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Rank: 8Rank: 8



发表于 2010-10-13 00:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
中新网北京10月12日电 (翟珺)美国杰龙生物医药公司当地时间11日宣布,全球首宗人类胚胎干细胞临床试验于上周五在美国亚特兰大谢泼德康复中心进行。* R- O# |- [- y  }( q# F! r) ^

6 w* J: N1 ^" K) S8 b" }. g  医生向一名脊柱受损的瘫痪病人脊椎内注射了上百万个人体胚胎干细胞,这标志着胚胎干细胞疗法,第一次得到政府首肯,迈出了从实验室走向临床治疗的第一步。' _" x. ?8 Q" A# ~* N8 I

$ [7 m$ }4 `6 Q. F  与之前所进行的干细胞移植不同,此次试验采用的细胞不是来自于成人的身体组织,而是取自人类胚胎,胚胎干细胞能诱导分化为机体几乎所有的细胞类型,因此具有广泛的医学前景。
- n/ Y5 d0 U7 f: d; J
* e0 y2 o7 ?$ j: u0 {  一共将有10名患者参与此次的临床试验,他们脊柱受伤的时间都不超过14天,患者脊柱内将被注射入从人体胚胎中提取的神经细胞前体,这些细胞将渗透到受损的部位,修复损坏的脊椎神经,从而恢复瘫痪病人的部分运动功能。
2 `  H3 N- ]( b. v# y0 ?5 P( ?5 V$ K& d1 Q
  之前的动物实验已经证明,注射胚胎干细胞之后,受伤的动物恢复了部分行走和运动的能力。但是,此前从未在人体内做过这种尝试。专家们希望通过这次的试验来弄清胚胎干细胞疗法对人体是否安全。8 Q, C+ \% S& z, C! T9 b+ ~
& d9 }9 u8 T* W& {1 a2 E
5 L9 v/ ?4 E4 C3 H: a9 b4 i# o! ?, u( W2 x/ u
' t: Q6 {8 j5 S! Y9 c/ }
8 ?5 n7 Z0 B, m- h4 q  基于安全性及道德伦理方面的考虑,美国食品和药物管理局去年批准试验后又叫停,直到今年7月才最终为试验开了绿灯。6 r9 z/ _/ r& t, ^: H. Q" ~

8 H/ ^2 u, c9 V5 p/ Z; u. V9 ^  然而,联邦政府是否会继续出资支持胚胎干细胞研究依旧是个谜。一位联邦法官八月提出指控,认为奥巴马政府对于此类研究的支持违反了联邦法中禁止将纳税人的钱用在破坏人体胚胎上的规定。美国司法部正在接受上诉。

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2010-10-13 13:28 |只看该作者
11 October 2010 Last updated at 15:34 GMT! I$ x1 o, ~. i2 H# S6 [( l* i4 d
1 t/ ~! x; S! E
First trial of embryonic stem cells in humans2 _9 m  |1 ]+ Z% t
By Michelle Roberts Health reporter, BBC News
4 y5 {2 d6 d0 ?' p) L$ A7 A* ^
/ q( R. ^" t' e' J6 g
' [( A) _* \0 S4 V# `( PThere are hopes that stem cell therapy can be used to tackle many diseases
+ B7 r4 W) t) w7 V/ S7 A- h
8 G: X! i2 `7 jUS doctors have begun the first official trial of using human embryonic stem cells in patients after getting the green light from regulators.
" |& E* s& [" h) m
1 d6 `2 _% u) m+ N4 S: U) g: hThe Food and Drug Administration has given a license to Geron to use the controversial cells to treat people with spinal injuries.
. v7 C- |. l/ `
& C% C2 `- L2 u/ ?# w- ^! B7 h; C8 bThe cells have the potential to become many of the different cell types found in the body, including nerve cells.
' m% j3 h) ]4 P0 J3 A% |7 @! r; H6 h6 i3 A" J4 [
The trials at a hospital in Atlanta will check if the treatment is safe.: W1 G- T* x: g" X

6 s3 _: X1 }* b4 J4 oPivotal research  y9 |4 i, G8 J
5 d; \" x9 A7 g% v7 ?
Geron, a biotech company based in "silicon valley" south of San Francisco, has spent $170m on developing a stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury.
& M0 O: f9 z. |) c
+ ^( V! w8 t9 f$ `The research will use cells coaxed to become nerve cells which are injected into the spinal cord.
" w7 `0 C: p- f+ Y6 ^5 r8 o: b' B2 t
In animal trials of the treatment, paralysed rats regained some movement.
2 T* [) O4 o6 A1 J0 p1 Q7 a! t4 s  @) T' k3 ~
But it is not yet known if it will offer any benefit to people with spinal cord injuries.
; G" b8 ~1 V& ?0 o& K
7 h% t2 \0 A+ ]+ L7 J+ M* g0 OEvery year around 12,000 people in the US sustain spinal cord injuries. The most common causes are automobile accidents, falls, gunshot wounds and sports injuries.& \. B: a6 D  M3 a) R

" K; @3 c6 W5 yIn the trial, patients who have sustained such an injury within the last 14 days will be given the experimental stem cell treatment.. t( B9 o$ \7 D2 d! d

" u  o: z" a! F% W4 d  B. o' v! HGeron president Dr Thomas Okarma said: "When we started working with human embryonic stem cells in 1999, many predicted that it would be a number of decades before a cell therapy would be approved for human clinical trials.) {7 p9 o$ y5 }$ V" l; Y4 Y

, M4 n# e' E9 i1 m"This accomplishment results from extensive research and development and a succession of inventive steps."
+ T) H2 h+ A+ Y' l2 C& @; N$ P2 w0 O5 c+ x9 I" A
But it will take some time to get the results.
& z& L, M' [1 h; q5 N/ L7 s/ P: K# J
3 p& b6 Q- w" R' {And there are many years of rigorous testing ahead before it can be known if the therapy is safe and effective./ \& U5 X* ?! J& x
0 ^( a+ U3 ^2 j$ x" _; H! r, t
Professor Sir Ian Wilmut, director of the Medical Research Council Centre for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, said: "This is very exciting news, however, it is very important to appreciate that the objective of trials at this stage is to confirm first of all that no harm is done to patients, rather than to look for benefits.
- a( t: c" A: P( P! V
3 q* x4 [; H* U7 q; U. Q"Once that has been confirmed then the focus moves on to development and assessment of the new treatment."
' }3 i2 P6 w# P1 L# t9 x2 H* e9 m
Ben Sykes, executive director of the UK National Stem Cell Network, said: "This is indeed a significant milestone in our journey towards the promise of stem cell-based medicines.
) L* m3 o* r  A
- y. c0 V1 B( K8 k  m! ^"The global stem cell and regenerative medicine community will be awaiting the results of this safety trial with much anticipation."8 T- b5 g7 M) i
6 q& K6 J4 h' w) m
Professor Chris Mason, an expert in regenerative medicine at University College London, said UK researchers hope to follow suit and begin trials next year with a stem cell treatment for age-related macular degeneration - a leading cause of blindness.
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


优秀会员 金话筒

发表于 2010-10-14 18:28 |只看该作者

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-10-16 11:25 |只看该作者
希望早日试验成功, 美国毕竟是先驱者;
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