干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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[教学视频]Timing the Generation of Diverse Cell Types from CNS Stem Cells  ...23456..23 雪原 2009-5-7 225296097 tian2006 4 天前
[教学视频]Robert Klein: Stem Cell Research  ...23456..24 ayan0513 2009-3-11 236305133 知足常乐 4 天前
[教学视频]Stem Cell Biology and Human Disease  ...23456..25 艾木头 2009-3-11 244313284 泡泡鱼 4 天前
[教学视频]Stem Cell Seminar Series: Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells - An Update  ...23456..25 雪原 2009-5-7 247295570 泡泡鱼 4 天前
[教学视频]Dr. Sundar Mudaliar:SIRA: Diabetes Prevention and Treatment  ...23456..27 艾木头 2009-3-11 267377107 ladybird 4 天前
[教学视频]干细胞与克隆录像 recommend heatlevel  ...23456..29 666a 2009-5-20 284405448 HongHong 4 天前
[教学视频]山中伸弥的最新报告视频(1):induction of pluripotency by defined factors  ...23456..26 ips有前途 2009-11-25 252323776 Greatjob 5 天前
[教学视频]反转录病毒 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 txwd1990 2010-8-2 272376676 Whole 5 天前
[教学视频]Embryonic Stem Cell Therapies  ...23456..25 ayan0513 2009-3-11 244325529 石头111 5 天前
[教学视频]Liver Stem Cells for Transplantation Therapy  ...23456..25 雪原 2009-5-7 243312391 咖啡功夫猫 5 天前
[教学视频]Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Training On The Scientific And Administrative Issues  ...23456..24 雪原 2009-5-7 231313125 popobird 5 天前
[教学视频]Remyelination by Stem Cells  ...23456..24 samalada 2009-3-12 239313855 黄山 5 天前
[教学视频]Dr. Douglas A. Melton :Embryonic Stem Cells and Disease Part 1 of 6  ...23456..25 ayan0513 2009-3-11 243332753 初夏洒脱 6 天前
[教学视频]Origin and Function of Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Brain  ...23456..26 雪原 2009-5-7 252313315 若天涯 6 天前
[教学视频]Dr. Douglas A. Melton :Embryonic Stem Cells and Disease Part 4 of 6  ...23456..23 ayan0513 2009-3-11 225300305 墨玉 6 天前
[教学视频]Provided by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute:Understanding Embryonic Stem Cel  ...23456..23 ayan0513 2009-3-11 228285848 ladybird 6 天前
[教学视频]Molecular Control of Stem Cells  ...23456..24 雪原 2009-5-7 235295111 甘泉 6 天前
[教学视频]Bone Marrow Stem Cell Expansion by HOXB4 and p21 Knock Out  ...23456..24 samalada 2009-3-12 236301347 龙水生 6 天前
[教学视频]IDr. Lawrence Goldstein:ICL Forum: Stem Cell Research  ...23456..25 fengwei1204 2009-3-11 248327295 MIYAGI 6 天前
[教学视频]美国国立卫生研究院学术报告录像  ...23456..26 shy2002 2009-9-3 250329422 8666sea 6 天前
[教学视频]Dr. Nadia Rosenthal:Stem Cells and the End of Aging Part 4 of 6  ...23456..23 ayan0513 2009-3-11 223310623 qibaobao 7 天前
[教学视频]Biology and Transplantation of Stem and Progenitor Cells  ...23456..25 雪原 2009-5-7 246311330 化药所 7 天前
[教学视频]Protein Structure  ...23456..23 ayan0513 2009-3-11 223313126 Whole 7 天前
[教学视频]分享一个细胞培养基本技术的英文版视频 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..53 lfpsnake 2010-8-4 526649362 苹果天堂 7 天前
[教学视频]Mouse Model of Rett's Syndrome  ...23456..22 ayan0513 2009-3-11 215259942 安安 7 天前
[教学视频]成年干细胞和再生 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..52 jayhaoli01 2009-10-10 512686598 xm19 7 天前
[教学视频]【视频】圣母院大学:成人与可替换干细胞研究(第十课)  ...23456..28 细胞海洋 2012-1-28 270356745 vsill 7 天前
[教学视频]Nuclear Cloning, Stem Cells and Reprogramming of the Genome  ...23456..23 雪原 2009-5-7 224286622 依旧随遇而安 7 天前
[教学视频]Adult Stem Cell Results & Embryonic Stem Cell Ethics Video  ...23456..24 fengwei1204 2009-3-11 236346205 糊涂小蜗牛 2024-4-23 19:13
[教学视频]Self-Renewal Pathways in Blood Stem Cells agree  ...23456..25 carfan 2009-6-18 248341596 蝶澈 2024-4-23 18:51


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