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神经递质与癌细胞(neurotransmitter and cancer)

已有 5345 次阅读 2012-5-25 10:03 |关键词:的 2 英文名 cancer target

多巴胺受体与癌细胞(Dopamine Receptors and cancer)
     英文名  4-(2-aminoethyl)benzene-1,2-diol
  中文名  4-(2-乙氨基)苯-1,2-二酚

      多巴胺(Dopamine) (C6H3(OH)2-CH2-CH2-NH2) 由脑内分泌,可影响一个人的情绪。 它正式的化学名称为4-(2-乙胺基)苯-1,2-二醇,简称「DA」。Arvid Carlsson确定多巴胺为脑内信息传递者的角色使他赢得了2000年诺贝尔医学奖。多巴胺是一种神经传导物质,用来帮助细胞传送脉冲的化学物质。这种脑内分泌主要负责大脑的情欲,感觉,将兴奋及开心的信息传递,也与上瘾有关。






  中脑的神经原物质多巴胺(Dopamine),则直接影响人们的情绪。从理论上来看,增加这种物质,就能让人兴奋,但是它会令人上瘾。多巴胺在前脑和基底神经节(Basal Ganglia)出现,基底神经节负责处理恐惧的情绪,但由于多巴胺的缘故,取代了恐惧的感觉,因此有很多人的上瘾行为,都是因多巴胺而起的。








  该品为体内合成去甲肾上腺素的前体,具有β受体激动作用,也有一定的α受体激动作用。能增强心肌收缩力,增加排血量,加快心率作用较轻微(不如异丙肾上腺素明显);对周围血管有轻度收缩作用,升高动脉压,对内脏血管(肾、肠系膜、冠状动脉)则使之扩张,增加血流量;使肾血流量及肾小球滤过率均增加,从而促使尿量及钠排泄量增多。用于各种类型休克,包括中毒性休克丶心源性休克、出血性休克、中枢性休克、特别对伴有肾功能不全、心排出量降低、周围血管阻力较低并且已补足血容量的病人更有意义。DARPP-32基因有三种变体:TT TC CC,这些变体决定大脑中多巴胺的水平。




多巴胺受体 概述  多巴胺通过其相应的膜受体发挥作用,多巴胺受体为七个跨膜区域(72GM)组成的 G蛋白偶联受体家族。
  目前已分离出五种多巴胺受体(DA2R) , 根据它们的生物化学和药理学性质,可分为D1 类和D2 类受体。D1 类受体包括D1 和D5 受体(在大鼠也称D1A和D1B受体) 。D2 类受体包括 D2 , D3 和 D4 受体。两类受体的 C端含有磷酸化和棕榈酰化位点,涉及激动剂依赖性受体的去敏感化过程和第四胞内环的形成多巴胺的配体化合物很容易将 D1 受体和 D2 受体家族区分开来,但大多数化合物不能区分相同家族的受体亚型。如: D1 受体拮抗SCH223390 或激动剂SKF238393 对D1 受体和D5 受体有相同的亲和力。对多巴胺配体化合物的药理学选择性的研究目前还正在许多生物体内进行。 应用缺乏某一特定受体的动物模型将有助于明确每一种受体的配体化合物的选择性。
现有多巴胺受体  现今发现的多巴胺受体有五种,D1、D2、D3、D4、D5,其中D1 、D5为D1样受体 ,激活后升高细胞内cAMP 水平,D2、D3、D4为D2样受体,激活后降低细胞内cAMP水平。
多巴胺受体的分布  在缺乏每种多巴胺受体亚型的特异配体之前, 广泛应用原位杂交的方法来研究多巴胺受体 mRNAs 在脑内的分布。D1 和 D2 受体基因在脑内表达广泛。D12R主要表达于尾壳核( CPu) ,伏隔核(Acb) , 视束(OT) ,脑皮层(Cx)和杏仁核,除此之外,D1 受体还在Calleja 岛和下丘脑被探测到。 尽管在黑质致密部发现有 D1 配体与其结合,但没有探测 mRNA 存在。这一结果提示:D12R在纹状体合成后通过纹状体黑质束转运到黑质。D52R和D12R相比表达局限,仅在海马,外侧乳头体核和下丘脑束旁核表达。D22R mRNA 主要在脑的 CPu , OT 和 Acb 中表达。在黑质和腹侧被盖部(VTA)也有表达,这些区域发出多巴胺纤维,提示着D22R有突触前定位。相反,D1 样受体只有广泛的突触后定位。分析D2 样受体的两种亚型的 mRNA表明D2L 表达最为丰富。在脑外,D22R mRNA 还定位于视网膜,肾脏,血管系统和垂体。大鼠脑 D32R 的mRNA分布仅限于 Callija 岛,隔核,下丘脑和丘脑,以及小脑中的某些区域。D32R还分布于黑质致密部,提示它也存在突触前定位。在前额叶皮层,杏仁核,嗅球,海马,丘脑和中脑可见 D42R 的 mRNA 高度表达。
  应用多巴胺受体亚型特异抗体可对其在不同脑区进行细胞和亚细胞定位。D1 和D5 受体共同表达于前额叶皮层,运动前区,扣带和内嗅皮层,海马和齿状回的锥体细胞。电子显微镜证实D1 和D5 受体存在于前额叶皮层,海马的突触前和突触后,以突触后分布更常见。超微结构分析发现:D1 和 D5 受体在人锥体细胞分布不同,D1 受体集中在树突棘,D5 受体集中位于树突轴。在嗅球,D1 受体限于内颗粒层和内从层;在杏仁核,其限于中介核和基底外侧核。在尾状核,D1 和D5 受体大多数位于中等大小的 GABA 能神经元。D5 受体也存在于大的胆碱能中间神经元。超微结构分析发现: D1 受体存在于非对称性突触的突触后树突棘部, D1 和D5 受体位于多巴胺终端特征性小突触的突触后树突上,以及突触前D1 和D5 受体位于形成非对称性突触的轴突上。
  已明确 D1 受体位于脚内核和黑质网状部,这些区域并未检测到D5 受体。这一结果提示:如果 D1 和 D5 受体在尾状核中等大小多棘神经元共存,只有D1 受体被转移到纹状体靶区终端。尽管D1 和D5 受体有着相似的药理学特性,但细胞和亚细胞定位不同提示它们在功能上可能不同。用特异抗体的免疫组化方法显示:D2 受体存在于纹状体中等多棘神经元,在棘突和棘头的分布比胞体密集。与D1 受体的共存非常罕见。D2 免疫反应终端
  形成的对称性突触多于非对称性突触。D2 受体存在于黑质致密部的核周体和树突,和其他纹状体投射相比,更集中于苍白球外段。D2 受体免疫阳性反应还可在嗅球的颗粒层和内从层以及杏仁核见到。免疫组化和电子显微镜揭示了D4 受体存在于大脑皮层和海马的锥体和非锥体神经元,它们已被证实是 GABA 能中间神经元。在大脑皮层和海马,D4 受体调控 GABA的传递。D4 受体也在苍白球片段,黑质网状部以及丘脑网状核的 GABA能神经元内被发现。

王志军 2008年04月04日 12:57
  多巴胺在癌症利用上皮祖细胞来提血液营养补给线方面的抑制作用是首次报告,巴苏说。这些干细胞形式的细胞是在血管上皮生长因子-A(VEGF-A)作用下由骨髓释放到血液中的。VEGF-A是一种由缺氧癌细胞释放的蛋白物质。上皮祖细胞协助新血管的形成以滋养癌细胞。 研究发现,多巴胺会通过与上皮祖细胞表面的一种特殊受体结合抑制上皮祖细胞从骨髓进入循环系统。这一结合使得能让这些细胞移出骨髓的一种酶-基质金属肽酶9(MMP-9)的活性受到抑制。实验中发现,通过多巴胺治疗可明显减少祖细胞从骨髓向血液中移动,而且还能减少MMP-9的表达。

多巴胺是人类中枢神经系统中重要的儿茶酚胺类神经递质,它有许多功能,包括认知、情绪、饥饿、饱食及运动,多巴胺也可调节外周血管及肾脏功能。许多实验证明多巴胺还具有重要的抗肿瘤作用,它主要是通过多巴胺受体起作用的。最新的研究表明多巴胺受体,主要是D2受体,广泛表达于多种肿瘤细胞中,可介导多巴胺能药物的作用,研究多巴胺受体可以为肿瘤的临床治疗起到一定的作用。《癌症进展》2011年 第1期
【摘要】:背景与目的:胃癌发病率高,预后差,严重危害着人类健康。其发生是一个多因素、多基因、多阶段的综合病变过程,具体机制尚不清楚,因此研究胃癌的发病机制及防治一直是人们关注的焦点。 随着对脑-肠肽在调节胃肠生理、病理方面重要作用的认识,多巴胺(dopamine,DA)及多巴胺受体(dopamine receptor,DR)系统成了研究热点。DA属于儿茶酚胺,是重要的胃肠神经递质之一,主要通过其特异性受体G蛋白偶联受体DR发挥作用。20世纪80年代,根据生化、生理和药理学特征将DR分为DR_1和DR_2两种亚型。现已克隆到5种DR,其中D_1、D_5属于DR_1,D_2、D_3、D_4属于DR_2。DA及DR分布广泛,作用复杂。实验证实人和大鼠胃肠道有D_1~D_5mRNA分布,以D_4、D_5含量为高;人胃、十二指肠均有D_4和D_5mRNA分布,D_4含量高于D_5且以胃内最高。DA具有胃肠上皮细胞保护作用,是抗损伤和前防御因素,能增强胃粘膜的防御功能,参与了胃肠道动力、消化性溃疡、胰腺疾病、消化道肿瘤等多种胃肠道疾病的发生、发展。近年认为,DA是有丝分裂抑制剂,能抑制肿瘤细胞增殖并促进其凋亡、溶解。新近发现,人胃癌组织中DR含量显著下降,药理学特征为DR_2亚型;人结肠癌组织中DA含量、DR表达及其第二信使cAMP水平均明显减少。 研究表明DR拮抗剂能诱导c-fos癌基因的mRNA及其蛋白产物Fos的表达。
郑州大学硕士论文,2005年R735.2  http://cdmd.cnki.com.cn/Article/CDMD-10459-2005138805.htm
Neurotransmitter Dopamine Might Improve the Treatment of Cancer, New Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2011) — Doses of a neurotransmitter might offer a way to boost the effectiveness ofanticancer drugs and radiation therapy, according to a new study led by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center -- Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute.

Using animal models of human breast and prostate cancers, the researchers found that injections of the neurotransmitter dopamine can improve blood flow to tumors and improve delivery of an anticancer drug, doubling the amount of the drug in tumors and increasing its effectiveness. The increasedblood flow also raised tumor oxygen levels, a condition that typically improves the effectiveness of both chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The study also found that dopamine plays an important role in maintaining the structure of normal blood vessels, and that it does this by working through the D2 dopamine receptor, which is present in normal blood-vessel cells called endothelial cells and pericytes. Dopamine was absent in tumor blood-vessel cells.

The findings are published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"Our study indicates a use for dopamine in the treatment of cancer and perhaps other disorders in which normalizing abnormal and dysfunctional blood vessels might improve therapeutic responses," says principal investigator Dr. Sujit Basu, associate professor of pathology and a researcher in the OSUCCC -- James Experimental Therapeutics Program.

"Since dopamine and related agents are already used in the clinic for other disorders, these comparatively inexpensive drugs might be applied to the treatment of cancer to increase the therapeutic responses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy," he says.

The blood vessels that develop inside tumors are structurally abnormal, chaotic and leaky and do a poor job of supplying blood to the tumor, Basu notes. This hinders the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents, and it leaves tumors oxygen deprived. This oxygen deprivation makes tumor cells resistant to chemotherapy and radiation.

Basu and his colleagues found that the dopamine treatment normalizes the structure of abnormal tumor blood vessels, indicating an important role for a neurotransmitter in the remodeling of blood vessels. Other key findings include the following:

  • The tumor tissue used in the study showed the absence of dopamine.
  • After dopamine treatment, tumor blood vessels in both cases resembled normal vessels in regard to leakiness and architecture. Pretreatment with a dopamine receptor antagonist negated this effect.
  • Subcutaneous human colon tumors in mice treated with dopamine and the chemotherapeutic drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) accumulated twice the amount of 5-FU as tumors in mice treated with the drug only, and the tumors were less than one-third the size of tumors in mice treated with 5-FU only.

"Overall, our findings suggest that the normalization of tumor blood vessels using the neurotransmitter dopamine might be an important approach for improving therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cancer patients," Basu says.

Funding from the National Cancer Institute, U.S. Department of Defense Grant mainly supported this research; a grant from the American Heart Association partially supported one of the investigators.

The other researchers involved in this study were Debanjan Chakroborty, Chandrani Sarkar, Hongmei Yu, Jiang Wang and Zhongfa Liu of Ohio State University; and Partha Sarathi Dasgupta of Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata, India.

Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University Medical Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Debanjan Chakroborty, Chandrani Sarkar, Hongmei Yu, Jiang Wang, Zhongfa Liu, Partha Sarathi Dasgupta, Sujit Basu. Dopamine stabilizes tumor blood vessels by up-regulating angiopoietin 1 expression in pericytes and Krüppel-like factor-2 expression in tumor endothelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1108696108
The regulatory role of dopamine, a monoamine neurotransmitter and/or a neurohormone in controlling the secretion of several anterior pituitary hormones, cardiovascular, and renal functions, has already been extensively used by clinicians for therapeutic purposes. In addition to these important functions of dopamine, some recent reports also indicate its novel role in regulating malignant cell proliferation and controlling immune functions in tumor-bearing animals. Therefore, in this article, we discuss all the relevant information correlating dopamine and malignant tumor growth in order to understand the host-tumor relationship at the level of a neurotransmitter and/or a neurohormone.
Identification of Drugs Including a Dopamine Receptor Antagonist that Selectively Target Cancer Stem Cells

    Cell, 24 May 2012
    Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    • Neoplastic hPSCs provide a robust generalizable screening model for human CSCs
    • Compounds that induce hPSC differentiation selectively target somatic CSCs
    • Thioridazine selectively targets leukemic stem cells while sparing normal HSCs
    • Dopamine receptor pathway provides a candidate biomarker of human CSCs

    Selective targeting of cancer stem cells (CSCs) offers promise for a new generation of therapeutics. However, assays for both human CSCs and normal stem cells that are amenable to robust biological screens are limited. Using a discovery platform that reveals differences between neoplastic and normal human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC), we identify small molecules from libraries of known compounds that induce differentiation to overcome neoplastic self-renewal. Surprisingly, thioridazine, an antipsychotic drug, selectively targets the neoplastic cells, and impairs human somatic CSCs capable of in vivo leukemic disease initiation while having no effect on normal blood SCs. The drug antagonizes dopamine receptors that are expressed on CSCs and on breast cancer cells as well. These results suggest that dopamine receptors may serve as a biomarker for diverse malignancies, demonstrate the utility of using neoplastic hPSCs for identifying CSC-targeting drugs, and provide support for the use of differentiation as a therapeutic strategy.



随着现代神经生物学的发展及社会-心理-生物医学模式的提出,神经系统对疾病的影响越来越受人们关注,特别是体内重要的神经递质,其功能也日益被延伸,近年来研究发现肿瘤细胞上存在多种神经递质受体,而且不少神经递质具有影响肿瘤细胞生长、迁移、侵袭和转移的作用;Y-氨基丁酸(GABA)是体内重要的抑制性神经递质,它不仅扮演着调节中枢神经的功能,而且对恶性肿瘤的发生发展起着作用;同时神经内分泌系统调节着胆管上皮细胞的病理生理,很多·激素、神经肽和神经递质能够影响胆管上皮细胞的生物学特性,但GABA对胆管癌的作用未明;本实验通过体外实验初步探讨抑制性神经递质--GABA对胆管癌细胞增殖和侵袭转移的影响,并通过各种经典的分子生物学方法,研究其内在的相关机制,为阐明GABA的药理作用提供事实依据,也为胆管癌的辅助治疗提供新的思路和方案。 目的: 探讨抑制性神经递质--Y-氨基丁酸对胆管癌细胞株QBC939增殖和侵袭转移的影响,并揭示该影响的内在分子机制。 方法: 常规体外培养胆管癌细胞株QBC939,每日倒置显微镜下观察细胞生长情况。应用不同浓度的GABA处理生长对数期细胞,于作用后的不同时间段收集细胞。 采用MTT比色法探讨GABA对胆管癌细胞株QBC939增殖的影响,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡及细胞周期,PCR-ELISA法观察其对细胞QBC939端粒酶活性的影响,放射免疫分析法检测癌细胞内cAMP含量。 Transwell 小室分析GABA对胆管癌细胞侵袭能力的影响,逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)分析GABA对胆管癌细胞QBC939表达基质金属蛋白酶2、9(matrixmetal loproteinase,删P2、9)mRNA的影响,明胶酶谱法分析GABA对癌细胞上清液中MMP2、MMP9活性的影响。 结果:(1)MTT显示GABA在体外明显抑制细胞QBC939的增殖,抑制作用与药物浓度具有明显的依赖性,随着浓度的增加(1-1000 μmol/L),胆管癌细胞的增殖抑制率由2.6%增至26.82%(48h,P<0.05),但没有明显的时间依赖性,以作用48h后抑制效果最明显。 (2)流式细胞术检测显示GABA促进细胞凋亡(凋亡率由4.8%增至28.03%,P<0.05),并呈剂量依赖性,对细胞周期无明显影响。 (3)与对照组相比,从浓度为10 μmol/L的GABA开始,胆管癌细胞中的端粒酶活性即受到明显抑制(0.82±0.048 VS 0.69±0.027,P<0.05),该效应也呈剂量依赖性。 (4)放射免疫分析法显示GABA促进胆管癌细胞QBC939内cAMP的生成(100μmol/L,0.59±0.049 nmol/L VS 0.71±0.029nmol/L,P<0.05),呈剂量依赖性。 (5)Transwell小室法分析,GABA抑制胆管癌细胞QBC939穿透Matrigel膜的能力(100 μmol/L的GABA,穿透细胞数42.67±4.04 VS 60+9.54个。P<0.05),剂量增加效应越明显,成剂量依赖性。 (6)GABA作用胆管癌细胞QBC939后,基质蛋白酶MMP-2和MMP-9 mRNA的表达减少(100u mol/L处,MMP-2 mRNA:0.632±0.065 VS 1.107±0.271。MMPP-9mRNA:0.605±0.104 VS 0.891±0.167,P<0.05),胞液中MMP-2和MMP-9的活性下降(1000 u mol/L处,Vmmp-2:46.1±0.025 VS 73.2±0.14,Vmmp-9:11.2±0.035 VS 32.6±0.071,P<0.05),这两种作用均呈剂量依赖性。 结论: (1)不同浓度的GABA在体外可以抑制胆管癌细胞QBC939的增殖,该效应呈剂量依赖性,可能的信号传到途径是通过受体后的第二信使--cAMP的信息介导途径,诱导胆管癌细胞凋亡,抑制胆管癌细胞端粒酶的活性。 (2)抑制性神经递质--GABA在体外能够减弱胆管癌细胞QBC939侵袭转移能力,其机制与其抑制基质金属蛋白酶MMP-2和MMP-9的表达和活性有关

作者 刘臣海
学科专业 外科学(普外)
授予学位 硕士
授予单位 安徽医科大学
导师姓名 黄强许戈良
学位年度 2008

神经递质与Bcl-2、耐药P糖蛋白对肺腺癌细胞株A549作用的实验观察张宏[1] 刘文操[2] [1]武警广东总队医院病理科,510507 [2]山西省人民医院急诊科,510507
摘 要:


作者 刘臣海
学科专业 外科学(普外)
授予学位 硕士
授予单位 安徽医科大学
导师姓名 黄强许戈良
学位年度 2008


Neurotransmitter receptors as central regulators of pancreatic cancer

Hildegard M Schuller​‌ & Hussein AN Al-Wadei​‌

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has a near 100% mortality because it is generally detected at an advanced stage and responds poorly to existing therapeutics. This review summarizes current evidence suggesting important roles of neurotransmitter receptors in the regulation of this malignancy. Experimental evidence indicates that the α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) stimulates PDAC via stress neurotransmitter-mediated activation of β-adrenergic signaling while the α4β2nAChR inhibits PDAC via GABA-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activation. In analogy to molecular mechanisms that govern nicotine addiction, chronic exposure to nicotine or its nitrosated derivative nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone render the stimulatory α7nAChR hyperactive while desensitizing the inhibitory α4β2nAChR. Accordingly, PDAC intervention strategies should include the diagnosis of unphysiological neurotransmitter levels and aim to restore any imbalance in stimulatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.



Acetylcholinesterase, a key prognostic predictor for hepatocellular carcinoma, suppresses cell growth and induces chemosensitization..

来自:F1000M推荐 2011-03-031150次阅读 分享 (4)   编辑:晨露

出处:Hepatology. 2011 Feb; 53(2):493-503
作者:Zhao Y, Wang X, Wang T, Hu X, Hui X, Yan M, Gao Q, Chen T, Li J, Yao M, Wan D, Gu J, Fan J, He X.
译者: F1000因子:6 评级:推荐 文章类型:Clinical Trial,Novel Drug Target

阅读方式: 中英对照 只显示中文 只显示英文


Acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) plays important roles in the cholinergic system, and its dysregulation is involved in a variety of human diseases. However, the roles and implications of ACHE in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain elusive. Here we demonstrate that ACHE was significantly down-regulated in the cancerous tissues of 69.2% of HCC patients, and the low ACHE expression in HCC was correlated with tumor aggressiveness, an elevated risk of postoperative recurrence, and a low survival rate. Both the recombinant ACHE protein and the enhanced expression of ACHE significantly inhibited HCC cell growth in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Further study showed that ACHE suppressed cell proliferation via its enzymatic activity of acetylcholine catalysis and degradation. Moreover, ACHE could inactivate mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidyl inositol-3'-phosphate kinase/protein kinase B pathways in HCC cells and thereby increase the activation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β and lead to β-catenin degradation and cyclin D1 suppression. In addition, increased ACHE expression could remarkably sensitize HCC cells to chemotherapeutic drugs (i.e., adriamycin and etoposide). Conclusion: For the first time, we describe the function of ACHE as a tumor growth suppressor in regulating cell proliferation, the relevant signaling pathways, and the drug sensitivity of HCC cells. ACHE is a promising independent prognostic predictor for HCC recurrence and the survival of HCC patients. These findings provide new insights into potential strategies for drug discovery and improved HCC treatment.
Guodong Li and Grace Guo
The University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
This study shows that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) acts as a promising, independent, prognosis predictor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients and regulates HCC cell proliferation in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Moreover, this study identifies that AChE enhances drug-induced cell apoptosis and thereby increases the drug sensitivity of HCC cells. These findings suggest that AChE may act as a prognosis predictor of clinical outcomes and as a novel therapeutic drug target for improving HCC treatment. This study showed that AChE was often decreased in the cancerous tissues in patients with HCC.

The study also demonstrated that the reduced AChE expression in HCC samples was associated with tumor aggressiveness, an elevated risk of postoperative recurrence and a poor survival rate. The authors further revealed that AChE can inhibit HCC cell growth in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo by a degradation function of acetylcholine. In addition, they identified that AChE could inhibit HCC cell proliferation by increasing the activation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK 3 beta), which led to beta-catenin degradation and subsequent decrease of cyclin D1. Moreover, they showed that increased AChE expression could remarkably sensitize HCC cells to chemotherapeutic drugs. Collectively, these findings implicate AChE as a promising independent predictor of clinical outcomes and a novel therapeutic target in drug design for improving HCC treatment.



       本项研究显示,HCC患者的癌组织中AchE常减少。本研究亦证明,HCC标本中AchE表达减少与肿瘤侵袭性、术后复发的风险升高及存活率较低相关。作者进一步阐明,通过乙酰胆碱的降解作用,AchE可抑制体外HCC细胞生长和体内致肿瘤性。而且作者证实,通过增加糖原合酶激酶3β(GSK 3 beta)的活化,AChE可抑制HCC细胞增殖,其结果导致β-连环蛋白降解和细胞周期蛋白D1减少。此外,作者认为,AchE表达增加可使HCC细胞对化疗药物非常敏感。总之,这些发现表明,AchE可作为临床结果有望的、独立性预示指标,并可作为改善HCC治疗的新的治疗性药物。

Guodong Li and Grace Guo
The University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
γ氨基丁酸及其受体与肿瘤增殖和侵袭的关系    点此下载全文
缪宇锋  汪芳裕  陈龙邦
南京大学医学院 临床学院,南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院 消化内科,南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院 肿瘤科, 南京 210002
基金项目:南京军区科技创新计划资助课题(No. 07M076)
      γ氨基丁酸(γaminobutyric acid , GABA)是一种哺乳动物中枢神经系统重要的抑制性神经递质,GABA通过与不同类型的GABA受体(GABA receptor,GABAR)结合对机体多种功能发挥特异性调节作用。近年来研究发现,GABA与GABAR还广泛存在于外周组织,参与细胞间的信息传递,与细胞的分化和成熟密切相关。此外,GABA及其受体还可通过特定的信号转导通路影响某些肿瘤的增殖和侵袭转移等恶性潜能。某些肿瘤伴随GABA及其受体的高表达,阻断GABAR信号则可抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖。GABA与GABAR结合后可通过上调MMP表达、提高胞内钙离子浓度、活化MAPK激酶链等途径促进肿瘤的侵袭和转移。随着研究的深入,GABA及其受体信号通路蛋白分子有可能成为肿瘤诊断与治疗的潜在靶点。
关键词:γ氨基丁酸  γ氨基丁酸受体  肿瘤  增殖  侵袭
Relationship of γaminobutyric acid and its receptors with proliferation and invasion of tumor http://www.biother.org/zgzlswzlzz/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=20090121&flag=1



2007年08月06日15:10  来源:中国新闻社

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作者:Karl Peter Giese 来源:《脑》 发布时间:2011-8-4 12:40:59

吉斯称,该研究成果鼓舞了未来治疗精神分裂症患者的药物研发,有助于精神分裂症的治疗。(来源:科技日报 程凤)
The most recent version of this article was published on [2011-08-13]
Schizophrenia is associated with dysregulation of a Cdk5 activator that regulates synaptic protein expression and cognition
  1. Summary

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 is activated by small subunits, of which p35 is the most abundant. The functions of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 signalling in cognition and cognitive disorders remains unclear. Here, we show that in schizophrenia, a disorder associated with impaired cognition, p35 expression is reduced in relevant brain regions. Additionally, the expression of septin 7 and OPA1, proteins downstream of truncated p35, is decreased in schizophrenia. Mimicking a reduction of p35 in heterozygous knockout mice is associated with cognitive endophenotypes. Furthermore, a reduction of p35 in mice results in protein changes similar to schizophrenia post-mortem brain. Hence, heterozygous p35 knockout mice model both cognitive endophenotypes and molecular changes reminiscent of schizophrenia. These changes correlate with reduced acetylation of the histone deacetylase 1 target site H3K18 in mice. This site has previously been shown to be affected by truncated p35. By restoring H3K18 acetylation with the clinically used specific histone deacetylase 1 inhibitor MS-275 both cognitive and molecular endophenotypes of schizophrenia can be rescued in p35 heterozygous knockout mice. In summary, we suggest that reduced p35 expression in schizophrenia has an impact on synaptic protein expression and cognition and that these deficits can be rescued, at least in part, by the inhibition of histone deacetylase 1.



2010 Sep 2;29(35):4874-84. Epub 2010 Jun 28.
From smoking to lung cancer: the CHRNA5/A3/B4 connection.

Brudnick Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA.


Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated ion channels that modulate key physiological processes ranging from neurotransmission to cancer signaling. These receptors are activated by the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, and the tobacco alkaloid, nicotine. Recently, the gene cluster encoding the alpha3, alpha5 and beta4 nAChR subunits received heightened interest after a succession of linkage analyses and association studies identified multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms in these genes that are associated with an increased risk for nicotine dependence and lung cancer. It is not clear whether the risk for lung cancer is direct or an effect of nicotine dependence, as evidence for both scenarios exist. In this study, we summarize the body of work implicating nAChRs in the pathogenesis of lung cancer, with special focus on the clustered nAChR subunits and their emerging role in this disease state.


Journal of Oncology
Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 693424, 10 pages
Review Article
From Smoking to Cancers: Novel Targets to Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors

1Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan
2Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei 235, Taiwan
3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei 110, Taiwan
4Center of Excellence for Cancer Research, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 110, Taiwan

Received 14 December 2010; Revised 18 February 2011; Accepted 17 March 2011

Academic Editor: Sushant Kachhap

Copyright © 2011 Chia-Hwa Lee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Cigarette smoking bears a strong etiological association with many neovascularization-related diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and age-related macular degeneration. Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of many compounds, including nicotine, which is the major active and addictive component of tobacco. Nicotine and its specific metabolized carcinogens directly bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) on cell membranes and trigger the nAChR signal cascade. The nAChRs were originally thought to be ligand-gated ion channels that modulate physiological processes ranging from neurotransmission to cancer signaling. For several decades, the nAChRs served as a prototypic molecule for neurotransmitter receptors; however, they are now important therapeutic targets for various diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, schizophrenia, and even cancer. This paper describes recent advances in our understanding of the assembly, activity, and biological functions of nicotinic receptors, as well as developments in the therapeutic application of nicotinic receptor ligands.



长期以来,压力被认为会增加患癌风险。长期压力与交感神经递质(去甲肾上腺素和神经肽Y)释放以及免疫抑制有关联。有报道说神经肽Y受体在人体乳腺癌中表达。最近,有研究显示激活神经肽Y5受体会刺激细胞生长和加速人体乳腺癌细胞的迁移。但是神经肽Y的作用还需要在老鼠乳腺癌模型中进行研究。加拿大科学家鉴定了神经肽Y受体在4T1乳腺癌细胞中的表达和BALB/c老鼠原位肿瘤的生长,研究了激活神经肽Y受体对4T1细胞的体外增殖和迁移的影响。在癌细胞和肿瘤组织中观察到神经肽Y受体(Y1R,Y2R和Y5R)的表达。同时,用神经肽Y处理4T1细胞能够通过提高ERK1/2磷酸化而浓度依赖性的促进细胞增殖。利用神经肽Y受体拮抗剂(Y1R:BIBP3226, Y2R:BIIE0246 和 Y5R:L-152,804),他们发现增殖反应是受Y5R调节。另外,神经肽Y通过激活Y2R和Y5R受体增加趋化性。这些数据与来自人体细胞系的数据一致,突出了4T1细胞系可作为可转移的乳腺癌模型在免疫活性的体系里研究神经肽Y的作用。

International Journal of Cancer, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/ijc.26350
Neuropeptide Y stimulates proliferation and migration in the 4T1 breast cancer cell line
Philip J. Medeiros, Baraa K. Al-Khazraji, Nicole M. Novielli, et al. 
Stress has long been thought of to be associated with increased risk of cancer. Chronic stress is associated with elevated levels of sympathetic neurotransmitter (norepinephrine and neuropeptide Y: NPY) release and immunosuppression. The expression of NPY receptors has been reported in human breast carcinomas. Recently, activation of the NPY Y5 receptor was shown to stimulate cell growth and increase migration in human breast cancer cells; however the effects of NPY have yet to be investigated in a murine model of breast cancer. Thus, the specific aims of the current study were to: (i) characterize NPY receptor expression in 4T1 breast cancer cells and orthotopic tumors grown in BALB/c mice and (ii) investigate the impact of NPY receptor activation on 4T1 cell proliferation and migration in vitro. Positive expression of NPY receptors (Y1R, Y2R and Y5R) was observed in cells and tumor tissue. As well, NPY treatment of 4T1 cells promoted a concentration-dependent increase in proliferation, through increased phosphorylation of ERK 1/2. Using NPY receptor antagonists (Y1R:BIBP3226, Y2R:BIIE0246 and Y5R:L-152,804), we found the proliferative response to be Y5R mediated. Additionally, NPY increased chemotaxis through Y2R and Y5R activation. These data are in congruence with those from human cell lines and highlight the 4T1 cell line as a translatable model of breast cancer in which the effects of NPY can be studied in an immunocompetent system.


神经系统中的肿瘤抑制因子PTEN Advances of tumor suppressor PTEN in the nervous system
PTEN是定位于10q23的第一个具有磷酸酶活性的抑癌基因,它能通过PI3K/AKT、FAK和MAPK信号转导通路调节细胞的生长、凋亡、迁移和转化.PTEN在神经系统的神经元中有广泛表达,其在调节神经干细胞的增殖、SVZ前体细胞的迁移及凋亡、PC12细胞的分化和神经突触的建立方面具有重要作用.因此,对PTEN功能的进一步研究将为肿瘤和神经性疾病的治疗提供新的思路. http://www.doc88.com/p-693163603706.html






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