干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站





sunsong7: 《Cell Stem Cell》means “cell is stem cell”   活细胞就是干细胞?
2011-5-17 12:38 回复
sunsong7: cancer —— good nuclear in bad cytoplasm!RNAs are cytoplasmic determinants determine  cytoplasm determine cell fate! division is differentiation is cancerous is life !
2011-5-11 12:31 回复
sunsong7: cancer results from cell dedifferentiation...
2011-4-28 18:07 回复
sunsong7: differentiation——asymmetric cell division !
2011-4-28 18:04 回复
sunsong7: cancer origins from the regenerative cells!
2011-4-28 17:52 回复
sunsong7: Proliferation is differentiation potentiality!
2011-4-28 17:49 回复
sunsong7: iPS——the key of Pandora box!
2011-4-27 22:36 回复
sunsong7: Aristotle— "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
2011-4-27 00:20 回复
sunsong7: cancer——atavistic cells
2011-4-20 00:20 回复
sunsong7: cancer——cellular atavism!
2011-4-20 00:18 回复
sunsong7: cancer——evolutionary ancestors of mammals.
2011-4-20 00:09 回复
sunsong7: 肿瘤是细胞自组织缺陷的产物
2011-4-17 01:41 回复
sunsong7: cancer——Metazoa 1.0
2011-4-17 01:00 回复
sunsong7: US——the Axis of Evil!
2011-4-4 01:19 回复
sunsong7: 美国是世界的邪恶轴心!
  • sunsong7: 沁园春.血               ---作者:萨达姆   日 本 风 光, 千 里 地 震, 万 里 海 啸。 望 仙 台 内 外, 废 墟 莽 莽; 东 京 上 下, 顿 时 逃 逃。 核 站 爆 炸, 世 界 惊 涛, 地 震 海 啸 试 比 高 ... (3-22 21:25)
2011-3-22 19:06 回复
sunsong7: teratoma is derived from endogenous iPS!
2011-3-15 21:44 回复
sunsong7: ips is a luxury gambol on  
2011-3-3 14:50 回复
sunsong7: cancer is intermediate of species evolution
2011-2-12 12:29 回复
sunsong7: stem cell now is on the eve of coming medical revolution
2011-2-12 11:20 回复
sunsong7: Inflamation is the reprogramming process of somatic cell in vivo!
2011-1-31 14:49 回复

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