EpiCult™ for Mammary Epithelial Monolayer Culture

EpiCult™ for Mammary Epithelial Monolayer Culture


EpiCult™ supports mammary epithelial monolayer culture with defined culture media. EpiCult™-C is optimized for the routine culture of primary human mammary epithelial cells, while EpiCult™-B has species-specific formulations for the culture and assay of either human or mouse mammary cells.EpiCult™-B (Human) can assay for the presence of human mammary precursor cells in either mammary colony-forming cell (Ma-CFC) assay or in 3D Matrigel™-based cultures. Quantifying Ma-CFC frequency provides a functional measure of the number of mammary progenitor cells in the sample, while the 3D morphogenesis assay enables more representative studies of the in vivo mammary duct structure. EpiCult™-B (Mouse) can similarly assay for the presence of mouse mammary colony-forming cells in either adherent monolayer or in 3D Matrigel™-based cultures. As this medium is formulated specifically for mouse cells, it delays the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) commonly observed in the mouse mammary epithelial in vitro cultures.View videos and other technical resources for EpiCult™ at stemcell.com.


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