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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
全局置顶 博雅控股集团:干细胞、免疫细胞自动化设备及实验室、手术室整体解决方案供应 attach_img  ...234 Boyalife 2017-8-11 303865424 randy2002 2024-3-4 11:44
全局置顶 重要通知!近期有人仿冒干细胞之家网站工作人员身份!!! 细胞海洋 2021-8-28 21129471 SKC-SFC 2022-9-13 14:14
全局置顶 博雅控股集团提供CAR-T及其他细胞生产的CDMO服务 attach_img Boyalife 2018-5-31 82078197 xph2557 2022-4-22 09:37
Matrix-specific p21-activated kinase activation regulates vascular permeability  ...23456..27 kato 2009-4-20 260515747 水木清华 28 分钟前
Ganglioside-induced differentiation associated protein 1 is a regulator of the m  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 225328778 某某人 半小时前
Nodes of Ranvier and axon initial segments are ankyrin G–dependent domains that  ...23456..22 kato 2009-4-20 214403870 水木清华 半小时前
BubR1 and APC/EB1 cooperate to maintain metaphase chromosome alignment  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 244470158 renee 1 小时前
Telomerase reverses epidermal hair follicle stem cell defects and loss of long-t  ...23456..25 kato 2009-4-20 244527447 beautylive 1 小时前
Cell adhesion molecules regulate Ca2 -mediated steering of growth cones via cycl  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 228377864 abc987 2 小时前
A role for myosin VI in postsynaptic structure and glutamate receptor endocytosi  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 242381310 王者之道 2 小时前
The Rho kinases I and II regulate different aspects of myosin II activity  ...23456..23 kato 2009-3-6 228365251 yunshu 3 小时前
Chromatin decondensation in S-phase involves recruitment of Cdk2 by Cdc45 and hi  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 255353055 草长莺飞 3 小时前
RPTP is essential for NCAM-mediated p59fyn activation and neurite elongation  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 267399364 txxxtyq 3 小时前
Caspase-mediated loss of mitochondrial function and generation of reactive oxyge  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 264453073 黄山 3 小时前
Golgi positioning : are we looking at the right MAP  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 241364260 丸子 3 小时前
A transgene carrying an A2G missense mutation in the SMN gene modulates phenotyp  ...23456..28 kato 2009-3-6 277445727 干细胞2014 3 小时前
Unzipped and loaded : the role of DNA helicases and RFC clamp-loading complexes  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 250390758 renee 3 小时前
Conditional knockout of focal adhesion kinase in endothelial cells reveals its r  ...23456..27 kato 2009-3-6 262337279 xuguofeng 3 小时前
Adenovirus E4orf6 targets pp32/LANP to control the fate of ARE-containing mRNAs  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 252479034 htc728 4 小时前
New GABAergic interneurons in the adult neocortex and striatum are generated fro  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 245351598 追风 4 小时前
Growth factor–induced shedding of syndecan-1 confers glypican-1 dependence on mi  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 248386307 锦锦乐道 昨天 23:45
p53 functions as a negative regulator of osteoblastogenesis, osteoblast-dependen  ...23456..26 kato 2009-4-20 256399427 我学故我思 昨天 23:43
Role of mitochondria in the pheromone- and amiodarone-induced programmed death o  ...23456..24 kato 2009-3-6 231316970 biopxl 昨天 23:43
Analysis of the Xenopus Werner syndrome protein in DNA double-strand break repai  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 251388107 bluesuns 昨天 22:42
An AP-1/clathrin coat plays a novel and essential role in forming the Weibel-Pal  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 247371062 netlover 昨天 22:40
Light-regulated interaction of Dmoesin with TRP and TRPL channels is required fo  ...23456..30 kato 2009-3-6 293439020 狂奔的蜗牛 昨天 22:19
Repair of double-strand breaks by nonhomologous end joining in the absence of Mr  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 242474022 与你同行 昨天 22:18
Depalmitoylated Ras traffics to and from the Golgi complex via a nonvesicular pa  ...23456..26 kato 2009-3-6 256386886 pspvp 昨天 20:44
A Sec14p-nodulin domain phosphatidylinositol transfer protein polarizes membrane  ...23456..25 kato 2009-3-6 246399337 Diary 昨天 20:37
The epidermal barrier function is dependent on the serine protease CAP1/Prss8  ...23456..22 kato 2009-3-6 214339335 myylove 昨天 20:11


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