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萃智(TRIZ)——科学有生命吗? [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-6-22 11:10 |只看该作者 |正序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-6-22 11:30 编辑 . x: Z: t( x' ?6 V+ K6 q
+ E/ M7 B6 c9 l# h
' _/ p1 w- M8 w5 t1 G4 @+ h
8 _0 N% i+ g' C1 W  u                                       科学有生命力吗?  技术会进化吗?
8 w; |% q. B& f7 a/ a
5 N& n& t2 c' i' U) @    也许有时很无奈,研究中你所关注的问题往往别人也在思考,你费九牛二虎之力找的的思路与他人不谋而合,甚至你刚刚完成了研究却发现别人同时也得到同样结果...
2 ?0 |7 p" L! L- y4 h0 a: r" H4 D. C( X! T% F
       进化论是1858年达尔文和华莱士同时发现的;而重编程多能干细胞(iPS cell)是2006年分属京都大学及威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的两个团队同时完成的,虽然独立研究,但使用的方法几乎完全相同,更巧合的是竟然同时分别被两本期刊审核通过,证明基因直接重组技术的确有效。他们所使用的方式都是利用病毒将四个基因送入皮肤细胞,促使普通的皮肤细胞产生变化,最后成为带有胚胎干细胞性质的细胞,称为诱导式多能性干细胞(iPS)。* D, j7 E* \- {
* R0 I5 b8 q: K$ T$ R2 `
- b' g0 M  L  G" t$ _
$ V* b( G  W7 G    熟话说得好“地球离开谁都照样转”,科学发现发明是一些伟大的科学家贡献,但是不得不承认真理不以人们的意志为转移,科学规律的揭示,技术的进步往往并不依赖于某个人,即便是牛顿不存在万有引力依然存在,依然会被人们揭示出来;
  F5 _1 Y5 l7 v; S4 a3 x  Q' ~$ k  P; \! V& P: E1 N
/ }" J. ~+ I4 ~- ?! {- N+ j8 h5 |8 s
     这里老狼想提示: 人类科学技术发展到今天,在某一领域遇到的问题往往在其它学科,甚至是毫不相干的学科,有80%左右的问题已给出正确答案的思路...
  y& ^' a1 W8 k/ Q# G4 Y* X1 t. Q2 h6 s& S8 b# m* e+ }" S& L0 m
: z6 _% R2 R9 r7 L
- c- D9 H$ P# C6 K8 S% Z# ]   
2 |# G; j$ u* X2 s     以后数十年中,Altshuller穷其毕生的精力致力于TRIZ理论的研究和完善。在他的领导下,前苏联的研究机构、大学、企业组成了TRIZ的研究团体,分析了世界近250万份高水平的发明专利,总结出各种技术发展进化遵循 的规律模式,以及解决各种技术矛盾和物理矛盾的创新原理和法则,建立一个由解决技术,实现创新开发的各种方法、算法组成的综合理论体系,并综合多学科领域的原理和法则,建立起TRIZ理论体系。
% y; Y; E; T7 o) d8 q$ E. W9 |' z0 l4 f; X
      TRIZ的含义是发明问题解决理论,其拼写是由“发明问题的解决理论”俄文теории решения изобретательскихзадач 的英文音译Teoriya Resheniya Izobreata-telskikh Zadatch的缩写,其英文全称是Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems(发明问题解决理论)。在欧美国家也可缩写为TIPS。 / c1 E* s. l, v( Q' u' G

" f4 ~2 Z/ R% D1 O    埃及神话故事中会飞的魔毯曾经引起我们无数遐想,有了TRIZ,我们不妨一步步分析一下这个会飞的魔毯。
2 Z1 @( |9 d& \( d! l" t" \* k8 r4 S; `7 f
  现实生活中虽然有毯子,但毯子都不会飞的,原因是由于地球引力,毯子具有重量,而毯子比空气重。那么在什么条件下毯子可以飞翔? 我们可以施加向上的力,或者让毯子的重量小于空气的重量,或者希望来自地球的重力不存在。如果我们分析一下毯子及其周围的环境,会发现这样一些可以利用的资源,如空气中的中微子流、空气流、地球磁场、地球重力场、阳光等,而毯子本身也包括其纤维材料,形状、质量等。那么利用这些资源可以找到一些让毯子飞起来的办法,比如毯子的纤维与中微子相互作用可使毯子飞翔,在毯子上安装提供反向作用力的发动机,毯子在没有来自地球重力的宇宙空间,毯子由于下面的压力增加而悬在空中(气垫毯),利用磁悬浮原理,或者毯子比空气轻。这些办法有的比较现实,但有的仍然看似不可能,比如毯子即使很轻,但也比空气重,对这一点我们还可以继续分析。比如毯子之所以重是因为其材料比空气重,解决的办法就是采用比空气轻的材料制作毯子,或者毯子象空中的尘埃微粒一样大小,等等。 ; S4 @3 n6 T4 ?3 o/ W
& r; J3 h$ z" G! k: w  C) d1 z& S
  通过上面一个简单分析过程,我们会发现,神话传说中会飞的毯子逐渐走向现实,从中或许我们可以得到很多有趣甚至十分有用的创意。这个简单的应用展示了金鱼法的创造性问题分析原理:即它首先从幻想式构想中分离出现实部分,对于不现实部分,通过引入其它资源,一些想法由不现实变为现实,然后继续对不现实部分进行分析,直到全部变为现实。因此通过这种反复迭代的办法,常常会给看似不可能的问题带来一种现实的解决方案。 , n/ p9 A4 ^- g# X+ v/ k! }$ u
: }! U/ _$ s% q+ V
# H2 W- E9 \6 d【图书推荐】《发明是这样诞生的-TRIZ理论全接触》
% C. Y. s9 ?, s% r! _5 z; d3 Q; n: q( d9 y& y9 r; c$ T
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-6-25 22:35 |只看该作者

TRIZ之76 条标准解

$ g" b. P# [* y! p" q. r
  7 t  i. V0 m& {) b
76 条标准解共分五类,具体内容如下。$ F7 o7 t3 R( Q7 E$ J- u9 k) h

' l9 B$ f% }- g


" y, z; |& J' A' S+ o$ _
, x7 J5 r* g0 G+ A6 q$ o/ c& A7 U$ @
(1)改进具有非完整功能的系统 * ]/ {/ X) p! U: W0 T+ {

% Y: }0 K* D: h, T$ E* B+ ENo.1 假如只有物质S1,应增加物质S2 及力场F,以完整系统三要素,并使其有效。- o6 J/ U4 j7 C3 w- D
- `# [+ K9 @1 ]) f; @7 y
No.2 假如系统不能改变,但可接受永久的或临时的添加物,可以在S1 或S2 内部添加来实现。
7 @9 K$ o6 \9 w  j- T9 H9 ?) ^- O( u/ i3 f: F! q
No.3 假如系统不能改变,但用永久的或临时的用外部添加物来改变S1 或S2 是可以接受的,则加之。, `- f# ^4 w( B. Z8 |+ W2 o, B# b/ z

" B' V8 [# z- I5 E, M8 ?% V; e, x0 PNo.4 假定系统不能改变,但可用环境资源作为内部或外部添加物,是可接受的,则加之。
! f* \  g4 G0 r+ W1 U4 G# N* z! a& z0 x1 j4 Z
No.5 假定系统不能改变,但可以改变系统以外的环境,则改变之。
/ ~8 O. n& O9 m. A$ v
/ b& v$ |0 P6 Y6 X+ eNo.6 微小量的精确控制是困难的,则可以通过增加一个附加物,并在之后除去来控制微小量。$ f2 u' l5 N9 V0 r0 o

6 G; `3 N3 j2 B) t6 INo.7 一个系统的场强度不够,增加场强度又会损坏系统,可将强度足够大的一个场施加到另一元件上,把该元件再连接到原系统上。同理,一种物质不能很好地发挥作用,则可连接到另一物质上发挥作用。
. w1 H, d5 P1 b8 W' i: a
4 H" L2 ?3 K4 y2 q) |, f9 d/ xNo.8 同时需要大的(强的)和小的(弱的)效应时,需小效应的位置可由物质S3 来保护。" Q, c4 w5 l. P  A

) R- [' _$ ~1 S! g) c, @# C(2)消除或抵消有害效应 ( g2 m( X. q9 y5 }* }6 m( F
* |) k( d# w4 d! s: w6 I
No.9 在一个系统中有用及有害效应同时存在,S1及S2 不必互相接触,引入S3 来消除有害效应。
: n0 a2 O) i5 [4 M3 t9 ^" ~& p, r/ y5 [4 f
No.10 与No.9 类似,但不允许增加新物质。通过改变S1 或S2 来消除有害效应。该类解包括增加“虚无物质”,如:空位、真空或空气、气泡等,或加一种场。
5 j/ c$ ?7 u7 z& x7 n& ?( E9 Q0 f5 k; W! `" Y% ?
No.11 有害效应是一种场引起的,则引入物质S3吸收有害效应。* x. p* X3 f1 Z4 t! @2 |
+ y/ N! r5 o$ H( h& b
No.12 在一个系统中,有用、有害效应同时存在,但S1 及S2 必须处于接触状态,则增加场F2 使之抵消F1 的影响,或者得到一附加的有用效应。' X( {9 [# V1 z2 v, ^

  W. |1 K, c" S4 H2 V- }# o. mNo.13 在一个系统中,由于一个要素存在磁性而产生有害效应。将该要素加热到居里点以上,磁性将不存在,或者引入一相反的磁场消除原磁场。
: @- X* T' P- y/ b1 _2 v7 [5 R4 _6 O% {


4 ~! `& D; P  w* c: Z  L/ k4 r9 X" R; o, n1 V6 _4 [
(1)变换到复杂的物-场模型 / ~! H/ i. M8 O/ H! `
2 u- t* m+ t7 j+ [. Y  P' L# J
No.14 串联的物-场模型:将S2 及F1 施加到S3;再将S3 及F2 施加到S1。两串联模型独立可控。
+ S+ f  r. s& U+ J7 _% Y8 F( Y$ V
No.15 并联的物-场模型:一个可控性很差的系统已存在部分不能改变,则可并联第二个场。1 X7 c4 l/ @: X7 d' @
. h. {+ k/ Q, t! |
9 D9 W2 G) Y: c2 T; m$ u: i5 l& _' w( D' d) V
No.16 对可控性差的场,用一易控场来代替,或增加一易控场:由重力场变为机械场或由机械场变为电磁场。其核心是由物理接触变到场的作用。
) ?* L$ e+ j; T  }* }! }3 B; x" e6 A
No.17 将S2 由宏观变为微观。
: M# l8 |+ }# Y& R
4 L5 H: S( |4 D+ W( m" w& _1 ?No.18 改变S2 成为允许气体或液体通过的多孔的或具有毛细孔的材料。5 [, b, C9 Q3 l! ^7 h& @

/ Q. T1 b: g& Z- v& GNo.19 使系统更具柔性或适应性,通常方式是由刚性变为一个铰接,或成为连续柔性系统。
. t* b+ i3 O9 J, J. Q6 G1 N3 j' h8 J& P7 Q! {% x( h7 i' x, u' b1 C5 k
No.20 驻波被用于液体或粒子定位。. y2 P" }" d  r4 f* _" v

8 d1 y- g& D6 J2 e  z4 WNo.21 将单一物质或不可控物质变成确定空间结构的非单一物质,这种变化可以是永久的或临时的。( }% V5 N  z+ T( E; Q- b
) n8 X! b# w2 m- ?& L6 F
(3)控制或改变频率 0 p. _% i9 u% P" W) z  `
: @$ l) E# ?) f' F1 R9 \) c* ^
No.22 使F 与S1 或S2 的自然频率匹配或不匹配。; w4 ~, V/ i. E3 k. p( Q

; j8 c6 B; b- e3 j& SNo.23 与F1 或F2 的固有频率匹配。3 ]% M" t  I. Q% u1 l% Q# B/ T' r3 L$ q

% u/ I0 X% V7 r4 F! F# MNo.24 两个不相容或独立的动作可相继完成。
. V- S/ L5 x8 b4 K, {, n& i+ s' r
3 C2 K% l) K, y/ x; {; g: r! D/ b' S(4)铁磁材料与磁场结合 1 q* I  H$ a  D1 u0 C8 y$ U
' a7 ?7 G. }* b5 o
No.25 在一个系统中增加铁磁材料和(或)磁场。
- f, f: Z5 i: x  I+ t, N- l+ c3 _: i/ T4 i1 j+ u
No.26 将No.16 与No.25 结合,利用铁磁材料与磁。
! u' z' g; ~/ i* S4 d
0 i* `$ A6 c4 b! yNo.27 利用磁流体,这是No.26 的一个特例。! H" Y; ~4 i) C: M
) R/ H. y& ?2 p
No.28 利用含有磁粒子或液体的毛细结构。& y+ R' \# U4 ~; N

8 J# g+ Y' i" {# ?* e0 i. v& kNo.29 利用附加场,如涂层,使非磁场体永久或临时具有磁性。
1 d0 r4 }! K: E  y. G) k" \2 S
No.30 假如一个物体不能具有磁性,将铁磁物质引入到环境之中。& [% r* R6 f! a$ l( e7 y: W

0 V4 _$ i9 N2 M+ a  {. HNo.31 利用自然现象,如物体按场排列,或在居里点以上使物体失去磁性。
5 e: j+ E$ r$ r7 c+ C# `! F6 k6 ^, a; C# P! A1 p0 e! x
No.32 利用动态,可变成自调整的磁场。
% k; h) e% \- [6 M. ~( x4 f3 R5 B9 R! i
No.33 加铁磁粒子改变材料结构,施加磁场移动粒子,使非结构化系统变为结构化系统,或反之。! t- b, a. h/ V6 Z1 w2 W. [3 Q
( i* r4 ]$ O' u& f
No.34 与F 场的自然频率相匹配。对于宏观系统,采用机械振动增加铁磁粒子的运动。在分子及原子水平上,材料的复合成分可通过改变磁场频率的方法用电子谐振频谱确定。' x* J  z( C. ]

* R8 f, N5 U1 X7 T) bNo.35 用电流产生磁场并代替磁粒子。6 Y6 O$ L3 Y- k3 @9 F" I; I4 \! y

. _* ^5 |: M2 i5 [9 aNo.36 电流变流体具有被电磁场控制的黏度,利用此性质及其他方法一起使用,如电流变流体轴承等。5 m. Y# q/ o; M: H* W' O: Y" o* H
: H" x0 {0 Y0 \: u; I2 q


5 K7 I$ {# H, V7 Y/ T- `
  d+ q; z  m9 M% }  a(1)传递到双系统或多系统
; {+ c" y9 k% c9 |
" _# M. W1 `; q5 a1 e  _6 [No.37 系统传递1:产生双系统或多系统。7 d& g1 i0 u! R0 d, ?
9 P7 `4 J) ~" {% s$ e2 r/ _9 e
No.38 改进双系统或多系统中的连接。
9 t3 s% t; ?7 I) H7 G' P; S
" ^0 a5 `  V4 L2 p+ y) Y' x1 GNo.39 系统传递2: 在系统之间增加新的功能。' ^) r" N3 `1 U' B6 R
5 D3 J& p( n5 m6 [( D
No.40 双系统及多系统的简化。
) R& v  R9 C8 E1 ]
9 B2 A  M3 a# M/ uNo.41 系统传递3: 利用整体与部分之间的相反特性。9 v/ A/ M' |0 t& B( E

: z: G7 C! Y/ ^; M4 t7 I(2)传递到微观水平 8 v6 T# }5 y5 m- }
% @3 C/ y$ `& d- x% L
No.42 系统传递4:传递到微观水平来控制。
- o- b9 m, ], v1 ~( j$ b/ ^4 a) K" a8 [& [; R) ]6 D9 m


) }! W2 M! R# R

: N& |; |  |9 D: ?6 a% f(1)间接法
5 Q" w) K8 n# z. z6 }4 Q. L- Y" v' ~: N6 g
No.43 替代系统中的检测与测量,使之不再需要。8 c1 f/ }3 {* p7 n& ]" y/ W

/ Z4 ?2 E; }+ q' @No.44 若No.43 不可能,则测量一复制品或肖像。% F5 H0 @' @9 V; s+ A
9 Q9 Q; H+ L/ Y; }1 Q5 I
No.45 如No.43 及No.44 不可能,则利用两个检测量代替一个连续测量。
7 X3 N# Z- G3 g* r; `
% B( _. H4 d. r* Q8 B( h0 S2 `+ D(2)将零件或场引入到已存在的系统中 / J, B" a" N6 Q# r7 t
2 K" s, ?- s  S. z( ]- [% P
No.46 假如一个不完整物-场系统不能被检测,则增加单一或两个物-场系统,且一个场作为输出。假如已存在的场是非有效的,在不影响原系统的条件下,改变或加强该场,使它具有容易检测的参数。
; [, Y4 u% v! m6 I5 w6 c" x
8 y: E6 D. {' g6 |( \: |, aNo.47 测量一引入的附加物。' A+ n( R" E+ H) _' S/ J; s! V; k6 U# O
3 G- l, _, c* ?$ m7 w! C; J
No.48 假如在系统中不能增加附加物,则在环境中增加而对系统产生一个场,检测此场对系统的影响。3 E+ V$ a' s1 C( O1 ]# p% S
! z. v- S( ?$ c0 M0 L  M, }: p0 s3 Z
No.49 假如附加场不能被引入到环境中去,则分解或改变环境中已存在的物质,并测量产生的效应。
) }5 n% M2 T. @" p4 B- ]$ b( k1 I& M8 V, p0 K  E
* K+ q! r" J9 W& G2 x; N) `
# {* g/ H1 C, B2 ONo.50 利用自然现象。例如:利用系统中出现的已知科学效应,通过观察效应的变化,决定系统的状态。
9 N% @8 O* a3 y% B4 E0 s0 L0 n+ z* y- P% h+ u, f0 R8 s5 B
No.51 假如系统不能直接或通过场测量,则测量系统或要素激发的固有频率来确定系统变化。
* K% J+ A3 f0 H/ z6 T% D4 a. y& _2 ^* I# |! i1 O; \9 U) a/ s
No.52 假如实现No.51 不可能,则测量与已知特性相联系的物体的固有频率。
( Q* T' M$ X( R8 G" B6 D* A
2 j, [  \- `! p(4)测量铁磁场(Fe-场) $ q2 s% w1 O; o! V8 M! d

; ^  N( K1 _* ]% m. R: i. ZNo.53 增加或利用铁磁物质或磁场以便测量。
2 h- b, [+ `8 n/ j. J# R$ Q! y8 H5 |% o( t& U" Q0 _+ U
No.54 增加磁场粒子或改变一种物质成为铁磁粒子以便测量。测量所导致的磁场变化即可。6 {; Q6 `3 {. y5 B
5 ?) v" ?6 c  ]
No.55 假如No.54 不可能建立一个复合系统,则添加铁磁粒子到系统中去。
4 o0 c+ U, k' K5 |: i
, u) {' y/ w8 q/ r" W3 cNo.56 假如系统中不允许增加铁磁物质,则将其加到环境中。
9 e* u3 H, r. q& d
" K# H0 R0 n( hNo.57 测量与磁性有关现象,如居里点、磁滞等。  Q' k# E0 R9 z1 \/ a
* m9 }% y) P- Q( k" `
(5)测量系统的改进方向 5 }* e% z, c0 H. @8 o( ~! _4 l# \; S
4 A$ a5 m5 C* Q& d7 y% c
No.58 若单系统精度不够,可用双系统或多系统。0 w7 [& k7 V& i6 D! e1 E

* H3 J* ]) l% C9 C. Q. _No.59 代替直接测量,可测量时间或空间的一阶或二阶导数。
2 q  L& L6 a( X
( @1 A# \! f2 Y# j: H8 s( g' w


+ }% M$ t, y3 D4 x! D+ \4 n0 F: Q& F( G
2 ?+ t8 P2 g5 \
(1)引入物质 % X: Y7 f* u8 S# X. a; N. d
( u! s- Q* c- r( @- p" Z' }' q
No.60 间接方法:+ S! K0 B. p- r4 Y% Y# o
1)使用无成本资源,如:空气、真空、气泡、泡沫、缝隙等;2 a% W8 M/ k8 K1 h. C3 ]
9 `7 k- z: X& v% ^2 j: c3 S3)用外部附加物代替内部附加物;3 L  N, P5 Z) N  `
% }+ I8 O9 E. ~2 X9 t5)将附加物集中到一特定位置上;
4 y8 u8 {/ E; v6 N6 S4 t4 y6)暂时引入附加物;
+ T8 T) E$ j3 r/ _2 c- A' k; Q7)假如原系统中不允许附加物,可在其复制品中增加附加物,这包括仿真器的使用;0 B! C+ l5 h1 W7 d$ B
4 C1 @4 K2 R, \$ t. m& n9)通过对环境或物体本身的分解获得所需的附加物。! G$ N+ {7 d7 P2 R) k  D0 ^

) ?" Q: E9 k# g& N2 hNo.61 将要素分为更小的单元。
- y1 u6 ~" U1 A% W. A1 V2 f1 s. P- H2 o; d$ P! D
No.62 附加物用完后自动消除。
3 A& `- ?6 h" F5 w6 X
  _7 r- N4 z9 G% J+ x: sNo.63 假如环境不允许大量使用某种材料,则使用对环境无影响的东西。
) Z! s  T! B* g. F& B
* d# J0 |4 L+ m# l(2)使用场 7 U" v  ]0 s' t3 W3 e( G
! B+ F* k7 W1 }1 g4 o* Q+ P- d
No.64 使用一种场来产生另一种场。) R% N8 \0 p( ~9 p9 w

( J* k2 _5 P, P' BNo.65 利用环境中已存在的场。
; N! F& p$ a- v( z: q# N$ [) m- T& _* T
No.66 使用属于场资源的物质。1 \0 h5 }: ~4 Z+ u  Y
. z/ b5 Q; K$ {! h0 C
(3)状态传递 : _) R6 J. A' i2 w0 u, Y
% |8 R  w6 e0 O0 _4 X" O% ]  {
No.67 状态传递1:替代状态。
/ \5 q+ j. L4 q% F$ H  T# [4 w5 F- f* ?% G0 D8 q
No.68 状态传递2:双态。$ Z. s) w- z- A3 z- T5 s  M$ H- u5 x
5 z9 i8 N( b7 b& W7 I
No.69 状态传递3:利用转换中的伴随现象。1 j# _4 n4 w8 z0 H' A: U6 n3 P

# R+ {9 ~1 U+ X9 TNo.70 状态传递4:传递到双态。
7 K: X3 o+ d0 A2 F& ^; l/ Z
/ o0 x4 b6 H6 R( p# @/ u% K4 ENo.71 利用元件或物质间的作用使其更有效。5 \6 U& X: ~( @$ R5 Z  V- j8 y

/ q0 W3 X5 b5 u' v+ _(4)应用自然现象
, S1 N0 R  ?! @9 A9 f, J# z$ a3 \
; [7 h( G; Z& P3 j. ENo.72 自控制传递。假如一物体必须具有不同的状态,应使其自身从一个状态传递到另一状态。8 g! a" g  F4 b, o7 _; Z% n
/ `6 P/ ~& _: C
No.73 当输入场较弱时,加强输出场,通常在接近状态转换点处实现。$ A5 H+ l" Y) D

. b0 L) X# ?' s(5)产生高等或低等结构水平的物质 : o7 ?/ g. @9 Z3 l( {7 o+ x! k

7 U" q( P2 s8 P/ t% a0 e7 h6 WNo.74 通过分解获得物质粒子。5 \& b1 c, ^. p) C% [- l
, [% V& l  b* j
No.75 通过结合获得物质。
2 C% v) W( U- @* F0 G1 o' B
4 G' Q* k; X) s$ i7 @No.76 假如高等结构物质需分解但又不能分解,可用次高一级的物质状态替代;反之,如低等结构物质不能应用,则用高一级的物质代替。
% P& o* a! A, O3 a4 T0 ~4 R9 K
  A  Z, C& h2 |5 o6 ~从第一类解到第四类解的求解过程中,可能使系统变得更复杂,因为往往要引入新的物质或场;第五类解是简化系统的方法,以保证系统理想化。当从第一到第三类有了解以后,或解决第四类检测测量问题后,再回到第五类去解,这是正确的方法.
# C; N+ g/ G' k, k

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-6-25 22:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-6-25 22:37 编辑
! k6 U+ U/ ?. x' W! N
: q6 j, u9 H6 c. A. \TRIZ原理:变害为利(convert a  harm into  a benefit )
- e' L; O, l4 _3 u, J0 U6 e1. 利用有害的因素(特别是对环境的有害影响)来取得积极效果。比如:用废弃的热能来发电;废品的回收二次利用。
1 G4 D4 L% m" Z3 O3 u2. “ 以毒攻毒 ” ,用另一个有害作用来中和以消除物体所存在的有害作用。比如:在腐蚀性的溶液中添加缓冲剂;在潜水中使用氦氧混合气,既消除空气或其他硝 基混合物带来的氧中毒。
/ g: H* Z5 @2 k$ X0 x% I3. 加大有害因素的程度。比如:用逆火烧掉一部分植物,形成隔离带,来防止森林大火的蔓延。
; G2 k5 O( |3 h* t( f. z9 @/ Q  t% a/ w! P3 I! M& b: t8 Q0 ]
3 S5 `& E/ J; U% e渥伦哥尔船长要从加拿大乘雪橇前往阿拉斯加,一个叫 “ 倒霉蛋 ” 的团伙给他买了一只 “ 鹿 ”和一条 “ 狗 ” ,但他实际收到的不是鹿和狗,所谓的 “ 鹿 ” 实际是牛,“ 狗 ”是狼。! n9 r& y! W& h
渥伦哥尔船长并没有被难住,他巧妙地利用牛和狼之间的有害作用,顺利完成了旅行任务 。
+ N- i1 Y8 F5 f' \0 Y渥伦哥尔船长将牛和狼一前一后套在雪橇上,受惊吓的牛拼命的拉着雪橇向前奔,狼想扑牛也拼命地拉着雪橇向前跑。5 c5 ]" c1 R" ^2 O" L" d
1 Y% I  \  ^! q. o& Y- |  t
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-6-25 22:08 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-6-25 22:20 编辑 7 W# i$ K% F4 d) a* k' o% o$ x
# t, I4 j9 g/ [, `0 G# A* ?$ P
TRIZ原理:逆向思维( inversion )
' ]% V- W' k9 m4 R0 a; c" A1. 颠倒过去解决问题的办法。比如:为了松开粘连在一起的部件,不是加热外部件,而是冷却内部件;把大山带到穆罕默德的面前来,而不是让穆罕默德到大山那里去等等。
1 B$ H6 ~, y2 g2. 使物体的活动部分改变为固定的,让固定的部分变为活动的。比如:旋转部件而不是旋转工具;健身跑步机等等。$ [8 Y. u1 [. h  d, K, }2 K$ r; R
3 .翻转物体(或过程)。比如:通过翻转容器以倒出谷物;将杯子倒置,以便从下面喷水清洗。* [: Y: \  _! k" `; I. e
1 h1 n3 t/ n0 P- w& L

( ~7 S1 A& n# C! {3 D  E' K故事:巧克力的窍门8 Q& L( |% V+ s9 u
这一天是一个漂亮女孩的生日,有一个客人带来了一大盒巧克力糖,这是一种酒瓶形的果汁巧克力糖,巧克力的中心是液态的果汁,大家都非常喜欢。一边吃着巧克力,有位客人好奇地问道: “ 我很纳闷这种果汁巧克力的果汁是怎么装进去的? ”& {& w) A2 t) b) ?
“ 先做好巧克力,然后往里面灌上果汁,再封口。 ” 另一位客人猜测道。
4 j( Z4 [8 q0 e2 M* E* g3 Y8 _- X“ 果汁必须非常的稠,要不然会影响巧克力成型, ” & J4 w+ x7 i! R" Q! g: z
第三位客人说, “ 但是果汁不容易灌进巧克力中。通过加热是可以让果汁稀些以便灌入,却会熔化巧克力。 ”
  ]6 j2 H" W& J* z……
, \! C; T' ~" Z6 O( I+ Z突然, TRIZ 先生出现了。. k+ B. a9 w6 _; o; V, z- D
) H- W: T" X) M: E% \4 C* C先将果汁降温,降到冰冻状态,将一颗颗冰冻的果汁颗粒放入巧克力中,然后进行成型,6 D$ f! {$ H! e9 m1 G6 e. |

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-6-25 21:56 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-6-25 22:15 编辑 . g( q$ f4 l' C4 f4 @

" ^6 l4 \3 ?3 g  h! |


2 O& u6 o( \- }$ v) K0 k" N# G; T; Z3 Y$ c5 ]6 p0 q
原理: 抽取( extraction ): F5 y2 ]0 a, m" w6 p: S* K
1) 将物体中"负面"的部分或特性抽取出来。比如:由于压缩机用于压缩空气,所以将嘈杂的压缩机放在室外。
' S' H/ _) B4 \7 a% u! Z2) 只从物体中抽取必要的部分或特性。比如:用狗叫声,作为报警器的摄警声,而不用养一条真正的狗。  n# C9 }  ~# X# E

- R' Y& D, g2 x. [故事:三个火枪手
$ D: \+ k3 `) H大仲马在小说《三个火枪手》中,描述了普托斯是如何在裁缝店定斜新装的。+ {, E9 z5 l# f2 e
普托斯不允许裁缝接触他的身体,裁远无法量体,僵持之中,剧作家莫里哀来到了裁建店。9 p* _4 ^# C8 B+ u
莫里哀将普托斯带到镜子前,然后让裁缝对着镜子里的普托斯进行测量,一个两难的问题得到了解决。% K$ \  U- l, a! d" s5 V  l: t
% U3 M2 |$ T+ |! k' r
' I7 K8 E3 I* C: z6 o

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-6-22 12:06 |只看该作者

The Origins of TRIZ

3 }; y0 V7 ]& l: u: p; p' D
& {  D3 Q# {+ U$ R9 Bfrom: http://triz-canada.ca/home/index ... id=49&Itemid=633 w& d) f- K6 f

7 w7 X$ S2 \8 q! Q. Y9 R+ J  w' VDuring the late 1940s, Genrich Altshuller, the originator of TRIZ, was working in the patent department of the Soviet navy. His primary responsibility was to assist inventors in filing patents, but because he was himself a gifted inventor (he received his first patent at the age of 14), he was often asked for help in solving problems encountered during the innovation process.% W# E0 H9 `- I; Y! k, o& S* |
( S" \% f/ V3 n1 v
Assuming that methods existed to help people solve creative problems, Altshuller went to the library and began researching. He found studies based upon the notion that, since innovation is a product of the human mind, the process can be improved using psychological techniques. Several methods (such as brainstorming) had been developed to overcome psychological inertia -- that is, to help people generate ideas "outside the box."
: V& [0 J- S/ s! H% c3 F# X) Z# y- ]3 Y5 i% E) A
But Altshuller soon began to realize the difficulty of obtaining objective information on the innovation process through psychological means, as the results were neither measurable nor reliable. In contrast, he reasoned, technical information is objective in nature. While there are no tools that allow us inside the human mind to study the process of innovation, the results of this process can be easily observed by studying the inventions themselves, or the patent literature associated with them.
' u9 [  q7 p1 y( m+ }5 N
! V' L$ G6 z" A/ {2 PRealizing that an innovation represents a fundamental change to a technological system -- and is therefore subject to analysis -- Altshuller turned his attention to the patent fund, screening over 200,000 patents from all over the world.  He identified 40,000 patents that constituted "inventive" achievements, and began a rigorous analysis of these. The results of his efforts formed the theoretical basis of TRIZ and laid the groundwork for the problem-solving tools that would later be developed. As the TRIZ methodology grew over the next four decades, the patent research continued; by the mid-1980s over 2 million patents had been investigated.2 U' R  f" e- F( W. V2 u

9 X+ c! [* E0 m. v& l" }9 {9 z* YThe Evolution of TRIZ and MTRIZ, p  z2 i( O" k7 p/ @0 ^
) r  X* X5 A) ^' Q/ f) K' t
" ^8 m4 j& |7 J% [

+ L" V' w  h5 F. O/ NThe history of TRIZ can be divided in the following stages:
1 f5 U2 U, W+ p4 `* O  n) E' m3 s$ N! Y8 x2 ^5 }
1946 - 1980
' c+ f3 |  p3 s2 a: Y/ Z( B& e) U
Genrich Altshuller is virtually the only person developing TRIZ; others provide occasional assistance. 5 j$ s& z  R$ v# {0 |( g6 [
Fundamental discoveries have been made and the basic ideas and tools of classical TRIZ have been developed.
5 n4 ?; T* X7 L6 n# K9 y7 c8 FOccasionally, others contribute their ideas, however these ideas are usually weak and of secondary importance. 9 k2 F  i+ C! q# v- j" ~
This stage ended in 1980 when the first TRIZ Specialist conference took place in Petrozavodsk, Russia. ! l+ O0 Q3 Q5 a2 B1 F
1980 - 1986
! {7 G& o* R. M! _* V) w3 J5 W( v  V
TRIZ receives publicity in the former USSR. Many people become devotees of TRIZ and of Altshuller; the first TRIZ professionals and semi-professionals appear.
% w6 T! u4 C- C4 {9 d7 ]0 i  C: ~Altshuller is highly efficient in developing TRIZ due to the large number of seminars conducted, the various TRIZ schools established, and individual followers who join the ranks, allowing for the rapid testing of ideas and tools. TRIZ schools in St. Petersburg, Kishinev, Minsk, Novosibirsk, and others become very active under Altshuller's leadership. & k, p, n6 R- G5 l# o, Z5 [
The strong development of classical TRIZ results in the first serious attempts to move TRIZ beyond the strictly technological domain (the book Life Strategy for a Creative Individual, children's education, "subversion" analysis, Theory of Evolution of Organizations, etc.).
9 e. u1 h* e% _+ R) i) QAlthough the free exchange of ideas and open publication exists, publication is extremely difficult to achieve. 9 i9 y" Y$ Z; r# L+ Y- k  P
TRIZ materials accumulate rapidly but vary widely in quality (from useless to real breakthroughs).
0 N2 ^6 [  t; z$ P6 \- }1986 - 1991; k: }, J. f% U; O" Z
( Q1 g/ o" F3 o
# Y, T& y) }$ @5 R
In 1986, the situation changed dramatically. Altshuller's illness limited his ability to work on TRIZ and control its development, thus he discontinued his work on technological TRIZ. For the first time in the history of TRIZ, Russian perestroika allowed it to be applied commercially. In 1982, Boris Zlotin and Alla Zusman founded a technical school in Kishinev, Moldova which specialized in teaching the TRIZ methodology and providing TRIZ analytical services for industrial companies.
. h0 U7 p4 d+ ~1 N) ]* x
) x0 U, G5 p' @: F9 s. r5 G; [8 S8 YThe accomplishments of the Kishinev TRIZ School included:
2 O. j6 D' o1 ~/ V* |, t( t" ~8 ]. {  i0 `
over 6,000 students taught
* K# Q# k4 c. g7 {4 K) @over 4,000 technological problems solved or facilitated 4 Q* V# D4 l% _" p
development of a methodology for solving scientific problems 6 d- o0 K6 q2 D- H  d
development of a methodology for identifying possible causes of failures as well as potential failures
# q0 h; N# T# o2 u- x% aidentified numerous lines of evolution / m& c& X( t9 d9 l9 `! D
published nine books on TRIZ (three together with Altshuller) , P+ t! V* v& O# n" p7 E
contributed monthly to popular magazines on the practical application of TRIZ
1 l7 Z( e3 S; B1 A$ M  ilaunched a monthly contribution to Russian newspapers on TRIZ for children
; }$ i9 O# g1 z6 t1 [( B" R7 B6 Kpublished numerous other articles on the TRIZ methodology # L- a; t: a/ c# p$ C, y( C
developed the basic patterns of evolution of organizations ; u: L+ A7 [7 ]+ y4 U
developed recommendations for using students' unresolved real-life problems as a teaching process # [+ `) h  k; H6 N
developed educational programs for various audiences at a range of technical levels
/ _. G  |  E* l$ w: \provided analytical services for business organizations . D& K  u* ?5 L2 x, K, ?+ @  E) F: X0 [; A
By 1989, the extensive experience of the Kishinev TRIZ School in teaching and problem solving allowed Zlotin and Zusman to define the main weaknesses of the classical TRIZ methodology. These were:
7 B) g) T7 {9 e, h6 `9 p! ]0 [  s7 J0 {% T- [# f4 ?
Its non-rigorousness (i.e., many analytical skills that were required for the successful application of TRIZ tools had not been transformed into documented rules, algorithms and recommendations).
2 r. Y  V( J  A! |" u6 \  rA limited amount of the TRIZ knowledge-base had been documented and was available for study and use.
7 k/ d/ s5 X, jEach tool had been developed separately and as a result the tools did not form an integrated system.
, F+ _4 B) b9 d: Q4 \1 z& ?% SProblems of different types had to be treated differently, but there were no clear recommendations for which tool to use for a particular type of problem or situation. ' I# Y) _8 O6 ?( B3 Q
The tools did not support all stages of the problem-solving process. For example: problems had to be pre-formulated in TRIZ terms before the tools could be applied.
  I! o6 i5 ^4 {5 @! \As a result of the above limitations, TRIZ was characterized by the following:' z, V# `( N) ]

8 Z8 N. E: r  g0 y( RConsiderable education (from 100 to 250 hours) was required to effectively utilize TRIZ. ! ~" d/ l, S+ }; [! ?
Extensive practice (from 1 to 5 years) was required to become self-sufficient in the methodology.
# g& e5 ]7 c: d- q! l; q" |Making TRIZ available for mass utilization posed an insurmountable challenge. # Q: f' k( I9 B* ^+ B" D
In addition, these same drawbacks made the process of computerizing TRIZ -- which had already begun -- very difficult.' L* P' \! @  e1 O( @  C0 U% Y

" B  }; x0 l2 R3 MGiven the above considerations, Zlotin and Zusman determined to advance the TRIZ methodology in the following directions:
- Z* F" q- k# A% ^: @/ p, _/ W5 x% M( j! {) c( {5 O
Develop integrated tools so that all types of problems can be treated in the same manner.
" B  O; T2 W( z. y! M, `5 GAdd the "missing" tools so that TRIZ supports all stages of the problem-solving: problem identification, formulation, and categorization; identifying and utilizing the appropriate tools; evaluating results; planning the implementation. 6 }6 v+ R8 N. r4 x  h
Restructure and extend the TRIZ knowledge base to take advantage of computerization. ; b3 _. Z" L% c% f) }
Continue development of the lines of technological evolution. : l# Y1 P* K* Q: h; M; F2 }
Continue development of problem-solving tools.
! Y( x. |! I: ?. T! kReveal patterns of evolution in non-technological areas.
" f% k: b* q6 U6 D3 P3 QThis work resulted in the following accomplishments:
8 I1 S+ \* p: a; ], L
  W0 x1 x3 P, b7 zA new, comprehensive version of ARIZ, which is much more rigorous and suited to computerization.
$ w* S* C$ e9 x2 w& B: iA problem formulation process, first for mental use and then for computerization.
9 ?' k3 C/ {0 |# L2 r. jA System of Operators that incorporates the entire existing TRIZ knowledge base. + q) v, A- W5 c- L
Substantial extension of the TRIZ knowledge base (twice as many operators, many additional examples, added technical applications of effects). 6 W# C6 K6 ~4 y& }( K+ E
A complete problem-solving process (later called the Ideation Process).
! J* U$ [* T) S+ Q& |9 hA prototype of the Innovation Workbench software system, which incorporates the complete problem-solving process. % z# K( ?) i# Q' @, N
A software prototype for personnel management.
) k& i& m5 C1 z' P; Q1991 to 2005
" A+ v( k5 E5 d- j" I  m/ P, S1 L$ G" {' \2 l

6 g* B3 B- D- W9 UThe rapid deterioration of the economic situation in the former USSR forced many capable TRIZ specialists, most of whom who had established their own businesses, to move TRIZ abroad. Many TRIZ specialists immigrated into the U.S. and Israel and started promoting TRIZ individually. Others found international partners and established TRIZ companies. Recognizing the U.S. as a key for the successful dissemination of technology, Zlotin and Zusman joined with American professionals to form Ideation International -- an American company incorporated in 1992. During the ensuing years, Ideation  accomplished the following:* c7 ~9 I( O; ^6 K& e9 ^% ^- W

$ E! a; q0 i( J- w) T0 R" bAcquired the Kishinev TRIZ School, moving most of their principal scientists to the U.S. - I, J9 |1 l& v* U# @
Translated and repackaged an extensive amount of information on TRIZ
. o- l! H# Z4 _7 e6 z: yBecame familiar with the U.S. marketplace
% v5 H. ?* W, g6 u4 `/ k* `* NLearned the requirements of potential TRIZ users 8 g& Z: U6 E. |. }$ Q
Adapted TRIZ to the American engineering process
" R6 C) I7 S# z2 LDelivered products and services to numerous industrial companies
( q# E2 r1 L' h9 \Trained hundreds professionals in the methodology
& {9 I6 V+ ^/ X7 d  kEstablished educational programs to help an individual become self-sufficient in TRIZ and develop further mastery - [6 R0 q! F% |: `" g& {% X  f9 D
Developed a family of software tools and installed thousands of copies . y- Z2 e6 R* D7 z- G% u$ M& I
Continuously advanced the Ideation/TRIZ methodology (I-TRIZ)
7 \; l- Q- p, l7 ZThe Evolution and Transformation to Modern  TRIZ
. ?* N# w. K2 p; {7 c: f- f% y+ }' I! y4 j2 ]3 e# \' N
As MTRIZ has evolved, other spin-offs of classical TRIZ appeared as well. The figure below illustrates the differences between MTRIZ and other systems in terms of power and simplicity and in term of convergence.
9 s1 c/ m; V+ e/ _9 D" _' V$ r2 B; M' n6 W

  E1 K4 j1 @6 a7 v2 a% m9 W$ A+ c* k8 z* A1 C/ M% k/ `; m9 U( w0 N
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