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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞行业新闻 2011年02月04日 Nature主要内容 (祝各位兔年一切顺利!科 ...



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2011年02月04日 Nature主要内容 (祝各位兔年一切顺利!科研成功!) [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-2-3 13:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
[自然要览]. c* X# P5 W& F
0 p4 D9 `+ u5 `' j7 q) `; u$ d+ z
(选自英国Nature杂志,2011年2月3日出版): q8 u% v' J1 p+ q; R; \- k1 E6 o
6 q) P& X0 f1 M3 K2 G
, _( v8 ?! F4 w9 v& B
封面故事: 太阳系外的“太阳系”0 T$ M  C, j5 [2 C* O- w1 U( P
A closely packed system of low-mass, low-density planets transiting Kepler-11
  q+ `% n/ f" Q% Dhttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1750&issue=7332
& K. ?# p1 M& v# C/ d* g  z  k0 }$ S4 v
5 x1 O( S- [8 u! j2 M
高分辨率版本数变异图(Fine-scale mapping of genetic variation)# }- ]6 z9 o+ P
Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing
& E) \2 C* T- Z: {8 Mhttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1752&issue=7332- Y0 m* ?) P) K0 d  b  {: \
8 R. P1 J7 s8 r! L+ ^
1 y5 h: R' n2 o8 |' E& P9 o
Henize 2-10中心发现一个袖珍型射电源(Bursting onto the scene)8 J' T8 q- X1 h6 |2 `( B) Y9 d1 A
An actively accreting massive black hole in the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10
6 |/ e+ e# D! M+ ?4 B7 s1 D7 Ohttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1754&issue=7332
1 @* O6 u* j4 ~' L" \3 E! X9 {! N. F# k. I" A3 c5 e" ]5 l5 H5 u

" D" s) J' r# }" X9 x; c! n纠缠的按需生成(Ensemble entanglement)
' ^$ ^. j# N. {: Y, }Entanglement in a solid-state spin ensemble3 E( h# o+ K: y; ]* N
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1756&issue=7332. m6 P+ B. R; F2 r% i6 `- E3 {

" B+ ?% t+ p& B, m& L8 G: O
" Y: _9 m# w; N利用LCLS X-射线激光进行生物成像(Biological imaging with the LCLS X-ray laser)
  ?) W  t1 h1 o9 y' j; H7 D7 KFemtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography / Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser
$ U! K0 l* |' u. ]http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1710&issue=7332
+ O6 \' i& F, A4 ?! [/ @$ H7 ~7 D3 z6 f6 y" C
" ]$ D, b* E& s; k+ m2 w- }

$ i- t) P, v3 f. V2 t# ^造成5000年前大气甲烷浓度异常增加的自然原因(Natural explanation for preindustrial methane peak)
* L% ?9 }; `6 DLate Holocene methane rise caused by orbitally controlled increase in tropical sources
2 b5 g+ U2 n% Z6 ]http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1715&issue=7332* D# H3 `# q" J9 D# ]3 Y
! c8 u1 ~: V1 H9 x

1 O7 L/ n. X: r6 t% b# R+ i4 R! p杂草生物控制效果波动的原因(Weed control in a state of flux): a1 \2 q, V2 _5 t( f8 `1 R
Alternative stable states explain unpredictable biological control of Salvinia molesta in Kakadu
- ]  x  B) m) J7 L& Rhttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1718&issue=73321 M  o; Q: W# U, _/ i
; w% f1 e9 K- B6 k$ M, ~! ~# [
6 v# V' \+ h7 z) ~7 f
七鳃鳗的“类胸腺”和脊椎动物的免疫系统(The lamprey’s thymoid and vertebrate immunity)
) S0 q" f; g" ?. q8 I1 m5 Z4 ]A thymus candidate in lampreys
0 R9 A+ R. v: d& m- D6 {6 [http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1721&issue=7332
3 n3 O8 I8 P: k  W7 b
1 I& \* X: H. l2 T# b6 S4 Z: T9 l: W7 I# E" o2 p. k
成年肾脏的再生(Adult kidney regeneration)
; r) @  ]: N; {8 i0 lIdentification of adult nephron progenitors capable of kidney regeneration in zebrafish
0 s, s) `5 J6 Mhttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1724&issue=7332
# c( B  I+ O- Z( `. z$ f! y$ @, @% r: q4 i" }  w; {
% _$ O7 L; Z0 d6 W4 J% k7 V
治疗耳鸣的一个思路(Sound idea for treating tinnitus)
5 G+ _# D& \9 _+ t7 w  |9 EReversing pathological neural activity using targeted plasticity
* z# u5 y0 u% {/ k0 J$ fhttp://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1727&issue=7332
* y1 ~/ |. J0 v. u$ o. X5 G9 H# L* k, l  o0 i) o

9 j: Y/ P( F& y在试管中生成人小肠组织(Intestinal tissue made in vitro): `) x; ?' `  n( @& A
Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into intestinal tissue in vitro$ H! t" e7 N) g( g# j! c
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1730&issue=73326 R% P/ ?; j0 `$ R
. U% m5 J, [3 ~( ^

$ ?8 D' a" x' v# o% ~: N. t生物节律在植物抗病能力中的作用(Resisting a dawn raid)
3 \8 t/ \5 r1 H, u2 NTiming of plant immune responses by a central circadian regulator3 W9 G9 }8 ^- h* ]% G, c; q
http://www.natureasia.com/ch/nat ... 1733&issue=7332
+ b. {9 {' }2 P& f8 M6 n# e' r% n! Q9 Q3 H& Y
: O' J1 {2 F' l/ t% k4 W3 h( d
----------------------1 r& _- l; Z6 v
/ k% b& a7 x3 B. @$ Y# S----------------------
# E# R& z( f7 g! Z) y( _/ y9 y( u2 KFORUM2 A! _3 Y' b0 ^+ D. G* ]
Drug discovery: A question of library design. P0 b! z, C0 L+ e3 I+ W8 O# l
Two approaches have emerged for creating libraries of compounds for use in biological screening assays for drug discovery [mdash] fragment-based ligand design and diversity-oriented synthesis. Advocates of each approach discuss their favoured strategy.* z1 i' k+ C! A0 Q- |4 x3 a
Philip J. Hajduk, Warren R. J. D. Galloway and David R. Spring; Y) k2 ?2 l6 E
doi:10.1038/470042a7 r9 W3 E( f2 h8 ]9 z/ C
http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102035 }' ~7 {# a3 X2 s/ P% t8 t8 v9 t  B
; A9 b* \$ X" {/ q& g0 x
Plant biology: Defence at dawn
5 A0 ^( W5 [1 y, D: J2 ^1 c1 LA remarkable example has been discovered of a plant tuning its immune defence against a pathogen. The tuning consists of maximal expression of the relevant genes at the time of day when attack is most likely. See Letterp.110$ O7 N" U  k5 P  S. g9 m) O
C. Robertson McClung
0 z/ |: M5 R0 l) {* Tdoi:10.1038/470044a
& F3 v/ N: j' A# rhttp://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
- X* x+ t* l0 _( P0 y8 s; {
  f8 `  l0 r2 y) a! p6 u  JAstrophysics: Big black hole found in tiny galaxy
  k; R6 ~' _/ SConventional wisdom tells us that supermassive black holes are found exclusively in massive galaxies undergoing little star formation. But one such object has now been discovered in a star-forming dwarf galaxy. See Letterp.66( X# ^: V7 Q" s" v& b& `
Jenny E. Greene5 I& W& u/ l3 S( P4 I
5 s4 {/ c# t3 v2 C$ O* ohttp://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
- c3 |( o( u& E/ M& D
- \7 x' r$ ^7 Z. ?, l3 d+ ZMolecular biology: DNA fragility put into context1 K' a$ `. B3 g7 T& A8 O
Fragile sites are genomic regions prone to deletions or other alterations during DNA replication. The reason for the susceptibility of these sites to damage may be simple: they contain few replication initiation sites. See Letterp.120
& {( a0 G  U2 s' l: zKay Huebner
1 C5 N" h+ Y, t4 n7 ~doi:10.1038/470046a
% j. n; T! ~% G1 @* Q  Phttp://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
$ I: t6 T2 p0 Y7 h& A
+ |3 w4 A& X: m6 [Theoretical ecology: Waltz of the weevil5 ?' a, H5 m( z; J
The aquatic plant Salvinia molesta is a widespread pest of waterways in the tropics and subtropics. A study of its control by a weevil in Australian billabongs sets a new standard in ecological time-series analysis. See Letterp.86
- ]! b6 @; p3 K6 I1 ?Lewi Stone
' ^9 B! \# q+ h0 w$ V. \. pdoi:10.1038/470047a
3 J: b+ e7 q3 i5 z3 {' ]- thttp://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
4 U/ c# o( i1 M- W. Z& K; G; U! L, Z8 ~( Y* F6 i8 A" f4 S
50 & 100 years ago6 I( o- `, v% Y; x# I
doi:10.1038/470048a1 F1 h( t# I+ b) u6 J7 x/ M
http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
, @7 [) y" `- `1 t
- e( U1 ]! g  b1 oGlobal change: Methane and monsoons3 n7 t; ^5 y) `0 L( e# @# v
The rising trend in atmospheric concentrations of methane over the past 5,000 years has been attributed to human agency. A modelling study, of a power that has only now become possible, points to another cause. See Letterp.82
$ l/ P; J0 y3 J! iEric W. Wolff
# h) s, M4 B" [doi:10.1038/470049a/ U) W9 v- N) u4 k
http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203% J# s( ]4 Q& P) e  }
, g! s  K1 y5 ?% v) t; p* c) l
Archaeology: Trailblazers across Arabia
( @* h: H6 G+ T  t, [6 _What role did the Arabian peninsula play in the expansion of our species out of Africa? An archaeological site in the United Arab Emirates provides tantalizing new evidence that supports an early human migration from Africa.9 t- r' H' e/ r* a
Michael D. Petraglia
7 a4 J) m6 C2 P7 [# ddoi:10.1038/470050a
% {& a) q. q8 [) @4 y& q5 vhttp://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203" p3 C; c9 g: `- k# a- k
, |/ v# y# v. L* b+ J
----------------------; _, [6 Y) A# \2 s
ARTICLES# w- f% q3 g# v  e
) p7 d" b- c  {9 L, F( [& e+ m' oA closely packed system of low-mass, low-density planets transiting Kepler-11! B$ ~' p; K) N  B
When an extrasolar planet passes in front of its star (transits), its radius can be measured from the decrease in starlight and its orbital period from the time between transits. This study reports Kepler spacecraft observations of a single Sun-like star that reveal six transiting planets, five with orbital periods between 10 and 47 days plus a sixth one with a longer period. The five inner planets are among the smallest for which mass and size have both been measured, and these measurements imply substantial envelopes of light gases.
, v& \$ H$ u( @9 b2 WJack J. Lissauer et al.4 `; Z+ {) d8 n. V5 l) ?' F/ D1 k. T! @
doi:10.1038/nature097608 z3 ^& o& Y# {6 M5 C+ u
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203" Z% k2 \4 g" `! z* t
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
/ ?; Y/ t) i- t7 j
+ N- K0 ^. d* S, n8 VMapping copy number variation by population-scale genome sequencing
1 ^) V  {8 z1 `$ Z7 `$ |2 |Harnessing information from whole genome sequencing in 185 individuals, this study generates a high-resolution map of copy number variants. Nucleotide resolution of the map facilitates analysis of structural variant distribution and identification of the mechanisms of their origin. The study provides a resource for sequence-based association studies.
+ H- Y5 P7 B. K* `2 O  g$ fRyan E. Mills et al.5 B* y- |" B5 e
doi:10.1038/nature09708. |5 o8 o# V* w4 a) q7 N8 H6 r8 k7 s( ~
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
3 }  F; z/ x; _% N6 a/ f3 J8 p$ BArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
) _) P- L( j+ d) p% b$ n- R2 V. h2 g. P. x' I4 I- H' `
----------------------2 z5 D2 w% Y: l
LETTERS" M) B: k. ~: G2 a! p6 D0 S" w( Z6 j
5 j( p* l5 D# ~# w9 |7 C6 {3 E0 tAn actively accreting massive black hole in the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize[thinsp]2-109 H- q8 q2 |, j$ e
Henize 2-10 is a nearby dwarf starburst galaxy that may be similar to galaxies in the infant Universe. It is reported that Henize 2-10 contains a compact radio source at the dynamical centre of the galaxy that is spatially coincident with a hard X-ray source, from which it is concluded that Henize 2-10 harbours an actively accreting central black hole with a mass of approximately one million solar masses. The results confirm that nearby star-forming dwarf galaxies can indeed form massive black holes, and by implication so can their primordial counterparts.8 K$ T5 [7 Z3 t9 ]; J
Amy E. Reines, Gregory R. Sivakoff, Kelsey E. Johnson and Crystal L. Brogan
7 G1 O) K2 ?6 X" T# I. ]doi:10.1038/nature09724
" V) @& C- C& Q& o' _3 L; `9 U8 XAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
1 f5 L: E9 `* zArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102039 M: Z+ X% Z$ S! {7 p  x% E9 U
4 a0 K$ Q! F' O: l6 i8 t
Entanglement in a solid-state spin ensemble& k+ l  F' k8 Q$ V& o' X  P/ u2 U
Spin ensembles, such as those used in liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, have been important for the development of quantum control methods. However, these demonstrations contained no entanglement, which is essential for a quantum information processor. This study reports the on-demand generation of entanglement between an ensemble of electron and nuclear spins in phosphorus-doped silicon, simultaneously creating 1010 spin pairs.
9 O# ~7 ]8 g0 d- Y+ MStephanie Simmons et al.
9 A1 \! J; |- x% U  edoi:10.1038/nature09696  Q+ k% u1 _5 T  H9 K' p
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
! h/ ^5 K3 s: J6 Z: @Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102037 ^; b$ m# e% l, }% @8 U4 v+ B
2 d# ]0 ?+ D2 t- d  L( G
Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography
: Y- l* B# f0 c' KThe start-up of the new femtosecond hard X-ray laser facility in Stanford, the Linac Coherent Light Source, has brought high expectations for a new era for biological imaging. The intense, ultrashort X-ray pulses allow diffraction imaging of small structures before radiation damage occurs. This new capability is tested for the problem of structure determination from nanocrystals of macromolecules that cannot be grown in large crystals. Over three million diffraction patterns were collected from a stream of nanocrystals of the membrane protein complex photosystem I, which allowed the assembly of a three-dimensional data set for this protein, and proves the concept of this imaging technique.% o8 n% t& q/ m, q; [& P- R- E+ @
Henry N. Chapman et al.; U( l+ C2 Q; @( F! `+ r
/ m0 W- V1 J8 ^3 |% ^( }Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203* Z* g( z" C4 h$ R/ S9 ^
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102033 s& P7 A6 A) y) ]9 I: Q# o; \

9 [* F  r  i7 X. K# [( \! N4 LSingle mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser; D: J7 u$ h% X
The start-up of the new femtosecond hard X-ray laser facility in Stanford, the Linac Coherent Light Source, has brought high expectations for a new era for biological imaging. The intense, ultrashort X-ray pulses allow diffraction imaging of small structures before radiation damage occurs. This new capability is tested for the problem of imaging a non-crystalline biological sample. Images of mimivirus are obtained, the largest known virus with a total diameter of about 0.75 micrometres, by injecting a beam of cooled mimivirus particles into the X-ray beam. The measurements indicate no damage during imaging and prove the concept of this imaging technique.
" O8 L3 r3 U/ F7 fM. Marvin Seibert et al.
: Y% @" I- u, y! ydoi:10.1038/nature09748
" i; e5 B  ^5 Y- L/ ]Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
4 E3 z" [3 \# i& g( ^" qArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203' m) `( e+ F# f" _" b

+ ^  ]7 y, M  c5 G1 NLate Holocene methane rise caused by orbitally controlled increase in tropical sources
% J! g. d2 J: D: a) ]5 J! IThe source of what seems to be an anomalous increase in atmospheric methane concentrations about 5,000 years ago compared to methane levels during previous interglacial periods has puzzled researchers. Possible explanations for the rise in methane levels include very early agricultural activity. Climate and wetland simulations of global methane levels over the last glacial cycle now suggest that the increase in methane concentrations can be explained by natural changes in the Earth's orbital configuration, with enhanced emissions in the Southern Hemisphere tropics linked to precession-induced modification of seasonal precipitation
, @. ?  I1 N) fJoy S. Singarayer et al.
9 ]  S- K. Q/ Idoi:10.1038/nature09739
- d1 t' d8 i  h; O4 Y7 x& ~5 RAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102032 `' `/ g% _' @
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102039 d  n$ w3 i1 V

7 W+ ?$ e5 j6 r7 Q4 U4 Y' `  _; DAlternative stable states explain unpredictable biological control of Salvinia molesta in Kakadu* D2 j$ v2 I, t0 _7 i5 q
Alternative stable states are common in ecosystems, and pose problems for management, but most studied examples are of strongly stable states that switch only rarely after major perturbations. This study fits a model of weakly stable states to a billabong system in which biological control is applied to an invasive weed. Frequent changes in water availability cause shifts between states in which control either is or is not effective. Understanding these shifts could allow intervention to keep the system in the controlled state.
: R; H/ G1 ]" {$ z- ^/ J, r0 y% _) hShon S. Schooler, Buck Salau, Mic H. Julien and Anthony R. Ives0 e6 w& V# J- W* v+ c2 ?9 y
, Y9 Y/ t# I) y" ~' M1 s8 [8 LAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
0 F2 j# `0 _4 v# E0 T$ sArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203( R* C2 _  j0 y# T- B
' S  @, i5 ^9 N' h0 Y. M; E
A thymus candidate in lampreys) j3 S% d' \/ X5 |$ }, ^) t: K
Jawless fish were recently shown to possess T- and B-like lymphocytes expressing diverse assembled antigen receptors. This study identifies and characterizes lympho-epithelial thymus-like structures at the tips of gill filaments of lamprey larvae, thus providing evidence that the similarities underlying the adaptive immune systems of both types of vertebrate appear to extend to primary lymphoid organs.
0 \# @5 o+ i7 w  o9 r/ s' eBaubak Bajoghli et al.
! q) m) s5 P1 ~" a9 ^, D7 gdoi:10.1038/nature09655/ p4 N  w1 D5 V0 d  I# D2 C! C
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
, N0 K( s4 M5 j% C5 d7 n# a; dArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102039 M3 V' d4 S+ ?, x) ~$ S% g

7 ]6 {* C5 P3 i% G; k! T9 Z" V5 mIdentification of adult nephron progenitors capable of kidney regeneration in zebrafish
5 a9 }( E( e/ `7 B& i) VFish can regenerate nephrons (the functional units of the kidney) de novo after kidney injury, whereas adult mammals lack this ability. This study identifies a pool of self renewing nephron stem/progenitor cells that are responsible for nephrogenesis during kidney growth and regeneration in zebrafish. The findings might provide an insight into how mammalian renal regeneration may be therapeutically activated.
* c" `/ I( H; }8 R* z7 JCuong Q. Diep et al.
/ U5 }! g( k$ `/ L; X: fdoi:10.1038/nature09669- v( t$ J1 ?8 g2 j( j; \
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203& D  {3 l9 Z( y# L  D( g+ h
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203* {7 Y% F3 a9 `2 A
- z, X1 G, r; v. N: k2 b; n1 O
Reversing pathological neural activity using targeted plasticity
' r/ n% H) ?' p+ T( |Neuronal plasticity is thought to be the source of several chronic neurological conditions, including tinnitus. Using a rodent model for noise-induced tinnitus, this study finds that reversing neural plasticity induced by the tinnitus can correct perceptual impairments caused by the ailment. Pairing tones with stimulation of the vagus nerve sharpened auditory neuron tuning and eliminated the physiological as well as behavioural correlates of the tinnitus. This proof of principle suggests that simply restoring normal neural activity to circuits that have been pathologically modified could provide a benefit in those ailments involving aberrant neural plasticity.
+ x+ N* |' v$ q0 f9 ?Navzer D. Engineer et al.& H: `9 H8 b; C9 `% L( M
0 ?4 t' O$ O6 S8 E2 ?Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
" x1 G+ e. f# d0 K+ dArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
: z' p2 K/ I9 N  P! d
8 E  u& M4 C; m+ [3 w) s; sDirected differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into intestinal tissue in vitro& @/ E4 X3 @8 C
Using a temporal series of growth factor manipulations to mimic embryonic intestinal development in culture, this study has successfully directed the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (both embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells) into intestinal tissue. This approach may provide therapeutic benefit for disease studies.4 q3 |/ z" G# Y8 }/ p: }( y
Jason R. Spence et al.
* h. R% e' _0 |4 I; @doi:10.1038/nature09691
/ ~" ~9 d/ f! X. `7 l5 V9 }Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102035 Y/ t& P6 G1 n( v4 n# {
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203. M+ h( W8 b9 f/ z. {' n; \; R* u
  \5 N% F6 i; n/ E
Timing of plant immune responses by a central circadian regulator
, m! i* Z: L0 T/ r/ Q! w+ eCircadian rhythms regulate a wide variety of developmental and metabolic processes resulting in enhanced fitness. In this study, a link is made between plant immune responses and the circadian clock. Plant defence against a fungal pathogen which causes downy mildew disease in Arabidopsis is studied, and it is shown that a novel set of defence genes are regulated by the circadian regulator CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1). The mechanism allows plants to 'anticipate' infection at dawn when the pathogen normally disperses its spores. Such a cross-talk mechanism reveals an important strategy for plants to time immune responses against pathogens.
/ G) p* F- m1 d4 ]Wei Wang et al.% `" ?. ]3 d8 x7 c3 f5 [# h
doi:10.1038/nature097665 A7 x5 O, m- C  C$ C% W
Abstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203) E: `, y7 ?8 c3 ]0 t6 N7 M1 _
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
1 B  m5 W0 o: U5 k' P: u! e5 ~- s3 o  W4 N
Oncogenically active MYD88 mutations in human lymphoma
" ~, n; Q/ w( R2 I$ H1 ~4 wThis study finds frequent mutations in MYD88 in the activated B-cell-like subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and, with lower frequency, in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas. MYD88 mediates signalling by Toll-like receptors, and the mutations, most of which affect the same amino acid, are shown to activate the pathway and promote cancer cell survival.
; l, q0 R* d" ~; B9 W1 T  }# TVu N. Ngo et al.0 o8 v  ?/ b( `1 @$ v
7 W6 B+ x& f1 F4 V. eAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
# i% D4 j* ]# @" J) j1 l/ _Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-201102038 Y1 w7 q0 F: g" v3 H- y

5 S* ~7 y4 }' v0 _+ BCell-type-specific replication initiation programs set fragility of the FRA3B fragile site
. P4 K% T* D" j4 e2 \, }$ nSome chromosomal locations, known as common fragile sites, are predisposed to breakage. These sites have pathogenic relevance as they are frequently associated with chromosomal translocations. Here, it is found that rather than breakage being due to replication stalling, the fragility of site FRA3B results from an unusually low density of replication origins in this region. Unexpectedly, fragility is found to be cell-type-specific, which may have implications for current models of translocations.7 y+ Z/ s2 |, e( Z" \8 ^/ ~& z
Anne Letessier et al.
; y; O' s. _& X, zdoi:10.1038/nature09745
+ B9 a0 I: v. {% g- DAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203: {% `( D: Q3 z/ V2 F: Q2 {
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203. |" e7 i3 b6 Q( C

9 i7 g/ H9 C8 Y7 ~. W1 TMMSET regulates histone H4K20 methylation and 53BP1 accumulation at DNA damage sites
* _  a; O4 Y1 o2 E) E- [Recruitment of 53BP1 to double-strand DNA breaks is an important step in the cellular response to DNA damage. Here, the histone methyltransferase MMSET is shown to be responsible for localized increases in a histone modification that is involved in recruiting 53BP1. The mechanism of MMSET recruitment to DNA damage sites is also investigated.5 _2 ?/ Y0 h5 s/ g4 F
Huadong Pei et al.* X' m$ h8 V# \3 O/ j
; u/ q( Q+ q4 b' ?1 M7 s& MAbstract: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
% ~) E7 v% r' MArticle: http://www.nature.com/nature/jou ... _id=NATURE-20110203
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优秀会员 热心会员 积极份子 帅哥研究员

发表于 2011-2-3 14:23 |只看该作者
哈哈 日期写错了!海洋版主改一下吧!?

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金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-2-3 14:33 |只看该作者

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发表于 2011-2-3 20:33 |只看该作者
回复 uyunbilig 的帖子6 K$ }% Z5 t$ X3 s( ~' O
7 G4 Q8 m/ W% n; e  k
不知为何 改不了 提示错误

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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-2-3 21:19 |只看该作者
回复 uyunbilig 的帖子5 k# t( _$ m0 |( d3 [; {6 t) C: r
' L& x+ N0 A2 X
2 S. f# F  c$ F2 s- w  O, H
! T7 H5 V1 i7 m% a体外诱导分化小肠组织的方法听上去挺有趣,using a temporal series of growth factor manipulations to minic embryonic intestinal development in culture...% F+ }1 x8 Z8 \6 V' `3 B
; F' L3 e* s( P4 |8 K( Z
组织器官发育的时间空间因素显然很关键。体外模拟发育的时间序列过程加入相关因子诱导干细胞形成复杂三维组织是个令人兴奋的进展。如下面的summary总结的,这将为体外模拟研究发育过程,以及研究相关疾病提供一个前所未有的平台。大概还可以谨慎地说为将来体外制造小肠用于临床移植开辟了一个新途径吧。; _8 i0 [8 Y6 j& `2 p

% a+ N, }# Z' V& IStudies in embryonic development have guided successful efforts to direct the differentiation of human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) into specific organ cell types in vitro1, 2. For example, human PSCs have been differentiated into monolayer cultures of liver hepatocytes and pancreatic endocrine cells3, 4, 5, 6 that have therapeutic efficacy in animal models of liver disease7, 8 and diabetes9, respectively. However, the generation of complex three-dimensional organ tissues in vitro remains a major challenge for translational studies. Here we establish a robust and efficient process to direct the differentiation of human PSCs into intestinal tissue in vitro using a temporal series of growth factor manipulations to mimic embryonic intestinal development10. This involved activin-induced definitive endoderm formation11, FGF/Wnt-induced posterior endoderm pattering, hindgut specification and morphogenesis12, 13, 14, and a pro-intestinal culture system15, 16 to promote intestinal growth, morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation. The resulting three-dimensional intestinal ‘organoids’ consisted of a polarized, columnar epithelium that was patterned into villus-like structures and crypt-like proliferative zones that expressed intestinal stem cell markers17. The epithelium contained functional enterocytes, as well as goblet, Paneth and enteroendocrine cells. Using this culture system as a model to study human intestinal development, we identified that the combined activity of WNT3A and FGF4 is required for hindgut specification whereas FGF4 alone is sufficient to promote hindgut morphogenesis. Our data indicate that human intestinal stem cells form de novo during development. We also determined that NEUROG3, a pro-endocrine transcription factor that is mutated in enteric anendocrinosis18, is both necessary and sufficient for human enteroendocrine cell development in vitro. PSC-derived human intestinal tissue should allow for unprecedented studies of human intestinal development and disease.
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-2-3 21:42 |只看该作者
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- D# n, m. [! C! P& r1 F5 G2 k/ I0 G7 O' Y
斑马鱼肾脏再生的研究比较有趣的是确定包含mixed progenitor的small cellular aggregates作为- I& m2 @2 Z* D, ^2 Z4 g8 k
! Z8 ?: b4 }: M" F
" N1 x/ z& }% X( H# uLoss of kidney function underlies many renal diseases1. Mammals can partly repair their nephrons (the functional units of the kidney), but cannot form new ones2, 3. By contrast, fish add nephrons throughout their lifespan and regenerate nephrons de novo after injury4, 5, providing a model for understanding how mammalian renal regeneration may be therapeutically activated. Here we trace the source of new nephrons in the adult zebrafish to small cellular aggregates containing nephron progenitors. Transplantation of single aggregates comprising 10–30 cells is sufficient to engraft adults and generate multiple nephrons. Serial transplantation experiments to test self-renewal revealed that nephron progenitors are long-lived and possess significant replicative potential, consistent with stem-cell activity. Transplantation of mixed nephron progenitors tagged with either green or red fluorescent proteins yielded some mosaic nephrons, indicating that multiple nephron progenitors contribute to a single nephron. Consistent with this, live imaging of nephron formation in transparent larvae showed that nephrogenic aggregates form by the coalescence of multiple cells and then differentiate into nephrons. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the zebrafish kidney probably contains self-renewing nephron stem/progenitor cells. The identification of these cells paves the way to isolating or engineering the equivalent cells in mammals and developing novel renal regenerative therapie
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