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New Roles Emerge for Non-Coding RNAs in Directing Embryonic Development [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


优秀会员 金话筒

发表于 2011-8-31 22:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have discovered that a mysterious class of large RNAs plays a central role in embryonic development, contrary to the dogma that proteins alone are the master regulators of this process. The research, published online August 28 in the journal Nature, reveals that these RNAs orchestrate the fate of embryonic stem (ES) cells by keeping them in their fledgling state or directing them along the path to cell specialization.) Y) W; {* a2 W( @( f
4 E& K3 s( Y6 P/ I0 J, V# `! x
Broad scientists discovered several years ago that the human and mouse genomes encode thousands of unusual RNAs -- termed large, intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) -- but their role was almost entirely unknown. By studying more than 100 lincRNAs in ES cells, the researchers now show that these RNAs help regulate development by physically interacting with proteins to coordinate gene expression and suggest that lincRNAs may play similar roles in most cells.. h! o0 H! H# M. _& ^% f
' P9 z8 X- K/ r2 q+ I7 K, m
"There's been a lot of debate about what lincRNAs are doing," said Eric Lander, director of the Broad Institute and the senior author of the paper. "It's now clear that they play critical roles in regulating developmental decisions -- that is, cell fate. This was a big surprise, because specific types of proteins have been thought to be the master controls of development."
' H2 B# W% k( Q: `" z, t/ I& o% C. g. C! S5 N7 Y  U) _* e
"This is the first global study of lincRNAs," said Mitchell Guttman, first author of the paper and a graduate student at MIT and the Broad Institute. "We picked embryonic stem cells in particular because they are so important to development and so well understood. This allowed us to dissect the role of lincRNAs within the circuitry of a cell."- a* ^2 o" Z, T; U

& V, [% y" Y) w! B! R: B5 BThe researchers used genetic tools to inhibit more than 100 lincRNAs and found that the vast majority -- more than 90 percent -- had a significant impact on embryonic stem cells, indicating that the RNAs play a key role in the cells' circuitry.6 G* q* f2 c( F! r, `1 X9 z
1 d4 j# M7 t% a1 q
Embryonic stem cells can follow one of two main routes. They can either differentiate, becoming cells of a specific lineage such as blood cells or neurons, or they can stay in a pluripotent state, duplicating themselves without losing the ability to become any cell in the body. When the researchers turned off each lincRNA in turn, they found dozens that suppress genes that are important only in specific kinds of cells. They also found dozens of lincRNAs that cause the stem cells to exit the pluripotent state.
. m3 ^5 {0 P+ ]5 Z$ j7 U% u! P+ b: n( h( M. q4 |4 p
"It's a balancing act," said Guttman. "To maintain the pluripotent state, you need to repress differentiation genes."
0 g, C; p8 D0 d: \! T3 d) \4 m& [4 O1 C
The researchers also uncovered a critical clue about how lincRNAs carry out their important job. Through biochemical analysis, they found that lincRNAs physically interact with key proteins involved in influencing cell fate to coordinate their responses.9 @. n3 V+ I9 B7 k* x# a. u
/ Q/ t" C3 Q+ ~0 S1 |: v
"The lincRNAs appear to play an organizing role, acting as a scaffold to assemble a diverse group of proteins into functional units," said John Rinn, an author on the paper, an assistant professor at Harvard University and Medical School, and a senior associate member of the Broad Institute. "lincRNAs are like team captains, bringing together the right players to get a job done."
2 j! I6 W# f7 U( v8 s
- D" c+ ~0 E' _: g* }3 l"By understanding how these interactions form, we may be able to engineer these RNAs to do what we want them to do," said Guttman. "This could make it possible to target key genes that are improperly regulated in disease."" u$ E3 i+ ?+ m* e* A+ u1 O4 A4 x

: G  i3 m- E$ P" z0 b3 V% s9 CAviv Regev, an author on the paper, a core member of the Broad Institute, and associate professor at MIT, sees the team's approach to studying the lincRNAs as important for the field. "Many people are interested in lincRNAs, but they need a comprehensive view of the whole collection of lincRNAs," said Regev. "The large-scale data and technology from this study will be useful for scientists worldwide in studying both lincRNAs as well as many other RNAs in the cell."
) ?) F4 G6 M/ E+ i
( r- U  m5 H( ^, ]This project marks a collaborative effort involving experts in embryonic stem cells and lincRNAs as well as computational biologists and researchers in the Broad's RNAi Platform, which developed the tools needed to systematically silence lincRNAs. Other researchers who contributed to this work include Julie Donaghey, Bryce W. Carey, Manuel Garber, Jennifer K. Grenier, Glen Munson, Geneva Young, Anne Bergstrom Lucas, Robert Ach, Xiaoping Yang, Ido Amit, Alexander Meissner, and David E. Root. This work was funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, the Richard Merkin Foundation for Stem Cell Research at the Broad Institute, and funds from the Broad Institute of MIT and  Harvard.
7 a) b- D9 t% O4 P3 b5 M1 m" @
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-8-31 22:41 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-8-31 22:43 编辑
4 @/ Y, D9 n. R! ~& }# P; _; Y3 k/ b2 u# q: G
回复 托斯卡纳教父 的帖子; F8 u7 J( b# ]7 V

" W2 U/ w* r) }5 Z


1 {/ \7 H( n* u+ R

时间:2011年8月31日    来源:生物通

  L9 e/ a+ s3 b5 W. j0 ^
% t. h5 P5 {% @* L% t0 `5 @7 b4 m
摘要: 近日来自美国哈佛-麻省理工博德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)的科学家们在新研究中发现一类特异的大型RNAs分子(large RNAs)对胚胎干细胞命运起关键性的作用,这一研究成果在线发表在8月28日的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。
1 j) y. j& X( g8 t1 `) {" T# l) B) p" i2 B+ v. d5 q
生物通报道  近日来自美国哈佛-麻省理工博德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)的科学家们在新研究中发现一类特异的大型RNAs分子(large RNAs)对胚胎干细胞命运起关键性的作用,这一研究成果在线发表在8月28日的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。
( C. B- ^  j, G% Y% C! x- @  G! v$ g
领导这一研究的是著名的遗传学家Eric S. Lander,他是Broad医学院的创始人之一,人类基因组计划领导者之一,美国科学院院士。到2008年为止,他以22篇高影响力的论文(被引9710次,每篇论文平均被引用441.4次)在以影响力论文数量排名的科学家榜中名列榜首。( S1 u( ^: J8 N2 k. |. k
$ X* e! S2 a/ ]& i: {
早在数年前Broad研究所的科学家们就发现人类和小鼠的基因组可编码一种称为“基因间的长链非编码RNA”(large intergenic noncoding RNA,简称lincRNA)的特异性RNAs。lincRNAs起初被认为是基因组转录的“噪音”,是RNA聚合酶II转录的副产物,不具有生物学功能。然而,近年来的研究表明,lincRNAs参与了X染色体沉默,基因组印记以及染色质修饰,转录激活,转录干扰,核内运输等多种重要的调控过程,lincRNAs的这些调控作用也开始引起人们广泛的关注。+ r& I; |( G/ L. {1 `

: z7 `& g8 q, }- i“长期以来科学家们对于lincRNAs的生物功能存在大量的争议,”Eric Lander说:“新研究表明lincRNAs可对调控胚胎干细胞命运起关键性的作用。这是一个非常让人惊喜的发现,因为长期以来研究人员都认为是某些特定的蛋白质对这一过程起主导作用。”
! U4 i! h6 H9 v* b6 u3 Q# f* P1 `
胚胎干细胞通常有两种命运或是分化为特定细胞如血细胞、神经细胞,或是保持多潜能性,即维持其多向发育潜能及在不分化状态下的对称性细胞分裂能力。在最新的这篇文章中,研究人员对胚胎干细胞(ES cells)中的100多种lincRNAs进行了研究。当研究人员在胚胎干细胞中尝试分别敲除每种lincRNA时,他们发现其中一些lincRNAs参与抑制了某些特定细胞中的基因表达,而另一些则与胚胎干细胞多潜能性丧失相关。
- u$ t) L. W( U# Q( u, s  z6 M2 ^* @3 G$ ^; L7 d
在进一步的研究中,Eric Lander更深入地解析了lincRNAs发挥功能的相关机制。通过一系列生化试验,研究人员证实lincRNAs与一些影响细胞命运的关键蛋白之间存在着相互作用。
$ \0 a6 w" K+ [
. Q# Q, |* m" T3 h" Q“这些lincRNAs似乎在其中充当了组织者的角色,将各种蛋白质集中起来装配形成一个个功能单位,”文章的作者之一、哈佛大学医学院助理教授、Broad研究所资深研究员(senior associate member)John Rinn说:“就如同球队队长将球员们组织到一起来,踢一场好球一样。”
0 s3 I$ |6 U( c/ f7 w0 L3 T- d, [3 y
7 b$ c: g" X1 \3 M- ]文章的第一作者、Broad研究所研究生Mitchell Guttman表示课题组在下一阶段将更深入地探究这些lincRNAs与蛋白质之间的互作机制。“这不仅有可能帮助我们找到调控这些RNAs的方法,或将推动我们开发出靶向疾病相关的关键基因的有效新策略,”Guttman说。(生物通:何嫱)
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-8-31 22:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 naturalkillerce 于 2011-8-31 22:53 编辑 * o" |* E' [5 E/ _: v

, n1 z& k% \% P回复 托斯卡纳教父 的帖子1 [7 N0 C9 }0 Y( m

! x6 b( _& V. V2 d3 u6 s5 g1 mSciencedaily:胚胎的发育离不开非编码RNA(转载自生物探索)
& d% E4 t  Y$ l  k0 o6 _
9 g# L3 K* K# P麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的科学家发现一类神秘大分子RNAs在胚胎发育过程中起到核心作用,改变以前的认识——只有蛋白质是这一过程的主要调控者。论文发表在8月28日的《Nature》期刊上,研究揭示了这类RNAs调控胚胎干细胞(ES)的分化命运:一方面,让ES保持未分化状态;另一方面,指导ES向特定细胞分化。" @: t" Y" A2 J- x* ]9 M/ U9 b
) w: P' l: F; U8 o9 U
几年前,许多科学家发现了人和小鼠基因组编码数以千计的不寻常RNAs分子(基因间非编码RNAs,lincRNAs),但却完全不清楚它们的功能。 对ES细胞100多个lincRNAs的研究,科学家发现这类分子有助于调控细胞的发育。lincRNAs与蛋白质相互作用后调控基因的表达,这表明lincRNAs可在多数细胞中发挥相同的作用。
: `8 c* R" Z: _; k6 M9 k( z( ]! ~7 o& }8 K: D
论文的第1作者Mitchell Guttman 称,这项对lincRNAs的研究全球范围内尚属首次,我们之所以选择胚胎干细胞,是因为它在分化方面很重要,也容易被人了解。通过研究ES,我们能在分化的不同阶段解析lincRNAs的作用。$ i# ?+ I8 B/ ^6 A

- W% K' a( W* m# c! a+ q通过使用遗传工具,科学家沉默100多个lincRNAs的表达。他们发现绝大多数的lincRNAs对ES细胞具有重大影响,这表明lincRNAs在细胞分化过程中发挥关键作用。
, O/ W( Z4 w2 [) |( ]8 I4 ?$ f: I  w# l5 \& R; V3 L7 F% W
3 j; F' O- Y5 E; d1 m" E! N8 K5 f3 j% |# h
Guttman 称,这是个平衡的过程。为了维持多能分化潜能,细胞必须抑制分化基因的表达。
9 E& V# w4 z/ p& h0 W, e  Y' J' b3 S& x$ t$ G" T
lincRNAs充当组织角色,像支架一样把各种蛋白组装成一个功能单位。lincRNAs也像小组的组长,调集小组的成员把工作做好。8 Q( k+ A! W+ `
3 N/ Y' |2 v% J7 |& p0 {, |
为了理解它们的作用方式,我们必须让这类RNAs按照我们的意愿行事,这样就可定位到疾病中不正常调控的关键基因。(生物探索译 Pobee)

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-8-31 22:57 |只看该作者
回复 托斯卡纳教父 的帖子1 v0 A) z) T) o; l( D9 G

- F4 @. ~) I7 b" {' g1 V+ \楼主,应该表明一下出处啊。楼主的内容来自美国每日科学网,帖子具体网址http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110828141048.htm。
# C) ~* E. y: O( J% a9 c1 C) {9 y, x- j9 a/ Q: J8 h
研究人员的成果发表在Nature杂志上的信息为:1 \2 Y1 U3 \; U7 t1 |2 l/ @
lincRNAs act in the circuitry controlling pluripotency and differentiation
) v. R* T; {5 X1 J1 H6 S1 K( DNature (2011) doi:10.1038/nature10398& O' p5 w/ B" ~7 z/ l

  N! D8 o3 p. n9 d7 u- ^$ t[Abstract]
2 M0 N1 k7 B% ^# z/ R  P( }Although thousands of large intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) have been identified in mammals, few have been functionally characterized, leading to debate about their biological role. To address this, we performed loss-of-function studies on most lincRNAs expressed in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and characterized the effects on gene expression. Here we show that knockdown of lincRNAs has major consequences on gene expression patterns, comparable to knockdown of well-known ES cell regulators. Notably, lincRNAs primarily affect gene expression in trans. Knockdown of dozens of lincRNAs causes either exit from the pluripotent state or upregulation of lineage commitment programs. We integrate lincRNAs into the molecular circuitry of ES cells and show that lincRNA genes are regulated by key transcription factors and that lincRNA transcripts bind to multiple chromatin regulatory proteins to affect shared gene expression programs. Together, the results demonstrate that lincRNAs have key roles in the circuitry controlling ES cell state.# R& ?: a% L: M5 G% n2 Z, ^: a' t: _

: V  |, D, Y9 Q( i1 chttp://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature10398.html
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sannia + 2 + 5 好!

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Rank: 3Rank: 3


优秀会员 金话筒

发表于 2011-9-1 08:33 |只看该作者
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0 C: M9 Y% m: r0 r  U: e
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