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高效诱导人的神经胶质细胞生成iPS   [复制链接]

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金话筒 优秀会员 美女研究员 新闻小组成员

发表于 2010-12-22 18:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
0 p7 I' [, [  h0 O5 ~3 O, y内容页:  m- v! Y7 n' H! x" q2 |5 x9 _
http://www.plosone.org/article/i ... ournal.pone.0015526: V6 r' Y* Y1 N. V* ?" A
" A6 {& P+ k  W% A) c( z
1.说明:$ l$ B! ?! n; r6 l3 E: k
原文来源自: P0 L% H/ c' F! @* n" y: r
http://www.plosone.org/article/i ... ournal.pone.0015526
7 a2 \4 g2 u" s, K9 [/ k由干细胞之家新闻小组成员 不倒翁 翻译(转帖请注明)
( H9 q2 t( N6 ]4 f8 c2.翻译内容
# }) x3 s! B# x) G4 u  |2 q将人的体细胞重编程为诱导多能干细胞(hiPS)使得形成病人自体来源的细胞并应用于再生医学中成为可能。据报道很多类型的人体细胞已经被诱导为hiPS,包括成纤维细胞、角质细胞、外周血细胞,虽然诱导的效率和诱导周期有所不同。我们发现人的神经胶质细胞也可以被重编程问hiPS(ASThiPS)细胞,其效率和人的角质细胞诱导效率接近,胶质细胞是目前报道的诱导效率最高的体细胞类型之一。ASThiPS在多能性标记基因的表达、通过体外形成胚状体和注入免疫缺陷鼠体内形成畸胎瘤从而分化为三胚层的能力方面与人的ES细胞没有差别。我们的数据显示一种人的已分化的神经细胞类型可以用常规的体细胞重编程流程被诱导回多能性状态。6 Q& Z$ A, O, _2 V. q( {2 b
3.原文1 [3 X  G" E1 _6 u
The reprogramming of human somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells enables the possibility of generating patient-specific autologous cells for regenerative medicine. A number of human somatic cell types have been reported to generate hiPS cells, including fibroblasts, keratinocytes and peripheral blood cells, with variable reprogramming efficiencies and kinetics. Here, we show that human astrocytes can also be reprogrammed into hiPS (ASThiPS) cells, with similar efficiencies to keratinocytes, which are currently reported to have one of the highest somatic reprogramming efficiencies. ASThiPS lines were indistinguishable from human embryonic stem (ES) cells based on the expression of pluripotent markers and the ability to differentiate into the three embryonic germ layers in vitro by embryoid body generation and in vivo by teratoma formation after injection into immunodeficient mice. Our data demonstrates that a human differentiated neural cell type can be reprogrammed to pluripotency and is consistent with the universality of the somatic reprogramming procedure.
4 h/ k' r& g2 n# j
6 _' T5 _; }/ c4 R3 j: r  z4.原文下载连接
* a& C* h) q: ]2 }" bhttp://www.plosone.org/article/i ... ournal.pone.0015526
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( u/ `+ e# P( w0 A( i# \9 ?1 F
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