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New Scientist magazine - 7 May 2011 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3


金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-8 21:41 |只看该作者
8 b) n9 ~3 v0 S. H% S  [

Rank: 3Rank: 3


金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-8 21:48 |只看该作者
Mathematics becomes more sociable: H$ Q/ Y1 i6 }1 u: j) {; Y! }
6 k6 L+ a/ i- ?7 \1 t9 S
& A3 q- b. g1 ]7 ~9 J! z; u8 oThe Polymath project will give the field a new, more friendly, lease of life
0 x! D/ e; y& @+ r; i5 q) O
. P* o/ d9 \# E$ Q6 t$ kThe implications of interspecies communication0 t/ Y# ?/ ^/ a# I3 k, ]0 k
Editorialp52 J. N$ T5 A# Q7 S- C4 l
' a; L3 @' D& q  T- T3 k; s/ S* ?
If dolphins could talk to humans, it would be an unparalleled contribution to the debate about animal rights
. X$ [0 P+ R2 |  `+ h$ f1 V1 H" @
. _$ E  D4 g: {0 x8 LWe need another green revolution7 \! }+ q3 f% a! ?: Q& V& i
Editorialp5  k  G- x/ b: Z$ e" H

  B. p6 k& _( |" CIt is high time we made a new start on enabling major crops to make their own fertiliser0 j# w) L: h+ w, q) }' G2 \

9 @& j1 q) c% X. ^# ^" u' I7 _Elusive Higgs slips from sight again
+ U- R" Q9 |* {: e1 S9 ?* ~" DNews > Upfrontp6
+ p" |4 a% Y6 e
/ s. a+ X$ ^0 `6 y1 O2 i' d. d+ g4 `A recent report hinted at a glimpse of the long-sought particle but a second detector has now checked its own data and found no sign of the particle
5 o8 s5 f% h1 r% V% x
; a9 r. N1 s8 l  sOsama bin Laden: how DNA identified his body
3 H  [; _: L* T- @% U! h1 FNews > Upfrontp6, O. M  I5 j. M) K) o

5 L$ p( R! O: I: r  l+ `DNA evidence identified the world's most wanted man with "99.9 per cent confidence", which would require comparison with the DNA of close relatives
7 U8 |; `7 _5 O9 _8 W; \, C$ ?) p! O8 s1 p! h2 l, [1 }! P
Strange cosmic ray hotspots stalk southern skies0 p( U; O& C4 {$ r- s  |
News > Upfrontp6' t! W5 X* J8 k1 Q  N2 e9 v0 e

: l: w% N$ s5 DSomething relatively nearby seems to be hurling energetic, charged particles at Earth – but what?# t  T1 y: Z: S* N

( p1 P7 y2 u' ?: w& K7 }: E6 k; fMilk miles show why it's hard to go locavore$ |6 r4 q8 p% b7 x
News > Upfrontpp6-7
+ ]. K* f$ a) x5 W; b' S- c
* \: \1 d* X) w( x( D- h9 M# b! J7 n3 GCutting the journey of a carton of fresh milk from cow to cup would end up increasing the journey of other dairy products
! ?8 [+ y: M& C7 J+ w4 G  \
. U, ?# m  S: [60 Seconds$ @; h7 C$ W6 w) F
News > 60 Secondsp7
$ k# I/ z9 ~- P8 X; l/ D0 j
+ U' \( Z+ g# Z7 hAnts that almost as large as hummingbirds, recreational drug kills kidney cells, cooperative robots and more
/ K+ L) c: d7 K& @) F* Y7 C+ W2 [- D% [) Q5 o% \6 M5 W
Deadly weather in US could become the norm" G( T5 e: d  a5 l; M" O) b
News > Upfrontp7
1 @, B& `" v+ w
% `- ~5 }) _3 t+ t$ uWhether or not climate change makes severe weather worse, rising populations mean there are more people in harm's way, researchers say# \/ w0 ~/ n8 _" ~/ L9 i( |
' X. L) d! I1 S) P
Painkillers need clearer warnings to prevent liver damage, |/ W! r9 {, u
News > Upfrontp7
/ [6 _/ i' ?$ B3 ^
  a) ?4 n$ Z  w6 yOver-the-counter painkillers need clear warnings to help people recognise their potential toxicity
, \( Z8 r+ w2 T
" _. A' f7 u4 ?% s% R+ jEvolutionary push could help crops self-fertilise# M* s9 e" p0 x/ c, Z6 ]- g
News > This Weekpp8-9
' M* k1 L6 O: I( n* j
3 Y6 j! e! O* A# jAgriculture would be transformed if crops could produce fertiliser as legumes do. New research suggests it might be easier than we thought
; A# A  e! L' S: ?( C8 b
% x  J( k/ V8 e' {; ?4 a- ?! QHow to build the global mathematics brain4 j. u2 Y( j- q- d' r( W
News > This Weekpp10-11$ }: ?5 n! ?/ P, d& w" J

# O, B+ e1 X0 i  d+ r) w3 Z# oA successful wiki-style pro-am mathematical project belies the stereotype of the brilliant loner3 B& C# j( n6 ]) R( z& z

5 p; h; [8 [# I2 i/ v0 Z9 Y, s% fAsteroids make life's raw materials( m& g; F! Y. l  S% \1 v
News > This Weekp149 O1 A- d: W; F; {- D  j. z8 x

8 T2 H- U0 }; e# Z3 cRocks from an asteroid have been shown to power the synthesis of life's essential chemicals for the first time9 U3 Y2 a6 m- D
& m! T- i, z$ u7 j" w' j8 v
Drug pacemaker relieves hassle of daily shots
3 D* W' U* p' x  T! [. vNews > This Weekp15
9 e4 S+ n9 f5 l7 P4 d9 M
. w8 F. h6 P, j( I3 {1 y7 `& IA new implant could deliver timed doses of a drug for a year
7 Z9 ?! K0 s7 z* n1 W) @
; O4 m$ z5 v/ fSecond experiment hints at seasonal dark matter signal' t; E+ F2 N! E, q
News > This Weekp162 }6 v4 O( W9 M( \: }

0 N- G7 m( ~, G4 [0 d5 x: rFor years, one lonely team has been insisting that it sees a seasonal variation in dark matter signals – now another group is reporting similar findings5 v0 n+ H  l8 e# B" \4 D% C$ \
: z" X/ h1 d- J/ {
Why do we remember some dreams but not others?
: l1 D9 L* N  h# }6 U# c( [News > This Weekp16
4 U/ n- Z+ I: X" b9 G7 w+ R# b  Y3 g. _+ P: s/ [' ]
We recall dreams using the same brain mechanisms that control whether we remember things when awake0 R/ }: F; ~/ g, B6 R

6 {1 k: d7 y, X( Y' R: F'Dwarf' black holes might help explain dark matter. _+ |4 \+ U5 S) s$ g  B
News > This Weekp183 O  D" k& r, [" `! {# U! N5 P
9 ~& C+ P$ \, b0 e% G
Black holes might come in more sizes than small, medium and large – if so, mini black holes could contribute to the universe's mysterious dark matter5 x; a. X2 R& j; i  Y8 D
& D# q2 j) u5 p" l0 J/ [# w8 ^
Out-of-Africa migration selected novelty-seeking genes
/ A1 O2 f. d/ ]5 W$ XNews > This Weekp18- L3 J2 E' n1 t$ ~' H+ }

9 \& s* f- a, ^As humans migrated around 50,000 years ago, evolution may have latched onto a gene linked to risk-taking and adventurousness2 u; J( p: v& L3 [8 X* C! b
0 }, C0 R! ?% g# @0 M; v
Brainless box jellyfish know which way is up
: o! C; F+ M/ x2 T# MNews > In Briefp20, w9 l7 f8 q$ w9 J+ ?' V$ ?3 q3 O
% ]4 T  m3 \1 B! L
The poisonous jellyfish navigates its mangrove swamp home by peering out of the water at the tree canopy above
. k2 c0 y# u; J3 r: C. t: Q4 s; x/ @0 ^3 s: c1 v( A
How sickle-cell carriers fend off malaria
3 K. S  g4 [, N* L8 U: O/ c4 gNews > In Briefp209 z% t4 @4 ?/ R
  q8 a* b1 z& u6 L5 d! ]+ H
Teasing out the mechanism which helps people with one sickle-cell gene resist malaria suggests new treatments for the disease
( h+ r# r3 ~' R+ ~. {* l, S$ w$ p6 s& t5 X7 _  m
Monkeys show signs of advanced memory powers
* V4 b( l% z; ~7 H& w' sNews > In Briefp206 ?2 o5 X3 e5 B7 @) \

( e1 `7 a1 U9 u: g9 A# k' dRhesus monkeys can do more than simply recognise familiar shapes
% H, _, R3 G; ]* k# g2 L2 z9 E& Z" c6 n- {$ y# o: i: g. w+ a- @
The universe's first stars were whirling dervishes4 z) h0 v+ r) Z; _5 S5 a
News > In Briefp20
1 D" F2 P! w( B& g+ q) U+ t% b
+ i0 i9 z1 n4 P1 W: e' NThe very first stars may have rotated several times faster than today's – the "spinstars" may have died in gamma-ray bursts that we could yet observe
+ _. k- \+ c* \2 Z; |: P: c3 a6 {
A sideways look suggests leaning tower will topple7 W" U+ L7 r0 S8 m+ W( D. a$ s
News > In Briefp218 e) q$ M7 O1 X: l
! V5 a! n1 J: q
Your evaluation of whether an object is going to fall over depends on which way your head is tilted1 ~0 t- k9 J# h3 q$ X

. b6 j" P% v: l  {, \Fleeting antimatter trapped for a quarter of an hour
2 e* a" |2 o3 F: V6 INews > In Briefp217 ?  Q: f6 b/ R8 X5 T5 w
/ u) f* h7 d/ z# G, L9 z$ V' u% u' J
A magnetic trap has held anti-atoms for 1000 seconds, which should allow tests of whether matter and antimatter are true mirror images in a few years3 D7 `. M) ~9 x2 x& Z' o7 l; E

+ B/ E: T! v% ]6 \' p5 m* eGhostly nebulae show mysterious alignment
% o3 r& @2 r6 @& q/ _# sNews > In Briefp21& U7 r& `# P; \9 h( o7 c0 o) }

* \. a9 j. E/ TElongated nebulae in the centre of our galaxy seem to lie in the same plane as the galactic disc, hinting at a mysterious alignment of stars in the region
# ~3 ?) l5 S- X# E1 t+ T6 v/ C5 |3 G# j
Heart attacks are more dangerous in the morning
* ~& Z; v& v, T$ INews > In Briefp21
+ T2 V, V# ~1 B1 j* n$ S+ V6 z2 J" o$ A# X
Heart attacks that occur between 6am and noon appear more dangerous than those that occur in the afternoon, possibly due to fluctuating levels of protective proteins
, H. t1 d2 M! Z- m: B% E5 C( u- i8 a: O
Talk with a dolphin via underwater translation machine9 T; E9 ~2 P& m! A2 P& W. Q! [
Technology > Newspp23-249 {( p* d; }4 v5 F) \

9 g" s0 R- r4 D* Q: i  XA computer system that divers can wear may bridge the language barrier between us and dolphins
3 B5 b2 W; o, e6 r' C0 k0 g# I) `% \9 l" ^8 Y6 y. c% Q6 T8 W: C
In-car projection for drive-by advertising
8 _" _) v( ]& S9 ITechnology > Newsp24: b) z/ V' ~  L- i6 _& V

1 E2 j! J6 q+ x# xA new display technology could turn car windows into roving 3D advertisements, but will this compromise safety?4 v- R: J  s  D% h$ L0 p
/ h6 H7 ~' @) e( w0 T) L
Know where the wind blows to boost power grid capacity
/ x1 @7 ?5 }/ m2 |3 }Technology > Newspp24-25
9 D! J. c- w. [' B" S/ D& L1 J; {& ^" A7 O2 t; w9 C% `) z. I* d; E
Cooler cables can carry more power – with a dynamic model that shows what the wind is doing, power companies could send more juice down the line
! Q9 d; _' H9 W) L, ?( f7 [( S- L% |& {/ o. f% m
One Per Cent
, V; ^! v' u# Q5 W# {Technology > Newsp25
9 ~4 M6 v* M' }* X- I3 U1 i# Z( a" `! N9 c% r
Sony admits users' data theft, bendy caterpillar robot and free Wi-Fi for everyone?
% R% ^; }7 u: N8 j6 I
5 J, c4 R" i! {/ E: g; EToughening up vulnerable networks one link at a time
# F* W/ @, O( I' E+ D) F, i  ^. STechnology > Newsp26
' C: ^6 i, r$ v! m% P3 B* o9 }6 P
A simple way to strengthen networks could protect critical infrastructure from terrorist attack
$ o3 s: t0 ^$ W- D$ I9 R6 E9 a" f5 }0 n, ~0 ~; I
Time to put weather forecasters on the spot
5 c' v3 O) w/ m! m/ T) ]Comment and Analysispp28-29
  k6 }8 e. I& j; W- m! W
/ v- J1 f. D1 H) z- G1 z0 rThe reliability of weather forecasts is surprisingly hard to measure. The BBC's Weather Test will make amends, says Roger Harrabin
) t+ j: Q0 C# L: q3 `( H( m0 G
# U6 t: t& E* S; k7 \US navy chief: I'm on a mission to stop using oil
1 S9 b, f3 @$ s! TOpinion > Interviewp29
" \6 Q0 R: p, d& n8 G% k& l) q7 X& h/ t: Q6 j0 P7 Z
From biofuelled fighter jets to solar power-generating blankets, Ray Mabus wants to wean the US navy off fossil fuels1 c- S- y/ l5 {) C+ _1 T
" C& R2 }, K) W& |/ B
Free debate" ~; f. g" F$ |0 f
  c! V9 w$ x, A  a$ c0 I
! T2 e/ q6 N4 `4 A# g. xDan Jones's article (16 April, p 32) explores whether a mechanistic, and therefore deterministic, view of what we are degrades our view of ourselves...
- ]& U' k( q. G8 K9 L: u6 H8 F7 r
1 g5 ^& w( ]" c6 z( d  q7 `- [6 oHappiness paradox
, @$ [& `+ j( L7 e( l6 zLetterspp30-31, m+ H% D5 j& v1 B) m

/ @" f( f" _6 t% ~( jThe special report on happiness (16 April, p 46) did not mention the Easterlin paradox, that the average happiness of developed nations has not generally...! T$ g  C2 Y9 J8 [, D

- g+ _& i/ k* |8 DBlast the waste, B& z+ ~0 `$ V( G1 T0 |! R' h' F
# R3 }. r1 S) U/ q0 b# m7 j/ d
$ W' E) h0 o$ I, y7 R1 qThe advantages of thorium nuclear power (26 March, p 8) seem mostly unproven in practice, and the technology will probably take more than a decade...
/ G4 ^% q1 i5 V! P
; o( U/ }; p$ h" v  xFor the record- |" D: g3 I$ D' O( ]
$ O4 F4 Y4 l7 G/ V7 Y
- C: o& V+ C# o8 x1 a2 {• A conversion error made as our feature about cockroaches (16 April, p 40) was being prepared for publication led to the radiation doses we quoted...
6 |1 _+ Q( p3 C) l. }$ u9 F! E, V) n, v* Y
Growth must slow
% h( T7 ]+ k* x- J" lLettersp31" @9 i& [: O* l/ X

) T4 ]) R) o' D; NAchim Steiner's article (16 April, p 28) about the conflict between agricultural expansion and conservation appears to assume a growing world population is inevitable...6 Z+ o( `' r& I- N/ G

2 p4 Y" C2 `0 {The name game+ R! ~5 p8 I7 Z1 \' Y
6 w! A/ t  `/ x* C+ E4 K& D, {& f( Z5 ?
The misleadingly easy quiz questions that John Chen came across (Feedback, 9 April) have been around for years. I recently used them as an icebreaker...: u9 @4 P' J# h8 m& A7 c: S* x

8 i( c; i8 |+ T3 FWealth disorder?
4 T) r" S0 q1 u# a6 ?! ~" k0 ALettersp316 A, z  i# `* G0 n
/ y4 s2 E/ x. h; i; A
I found Jessica Hamzelou's article on psychopaths very interesting (9 April, p 8). She stated that the study showed "brain areas involved in reward"...! f6 Q6 r  o! A- h7 i/ E

! K& ~# D$ A  u. qEnigma Number 16456 j  l9 E0 N/ r/ M% X% T
Opinion > Enigmap31- N+ e% B% T6 G+ A0 [6 `- \( e

6 _8 l- C+ |: ^& [8 iFive roboethical principles – for humans8 j+ z4 ^5 _' c
Opinion > The Big Ideapp32-33
; \; m2 A) x2 L7 S
' V3 u  ^% B, j0 n* WScience fiction primes us to expect robots to run amok. But as they go mainstream, it's still us that need policing, argues Alan Winfield
7 w! E2 s: I1 U0 l, Q+ f8 h& i3 `
6 k& C& A3 p# X1 N3 dThe limits of knowledge: Things we'll never understand/ |4 N( `# l5 [( \, i/ d- B7 R$ n( Y
Features > Cover Storypp34-39
6 B# E6 F" P; J- W2 w
/ u$ e) ^7 ^: Q! k  g( L, q: wFrom the machinery of life to the fate of the cosmos, is there anything science can't explain? Yes, says Michael Brooks
, ]% M& K3 R+ N) P$ _+ Q. e# M9 k# V1 T5 t" \, _* v* ^
Out with a bang: The Tevatron's deathbed revelation
$ p# J1 a! ~2 b# s: \Features > Featurepp40-43
; ]1 [0 l3 f& D( |& }2 i8 p/ b7 P0 m* O$ v" b$ V
With just months before the iconic particle accelerator is dismantled, physicists are racing to confirm a tantalising glimpse of unexpected new particles
0 q/ K" i2 G3 a
% S! C2 z* B# [! x6 }7 x4 IBlue alert: The dark side of night light2 @3 F% [/ p. W/ ^' P" _9 Z- C- T
Features > Featurepp44-47, J8 ~; V$ j) E+ R, K
" e; a6 w# Z8 _  R$ y
From streetlights to smartphones, our world is bathed in artificial light – and we're only just waking up to the profound effect it has on us% c4 _# p+ z0 r
' u9 N1 e0 W2 L: n3 Z) W7 K
Exploring animals' emotional experiences
; o7 J# {' i  c8 T  J8 ]! _Opinion > CultureLabp487 Q# w# v( g, b# [2 E6 K
1 x) s/ q) x- H- S) q6 \0 f
Jonathan Balcombe's The Exultant Ark is an exploration of the nascent research into animal pleasure, replete with emotive photographs0 W( [' j& g" Q% f0 }6 U

. H+ g8 p  m/ i) I, v8 t/ dCool viruses from pox to pandemics) H% e4 E- @2 g) t
Opinion > CultureLabp49- U; S" o/ i4 F; F; X. y5 U: P

+ Z) l+ p# ]9 v. d  a% sA Planet of Viruses by Carl Zimmer has plenty of "wow" moments. Shame about the lack of context and simplistic faith in science4 W: r* e% G: J+ X6 K, e, k+ l3 S

: _1 z0 W/ G9 I7 I" x. Z. I  UThe birth and rise of batteries
% j  I- e  F) h3 x5 f0 YOpinion > CultureLabp49$ A. s% k3 x% M! Y3 @0 D
7 n1 L- L+ m/ V
Bottled Lightning by Seth Fletcher is a compelling tale of using science to solve a global problem and illuminating for anybody interested in innovation
4 F2 I: c( k' j1 u9 V2 a8 \0 J; J$ x
The modern marvel of magnetic levitation8 k7 {* S8 x% b) J" P, }$ G5 u- d
Opinion > CultureLabp49
- {. E3 b. r$ c' {- u
: F2 O1 T' C* ]* k; |In Rising Force, James Livingston soars to the heady heights of maglev and floats the idea that the technology could still have commercial success9 Z) U- ^( ^* P" N7 y0 P" {- Q
9 H% _' B$ ?  Q. J) \- a
Astrobiology: Are we alone in the universe?5 H, w" z/ j4 K1 p* o& r
Features > Instant Expert
  z4 l$ l7 @2 y; ^$ A& T* oIt is only with the gigantic telescopes and interplanetary probes of the space age that we finally have a realistic hope of answering the question
7 ]2 V8 f7 U8 j2 u! J
. ^# {) H% ~( I6 y3 H2 EAstrobiology: Are we unique?
. v. D9 h9 `6 J  M( t4 e8 gFeatures > Instant Expert
1 E: y: R2 m- X' A1 s6 ^Finding irrefutable signs of any life beyond Earth would surely be one of the most revolutionary discoveries for human science and society
- b& I+ N3 M+ u
2 F5 s! I7 a' KAstrobiology: Hot topics in the search for ET8 Y2 J' }! r0 \( R' G) L
Features > Instant Expert8 L, V1 H' ^2 L
As more and more exoplanets are discovered by ever-better telescopes, we're refining our ideas about how to spot signs of life – and where to look for it  E6 U8 r* D  j" R5 g8 o7 z

7 h1 u  R! k8 m) i3 G2 NAstrobiology: The hunt for alien life
7 R4 Q5 r* |, R; i- ]Features > Instant Expert0 p2 R- t1 Z% V0 b
Powerful telescopes, clever astronomy and trips to some of Earth's most extreme and remote places are helping identify the most promising places to start
5 L4 p6 }$ {5 B/ L8 _1 G- {7 e9 d0 `9 w; _4 P
Feedback: Redundant gestures get the thumbs up
$ p0 g) a  G+ o. h; B* M5 w" iFeedbackp56
; `  Y& h& i& X3 I9 I
% }/ o. y$ W  U- H/ ^Let your fingers do the talking – old style, wallpaper made of paper that you put on walls, a job you can put off for 224 years, and more, w) V' q% P' \; D  K7 V% b
/ J! K  g) Z! y
Happy feet9 n4 G& l8 @" s) l/ }  t" O6 p
The Last Word > Last Word Answerp57  S0 _5 Q* {$ k7 |* D

# i4 N: t' ], n" N, b+ ]1 q# p2 G/ YGerroff1 P# x1 h. V$ F5 e3 n6 E
The Last Word > Last Word Questionp57
. t: P6 C7 C3 J2 m( o1 ?3 D' G3 u
No Skidding
. t/ d- O. B& |The Last Word > Last Word Questionp57: x. }6 {- @" Q0 b9 D, r% ^0 I: d
; a; [3 M  y. Q; J
Water marked% D4 x' Q' t4 ?5 a; d* U# }, H4 P
The Last Word > Last Word Questionp57; K7 _+ J5 A9 H, C$ m+ @8 I! V
5 @) W% ~$ o6 W; p

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-6-7 08:16 |只看该作者
Thanks for sharing

Rank: 2

发表于 2015-5-24 14:24 |只看该作者
给我一个女人,我可以创造一个民族;给我一瓶酒,我可以带领他们征服全世界 。。。。。。。。。  

Rank: 2

发表于 2015-5-27 16:43 |只看该作者

Rank: 2

发表于 2015-5-27 17:34 |只看该作者

Rank: 2

发表于 2015-5-31 20:32 |只看该作者
我帮你 喝喝  

Rank: 2

发表于 2015-6-24 09:27 |只看该作者

Rank: 2

发表于 2015-6-26 14:42 |只看该作者
昨天没来看了 ~~  

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发表于 2015-6-27 21:01 |只看该作者
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