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saier.HK 发表于 2016-6-6 08:36

Santa Cruz将永久被禁止生产和销售山羊和兔来源的抗体!

Department of Agriculture (USDA) for reaching a settlement agreement in its multiple cases against Santa Cruz Biotechnology resulting in the cancellation of the facility’s research registration, revocation of its dealer license and payment of a historic $3.5 million civil penalty.
The settlement requires SCBT to pay the fine and cancel its research registration by May 31, 2016. The facility’s dealer license will also be revoked by December 31, 2016. Although the December deadline allows the company to continue selling antibodies through the remainder of the year, it can only sell such products derived from live animals on or before August 21, 2015. After that, the company is permanently banned in the U.S. from selling antibodies derived from species covered under the Animal Welfare Act. Additionally, the USDA’s hearing against SCBT—which had been postponed to August 2016 from April 2016—has been cancelled.
(消息来自于Animal Welfare Institue 官方网站 [url]https://awionline.org/[/url])
Santa Cruz Biotechnology (SCBT, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) 因为虐待动物(兔子、山羊等)被吊销营业执照(执行时间为2016年12月31日)。
一、 SCBT必须在2016年5月31日之前缴清350万美元的罚款;
二、 SCBT被要求在2016年5月31日之前停止一切科研活动,并在5月31日之前关闭所有研究设施;
三、 SCBT仅仅被准许在2016年12月31日之前,销售该公司2015年8月21日之前来用活体动物生产的抗体等产品;
四、 从2017年起,SCBT将永久被禁止生产和销售山羊和兔子来源的抗体。

张月儿 发表于 2016-6-6 08:56


baby00000003 发表于 2016-6-6 09:13


saier.HK 发表于 2016-6-6 09:31

[b]回复 [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=1918101&ptid=118299][color=Olive]张月儿[/color] 的帖子[/url][/b]


saier.HK 发表于 2016-6-6 09:31

[b]回复 [url=forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&pid=1918155&ptid=118299][color=Olive]baby00000003[/color] 的帖子[/url][/b]


lgfffancy 发表于 2016-6-6 09:40


86964109 发表于 2016-6-6 10:00

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