径”。- K. N" k# [5 x# c
. I- I( V  B! z6 \
加州大学洛杉矶分校医学与干细胞研究中心对前列腺干细胞机制研究已有多年。他们发现前列腺的干细胞具有独特的自我更新能力,前列腺癌细胞增加,不知何故,前列腺干细胞自我更新能力也会提高,使得恶性肿瘤增殖扩散。如果前列腺自我更新的机制能够被发现,科学家们就能够找到阻断这一途径攻克癌细胞的方法。5 ]- D3 g2 c) {& f
* e/ m; U' \$ d7 p5 g5 e
Witte实验室的博士生Rita Lukacs是本研究的第一作者。他发现Bmi-1抑制作用同时也阻断了其他通路导致的干细胞过多更新。这一现象表明,Bmi-1通路可能对其他影响前列腺癌表型的遗传通路,处于支配地位。" r5 v. J' ?7 u& D+ s

0 c8 K+ S% T9 jWitte:“前列腺癌症可能由很多的不同突变引起,如果我们找到其自我更新的关键调控因子,我们就能不考虑这些突变的起因而主要的在关键的局部控制癌症。我们着手开展导致癌细胞增长不确定性的程序研究,使得我们从一种思路,将研究癌症定位于基本机制如癌细胞的自我更新和增殖上”。* |; M7 I* q0 j  D- M( V- o

9 f, I/ a1 u4 ?Witte说,未来的工作将集中于研究控制人类前列腺癌细胞的类似的通路上。
4 @' I7 O. x8 `6 x% F- q
- i' {/ Z1 W; t0 t前列腺癌症是一种高发的、非皮肤癌的癌症。在男性癌症相关死亡疾病中列第二位。仅今年,超过27.7万美国男性诊断为前列腺癌,超过3.2万人死于这一疫病。
4 o7 i& W- p1 }5 R9 _' S+ F, F0 e1 J% W3 I5 `  S2 B/ n
这一研究由加州大学再生医学、Howard Hughes医学院、前列腺癌基金会、卵巢癌研究基金会等资助。
# b5 R# K  P% R2 Q1 x- i( ?6 {! L! ?8 a(干细胞之家 qingshui1985)
已有 2 人评分威望 包包 收起 理由
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marrowstem + 5 + 10 精品文章

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Rank: 3Rank: 3


优秀会员 金话筒 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-5 10:35 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qingshui1985 于 2010-12-5 10:37 编辑
6 |- i6 Y9 k" Z  X- q1 D, U1 l+ ]; Y4 ]4 u
Scientists Discover Mechanism That Turns Healthy Cells Into Prostate Cancer Cells
9 j8 g, N0 A5 ], I% l5 p3 P( _/ P/ d( I$ k3 f
ScienceDaily (Dec. 3, 2010) — A protein that is crucial for regulating the self-renewal of normal prostate stem cells, needed to repair injured cells or restore normal cells killed by hormone withdrawal therapy for cancer, also aids the transformation of healthy cells into prostate cancer cells, researchers at UCLA have found.( H1 ^6 F5 t, m. W
( P! ?; [' J9 X
The findings, by researchers with the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA, may have important implications for controlling cancer growth and progression.8 ]6 I5 V& Z+ U

$ k% W$ r5 r4 r' Y; @, ?) d' jDone in primary cells and in animal models, the findings from the three-year study appear Dec. 2, 2010 in the early online edition of the peer-reviewed journal Cell Stem Cell.
) V* d/ C  U0 j9 r8 L
2 }6 g$ N7 n& o  D: cThe protein, called Bmi-1, is often up-regulated in prostate cancer, has been associated with higher grade cancers and is predictive of poor prognosis, according to previous studies. However, its functional roles in prostate stem cell maintenance and prostate cancer have been unclear, said Dr. Owen Witte, who is director of the Broad Stem Cell Research Center, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and senior author of the study.
) {. }6 ~/ T; X( C8 K
8 d3 C  e6 S! KA study of loss and gain of function in prostate stem cells indicated that Bmi-1 expression was required for self-renewal activity and maintenance of prostate stem cells with highly proliferative abilities. Loss of Bmi-1 expression blocks the self-renewal activity, protecting prostate cells from developing abnormal growth changes which can lead to cancer.% T8 D3 x; j- n# p8 J

& |/ g: K4 J3 y3 O; ]* c  CMore importantly, Bmi-1 inhibition slowed the growth of an aggressive form of prostate cancer in animal models, in which the PTEN tumor suppressor gene was removed allowing the cancer to run wild, Witte said.
- i9 j" h8 `* U4 Y1 Q' A
2 ]& }% y  @4 K7 C! f"We conclude by these results that Bmi-1 is a crucial regulator of self-renewal in adult prostate cells and plays important roles in prostate cancer initiation and progression," Witte said. "It was encouraging to see that inhibiting this protein slows the growth of even a very aggressive prostate cancer, because that could give us new ways to attack this disease."
! M8 }" E' Z+ X/ M
8 z" t' W8 x: A; h' y* y& T3 d+ b0 _UCLA stem cell researchers have been studying the mechanisms of prostate stem cells for years on the theory that the mechanism that gives the cells their unique ability to self-renew somehow gets high jacked by cancer cells, allowing the malignant cells to grow and spread. If the mechanism for self-renewal could be understood, researchers could find a way to interrupt it once it is taken over by the cancer cells, Witte said.
- S  v% o: h7 S+ B* I- x/ \6 f$ j5 H1 E; d7 l7 W
Rita Lukacs, a doctoral student in Witte's laboratory and first author of the study, found that Bmi-1 inhibition also stops excessive self-renewal driven by other pathways. This suggests that the Bmi-1 pathway may be dominant to other genetic controls that affect the cancer phenotype.0 a, b" o! ?+ G4 Y9 J
' b/ S1 x# N, C$ B/ Q; r2 i, X
"Prostate cancer can be initiated by so many different mutations, if we can find a key regulator of self-renewal, we can partially control the growth of the cancer no matter what the mutation is," Lukacs said. "We're attacking the process that allows the cancer cells to grow indefinitely. This provides us an alternate way of attacking the cancer by going to the core mechanism for cancer cell self-renewal and proliferation."; `- @3 W% L6 i. B' g) h, z, B* M5 S

5 @' T) z$ o) _3 C9 C1 P3 bWitte said future work will be centered on searching for methods to control these pathways in human prostate cancer cells.
; o! B$ n, P1 i% W2 t% c& C. }4 U) P
Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed non-skin cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men. This year alone, more than 277,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Of those, 32,000 men will die from the disease.* @: P8 M  z* _) H
% P. O0 \0 ?5 t" K/ l
This study was funded by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Prostate Cancer Foundation, Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, a Stewart and Lynda Resnick Prostate Cancer Foundation Grant and a Stein/Oppenheimer Clinical Translational Seed Grant.
" ~0 C2 Q% z; |5 q: W% t8 @3 p& Z( ^  ^4 u+ b; K
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
3 k9 X- N  E6 S1 H* c3 {. L: O+ r8 Y! e1 e+ ~1 y
( i0 j2 E; {( i; }Rita U. Lukacs, Sanaz Memarzadeh, Hong Wu, Owen N. Witte. Bmi-1 Is a Crucial Regulator of Prostate Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Malignant Transformation. Cell Stem Cell, Volume 7, Issue 6, 682-693, 3 December 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2010.11.013
4 K1 z4 |) `/ x7 d4 E6 X& r

Rank: 2



发表于 2010-12-5 21:12 |只看该作者
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优秀会员 金话筒 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-5 21:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qingshui1985 于 2010-12-5 21:45 编辑
/ g$ t: s$ p% u. o+ O9 M- D
! O5 q! m  j& T4 r回复 BenHantun 的帖子; U- D' h- j' D/ T
9 }% B* o) R5 Z4 E; s: W8 N: Z
“干细胞越专,其变为癌细胞的可能性越高”,很有道理。这一观点实质上支持的是癌细胞是由干细胞而来的。+ I$ s! k9 }; S
另一个支持的证据是干细胞在动物中的进化。在低等动物体细胞存在近乎全能的干细胞,同时基本找不到癌变的例子。它们组织结构简单,生长到一定阶段可以出芽或一分为二。而到了高等动物,体细胞干细胞呈现多能或专能,同时癌变现象很多。8 ]" k  ]3 t; F+ k5 @3 W5 y) p
不过按照marrowstem 提的帖子,癌变是正常细胞还是干细胞来源的,现在还是有很大争议的。
- h; ?4 J7 `, e) i并且,在我转的这篇报道里其实说的模棱两可。我也不知道作者的愿意是说正常的细胞转化为癌细胞还是正常的干细胞转化为癌细胞。
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Rank: 4



发表于 2010-12-6 09:11 |只看该作者
3 ?2 {& r; z3 K( _& p( h
这话说得很对,低等的水螅和涡虫都有成体的全能干细胞,能分化为各种类型的分化细胞,而且其体内似乎没有发现癌变的例子。6 T% z) G! b4 ^+ P8 u: E2 d3 K
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Rank: 4



发表于 2010-12-6 09:23 |只看该作者
Nature. 2001 Nov 1;414(6859):105-11.
' ?8 l" |" M& u: ~% \/ u; A: R: R7 Y1 }2 m
Stem cells, cancer, and cancer stem cells.
/ H. Q! n2 }; S& R% o1 ^Reya T, Morrison SJ, Clarke MF, Weissman IL.
% w- [- \$ K4 L2 ~% g
' c  F3 @! C0 o: y) EDepartments of Pathology and Developmental Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California 94305, USA. irv@stanford.edu6 ]: O) p# g; U. v! |' F
# w; @1 B' s0 t. Z8 x1 U
Abstract6 w- P/ ^" W% L+ ]+ o4 R* T. F
Stem cell biology has come of age. Unequivocal proof that stem cells exist in the haematopoietic system has given way to the prospective isolation of several tissue-specific stem and progenitor cells, the initial delineation of their properties and expressed genetic programmes, and the beginnings of their utility in regenerative medicine. Perhaps the most important and useful property of stem cells is that of self-renewal. Through this property, striking parallels can be found between stem cells and cancer cells: tumours may often originate from the transformation of normal stem cells, similar signalling pathways may regulate self-renewal in stem cells and cancer cells, and cancer cells may include 'cancer stem cells' - rare cells with indefinite potential for self-renewal that drive tumorigenesis.+ d2 g1 G5 [& A* C' r

$ |2 K$ E8 q8 |
  c. V% }  q! B( s9 J% c# {- L
# w$ q/ a( H6 N/ s$ f这篇Nature文章虽然老了一些,但就干细胞、癌细胞以及癌症干细胞之间的关系做了较为详细的解析,感兴趣的可以下砸附件看看,接着再讨论,呵呵3 A' F3 C; D, Y& k7 n

& r5 l& J" [: C6 ~
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2010-12-6 13:24 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2010-12-6 13:39 编辑 ! o8 Z1 S. e, s3 I
qingshui1985 发表于 2010-12-5 21:44
- ~  N3 T% b1 H) e  `0 N2 c回复 BenHantun 的帖子
) ?  `+ Y1 B& |/ S: V2 G- _/ a6 J4 J+ |- ~
“干细胞越专,其变为癌细胞的可能性越高”,很有道理。这一观点实质上支持的是癌 ...
5 m3 p. T1 g+ \/ L: f* f# `
: l: l- Y% S( L: b. A
“干细胞越专,其变为癌细胞的可能性越高”,这一观点支持多能或专能体细胞转化为癌细胞。反面的例子是ES和iPS这些全能干细胞本身就具有成瘤性,这是悖论。  ]4 j4 q1 P9 J; J( Y
1 W! X  Z$ o9 k& r+ j. j本人观点,肿瘤应该从干细胞转化而来,但是,哪个干细胞恶变,何时恶变?取决于物理化学及生物因素对干细胞niche的损坏程度和干细胞自身的遗传/表观遗传特征。* K* B  K- X6 I5 E
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xyklmu + 1 + 2 很精辟的见解!

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发表于 2010-12-6 16:31 |只看该作者
回复 xyklmu 的帖子0 V8 B$ E; H1 S6 O* o

" u" o7 Z, \0 y9 b* k+ y4 g下载来看看

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优秀会员 金话筒 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-6 16:33 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子
6 u, f4 o1 d, m1 j, O: n6 p! ~) U9 [' n, a5 k

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精华勋章 金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀会员

发表于 2010-12-9 01:08 |只看该作者
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