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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞行业新闻 【讨论】当今干细胞研究方面的10位顶尖科学家(完成稿)



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【讨论】当今干细胞研究方面的10位顶尖科学家(完成稿)     [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-3-27 13:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
前10位科学家的排名和成果介绍 ' O  }/ Q1 u" Q9 ?
2 s8 i4 |$ i1 q2 G
排名第一:Shinya Yamanaka和JamesA.Thomson博士
+ m* f/ P! {! n* \. b5 _% v$ o/ ^3 D2 @3 L4 ^7 z" l" m
是建立了可诱导的万能干细胞,在干细胞再生和分化重排机理上做出了9 \& c. `+ N0 X/ F. u& Q6 u  z
最具突破性的进展性工作;这毫无疑问是诺贝尔奖级的工作,其他几位+ f" }" b6 J/ k
8 z- O0 a# ]2 t$ D3 O# F# e5 P& ~& x3 f1 s2 a; r
排名第二:Rudolf Jaenisch博士
# \$ v  b* L! m8 k, ^4 A4 q
! b6 O2 U+ a3 j5 [) x长期从事于干细胞核的替代重组和干细胞的表观遗传修饰工作,卓有成绩,
% _6 X0 ?6 P  p这也是培养诱导干细胞的核心工作,重要性无人能代替;6 b- U$ o, j& ?$ T' J
; a5 a3 ]& z9 S/ s% |. w
排名第三: Rebort lanza博士
9 S, Z  c8 \8 o! |" M$ l4 `
. g* K, i, K, m+ p, V- `领导和指挥着全球最领先的干细胞生物技术公司,独创和建立了分离和培
" u1 k: m* m# \( t养单个胚胎干细胞的方法和技术。主编了所有重要的干细胞参考书籍。每一
, m* A7 w$ I' N. x5 N/ V5 p相重大干细胞技术的出现,美欧主流媒体都要听他的意见,可谓干细胞领域& Z/ f& ]' k( A- B6 \7 v' s0 B
的大腕人物;* e* B; e1 U$ F# c" |& O1 F8 l3 G/ x

- |+ L- c% \$ g; P8 @# h5 g3 x5 ?1 {排名第四:Alan Trounson博士
. `- q6 x9 j$ c) x' L
0 x( n9 ?/ o2 ^4 D7 Q是国际免疫学和干细胞研究的先驱者,领导和指挥原澳大利亚Monash大学) \& s" r/ h0 H" O/ i: u: j& O
免疫学和干细胞研究实验室,使Monash大学成为世界上最成功的大学之一。3 \2 \5 ?3 L8 [2 ?8 E
手下的弟子Martin Perl博士出任南加州大学第一界干细胞和系统生物学所9 J  B% Z& y3 K2 D# q
所长。2007年成为美国眼下资金最多,实力最强的加州再生医学研究研究3 C2 M) M6 l8 ]+ B' d
  {5 r' [8 b- ~* l5 g* `
- \7 K( u) K. k, i6 s3 P1 U: z排名第五:哈佛大学干细胞研究所所长Douglas A. Melton博士和斯坦
  b: R; ^1 o1 @/ s6 E福大学干细胞和再生医学研究所所长Irving L. Weissman博士6 t+ k2 A/ R/ X- `
) \2 W$ F* X+ L# ~0 @  [. `  j
两人都是干细胞研究领域的顶尖高手,又各了带领着东西两岸这两所美国+ A* ~5 t+ I2 z& P
奈至全世界的顶尖学府的干细胞研究的竟赛。5 [- v+ g. r2 t) G
' j* ?$ ?9 Y/ d& l1 u' B
排名第六:哈佛大学干细胞研究所共同所长David T. Scadden, 博士和密西根大学干细胞中心主Sean Morrison博士  b. ~5 }4 }4 ~4 S% e

$ t5 G. ?3 n7 P两人是干细胞研究的中青年骨干,专长于干细胞分化再生的微环境调控机理的研究,. Scadden, 博士是麻省总医院再生医学研究所所长,侧重于干细胞的临床应用。Morrison博士则是休斯医学研究所研究员,是美国中西部大学中干细胞研究的顶级人物。
, }* e2 z0 ~3 `8 O
; ]6 `5 x% a2 Q* [& _排名第七到第十的是国际上知名的干细胞专家,包括爱丁堡大学克隆了多利羊的Wilmut教授,皮肤毛发干细胞再生医学领军人物Fuchs教授和把干细胞用于临床治疗的先锋人物瑞典的Lindvall教授,以及华人中干细胞研究的顶尖人物,由中国人出任的耶鲁大学干细胞中心主任林海帆教授。
, C; i- w7 i* U3 U6 {
& j4 _5 d, f5 ?3 I第一位:Shinya Yamanaka,Ph.D. 日本京都大学前沿医学研究所干细胞生物学系,加州大学旧金山分校心血管疾病研究所教授/ u, i  `" V9 T) ^# ]" N2 S

2 W5 r8 J8 c- D1 M& l4 i! e代表作文章  Q5 e' y, N" x# j" E1 ?+ R9 P

7 g# B5 S( ~( j5 F# j1. Takahashi K, Tanabe K, Ohnuki M, Narita M, Ichisaka T, Tomoda K, Yamanaka S.
: M8 J1 e+ q6 p. x  w0 e" r5 b* w: `7 i+ n: _, A
Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined factors.
. Q2 v/ @  A- n* s, y  n
% l. k3 y) y5 \2 J" o: {Cell. 2007 Nov 30;131(5):861-72.$ N- ?( g( X/ T
- y  D/ |& T. g# k% Q) R- B
( n$ i" X( H. [! {
4 a, \6 R; H- B: y( x! e4 |
2. Okita K, Ichisaka T, Yamanaka S. Generation of germline-competent induced pluripotent! U9 n8 b$ U0 A+ }

! i8 Q! f0 Q+ }* a; bstem cells. Nature. 2007 Jul 19;448(7151):313-7.
! P8 Y' g, @  s' ^+ t
( {# Y. D. `9 i+ h7 T. F2 D
7 t! r2 G9 M* P& a( D4 u0 e' Z" Z4 `3 _, W( h
3. Nakagawa M, Koyanagi M, Tanabe K, Takahashi K, Ichisaka T, Aoi T, Okita K,% g. A6 o( Z' d0 A
3 ^+ n4 ^) S7 S& H7 D. \5 c5 C9 h
Mochiduki Y, Takizawa N, Yamanaka S. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells without Myc from mouse and human fibroblasts. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Nov 30;
$ k9 D4 F* T/ I# X6 l3 p" e+ [) z8 C" o

) @+ f1 J) x) o6 ]" g5 a) \
3 _  _+ m; n# ]8 J9 d' I) r4. Takahashi K, Yamanaka S. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell. 2006 Aug 25;126(4):663-76. Epub 2006 Aug 100 k# l" L: U/ t0 L* {

4 f0 i$ p  v; l3 R8 `5. Takahashi K, Ichisaka T, Yamanaka S. Identification of genes involved in tumor-like properties of embryonic stem cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2006;329:449-58.4 C/ _; e* u; a# b! _5 ~

6 @2 v4 w: j% T3 A* q并列第一位:
( _- U8 C, @/ D6 p' ]) ]
6 z' W4 X: y9 X* T9 D# kJamesA.Thomson Ph.D.威斯康星大学基因组研究中心主任,解剖学系教授* H( n8 g/ @+ v  s

! L! {1 s3 i; R  G' Q代表作文章
9 _* O: D" P& ~# D/ _" p1 c
5 U2 e& \3 t) u1. Yu J, Vodyanik MA, Smuga-Otto K, Antosiewicz-Bourget J, Frane JL, Tian S, Nie J, Jonsdottir GA, Ruotti V, Stewart R, Slukvin II, Thomson JA. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines Derived from Human Somatic Cells。 Science. 2007 Nov 20
, Y, d/ p( b7 C+ O3 G6 w; l' j; b- M7 T; N. M
2. Ludwig TE, Bergendahl V, Levenstein ME, Yu J, Probasco MD, Thomson JA.
( b8 R- k0 Y0 F- e3 W6 U
+ o- }( Z: e1 o3 ^3 |* EFeeder-independent culture of human embryonic stem cells. Nat Methods. 2006 Aug;3:637-46# `( |9 z. b. V! X) g' E
4 y" x% b3 v5 p6 }+ @& t0 n2 {
3. Ludwig TE, Levenstein ME, Jones JM, Berggren WT, Mitchen ER, Frane JL, Crandall LJ, Daigh CA, Conard KR, Piekarczyk MS, Llanas RA, Thomson JA.Derivation of human embryonic stem cells in defined conditions. Nat Biotechnol. 2006 Feb;24(2):185-7.
, e' E9 X+ c5 q! `# U  w# W) e8 {& [* v9 ?; {# c1 C- P# d* ]; N/ p% n
4. Yu J, Vodyanik MA, He P, Slukvin II, Thomson JA. Human embryonic stem cells reprogram myeloid precursors following cell-cell fusion. Stem Cells. 2006 Jan;24(1):168-76. Epub 2005 Oct 6
: u. x5 ?* G3 _6 K1 r
5 S1 ]+ o2 @( C, M( C5. Sperger JM, Chen X, Draper JS, Antosiewicz JE, Chon CH, Jones SB, Brooks JD, Andrews PW, Brown PO, Thomson JA. Gene expression patterns in human embryonic stem cells and human pluripotent germ cell tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Nov 11;100(23):13350-5.
8 g7 ]8 D5 ~- T: G# ~! a, {! t
" f' ^; u) U7 \: i第二位: Rudolf Jaenisch MD,麻省理工学院白头生物研究所教授: ^" j. k* g5 q. i3 u4 x9 a* e

1 s0 a- w' f( Q- ?, u代表作文章
- E% D6 T  k; X/ |% N6 E" R- f3 w& a5 V; W; _, h7 g( r6 M
1. Hanna J, Wernig M, Markoulaki S, Sun CW, Meissner A, Cassady JP, Beard C, Brambrink T, Wu LC, Townes TM, Jaenisch R. Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia Mouse Model with iPS Cells Generated from Autologous Skin. Science. 2007 Dec 6;
9 w: O/ ^# M) R. ?  t* f$ a( N. P$ j" u1 B4 u
2. Meissner A, Wernig M, Jaenisch R.Direct reprogramming of genetically unmodified fibroblasts into pluripotent stem cells. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Oct;25(10):1177-81;% F% x9 `0 `9 ]6 h4 _5 M
2 j. T* S' \( w" E; C/ ^
3. Wernig M, Meissner A, Foreman R, Brambrink T, Ku M, Hochedlinger K, Bernstein BE, Jaenisch R. In vitro reprogramming of fibroblasts into a pluripotent ES-cell-like state.+ {, i/ e! d, d4 s: X% o, s9 ]
" R6 I& K; I& \$ e
Nature. 2007 Jul 19;448(7151):318-24;
9 V2 V. r$ f. i2 o' I4 N$ X, ?
, O4 y, q' R9 Y7 x4. Boyer LA, Plath K, Zeitlinger J, Brambrink T, Medeiros LA, Lee TI, Levine SS, Wernig M, Tajonar A, Ray MK, Bell GW, Otte AP, Vidal M, Gifford DK, Young RA, Jaenisch R. Polycomb complexes repress developmental regulators in murine embryonic stem cells. Nature. 2006 May 18;441(7091):349-53;
: H% A3 P- J. z$ m, H! S; ]& ~; n; F" x# Q' O4 _7 @2 e. w
5. Meissner A, Jaenisch R. Generation of nuclear transfer-derived pluripotent ES cells from cloned Cdx2-deficient blastocysts. Nature. 2006 Jan 12;439(7073):212-5。, @: ?0 _7 N# \/ [8 y& N3 D6 i) N

- s: z# f2 ^+ \8 F! R第三位: Rebort lanza Ph.D. 麻省先进细胞公司首席科学家,北卡州Wake Forest 大学医学院教授0 I: Q5 F- {6 E3 N: f2 g! E9 q

0 q9 z1 L  f8 h1 w. r" M$ G" ]1. Klimanskaya I, Chung Y, Becker S, Lu SJ, Lanza R. Human embryonic stem cell lines derived from single blastomeres. Nature. 2006 Nov 23;444(7118):481-5.
% y( l  b0 ?6 S" _  |6 P
' P3 ]( z( s2 F0 s: {2 y( M2. Lu SJ, Feng Q, Caballero S, Chen Y, Moore MA, Grant MB, Lanza R. Generation of functional hemangioblasts from human embryonic stem cells. Nat Methods. 2007 Jun;4:501-9+ E) e1 u* @2 i+ D: c* ^! Z; C
! N7 S) o4 G8 |4 r9 W5 L+ n
3. Chung Y, Klimanskaya I, Becker S, Marh J, Lu SJ, Johnson J, Meisner L, Lanza R. Embryonic and extraembryonic stem cell lines derived from single mouse blastomeres. Nature. 2006 Jan 12;439(7073):216-9., R& _5 S' r# S% Q3 \; Z
: m. c/ n/ U4 [- a0 X
4. Lanza RP, Chung HY, Yoo JJ, Wettstein PJ, Blackwell C, Borson N, Hofmeister E, Schuch G, Soker S, Moraes CT, West MD, Atala A. Generation of histocompatible tissues using nuclear transplantation. Nat Biotechnol. 2002 Jul;20(7):689-96.
; M" V! W! S" z& }; c( L2 k3 p% l9 b6 U2 D# l' Z* o. P

. Y5 n" {3 ~# H
! H1 G6 u5 J% a& m+ |1 e2 a5. Lanza RP, Cibelli JB, Blackwell C, Cristofalo VJ, Francis MK, Baerlocher GM, Mak J, Schertzer M, Chavez EA, Sawyer N, Lansdorp PM, West MD. Extension of cell life-span and telomere length in animals cloned from senescent somatic cells. Science. 2000 Apr 28;288(5466):665-94 B( o0 h7 J& q5 \, @2 |

8 J2 f. ]4 x0 y1 X第四位:Alan Trounson Ph.D. 加州再生医学研究研究所所长,教授(原澳大利亚Monash大学免疫学和干细胞研究实验室主任)
; x* V' v' z8 W; E% `9 `: ]
( a/ P, |4 C) H! y+ B% W代表作文章
' e  i! M+ Z9 g3 j/ K" W# {. Z! R9 C* v
1. GQ Daley, L AhrlundRichter,JM Auerbach, N Benvenisty, RA Charo, G Chen, HK( f+ T9 U2 t% _

& A5 C% _3 t, Z3 f  cDeng,LS Goldstein, KL Hudson, I Hyun, SC Junn, J Love, EH Lee, A McLaren, CL Mummery,N Nakatsuji, C Racowsky, H Rooke, J Rossant, HR Scholer, JH Solbakk, P Taylor, AO Trounson, IL Weissman, I Wilmut, J Yu, L Zoloth (2007) The ISSCR Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Science 315: 603604. 303.2 R. y3 y$ A, |" {: p
+ ^- ?' @  ?, [8 h" H, @- U
2. A Giudice and A Trounson (2007) Genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells for cell based therapy. Nature Biotech;1 ^  [, D" \+ k- }

# C- b7 n5 g* Y. [3 y7 _3. M Snow, SL Cox, G Jenkin, A Trounson, J Shaw (2002) Generation of live young from xenografted mouse ovaries. Science 297: 2227.
) K. ]' ?( x5 z7 n, p, ?/ @( V) h, b% i* m/ z
4. BE Reubinoff, MF Pera, CY Fong, A Trounson, A Bongso (2000) Embryonic stem cell lines from human blastocysts: somatic differentiation in vitro. Nature Biotechn. 18: 399404.
' d  B& Y1 \9 ~% U: A4 i7 ]% ]# |. m6 [0 r
5. AT Dowsing, EL Yong, M Clark, RI McLachlan, DM de Kretser, AO Trounson (1999)
3 l% U) m9 I+ Y0 {2 ]: Y3 d5 j+ B! O# K) {% ]! O5 M/ A
Linkage between male infertility and trinucleotide repeat expansion in the androgen( V) S: l8 g2 o% Q2 L- a2 t

4 A& e% i3 o" k; s) W/ a9 rreceptor gene. Lancet 354: 640643.8 ^$ ]& A& k/ a7 p

* t% L6 {4 Z) ]% J3 u第五位:Douglas A. Melton, Ph.D,哈佛大学干细胞研究所所长,Howard Hughes Medical Institute 研究员。
. W4 l( }6 [+ B7 _& o( i3 g( l) n1 L
- B- H- K5 ]! ~$ x+ i- |
0 ?1 ~' \% c) y2 f/ j" o1. Stanger BZ, Tanaka AJ, Melton DA. Organ size is limited by the number of embryonic progenitor cells in the pancreas but not the liver. Nature. 2007 Feb 22;445(7130):886-91.
+ [4 L1 }+ F% k% g
  f4 e4 a+ n: D4 s+ ~- n% j2. Cowan CA, Atienza J, Melton DA, Eggan K. Nuclear reprogramming of somatic cells after fusion with human embryonic stem cells. Science. 2005 Aug 26;309(5739):1369-73.; i  N% m' Z' w- _
* ^& Z! N" ^5 U9 l3 t, L( G
3. Dor Y, Brown J, Martinez OI, Melton DA. Adult pancreatic beta-cells are formed by self-duplication rather than stem-cell differentiation. Nature. 2004 May 6;429(6987):41-6.
0 b0 ^& z. v; d: Q! C: u# ]. l6 _+ ~* @! y1 x8 m
4. Rajagopal J, Anderson WJ, Kume S, Martinez OI, Melton DA. Insulin staining of ES cell progeny from insulin uptake. Science. 2003 Jan 17;299(5605):363.1 {& `; F/ j1 n) m( f
# l+ U) l* k8 i; d/ H+ h* Y, K
5. Ramalho-Santos M, Yoon S, Matsuzaki Y, Mulligan RC, Melton DA. "Stemness": transcriptional profiling of embryonic and adult stem cells. Science. 2002 Oct 18;298(5593):597-600.2 r# t' J* w5 q# T8 L* Z

+ X9 h6 N9 k$ t3 n+ N' e) r并列第5位Irving L. Weissman MD. 斯坦福大学干细胞和再生医学研究所所长
6 E3 o: ^  f5 E: ^) ^0 M! G; r! ^, j  [) G+ {; E) g) k$ K6 R: F1 `
; [1 u+ _2 e, C6 A: f. T. }8 ?: z
1. Rossi DJ, Bryder D, Seita J, Nussenzweig A, Hoeijmakers J, Weissman IL "Deficiencies in DNA damage repair limit the function of haematopoietic stem cells with age." Nature 2007; 447: 7145: 725-9
  E, _4 X2 W7 S1 Y  V7 h1 n" ^% }8 b& F+ l; g. U. ^5 M: E0 U) X
2. Forsberg EC, Serwold T, Kogan S, Weissman IL, Passegué E. New evidence supporting megakaryocyte-erythrocyte potential of flk2/flt3 multipotent hematopoietic progenitors.
% z! A! m  p9 o6 q) m. V& n, d! a) K2 ?! c6 r
Cell. 2006 Jul 28;126(2):415-26* t0 {0 P) N8 R- V- W
7 O' W) l- M- C5 X6 j9 U
3. Laird DJ, De Tomaso AW, Weissman IL. Stem cells are units of natural selection in a colonial ascidian. Cell. 2005 Dec 29;123(7):1351-60; |% b6 q# a$ M

' [6 G1 g* T. s! q3 l; K% L0 o4. De Tomaso AW, Nyholm SV, Palmeri KJ, Ishizuka KJ, Ludington WB, Mitchel K, Weissman IL. Isolation and characterization of a protochordate histocompatibility locus.
; k9 K5 y  n  T' s! e% f+ C+ a, S- t8 ]6 K+ i2 G
Nature. 2005 Nov 24;438(7067):454-9
5 G1 [9 A( h' a% T2 Q; T1 I
8 _/ M: [; y& c0 {4 _, g5. Passegué E, Wagner EF, Weissman IL. JunB deficiency leads to a myeloproliferative disorder arising from hematopoietic stem cells. Cell. 2004 Oct 29;119(3):431-43.
" H( c( |3 v* v4 h9 g5 z: M: ~) u) d) U5 c

* ~0 [: [9 C  \. S' R, \6 S/ `9 L2 j
第六位:David T. Scadden, M.D. Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital,Co-Director, Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Harvard University。麻省总医院再生医学研究所所长, 哈佛大学干细胞研究所共同所长7 u$ C; _& C. h! r8 r  ]6 j
  J3 E4 q" N7 w3 v' P
: O- j' ~  E  {4 [( Y3 t
+ T0 \, _+ R0 t1. Janzen V, Forkert R, Fleming HE, Saito Y, Waring MT, Dombkowski DM, Cheng T, DePinho RA, Sharpless NE, Scadden DT. Stem-cell ageing modified by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16INK4a. Nature. 2006 Sep 28;443(7110):421-6.2 Y: @1 w: ]- e
$ U- y" N6 U9 ^! E; I2 `& n# v
2. Scadden DT. The stem-cell niche as an entity of action. Nature. 2006 Jun 29;441(7097):1075-9;: j3 ^, q: `- `
% {! j: `9 g; l
3. Adams GB, Chabner KT, Alley IR, Olson DP, Szczepiorkowski ZM, Poznansky MC, Kos CH, Pollak MR, Brown EM, Scadden DT. Stem cell engraftment at the endosteal niche is specified by the calcium-sensing receptor. Nature. 2006 Feb 2;439(7076):599-603;! N1 q. S+ E; z! J9 @

4 c7 K2 P0 x5 x; W4. Johnson J, Bagley J, Skaznik-Wikiel M, Lee HJ, Adams GB, Niikura Y, Tschudy KS, Tilly JC, Cortes ML, Forkert R, Spitzer T, Iacomini J, Scadden DT, Tilly JL. Oocyte generation in adult mammalian ovaries by putative germ cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Cell. 2005 Jul 29;122(2):303-15
$ t* c5 }$ I$ A2 O8 j2 X) h8 c& b
5. Calvi LM, Adams GB, Weibrecht KW, Weber JM, Olson DP, Knight MC, Martin RP, Schipani E, Divieti P, Bringhurst FR, Milner LA, Kronenberg HM, Scadden DT. Osteoblastic cells regulate the haematopoietic stem cell niche. Nature. 2003 Oct 23;425(6960):841-6。2 v. i1 H2 [0 Y- m$ {

, o! _: ?6 {4 ~6 k并列第六位 Sean Morrison, PhD 密西根大学干细胞中心主任 Director, Center for Stem Cell Biology, University of Michigan,Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA' y4 P( B, C9 Z7 G
  }6 ^  B$ ^1 e1 V' F
代表作文章4 v4 ^. V; U( f1 U

3 P8 ^' }. d/ r4 ]6 q1. Morrison SJ, Spradling AC. Stem cells and niches: mechanisms that promote stem cell maintenance throughout life. Cell. 2008 Feb 22;132(4):598-611: u; b! Y' j" D( {% @
$ A* O1 p  X- [8 h" \6 Y3 s
2. Kiel MJ, He S, Ashkenazi R, Gentry SN, Teta M, Kushner JA, Jackson TL, Morrison SJ. Haematopoietic stem cells do not asymmetrically segregate chromosomes or retain BrdU.' ~. ^$ W6 I2 S6 O9 K: O* }" ]
2 W( E' G- V2 p1 y1 A4 C$ w
Nature. 2007 Sep 13;449(7159):238-42.# M6 X& ^- ?1 D, @7 z) r
# o7 ?. L7 R" s9 v" L
3. Kim I, Saunders TL, Morrison SJ. Sox17 dependence distinguishes the transcriptional regulation of fetal from adult hematopoietic stem cells. Cell. 2007 Aug 10;130(3):470-83.
6 |, a7 `" Q* |) p% V0 E# U5 g3 Q* |" r& F  S  T# ^
4. Molofsky AV, Slutsky SG, Joseph NM, He S, Pardal R, Krishnamurthy J, Sharpless NE, Morrison SJ. Increasing p16INK4a expression decreases forebrain progenitors and neurogenesis during ageing. Nature. 2006 Sep 28;443(7110):448-52.
6 {$ E0 @) V" {$ r
" h3 H- B1 F: n5 F9 W5. Yilmaz OH, Valdez R, Theisen BK, Guo W, Ferguson DO, Wu H, Morrison SJ. Pten dependence distinguishes haematopoietic stem cells from leukaemia-initiating cells.
9 u5 R% ]$ m3 Z. p/ m
( Z% [. \" H( Q8 ]+ UNature. 2006 May 25;441(7092):475-82.. E. k; ?! S3 m
1 p& v: ?  F. I
第七位George Daley, M.D., Ph.D 哈佛大学干细胞研究所, 波士顿儿童医院教授
- N* F% U; P- I$ m
- P6 S' q: F5 T- {8 c# s& @代表作文章) h: p4 l. C( \
2 ]0 m! z  a0 Q: g' ?6 T, ~! k6 p
1. Park IH, Zhao R, West JA, Yabuuchi A, Huo H, Ince TA, Lerou PH, Lensch MW, Daley GQ.( `1 b/ i' W  V+ o

+ }! D# W# i$ g8 n: B( N$ L; xReprogramming of human somatic cells to pluripotency with defined factors. Nature. 2008 Jan 10;451(7175):141-6.
! H  |3 U" ~" o3 N0 ^6 `/ s9 U$ r) h
; I& [- x& H) F2. North TE, Goessling W, Walkley CR, Lengerke C, Kopani KR, Lord AM, Weber GJ, Bowman TV, Jang IH, Grosser T, Fitzgerald GA, Daley GQ, Orkin SH, Zon LI. Prostaglandin E2 regulates vertebrate haematopoietic stem cell homeostasis. Nature. 2007 Jun 21;447(7147):1007-113 H' I+ D3 v+ _6 D* G% @+ G

, ?( k$ T" D; A! @3. Daley GQ, Ahrlund Richter L, Auerbach JM, Benvenisty N, Charo RA, Chen G, Deng HK, Goldstein LS, Hudson KL, Hyun I, Junn SC, Love J, Lee EH, McLaren A, Mummery CL, Nakatsuji N, Racowsky C, Rooke H, Rossant J, Schöler HR, Solbakk JH, Taylor P, Trounson AO, Weissman IL, Wilmut I, Yu J, Zoloth L. Ethics. The ISSCR guidelines for human embryonic stem cell research. Science. 2007 Feb 2;315(5812):603-4;: \  [9 Q& W8 b' {. B5 U5 k! s, @
1 i& m& _) E7 s
4. Kim K, Lerou P, Yabuuchi A, Lengerke C, Ng K, West J, Kirby A, Daly MJ, Daley GQ. Histocompatible embryonic stem cells by parthenogenesis. Science. 2007 Jan 26;315(5811):482-6;
* t8 r) z! x7 s- c% h+ G7 c; L2 }8 j" S
5.Geijsen N, Horoschak M, Kim K, Gribnau J, Eggan K, Daley GQ. Derivation of embryonic germ cells and male gametes from embryonic stem cells. Nature. 2004 Jan 8;427(6970):148-54.
' s4 W) Z9 i, ]
  S4 R" M5 w2 n1 C$ c! q4 q) _$ A并列第七位
0 b* I$ }, V4 ]( h) j6 n/ Y0 b2 H) P* t! i2 Q* n
Fred H. Gage, PhD,Salk Institute for Biological Studies, California, USA 美国加州索克生物研究所教授- s; V1 T2 e( \8 F1 f

, F! }$ K% K& J. q3 Q9 c' l代表作文章
- C" n7 V4 Z" D7 [1 h" }+ x+ }
8 [* [" E3 ~, s. ]" T1. Zhao C, Deng W, Gage FH. Mechanisms and functional implications of adult neurogenesis.
4 k; \. G& F9 x, W# k" f8 j6 E1 J; ?( Z& U. A* ?8 N
Cell. 2008 Feb 22;132(4):645-60;  M  @; K! l3 p5 M9 p9 t

/ m5 b& S8 u1 z6 v2. Zhang CL, Zou Y, He W, Gage FH, Evans RM. A role for adult TLX-positive neural stem cells in learning and behaviour. Nature. 2008 Feb 21;451(7181):1004-7.5 }6 W# l9 E  t6 L2 h* Y, v

% f; B% K$ i0 n2 R7 K0 C& T3. Tashiro A, Sandler VM, Toni N, Zhao C, Gage FH. NMDA-receptor-mediated, cell-specific integration of new neurons in adult dentate gyrus. Nature. 2006 Aug 24;442(7105):929-33.
  h+ V4 g# _  m. G$ ?. r( D# j6 M9 `* B
4. Muotri AR, Gage FH. Generation of neuronal variability and complexity. Nature. 2006 Jun 29;441(7097):1087-93.# g4 v& n2 m' A9 T% w9 Y

  S1 u7 t+ [" }# G( V& s( R7 p4 O5. Lie DC, Colamarino SA, Song HJ, Désiré L, Mira H, Consiglio A, Lein ES, Jessberger S, Lansford H, Dearie AR, Gage FH. Wnt signalling regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
* W* y7 C, V9 ^; v9 C) p7 Z8 t, q" [/ Z+ q
Nature. 2005 Oct 27;437(7063):1370-5
1 D0 J' i3 {  m! V; u- q9 F5 }+ I4 v
第八位 Alan Colman, Ph.D. director of stem-cell research at King’s College London, UK
8 A/ w: L4 O$ f' x; X# ?
% `- B* l3 o9 G. m/ d& |% ], Q+ _代表作文章
0 E- {; X( V1 t2 p6 D. H; m+ `* o" j, ?% g; K
1. Colman A. Everyone listed on Dolly paper met established criteria for authorship.
# \( }: a  M2 x7 v4 B0 S' g
$ c1 P' o, b1 i9 L! n& y' zNature. 2006 Apr 27;440(7088):1112;
$ r# k% x+ z8 q3 q( z
+ d0 C% l0 |. b6 ?" E2. Buzzard JJ, Gough NM, Crook JM, Colman A. Karyotype of human ES cells during extended culture. Nat Biotechnol. 2004 Apr;22(4):381-2;2 `9 b* y) j9 {1 M1 Z$ C/ j

0 K  i6 B2 e: I, S- `3. Polejaeva IA, Chen SH, Vaught TD, Page RL, Mullins J, Ball S, Dai Y, Boone J, Walker S, Ayares DL, Colman A, Campbell KH. Cloned pigs produced by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells. Nature. 2000 Sep 7;407(6800):86-90.; s1 W3 r2 E* o
3 b! n- c0 {4 p9 A& S1 J( F$ c
4. Gurdon JB, Colman A. The future of cloning. Nature. 1999 Dec 16;402(6763):743-6.
: Q' x8 ]  }5 e* K' p+ M
; `3 k0 e4 E2 r, y. G; I; b5. Colman A, Kind A. Therapeutic cloning: concepts and practicalities. Trends Biotechnol. 2000 May;18(5):192-6
  @2 U- Z! v8 h
! o% m! s3 x: K( e5 A& I并列第8位Fiona Watt, DPhil,ancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute, UK) s! g7 ^& b6 P' R/ s  k. ~

2 Z. l0 y* j9 s3 D' T  Y1.Watt FM, Frye M, Benitah SA. MYC in mammalian epidermis: how can an oncogene stimulate differentiation? Nat Rev Cancer. 2008 Mar;8(3):234-42.
+ I! j' `" w+ I# G9 @8 g0 z0 g8 H  U
2. Takeda H, Lyle S, Lazar AJ, Zouboulis CC, Smyth I, Watt FM. Human sebaceous tumors harbor inactivating mutations in LEF1. Nat Med. 2006 Apr;12(4):395-7.
! O% h* s8 Q/ d/ i- U
( H; y* J: g% N/ S# X! t3. Benitah SA, Frye M, Glogauer M, Watt FM. Stem cell depletion through epidermal deletion of Rac1. Science. 2005 Aug 5;309(5736):933-5.7 Z! f. u# S5 t5 L" Z# W
* G5 P# B% Z8 R, A
4. Watt FM, Hogan BL. Out of Eden: stem cells and their niches. Science. 2000 Feb 25;287(5457):1427-30.: \/ B, _( b8 U2 u
. G( L; d3 P6 Z+ h
5. Gandarillas A, Watt FM. c-Myc promotes differentiation of human epidermal stem cells.( w+ P/ \! }3 j) h- ?
. G: d; _" K" g3 W
Genes Dev. 1997 Nov 1;11(21):2869-82.
& s' f) e' n3 C/ t& R* _" V& {2 O0 O" `, t' v4 Q. i
第9位 7 R$ l/ F0 |) X' {0 K+ M' R
9 M4 q3 X( |# P$ u
Ian Wilmut, PhD, DSc,英国爱丁堡大学再生医学中心教授, University of Edinburgh, Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine, UK- F; _: v4 Y1 t+ \4 f% j
+ e. i* J0 f" O# a, L
1. Wilmut I, Taylor J. Stem cells: primates join the club. Nature. 2007 Nov 22;450(7169):485-6.; w! B# p4 h9 u, I
7 S! C: A7 L! S0 Y( W: t1 B. W8 o2 W
2. ilmut I, West MD, Lanza RP, Gearhart JD, Smith A, Colman A, Trounson AO, Campbell KH. Human embryonic stem cells. Science. 2005 Dec 23;310(5756):1903. Epub 2005 Dec 13.
4 U' V7 L4 x# d) V* v+ J5 g" u& C/ ]' x# C4 [0 b+ Q
3. Wilmut I, Beaujean N, de Sousa PA, Dinnyes A, King TJ, Paterson LA, Wells DN, Young LE. 6 y1 t$ N  m8 z/ w! x, v

7 \6 e* _1 {  vSomatic cell nuclear transfer. Nature. 2002 Oct 10;419(6907):583-6.
; |$ L4 O; o# e/ _9 d; k1 ~
% \; \4 L) f3 T5 d" Q4. Ashworth D, Bishop M, Campbell K, Colman A, Kind A, Schnieke A, Blott S, Griffin H, Haley C, McWhir J, Wilmut I. DNA microsatellite analysis of Dolly. Nature. 1998 Jul 23;394(6691):329。
; z8 T3 e8 q& A, ]& @* \
$ l3 Y9 R* i% n4 X1 x1 d5. Campbell KH, McWhir J, Ritchie WA, Wilmut I. Sheep cloned by nuclear transfer from a cultured cell line. Nature. 1996 Mar 7;380(6569):64-6.
* x3 Q' K$ P" X2 ]5 @! M' n$ _  o# ]* o, H' d* }3 H; `
并列第9位! i& C, U' A- M) @

- ^' l: `/ I6 }4 \Elaine Fuchs, PhD Rockefeller University,Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA 美国洛克菲勒大学教授, 休斯医学研究所研究员。
( ?- |4 E" }+ i
2 g8 A& A5 `$ y代表作文章
4 q1 H3 `& p3 r' f# U/ T5 D& |
  o7 K/ Z' Y& `. r% x; w1.Yi R, Poy MN, Stoffel M, Fuchs E. A skin microRNA promotes differentiation by repressing 'stemness'. Nature. 2008 Mar 13;452(7184):225-9。8 t& f/ l: ?; Q" l! [7 d% B

$ W& ^/ w0 m3 [6 n' G# I/ J0 `2. Horsley V, Aliprantis AO, Polak L, Glimcher LH, Fuchs E. NFATc1 balances quiescence and proliferation of skin stem cells. Cell. 2008 Jan 25;132(2):299-310." H' h2 d+ N$ O0 Z' D
+ ~! C7 D6 x& O' o5 |) c: G+ T
3. Nguyen H, Rendl M, Fuchs E. Tcf3 governs stem cell features and represses cell fate determination in skin. Cell. 2006 Oct 6;127(1):171-83.
' e$ ~8 q9 i. R# S$ |9 N
+ {% K6 K5 ^* j- O2 Q/ F4. Horsley V, O'Carroll D, Tooze R, Ohinata Y, Saitou M, Obukhanych T, Nussenzweig M, Tarakhovsky A, Fuchs E. Blimp1 defines a progenitor population that governs cellular input to the sebaceous gland. Cell. 2006 Aug 11;126(3):597-609
. g& _$ |7 l6 s" v
% {7 J' [! L+ A) k9 H5. Perez-Moreno M, Davis MA, Wong E, Pasolli HA, Reynolds AB, Fuchs E. p120-catenin mediates inflammatory responses in the skin. Cell. 2006 Feb 10;124(3):631-44.
6 X8 M, R" \! w% M+ M3 V5 `- C
; ]: {0 `. j8 U# Q3 @/ ^% f: T( K第十位Haifan Lin Ph.D. (林海凡) Director, Yale University Stem Cell program, USA 美国耶鲁大学干细胞中心主任 0 ?/ {8 O* C9 B  G' A1 n/ ~% k

- {8 Z. `2 @* z7 @9 V" `+ Y" n+ A代表作文章
1 \3 M) a+ M' Z$ ^  I) A
( `! R% Y6 I, g  @6 D4 F5 w1.Yin H, Lin H. An epigenetic activation role of Piwi and a Piwi-associated piRNA in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature. 2007 Nov 8;450(7167):304-8.9 t. z4 j) X1 {* }
$ {! Y9 m$ ]4 B3 O# f3 o
2. Wang Z, Lin H. Nanos maintains germline stem cell self-renewal by preventing differentiation.8 Z8 C( P  `9 p- R4 Z) B

& r0 h& }, w! y4 i( S( U/ hScience. 2004 Mar 26;303(5666):2016-9;
: m" Z( h8 q9 M$ U5 n- h
; g7 C( ~2 B! g. m! B1 |! p2 g1 g3. Deng W, Lin H. miwi, a murine homolog of piwi, encodes a cytoplasmic protein essential for spermatogenesis. Dev Cell. 2002 Jun;2:819-30.8 Q* y3 [/ C! `3 i. Q' c- Z" z' G
) t# M5 K* N7 g" A! V& k/ S
4. Cox DN, Chao A, Baker J, Chang L, Qiao D, Lin H. A novel class of evolutionarily conserved genes defined by piwi are essential for stem cell self-renewal. Genes Dev. 1998 Dec 1;12(23):3715-27
- @5 s( N" j& f* G  L: e
* c: j- s* F# w6 ?5. Lin H. Stem cells: to be and not to be. Nature. 2003 Sep 25;425(6956):353-5
7 n0 g/ y- V! N
7 j* B& f/ y0 V7 Y+ H  U% S& ~5 Z& ?, L并列第10位Olle Lindvall, MD, PhD, 瑞典Lund大学干细胞中心主任,Science杂志评委$ d7 F! g- }3 O- @. k* K
+ \# @0 D- U  O# b( ^
, v7 L: `# S5 ?  N" @, V, d# O, P! o: o8 Z9 D, ^* A  b
1.Lindvall O, Kokaia Z. Stem cells for the treatment of neurological disorders. Nature. 2006 Jun 29;441(7097):1094-6。
9 ?/ J4 }& L) z# x, n) @8 D" a* F  ?
9 z9 v3 A* r. b) `& W2. Lindvall O, Kokaia Z, Martinez-Serrano A. Stem cell therapy for human neurodegenerative disorders-how to make it work. Nat Med. 2004 Jul;10 Suppl:S42-50.
/ y9 h2 n/ }2 }; @& B8 w
9 v8 ~$ S/ f, y& h3. Arvidsson A, Collin T, Kirik D, Kokaia Z, Lindvall O. Neuronal replacement from endogenous precursors in the adult brain after stroke. Nat Med. 2002 Sep;8(9):963-70.
. O: I' U" V. t& J2 D1 j0 z" e
/ |: N8 `9 F. P$ X: X) [% @4. Hagell P, Piccini P, Björklund A, Brundin P, Rehncrona S, Widner H, Crabb L, Pavese N, Oertel WH, Quinn N, Brooks DJ, Lindvall O. Dyskinesias following neural transplantation in Parkinson's disease. Nat Neurosci. 2002 Jul;5(7):627-8.3 ~5 D* u5 R% w2 x  J
& ^+ D* @1 G$ M! @* [' v. Z8 h2 {
5. Björklund A, Lindvall O. Self-repair in the brain. Nature. 2000 Jun 22;405(6789):892-3, 895.
  L$ E# b, M# C( ?! F. I" J$ d3 `6 ^) [) ?/ ^5 p
. e$ a- D% r; k) Z4 o7 o总算搞完了,请大家补充批评后再修改和完善。
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发表于 2010-3-27 14:02 |只看该作者
* v& |+ D7 {: z0 z, V% s; C% ]. q# `网友1:- C) G8 a/ m! b6 }! _
thanks a lot, but the sequence might not required.
' U# U: _6 P* mstill. the same question$ `& D# r4 F6 S8 f/ x9 L
do you really know about stem cells?
" e& |  E+ z: I
9 W5 s- X  o- t" G9 @for example, $ \3 a' K  p8 H+ C4 s
Dr. Lin is the one of top Chinese scientists, probably the greatest 3 or 4 Chinese Biologgists in the past 20 years. However, most of his works were done6 E5 |% S1 {6 ~1 {' V
in drosophila. do you know the difference between drosophila and mammals?
+ }* D3 Z4 S5 l8 H, k3 whe is a developmental biologist rather than a stem cell scientist. I would say 90% of people in this forum know nothing about what did he do, even me.
* y* }$ ]7 d$ clike you, can you say any thing about Piwi or Nano...and their roles in human?, E+ b/ K! X& _: |* g# R" {3 Y, c& d
even mice? I would be very surprised if you did read Dr.Lin's paper.
2 j! g; z% }( m. g/ ~- N5 y! bDr. Lin and I have been worked in the same university and shared stem cell research club seminars... later on he left for his new job at Yale, and I moved to my new job too. The Piwi paper was published on Nature, everybody can read his paper.
" Z' i1 S& |! }0 J0 Q5 {I met him at 4 years ago at BDBS meeting, he gave a talk about PIWI on that meeting, I did read his papers about Piwi and Nano in the past years, thus why I ask you those questions,
' ]  y6 T( }5 \3 h( v  }I can not remember he say anything about the role of Piwi and Nano in mamammals..
2 x6 d( U2 ^0 y7 V( M+ T; `2 ~: h/ f5 n- A' {$ r; K
Lin was in Duke and Tsinghua in the past years before he moved to Yale,5 ~7 R$ W4 e7 h# @0 W
so you are from Duke? # K( y# Q0 I# D+ _- ?. [# w; z

1 J3 T( R9 B: T% G, \. J网友2:0 X0 O' A- h" x& H8 e
# G' k9 i8 t" ^; |7 n. H写得还是不错的。8 ^9 w0 C& R& h  s$ s! F
3 z4 L: K3 K9 ~( X  u& a+ _hang him up and let everyone shoot him freely?
) ], W3 s. B4 R& Q4 t; @我觉得不能因为某一项突破性发现就将其排位第一位。干细胞也分很多方向的,有些方向只是不那么吸引眼球而已,而在这些方向里也有大名鼎鼎的科学家。科学家是不能排名的,只是能够大概分为第一梯队和第二梯队而已,个人愚见。
; Z  s& I" U& n8 X& c. G; `楼上所言极是,超级同意!! U6 `! Y2 g8 v' \% n8 Z
科学永无止境,现在的科学也许是明天的腐朽,就在于它能否为今天的社会服务,明天的排名也许跟今天的截然不同,说不定科学界还会出现像专利局里的三级(最初级)档案保管员(爱因斯坦)改变整个世界的奇迹呢!* ?; e7 V! b2 C/ w
不过楼主所做的工作让人钦佩,至少让像我这样的菜鸟也开阔了视野,赞!' E$ U$ Y7 H6 A' J( t2 M
' l2 I) l! D2 |" N
5 G3 t0 g3 I! I: Y3 g9 l( w# m0 h另外有补充:
4 ^$ g, [" O: t. H- \- y" s. v干细胞领域里还有一位杰出的华人领军人物,完全可以与耶鲁大学干细胞中心主任林海帆教授相提并论,那就是芝加哥大学蓝田实验室负责人、美国休斯学院研究员蓝田教授。; u- J+ F( x3 B

6 O8 c+ X. W2 @蓝田(Bruce Lahn )博士、教授:蓝田博士于1986年入读北京大学本科,并于1988年转学哈佛大学。1991年取得哈佛大学学士学位,1998年取得麻省理工学院博士学位,1999年免读博士后而直接受聘为美国芝加哥大学人类遗传系助理教授,2000年受聘为霍华德休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)研究员。2006年初被芝加哥大学破格直升为终身正教授。
1 m. x0 B3 f3 B7 r9 T, D$ H蓝田博士在芝加哥大学领导着世界一流的实验室,其队伍由二十余名以博士后为主的高水平研究人员组成;实验室经费充足(多项研究基金约每年200万美元),在分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物信息学、进化学、动物模型组建等各方面都有强大的综合研究能力。实验室在建立的8年里在神经进化学,干细胞生物学,表观遗传学,及分子发育学等多个领域都取得了突破性成果。蓝田博士发表国际论文约60篇(见注1),其中近半数出现在包括Science、Nature Genetics、Cell、Human Molecular Genetics、PNAS在内的权威学术杂志上。
8 b1 V1 X: n6 Z; x蓝田博士敢于以创造性的思维打破被科学界普遍接受的传统观点从而改写传统理论,并为此获得多项荣誉(见注2)。其研究成果被世界各大传媒广泛报道,例如仅纽约时报就曾对他的研究作过多达十次的报道,另外多家媒体如华尔街日报、科学美国人和发现频道都对他进行过个人专访。2006年Science杂志在给他的个人传记中对他的革命性的学术思维、敢于挑战常规的勇气和开创性的研究成果做出了极高的评价。2 j- H2 v, X/ h0 P) g" t6 b4 `& c

: m8 z. W/ G8 |7 n' Q: b  p注1:蓝田博士发表的主要论文(选于约60篇):
1 W/ l. |9 `3 m- D5 C1 n3 J1. Lahn BT, Ma N, Breg WR, Stratton R, Surti U & Page DC. Xq-Yq interchange resulting in supernormal X-linked gene expression in severely retarded males with 46,XYq Karyotype. Nature Genetics. 1994, 8:243% Z8 v# ~3 I  b3 }; M  r
2. Lahn BT & Page DC. Functional coherence of the human Y chromosome. Science. 1997, 278:6750 h* q- `6 u: ~: M" i/ U2 S
3. Lahn BT & Page DC. Retroposition of autosomal mRNA yielded testis-specific gene family on human Y chromosome. Nature Genetics. 1999, 21:429
' K$ S5 V- J/ K7 u* ?" o) M. J4. Lahn BT & Page DC. Four evolutionary strata on the human X chromosome. Science. 1999, 286:964
3 e' a# z& q6 K8 F+ g5. Lahn BT & Page DC. A human sex-chromosomal gene family expressed in male germ cells and encoding variably charged proteins. Human Molecular Genetics. 2000, 9:311( h1 D5 O  f  U0 f$ N
6. Honarpour N, Gilbert SL, Lahn BT, Wang X & Herz J. Apaf-1 deficiency and neural tube closure defects are found in fog mice. PNAS. 2001, 8:9683
& Z! y/ P  m" }6 C7. Lahn BT, Pearson NM & Jegalian K. The human Y chromosome, in the light of evolution. Nature Reviews Genetics. 2001, 2:207
# @3 Q  j1 e+ V  @8. Lahn BT, Tang ZL, Zhou J, Barndt RJ, Parvinen M, Allis CD & Page DC. Previously uncharacterized histone acetyltransferases implicated in mammalian spermatogenesis. PNAS. 2002, 99:87070 ?* q( Y$ T8 u. Z- h+ J) @
9. Dorus S, Gilbert SG, Forster M, Barndt RJ & Lahn BT. The CDY-related gene family: coordinated evolution in copy number, expression profile, and protein sequence. Human Molecular Genetics. 2003, 12:1643
& O$ t1 n1 A" V4 d$ p10. Evans PD, Anderson JR, Vallender EJ, Gilbert SL, Malcom CM, Dorus S & Lahn BT. Adaptive evolution of ASPM, a major determinant of cerebral cortical size in humans. Human Molecular Genetics. 2004, 13:4894 s' n- n  G$ x7 I
11. Vallender EJ & Lahn BT. How mammalian sex chromosomes acquired their peculiar gene content. BioEssays. 2004, 26:159
% P5 Y4 U5 H4 B$ U4 d: y12. Evans PD, Anderson JR, Vallender EJ, Choi SS & Lahn BT. Reconstructing the evolutionary history of Microcephalin, a gene controlling human brain size. Human Molecular Genetics. 2004, 13:1139
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14. Dorus S, Evans PD, Wyckoff GJ, Choi SS & Lahn BT. Rate of molecular evolution of the seminal protein gene SEMG2 correlates with levels of female promiscuity. Nature Genetics. 2004, 36:13262 b! W7 H9 e6 |) G2 D6 R
15. Dorus S, Vallender EJ, Evans PD, Anderson JR, Gilbert SL, Mahowald M, Wyckoff GJ, Malcom CM & Lahn BT. Accelerated evolution of nervous system genes in the origin of Homo sapiens. Cell. 2004, 119:1027
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17. Wyckoff GJ, Malcom CM, Vallender EJ & Lahn BT. A highly unexpected strong correlation between fixation probability of nonsynonymous mutations and mutation rate. Trends in Genetics. 2005, 21:381
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19. Evans PD, Gilbert SL, Mekel-Bobrov N, Vallender EJ, Anderson JR, Tishkoff SA, Hudson RR & Lahn BT. Microcephalin, a gene regulating brain size, continues to evolve adaptively in humans. Science. 2005, 309:17171 g, y: S+ l3 m, i& h
20. Mekel-Bobrov N, Gilbert SL, Evans PD, Vallender EJ, Anderson JR, Hudson RR, Tishkoff SA & Lahn BT. Ongoing adaptive evolution of ASPM, a brain size determinant in Homo sapiens. Science. 2005, 309:1720
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1 @' m: J9 `: z& E22. Bush EC & Lahn BT. Selective constraint on noncoding regions of hominid genomes. PLoS Computational Biology. 2005, 1:e735 z- d/ y* Y) ~. w# R
23. Gilbert SL, Zhang L, Forster M, Anderson JR, Iwase T, Soliven B, Donahue LR, Sweet HO, Bronson RT, Davisson MT, Wollmann RL & Lahn BT. Trak1 mutation disrupts GABAA receptor homeostasis in hypertonic mice. Nature Genetics. 2006, 38:2458 @5 b2 ~; q5 U, A+ G- V1 \
24. Ma BF, Liu XM, Xie XM, Zhang AX, Zhang JQ, Yu WH, Zhang XM, Li SN, Lahn BT & Xiang AP. Slower cycling of nestin-positive cells in neurosphere culture Neuroreport. 2006, 17:377
3 d9 S8 r) k: @7 e% s# J" Q25. Dorus S, Anderson JR, Vallender EJ, Gilbert SL, Zhang L, Chemnick LG, Ryder OA, Li W & Lahn BT. Sonic Hedgehog, a key development gene, experienced intensified molecular evolution in primates. Human Molecular Genetics. 2006, 15:2031' z7 I, I3 [( B+ v* X
26. Zhang JQ, Yu XB, Ma BF, Yu WH, Zhang AX, Huang G, Mao FF, Zhang XM, Wang ZC, Li SN, Lahn BT & Xiang AP. Neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells induced by conditioned medium from neural stem cell. Neuroreport. 2006, 17:9818 I. Z* i3 g' @
27. Vallender TW & Lahn BT. Localized methylation in the key regulator gene endothelin-1 is associated with cell type-specific transcriptional silencing. FEBS Letters. 2006, 580:4560) e; `) k, z" {1 G
28. Vallender TW & Lahn BT. Improved DNA methylation analysis via enrichment of demethylated cells expressing an X-inactivated transgene. BioTechniques. 2006, 41:461
3 F; q* I' s$ F/ {& f29. Vallender EJ & Lahn BT. A primate-specific acceleration in the evolution of the caspase-dependent apoptosis pathway. Human Molecular Genetics. 2006, 15:3034
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32. Evans PD, Mekel-Bobrov N, Vallender EJ, Hudson RR & Lahn BT. Evidence that the adaptive allele of the brain size gene microcephalin introgressed into Homo sapiens from an archaic Homo lineage. PNAS. 2006, 103:181782 S3 r1 H% L) J
33. Mekel-Bobrov N, Posthuma D, Gilbert SL, Lind P, Gosso MF, Luciano M, Harris SE, Bates TC, Polderman TJC, Whalley LJ, Fox H, Starr JM, Evans PD, Montgomery GW, Fernandes C, Heutink P, Martin NG, Boomsma DI, Deary IJ, Wright MJ, de Geus EJC & Lahn BT. The ongoing adaptive evolution of ASPM and Microcephalin is not explained by increased intelligence. Human Molecular Genetics. 2007, 16:600
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# ~% ?8 c! C# y( {2 k: U. w+ B( j37. Zhang AX, Yu WH, Yu XB, Ma BF, Yu XB, Mao FF, Liu W, Zhang JQ, Zhang XM, Li SN, Li MT, Lahn BT & Xiang AP. Proteomic identification of differently expressed proteins responsible for osteoblast differentiation from human mesenchymal stem cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2007, 304:1670 r5 K; {1 `+ P, @  }: a
38. Yang XH, Wu QL, Yu XB, Xu CZ, Ma BF, Zhang XM, Li SN, Lahn BT, Xiang AP. Nestin expression in different tumors and its relevance to malignant grade. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2007, Epub ahead of print" A3 E  D; i0 E* o: l! U
39. Yu WH, Chen ZG, Zhang JL, Ke H, Huang LH, Peng YW, Zhang XM, Li SN, Lahn BT, Xiang AP. Critical role of phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascade in adipogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells. Mol Cell Biochem. (in press)
$ c0 }9 X7 ~, H7 \9 c! r1 O, J40. Xiang AP, Mao FF, Li WQ, Ma BF, Wang T, Park D, Vallender TW, Vallender EJ, Zhang L, Lee J, Waters JA, Zhang XM, Yu XB, Li SN & Lahn BT. Extensive contribution of embryonic stem cells to the development of an evolutionarily divergent host. Human Molecular Genetics. 2007, Epub ahead of print9 E! V# V7 H4 _+ t! U1 H

( E/ R! q! S. `$ B# Q注2:蓝田博士荣誉:
0 X' T* I* W# X0 m: t9 N( v' T1998 美林论坛全球创新奖 (Merrill Lynch Forum Global Innovation Award)
; `" U2 Y( B8 ~8 G3 {  L1999 列入“科技回顾”杂志评选的世界前一百名下一千禧年最有实力的年轻创新者 (Named “TR100: 100 top future innovators” by Technology Review magazine)
+ A9 x" n) K' ]2004 列入“芝加哥商报”评选的芝加哥40名40岁以下的商业、政府和科学明星 (Named “40 Under 40: Chicago’s rising stars in business, government, and academia” by Crain’s Chicago Business magazine) (美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马亦获此殊荣)% s( h1 v. F$ w8 K
2005 列入著名“时尚”杂志评选的美国精英 (Named “America’s Best and Brightest” by Esquire magazine)
$ a8 Y2 S: Y! w/ e' _1 w0 T2005 论文被列Science 选出的“2005年度发现:进行中的进化论” (Papers cited by Science magazine as contributing to 2005 Discovery of the Year: Evolution in Action)- D) F0 n! V0 i
2005 工作被“发现”杂志选为“2005年头100个科学发现”(Work selected by Discovery magazine as one of “100 Top Science Stories of 2005”) 3 H5 r" d, M7 H  ]6 Z  X
2006 个人传记刊登在Science 年终期刊。(Profile: Bruce Lahn, Science, 2006,314:22)$ X; s7 F" V" A) S9 G

1 p  \) x; q  X! H' i奇迹仍然在继续...... ( v6 ^5 B9 [. G  t8 L; i0 w9 G

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优秀会员 积极份子 小小研究员

发表于 2010-3-29 08:57 |只看该作者
Well done!

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优秀版主 金话筒 优秀会员

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发表于 2010-4-1 15:45 |只看该作者
没必要排名,即使排名也要有一个指标,比如影响因子总数,而且只能说是:”按照影响因子排名“,因为”顶尖 ...& @4 T4 l' z0 W! i
hcoohboy 发表于 2010-3-31 11:28

$ O& W* D! g3 x2 h- }  Z& I3 r9 V, n+ n: _. C0 T6 G4 z0 R

5 E' \! c* g7 p8 W9 v9 e    呵呵~排名只是让大家了解在iPS研究领域的来龙去脉,以及哪些团队研究的比较火,便于刚刚进入这一研究领域的学者们系统的观察这种形式,其实不必在意排第几,能上榜的都是iPS研究领域额的顶尖人物。
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