干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站



干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞与肿瘤发生 肿瘤干细胞假说(Cancer stem cell hypothesis)



作者 回复/查看 最后发表
细胞自律生存与超速分裂 agree hylok 2010-12-23 423463 hylok 2010-12-23 23:29
癌态生存 agree hylok 2010-12-22 520124 sunsong7 2010-12-23 12:06
细胞分化与癌变机制猜想 agree hylok 2010-12-22 320337 sunsong7 2010-12-22 13:12
请教培养CSC的经典文献 attachment smkx 2010-10-17 519703 细胞海洋 2010-12-20 15:36
不同类型的肿瘤为什么会转移到特定的位点? attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 饶冠华 2009-9-15 1842015 sunsong7 2010-12-18 15:04
干细胞微环境与肿瘤关系 xiao6tao 2010-11-1 724014 sunsong7 2010-12-18 14:27
肿瘤细胞与端粒酶 attachment agree yezi_830823 2010-12-16 927326 laputave 2010-12-16 23:10
Normal Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells: The Niche Matters attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 饶冠华 2010-5-20 1433825 sanhuo 2010-11-15 15:54
Cancer Stem Cells: Models and Concepts attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 饶冠华 2009-8-3 2051501 shiyi 2010-11-1 14:47
“了解肿瘤,关注肿瘤干细胞”-No. 2010-3-(3) recommend heatlevel digest agree  ...23 饶冠华 2010-3-11 2165878 leisong12 2010-10-19 23:56
肿瘤转移的器官特异性 lwq1203 2010-10-18 112425 饶冠华 2010-10-18 20:41
Cancer originating from bone marrow-derived stem cells attachment agree Dekan 2010-9-22 213142 rojer 2010-10-18 14:35
关于小鼠成瘤的问题 attach_img agree leisong12 2010-10-5 524622 leisong12 2010-10-7 14:56
肿瘤的本质特征是什么?有没有相关文献? attachment agree  ...2 tainlangxing 2010-5-22 1340349 sun2735 2010-9-27 09:08
干细胞修复修改贴 attachment agree beidouhan 2010-6-11 213385 sun2735 2010-9-27 09:05
用多能干细胞制备抗肿瘤疫苗(转自生物通) attachment agree 饶冠华 2010-9-23 016893 饶冠华 2010-9-23 12:30
关于细胞衰老,肿瘤细胞机制研究的文章 求推荐 attachment 楚蔡萍踪 2010-9-5 213556 饶冠华 2010-9-17 12:22
神经干细胞向肿瘤干细胞转化新证据 attachment agree ChunhaiH 2010-4-20 818575 tainlangxing 2010-9-6 08:55
肿瘤干细胞文献讲解活动之---示范 attachment recommend heatlevel digest agree  ...2 饶冠华 2009-12-12 1442041 open1230 2010-8-31 22:23
如何衡量GIN——基因组不稳定性 agree mckf111 2010-8-27 011933 mckf111 2010-8-27 14:50
CSCs treatment agree aceman 2010-8-17 117237 饶冠华 2010-8-17 10:43
小问题 mckf111 2010-7-29 819817 wzx6660 2010-8-14 14:53
关于EMT的三点疑惑 attachment agree mckf111 2010-7-13 827960 jiandong2001 2010-8-5 10:16
“了解肿瘤,关注肿瘤干细胞”-No. 2010-6-(5)之肿瘤微环境 recommend agree 饶冠华 2010-6-14 923574 wzx6660 2010-7-10 21:24
Cancer research TIME CAPSULE (15 years later)-肿瘤研究时间囊 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 饶冠华 2010-1-8 2246219 efeyyan 2010-7-7 13:30
干细胞-----甲状腺胚胎细胞致癌假说研究进展 attachment agree 07292462 2010-6-29 012100 07292462 2010-6-29 17:04
What causes cancer? agree pujixing 2010-6-6 823257 pujixing 2010-6-8 17:03
白血病有转移现象么 mckf111 2010-6-6 210897 饶冠华 2010-6-7 11:04
癌症的表型逆转问题 饶冠华 2009-3-12 420788 wzx6660 2010-6-6 16:31
reading time for cancer stem cell hypothesis attachment agree  ...2 饶冠华 2009-5-21 1838814 zhentongwei2009 2010-6-4 15:23


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