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干细胞、肿瘤干细胞与肿瘤发生   [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-12-10 18:50 |只看该作者

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-1-22 23:32 |只看该作者
肿瘤研究新手必看经典文献0 v# `) |7 e+ f4 u5 e3 s
也许并不能肯定那一小搓细胞就是所谓的"肿瘤干细胞"。3 H0 ^. e, Z8 V( K% d! B2 F9 ~9 |, O& c- L
支持cypress.& F' F: l# \0 _5 g& j* r( \+ F: U# O: U% Z; `
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ k1 k! L- L  C2 F' Z6 Z4 f+ c( U$ C; n7 T& S
$ e4 t  I/ C5 _$ \  \2 y* K0 q) S- n) m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' h1 R3 M/ T+ B; d4 U2 d. R& F+ U- R! X  r# {. P8 c
确实是个好地方啊,我第一次来就喜欢上它了,呵呵.在这里可以学到不少知识啊,先甭管对不对,先扯出来我们讨论一下嘛,~_~% O. @$ ~7 F9 V9 t' S2 p! T8 r4 O0 B: ~- I3 l2 N
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, p/ G0 Z/ ~0 C# x& q7 d2 B4 u, i2 [/ Y% S9 S/ x3 w
Francis Crick (1916–2004)0 ]/ ~, b& ^* r0 Y" L6 {! f# w+ c* G  z7 k
It has often been asserted that the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953 was the starting point for molecular biology. Whether or not this is true, it cannot be doubted that Francis Crick became a dominant figure in the early years of molecular biology. In those years there was a continual interaction between theory and experiment, in which Crick paid a leading role. I was in Cambridge at the time and on several occasions enjoyed the lucidity and clear thinking of his seminars, as well as his entertaining style. He was able to define an important problem and then indicate what the solution might be. Nothing better illustrates his remarkable abilities than a lecture on protein synthesis he delivered in 1957 to a Symposium organized by the Society for Experimental Biology, which I was privileged to attend. For the first time, he made it clear that there were only 20 primary amino acids in protein, so the coding problem became the mechanism by which the linear sequence of four DNA bases specified the sequence of 20 amino acids in proteins. He also suggested that there would have to be a series of intermediate adaptor molecules specific for each amino acid—a remarkable prediction of the existence of tRNA molecules with their three-base anticodons. In addition, he expounded what he called the "central dogma" of molecular biology, namely, that information (by which he meant sequence information) could be transferred from nucleic acid to protein or from nucleic acid to nucleic acid, but not from protein to nucleic acid or protein to protein. The central dogma was in fact a working hypothesis that has stood the test of time remarkably well, and those who thought that the discovery of reverse transcriptase contravened the dogma were mistaken. # N" C: B- z& F, M- B; N, S7 z$ f
* M# u  c8 X" X0 V8 ~9 x! f& ]$ G& ]" w; E' ]4 e: Y0 w/ R7 _* B- Q0 `. o! Y, V
Francis Crick.pdf (71.57k)) P' H- H6 L4 r/ {) }/ h7 D( s# ]/ k; J/ b- w$ Q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 |/ u% w& O7 a  h/ Q
  x1 d/ \$ I' _# ~) d叩首感激!!1 @; E) y! q8 F  G/ \! L: U2 L1 E
. x1 `  s0 x* B( X  I$ d: K--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 \7 X, K+ @4 @" G* Y& _% J- e4 \9 S+ b/ ^3 U花了一个晚上在看这个帖子,实在是胜读十年书啊!!!!
' q' \9 K+ _. x2 A0 Y# Y) }( R& s) V- I; _8 K0 k3 M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& X9 M, D: `) p9 _$ U+ p& \2 ~( K3 |5 s# [
太好了+ G; w* U' \- f1 P5 [* Q
* _6 I1 B& v# s/ l* V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 A7 Y. S  @: T/ E. }* }7 U
5 y, O+ z/ @+ @. p太好了 
8 N/ D6 d$ [+ L0 M' V: t* ^3 Y6 n; Z, [9 @# S$ w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 S* _% d( k" P% z( B. b4 ]0 x( K0 g7 |1 y5 |$ Q最新关于基因突变理论和非整倍体理论的争论,Duesberg 重新被NIH邀请演讲,大家都知道他在10多年前就被NIH停止研究经费的供给。来自美国观察杂志。; t6 P: Z4 I  k$ b
+ b; C" D; t0 T% M0 F6 H: j. ?+ @7 m9 T0 f$ X+ {6 z) ?+ X& w' F. n
% _7 e7 U( ?4 p4 f/ O( d>2 }8 T- U  f4 H, q$ {6 Q
' Y6 i) S( V! {. i( \) c
( V3 d* G8 s4 M/ I+ w/ ~, d1 j" W+ RChallenging Conventional Wisdom on Cancer* i: }& _- _4 t: _9 u. Q: G2 E  R5 Q6 i
; g7 q: g! i( m  C$ b8 C6 {2 L5 e8 y! K2 {
By Tom Bethell / b9 d# ?9 M) s, C0 [& q3 X
  V. J$ A; n' K3 U1 C/ RPublished 8/18/2005 12:05:58 AM
& T: R# ?9 C( s; a2 F, C$ `6 Q" Q/ m* i
+ n- r. `% P1 j% M  ^7 T% g# r9 B6 W# c3 a7 R: E3 O( m2 W: U3 M. M6 r! }) Y3 X1 F3 N, F
This article appears in the July/August issue of The American Spectator. To subscribe, please click here.  J7 T( d) B/ k
  W9 H. Y. B- S3 r% ]0 D# \! Q' F+ p
; O7 H% N3 @1 z8 a/ I+ OSCIENTISTS THESE DAYS TEND TO BELIEVE that almost any trait can be attributed to a gene. The gene obsession, showing up in science journals and on the front page of the New York Times, culminated in the Human Genome Project. The human genome was sequenced, then that of the fruit fly, the rat, the mouse, the chimpanzee, the roundworm, yeast, and rice. Computers cranked out their mindless data. It has been a bonanza for techies and the computer industry but the medical benefits have remained elusive. + s! d) v1 Y  j
+ v6 w' u1 s2 \: Q' J4 \" ^0 V6 O1 a) Z' [* ?  D! a8 U  R+ T9 V$ H" j. `  C% }" V
Now they are talking about a Cancer Genome Project. It would determine the DNA sequence in 12,500 tumor samples and is supposed to reveal cancer-causing mutations by comparing the order of the letters of the genetic code in tumor cells with sequences in healthy tissue. But there is no single cancer genome, and the project will not improve our understanding of cancer. ( g( R& o/ W4 {! @9 m- h8 F3 c1 K' N) @
/ k8 I( R9 ^# [( {( h9 U6 W* @6 k3 H! K( W4 t
Cancer has proved resistant to every "breakthrough" and treatment hype, and the new approach will only sustain the error that has dominated cancer research for 30 years. Since the mid-1970s, leading researchers have doggedly pursued the fixed idea that cancer is caused by gene mutations. I believe it will prove to have been one of the great medical errors of the 20th century. 5 @% H( u8 d8 g% {8 [2 [* \6 b+ g: {0 F) g  ?* r' P6 B. Q5 C: @
& O& [# V8 Y5 D" a( G& U, }
/ n( L! U9 h3 y: c& cWHERE TO BEGIN? One place is a story in the Washington Post, a few months back, headlined "Genetic Test Is Predictor of Breast Cancer Relapse." The test "marks one of the first tangible benefits of the massive effort to harness genetics to fight cancer," Rob Stein wrote. No real benefits yet? I think that is correct. Two well-publicized genes supposedly predispose women for breast cancer, but in over 90 percent of cases these genes have shown no defect.   Q: Y9 n( e7 r, d0 V9 m/ G- [1 L* B
: f4 X4 t: H$ A- m2 x$ f
: S3 p% J- I1 m$ C$ N+ s% J' tGenes that (allegedly) cause cancer when they are mutated are called oncogenes. They were reported in 1976 by J. Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus, who were rewarded with the Nobel Prize. Varmus became director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under President Clinton; Bishop, chancellor of the University of California in San Francisco, one of the largest medical-research institutions in the country. The two scientists had "discovered a collection of normal genes that can cause cancer when they go awry," Gina Kolata later reported in the New York Times. About 40 such genes had been discovered. Normally harmless, "they would spring into action and cause cancer if they were twitched by carcinogens." When mutated, in other words. This was "a new era in research."
- [% Q0 h& v6 X* n3 z4 |3 Z( v3 \4 W! ?3 `. J/ W$ G9 r; U6 s7 O6 F/ p) p
0 t- P; J6 C4 k: RThe following week, on October 20, 1989, Science magazine also reported the award. The article claimed: "鈥?he work of the Bishop-Varmus group has had a major impact on efforts to understand the genetic basis of cancer. Since their 1976 discovery, researchers have identified nearly 50 cellular genes with the potential of becoming oncogenes." Their work was "already paying off clinically." 9 u1 ~8 T& c( a7 `) M" F8 R
) U# D  C, Q% h- b3 S1 y2 S% L" u
* t) \. R9 J7 X, w: ^8 b6 Y. N5 h+ M( S, d' g  sAnd so it went. Researchers began to find more and more of these oncogenes; then "tumor suppressor genes" were added. Now, in the Washington Post article, we read that "researchers sifted through 250 genes that had been identified as playing a role in breast cancer." 9 ]6 G* }, X4 O/ a) [0 T8 M1 |: U& t) \9 ?8 d. `3 p
! @# N6 n2 Y& b8 B/ h' h! q: o5 }( ?% ^6 S) G2 R. H) @
So, up to 250 genes are "playing a role." The Sanger Institute, which was also involved in the human genome project, claimed recently that "currently more than one percent of all human genes are cancer genes." The latest figure is 25,000 genes in total for humans, so that is surely where the 250 "cancer genes" came from. 3 f6 J- S# {. y6 [$ M
2 H3 P( L7 P7 e2 H" ?' r/ w% k3 y1 ^' W7 Z' _. ^
+ ?8 n9 P2 y/ _6 {- a' ~9 _At the beginning, the oncogene theory posited that a single gene, when mutated, turned a normal cell into a cancer cell. We have gone from 1 to 250, the latter "playing a role." This "multiplication of entities" -- genes -- is the hallmark of a theory that is not working. It's what philosophers call a "deteriorating paradigm." The theory gets more and more complex to account for its lack of success. The number of oncogenes keeps going up, even as the total number of genes goes down. Six years ago some thought humans had 150,000 genes in all. Now it's one-sixth that number. How long before they find that all the genes "play a role" in cancer? ; b4 U% v" h* v$ ]1 ], }
$ p; i* n& x& B* {% d) p5 q1 R
8 {8 c' U4 ~8 P0 w7 O1 o9 ?) W, C- s9 `% [8 OIT ALWAYS WAS unlikely that a single mutated gene would turn a cell into a cancer cell. Mutations occur at a predictable rate in the body. As the cells of the body number perhaps trillions we would all have cancer if a single hit was sufficient. Then came the "multiple hit" theory. Three or four, maybe six or seven genes would all have to mutate in the same cell during its lifetime. Then, bingo, your unlucky number had come up. That cell became a cancer cell. When it divided it just kept on and on dividing. ! ?' V# A: G7 L; C. r- [4 j* U$ a3 D0 d2 V0 t) j& v
" u! n: H" c# w! S: I% R! s
  f4 ?: A" x% Y  A4 T  M: CMeanwhile, the underlying theory never changed. The research establishment remains in thrall to the idea that cancer is caused by gene mutations. It was and is unable to lay its hands on the genes responsible, but it believes they are in there somewhere. 1 M5 ~% i% j3 J9 ?( D+ `. S  s# Q  d/ `' Q: N6 |$ M1 J! E% P) W/ F
  q2 E1 f# a/ J* Q- i' k: I5 a. C; S  d& l$ J( H$ @: z
There are several problems with the theory, but the most basic is this. Researchers have never been able to show that a mutated gene, taken from a cancer cell, will transform normal cells in the petri dish. They are unable to show that the allegedly guilty party is capable of committing the crime. They can transport these mutated genes into test cells. And the supposed deadly genes are integrated into the cell's DNA. But those cells do not turn into cancer cells, and if injected into experimental animals, they don't cause tumors. That's when the experts said, well, there must be four or five genes all acting at once in the cell. But they have never been able to say which ones, nor show that in any combination they do the foul deed. + u& R& c# |- P8 q  @! I* |. w
4 B! V2 |- U. E5 G+ m  k# P1 V# I7 ?3 F6 y- s
2 T7 a% V6 H$ n  ^There is even a genetically engineered strain of mice called OncoMouse. They have some of these oncogenes in every cell of their small bodies. You would have thought they would die of cancer immediately. But they leave the womb, gobble up food, and live long enough to reproduce and pass on their deadly genes to the next generation. . t7 ?* v% I$ F' L4 I
* V- y# |7 x1 ~* m! f  F. t
7 v0 y  |0 r  m9 M# R: R+ U8 f2 \2 r) HI have a suggestion for Gina Kolata, who still works on these issues for the New York Times. Why not try asking Varmus or Bishop exactly which genes, either individually or in combination, cause cancer in humans or anything else? I tried calling Bishop at UCSF a few months back but couldn't get through. He will respond to the New York Times, surely. But maybe not with a straight answer.
4 u9 G: c0 _/ |. x8 w5 Q' G) L* y. t5 `0 X. |! ~; K' d$ j& E! B
4 i+ u& ^! I5 w6 F! H; i  MThe desire to start over with a "cancer genome project" tells you they know they are not even at first base. Dr. Harold Varmus, now president of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, told the Times in March that the new project could "completely change how we approach cancer." * h  h9 Z3 G* `* Z  t" H8 G1 m( Z: i: u& t
  I" x2 K; T7 w( |
: j# _& S) P6 ZCompletely change? Maybe we do need a complete change. What about his decades-old Nobel work? Was that a waste? In a way I think it was worse than that, because when an erroneous theory is rewarded with the top prize in science, abandoning that theory is difficult. The backtracking required is an embarrassment to all.
& M5 j9 k& W; ~4 @3 e  ~# {; _% w3 n( n6 v. L( ^$ I" Q
( t+ C: [$ V8 x' n3 k2 u2 r& P( w8 \- k" ?( @JOURNALISM PLAYS A CRUCIAL ROLE. Especially in the field of medical science, there is a big problem. It exists at all major newspapers and I don't mean to single out the New York Times. Science journalists don't see themselves as qualified to challenge the experts. If a reporter were to do so, quoting non-approved scientists, top-echelon NIH officials would surely complain to editors, and the reporter would be reassigned. The nation's health would be said to be endangered. # J4 {! H' U& q% a* L/ \) N3 n6 B9 ^! s8 }! ^5 c/ W( q
  }' J1 I1 j7 A2 L
8 f* x3 n" S% R4 p  N6 `" _; gAll this contrasts with the far greater freedom that journalists enjoy in the political arena, including defense and foreign policy. About 35 years ago, leading newspaper editors decided to chart their own course and form their own judgments. The context was the Vietnam War, more specifically the Pentagon Papers. A big report critical of U.S. policy was leaked to the press, and the Nixon administration went to great pains to suppress it. National security was invoked, judicial restraining orders were issued, but eventually the "public's right to know" trumped "national security." The material was published. 0 Z; `( @% e: G' W5 E, {4 M7 M% U3 v" E
2 p5 B7 l, u% X
; @. s+ T6 f! c0 _+ ]1 Z/ A: V2 yThat was the background from which Woodward and Bernstein and the Watergate investigation emerged a year later. And we were the better off for it. The real danger, then and now, was that of unchecked government power. And we are seeing that exercised in the realm of medical science, where we do not have a press that dares to think independently. 9 R/ v2 C: ]( v" o
2 s+ f- M- ~7 a9 A2 k6 i2 _) H3 x- m- y6 l8 E
: j" f$ A! K5 k$ d- [" KHOW DID THE IDEA TAKE ROOT that gene mutations cause cancer? Well, in the 1920s researchers bombarded fruit flies with X-rays and mutant flies resulted. Humans exposed to large X-ray doses a hundred years ago proved to be at high risk for skin cancer and leukemia. It was convincingly shown that X-rays produced both mutations and cancers.
3 |) t' u; _* U% t, f0 ~, F4 t! K1 k: e: _8 X- G1 E9 ^, k. a5 U# a( V1 g9 M. l) F+ j- v! M
2 S7 ~- G$ A. ^/ t, G$ X, b; j1 j+ nWorking at the NIH in the 1960s, the biochemist Bruce Ames used bacteria to detect the mutagenic properties of various substances. Some carcinogens proved to be mutagenic, hence the gene-mutation theory of cancer. Robert A. Weinberg, who directs a cancer research lab at MIT, says that by the 1970s he and others had come to believe that "Ames was preaching a great and simple lesson" about carcinogens: "Carcinogens are mutagens."
) Z& b0 j" o  d5 w1 Q/ K, o0 G! B  f* T! m2 @7 r9 N9 r2 t. f' U1 T* l- e
& C8 f) B  Q5 b. ESome are, but some of the best known are not. Neither asbestos nor coal tar, found in cigarettes, are mutagenic. They are carcinogens but they don't affect the DNA -- the genes. But there was one more crucial discovery still to be made. Or rather, rediscovery.
( v$ ^; ]3 D+ ~2 W' j1 x4 {' A7 E# C6 [, z) |* _- h7 O6 T! b( G+ t" \# ~. T0 X. O2 Y: X' n. J7 |2 H4 {
Robert Weinberg later claimed that a mutation in a single gene indeed had transformed a cell in vitro. But it turned out that the cell-line, one that had been provided by the NIH, was already "immortal," or cancerous. It did not have the right number of chromosomes.
- \: N4 |+ y. p3 ~; R, [" G( T  G6 G; z7 x+ ~5 j4 p" v  }5 x0 X1 l( q/ R3 o- T4 f9 [
Normal cells have 46 chromosomes -- 23 each from mother and father. Such cells are "diploid," because their complement of chromosomes is doubled. In case you never took biology, genes are segments of DNA strung along the chromosomes. The largest chromosomes, such as Chromosome 1 or 2, include several thousand genes each. Sometimes babies are born with one extra copy of the smallest chromosome, and because it is in the germ line this defect is in every cell of the body. Such babies have Down syndrome. Having an extra chromosome is serious business.   r9 G& p2 Q6 }; c" l0 x' j( E0 r9 z, ]
2 R6 Z# m" P# @
% _5 b; ^- P. n3 g7 {, T  @3 Y9 UHere is the key point: cancer cells do not have the correct complement of chromosomes. Their "ploidy" is not good, so they are said to be aneuploid. Cancer cells are aneuploid. This defect arises not in the germ line, but in the grown body. Cells divide in the course of life, by a process called mitosis, and sometimes there is an error in the division. The chromosomes do not "segregate" properly (do not end up equally in the two daughter cells) and an extra chromosome may be hauled off into one of the new cells. Such over-burdened cells will usually die, but sometimes the error repeats and magnifies and increases. The cell just keeps on dividing, its control mechanisms overridden by the abundance of extra DNA in the cell. A tumor forms in that part of the body, and that is cancer. Some cancer cells may have as many as 80 chromosomes instead of 46. They may actually have double the right number of genes. 9 [7 n- y7 T) ~7 D' L1 {
8 N# ~2 l/ Z0 j7 o3 U8 G  r9 Q! d. q) M% c) c( `
$ B5 M7 i  }: ^  ~( a' QThe aneuploid character of cancer cells is the first thing that Theodor Boveri and others noticed when they began to look at cancer under the microscope, 100 years ago. Leaving unresolved the question of what causes aneuploidy, early researchers thought that this was surely the genetic cause of cancer. Mutation didn't enter into it. But gradually the early research was buried. In the last generation, textbooks on the cell and even textbooks on cancer have failed to mention aneuploidy or its bizarre chromosomal combinations. Weinberg wrote two books on cancer without mentioning aneuploidy. Overlooking what was plainly visible in the microscope, researchers worked for years with those defective, immortalized cell lines, assuming that their extra chromosomes were unimportant. , g( T% U8 j: _( u6 r& D( A
+ B; \2 x( J# j9 _! T) R1 J, K. T" J# R7 V, ]. u2 n5 y7 q
An analogy suggests the magnitude of the error. Cells today are compared to factories, so let's think of an automobile plant. A cancer cell is the equivalent of a monster car with (let's say) five wheels, two engines, and no brakes. Start it running and you can't stop the damned thing. It's hazardous to the community. The CEO wants to know what's gone wrong so he sends underlings into the factory. There they find that instead of the anticipated 46 assembly lines, there are as many as 80. At the end of the process this weird machine gets bolted together and ploughs its way out the factory door. . r+ z! ^; k9 C9 \* @$ y* t% U8 H
! w2 D+ w$ }; U& B) ~" Z  x5 @) P/ d4 V4 |. l4 J! _2 t/ L6 e! n& E1 M
But today's gene mutation theorist is someone who says: "That's not it. The extra assembly lines are irrelevant. What is happening is that three or four of the tens of thousands of workers along the assembly lines are not working right!" In the analogy, genes along the chromosomes correspond to workers along the assembly lines.
8 l. G# u# ?& v( p8 J6 H6 }; P5 Z, n9 T- b4 X  O. A2 t3 K$ V, y2 y( D( Q* }+ ^4 A9 O& w7 L' L( m
Any CEO would fire the lunatic who thought a few errant workers, and not the bizarre factory layout, had caused the mayhem. But in the realm of cancer research, those who do say that are rewarded with fat grants, top posts, and awards. That's a measure of what has happened to cancer research. 8 }  _5 S' U; E" p  M# T+ v6 Z# }0 Z- w! N) L: z' M- s

+ E" o; X( j  G* ?! I7 g( M/ @) ~9 t1 Y% O6 o1 i. R5 H0 oI HAVE LEFT THE MOST DRAMATIC PART to the end. The man who rediscovered the old work on chromosomes and cancer and has drawn attention to it ever since, supported by investigations of his own, is none other than Peter Duesberg of U.C. Berkeley. He was already in the dog house at NIH for saying that AIDS is not an infectious disease and that HIV is harmless. All his grants were cut off in retribution. But as a member of the National Academy of Sciences he could still publish in respectable journals. So for the last seven years he has been drawing attention to the cancer matter. The NIH is pursuing the wrong theory, he says. Talk about persona non grata! No more grants for him! (And he has not received any.) 0 |+ M) y. c7 ]0 k7 x. K% q+ j# M
+ m! \2 l' I* {  l. ^$ A* J! v: I' g( W. y7 _2 B7 R
0 S+ ?: c& {. x8 W) }- _A researcher at the University of Washington who became controversial at NIH in an unrelated field warned Duesberg that "in the present system of NIH grants, there is no way to succeed." No matter how much they prate in public about thinking outside the box and rewarding "high-risk" proposals, "the reviewers are the same and their self-interest is the same." In the cancer field, grant proposals are reviewed by, and won by, proponents of the gene mutation theory.
5 _" e( E' J4 S5 @2 k4 m. @! t! n0 h% o" m5 f$ j! h$ D" v0 U& A* e$ T$ k% w# w9 l( C( f* D# c& K7 _
+ ^7 R* z! D% ]8 r# v1 ~4 e+ @Wayt Gibbs published a good article about Duesberg's cancer findings in the Scientific American (July 2003). And this response is beginning to emerge in journals like Science: Er, well, there's nothing new here.鈥?We have always known that aneuploidy is important in cancer. (Yes, but it was forgotten and then buried beneath the paper mountains of new research.) There is a quiet search for a "political" compromise: Can't we say that both gene mutation and aneuploidy "play a role" in the genetics of cancer? ' q# c/ x+ _( N3 ^3 U2 L5 _: h
4 l+ F# x9 f$ S  z& ~7 E4 R4 a) A+ [1 Z3 h5 \$ Z; l- I% e8 h/ u" n5 L
' l+ s  e, D& `5 B6 M- L+ B; @' }A leading cancer researcher, Bert Vogelstein of Johns Hopkins, told me some time back that "at least 90 percent of human cancers are aneuploid." More recently, his lab reported that aneuploidy "is consistently shown in virtually all cancers." A few years ago, Varmus from Sloan-Kettering did answer my e-mail query, writing: "Aneuploidy, and other manifestations of chromosomal instability are major manifestations of many cancers and many labs have been working on them." But, he added: "Any role they play will not diminish the crucial roles of mutant proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes."
' _! O2 u% W$ X2 Y: E7 v$ A, h3 z" C
, I! J/ w2 Z9 W- D* C2 V$ i: m4 b, ]9 J( T' uBut why not? Maybe aneuploidy is sufficient. ( y  c- w- Z. {1 w' G8 C% y( b" ]
9 l( X3 ~) y, V/ ~/ I# ~0 g! W( C5 y" s: j: N6 Y2 [4 X3 X1 A! L1 b/ u
At the end of May, Duesberg was invited to speak at NIH. His topic: "Aneuploidy and Cancer: From Correlation to Causation." About 100 people showed up at Building 10. The Genetics branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is interested in aneuploidy, and well aware of the political sensitivities. But I am told that the director of the NCI, Andrew von Eschenbach, a political appointee, is not particularly interested in aneuploidy. He should be, though, because he is a cancer survivor himself and in speeches calls for "eliminating the suffering and death from cancer by 2015."
( g2 w! u- P; P9 c* u9 p4 A' O5 U, R% i; W7 y# T. E! |- S" U8 v, ^; X$ j0 ~" W6 P: J
Duesberg challenged the audience to prove him wrong. He is looking for diploid cancer: a solid tumor with the correct complement of chromosomes. He is not much interested in the compromise solutions -- "a bit of both theories." Prove me wrong, he says. A woman in the audience did suggest cases of tumors that looked diploid, but Duesberg knew the literature here and immediately referred her to a more recent study showing that these tumors, on closer microscopic inspection, proved to be aneuploid.
% N1 g! B- k6 `, h* H4 {, g  f0 N* o, r7 o* |; j3 N+ ^1 t/ x5 M# H; v% O/ J8 y$ \( d" ~
Maybe in the end he will show that in order to achieve a real breakthrough, it's important not to be funded by the NIH. If so, we will all have learned a very expensive lesson. : A  W9 q: H. j3 F( ]
# N' T3 e; h9 B9 @! v7 \$ \( w+ P) n! M" p- l+ H
+ v! Z5 y, }3 Y0 ^" [$ m" T" tTom Bethell is a senior editor of The American Spectator.This article appears in the July/August issue of The American Spectator. To subscribe, please click here.' s8 j5 G2 A- b9 }" u* H* b% I; _3 R: @* z: |7 s! T
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; g9 S; e& v  c3 @) V
+ C: k$ R: S0 |. s+ _! }非整倍体,从相关关系到因果关系。 ) T* }# [3 [4 |5 F4 k, h
/ r7 O: x2 P6 E" l- V" F2 F$ p) |5 A2 z% Q
4 {5 S8 ?4 f9 w, a# o! A8 Y000092963.pdf (193.54k)
( a, l0 d/ G( V; y. {) Z8 @, C5 F+ z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" R/ P* z* m0 B; L; v. C# s# q: R0 N% F
动脉粥样硬化是一种肿瘤?) J/ w+ M; `7 h9 S: y. U- C
- y& S, G2 X* t  Z0 {! [9 o" }Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2005;5(3):245-55. 4 G7 C  R2 u4 d- \1 [/ D8 ~& Q
- L! y; ~$ o7 e3 x- K" Q, t$ eAtherosclerosis and cancer: flip sides of the neoplastic response in mammalian cells?
5 i  p1 g* C9 e1 Q6 d2 A& V! T& t" k6 T$ B% z% v8 k3 X8 `! V
3 E. n9 x6 G- r( \# l# xRamos KS, Partridge CR.
3 d2 u( ]4 f' C5 T. X  }) w/ f' R/ x6 _+ ?& H# V2 l$ Q6 ]. u/ B( N$ z2 b
. i% r$ n* r4 ~& G1 D. j- JDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY 40292, USA. ksramos01@gwise.louisville.edu& B5 C$ }- F) i! D+ `
* _7 {' n2 ?) Q0 C6 r8 t5 T2 L: G  l6 n' K
7 W1 H% `, h8 v5 S4 N# C% t! IScientific and medical evidence over the past 30 years has established striking parallels between atherosclerosis and cancer--pathogenetic relationships that cross the boundaries of fiction into the realm of reason. Both diseases in humans are characterized by uncontrolled regulation of cellular growth and differentiation and share many common genomic targets during the course of growth dysregulation. Such parallels can be reconciled if atherosclerotic plaques are viewed as neoplasms of smooth muscle origin.8 Q, D9 h$ I* \
% j9 _2 n. U5 |* N1 d: Z5 C2 f
1 {7 x0 S& I6 f0 p# h6 ^6 W* t, e! {6 O% u) P- }( S6 P- E, NAnn N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Dec;947:271-92; discussion 292-3. " z4 d/ v8 {2 a  U$ m' Z
& w1 o, i/ G% W. {# g: \
0 ?5 h3 H$ d1 d- \# O: I+ w9 m: M0 w2 Q; n
# Y2 [% r) }8 J5 P  }0 `3 _  v6 X" ]6 P, @/ l5 l5 zAtherosclerosis and cancer: common molecular pathways of disease development and progression.! B1 H4 J2 b( N! U, h: N# [  Z
$ F2 k# ?1 i5 [; I) z. F8 j, w/ c! [$ F  V5 V# r1 o/ N7 v
$ M- {2 Q$ G: I% ERoss JS, Stagliano NE, Donovan MJ, Breitbart RE, Ginsburg GS.
" h( \) e+ O& P( T( J7 n, i$ x, P6 ~6 N/ r( J& r/ [! ?3 [! {, I( G
2 {4 c7 ~$ |7 \6 JAlbany Medical College, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, New York 12208, USA. rossj@mail.amc.edu. r. ?" o/ }. K, e8 b2 ^6 L* o

; y. I, w4 f4 v& T+ |( I+ J8 x; s. B3 PRecently, a series of shared molecular pathways have emerged that have in common a significant role in the pathogenesis and progression of both atherosclerosis and cancer. Oxidative stress and the cellular damage that results from it have been implicated in a wide variety of disease processes including atherogenesis and neoplasia. Toxic metabolites produced by cigarette smoking and increased dietary fat intake are implicated in the pathogenesis of both diseases. It has been hypothesized that atherosclerosis may begin when an injury or infection mutates or transforms a single arterial smooth muscle cell in the progenitor of a proliferative clone similar to the most widely held theory of carcinogenesis. Cell proliferation regulatory pathways including genes involved in the GIS checkpoint (p53, pRb, p15, p16, and cyclins A, D, E, and cdk 2,4) have been associated with plaque progression, stenosis and restenosis after angioplasty as well as in cancer progression. Alterations in cell adhesion molecules (integrins, cadherin-catenins) have been linked to plaque formation and thrombosis as well as to tumor invasion and metastasis. Altered expression of proteases associated with thrombolysis has been implicated in atherosclerotic plaque expansion and hemorrhage and in the invasion and metastasis of malignancy. Ligand-growth factor receptor interactions (tyrosine kinases) have been associated with early atherosclerotic lesions as well as cancer development and spread. Nuclear transcription factors such as NFkappaB have been associated with progression of both diseases. Angiogenesis modulators have recently been linked to plaque expansion and restenosis of atherosclerotic lesions as well as local and metastatic tumor expansion. Common disease treatments, such as the use of growth factor inhibitors and radiation treatment, established anticancer treatments, were recently introduced into atherosclerosis therapeutic strategies to prevent restenosis after angioplasty and endarterectomy. In conclusion, a series of molecular pathways of disease development and progression common to atherosclerosis and cancer support that the world's two most common diseases are far more closely aligned than previously believed and that emerging anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative therapeutic strategies may ultimately be efficacious in both conditions.5 e8 z. ~1 b7 n) q6 H; y& o! @% `8 V9 y1 z& a" f" l8 Q
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; D# `6 M2 u( D% n8 d
; T% ?# u% i. R. Z$ S我是新手,想请教大家能否用流式细胞间接免疫荧光分选标志TIMP-1和 nm23-H1的胃癌细胞。有其兔抗人多抗试剂(一抗)。敬请不吝赐教!
4 F6 l8 v2 ^# N1 P& m/ q2 t9 t2 n9 m5 {2 _& d/ d5 I2 t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Y9 ]) x/ j) A+ }: j5 ~* O* w; K7 h3 r4 F' V2 A
谢谢cypress1975君,努力哈! 有没有转移方面的?' Z7 K( ~3 k' L/ D1 ~& V- T  T' Z5 Y. y: ]! ^. J( {  J: w+ y/ S* Q3 h
2 b- q( C' ?, r& e8 K7 S- y: Z% B& `; r1 `9 }6 {崇拜cypress1975!!
0 u- ^9 _$ }- f' f0 X0 U/ G) P+ M9 g8 G) |9 A/ V) s" Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Y# U) {1 V* }, u5 g
( `; U6 i5 g% h: l6 O& h谈谈1997UICC 胃癌新分期% s+ v) C$ R) [( W3 i1 X$ v. b9 o
. l7 `8 _* V7 p' Q* e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 _, J+ o+ J( A* g" p7 `. J) l: _4 Q: @* d请问有没有妇科肿瘤与离子通道方面的文章?$ j! ?1 r2 p8 S; _7 U4 L* @
5 w$ t! ^# K6 a1 @8 a9 J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 c1 z$ K# [; R0 N( J# B! w
% Z6 D$ q& T$ ~' F- C好文章,我是肿瘤菜鸟,这些文章太有用了1 O# [8 Z# u9 d7 l* Y$ X+ ]
0 \( x; b2 G. _! Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( I4 ?2 \$ }2 ^
3 d8 C3 w. C& N, e* D癌症研究的世纪回顾与展望# G. g& S& H9 f$ S4 W8 Z
5 w0 A' X7 N3 M( C5 G! J' y6 |$ p7 \( T) P6 P- a- o/ T4 L* U. j. J4 K
廖世栋* z8 ]) z+ E& o9 Z' K! w, @3 A! T) Q$ u
) q( v9 d5 k* x& T+ R
) w$ A% c$ S, G& z中图分类号:R73  文献标识码:A5 ^( g, [9 {/ ~
- c. b3 Q8 P0 c; m0 G9 r文章编号:1002-0772(2000)12-0021-048 G- o! i, x" H* P7 a+ I( h
+ h+ d0 B5 n9 R: @- |# V' J4 N0 r4 m3 J* k0 [6 B, J6 a8 u$ `7 v: Z  {. h( M1 h6 J9 p
  在全世界,癌症每年夺取600万人的生命,并把1 000万人置于死亡的边缘。在中国,每年有160万人得癌,130万人死于癌症。世界卫生组织预测癌症将是21世纪人类的“头号杀手”。人类对癌的认识必需经过四个阶段:(1)癌是什么(疾病种类)?(2)癌由什么(病因)引发?(3)癌是怎么形成的(机理)?(4)我们怎样战胜它(治疗手段)?+ V- f9 x" V6 ]: y; j0 a4 Q2 r! Z  C, b
9 a/ N8 J9 I' O5 h; j' `, R1 m: a! J$ A$ i. g5 Q
1 肿瘤是由肿瘤细胞所形成+ }; A$ d1 O6 P! z) @
3 ^. W5 |. K' q! o+ n& v2 |* N4 O6 s8 P" F+ Z5 H9 M9 M. z
  公元1836年,德国的Johannes Muller运用改进的显微镜观察癌症,发现并发表了“癌症是由紊乱的异常细胞所组成”,使癌症研究进入了细胞水平,为肿瘤病理解剖学蓬勃发展奠定了坚实的基础,为临床诊断提供了可靠的依据。从此,人们才知道癌症是由一群癌细胞(异常细胞)异常增生所引起的难以治愈并致人于死地的恶疾。. W  I3 {7 ?! @( d, U6 Q9 A- G8 L
) g' t9 C  o: |$ c: m5 K. }" y  癌细胞来自于正常细胞,但它与正常体细胞生长方式的不同,在于不受个体的总体调节与约束,特有定向程式消逝,也不理会邻近细胞的需要与约束关系,进行非常自私的生长分裂(如不侵犯正常组织,只在局部生长的则为良性肿瘤细胞);如果为取得生长空间与食物,不仅能攻击附近的正常细胞,而且还会远征到身体的其他部位去侵略豪夺,使正常细胞无法与之竞争而遭到铲除,使体内的重要器官如骨牌效应一样,一个一个受损,最终导致个体死亡,这样的细胞就是恶性肿瘤细胞,即为癌细胞。# Z/ e  z3 B- l( l5 h
; \/ t- j- M) l+ }: Y! N% g# [  @  E! m1 C! n  k4 y, c
* Y! h* f1 R& \. P" T+ `) e. L2 癌症的病因2 y7 h9 H. s! F/ {$ j3 K9 T0 G: y+ i) `' `- ?: W! Z; O
$ k, k5 z" D" F3 R( k
5 ]+ w3 H3 ~+ @1 m  那么癌细胞是怎样产生的呢?又是由什么因素引起的呢?因为只要知道疾病发生的原因,人们就可找到预防与治疗的方式和途径。 1861年Jone Hill发表论文记述6种鼻部肿瘤的病人,都是重度使用鼻烟者。1875年,英国医生Percivall Pott以他职业的敏锐性,发现并报导了伦敦扫烟囱工人易患阴囊癌,解开了人类探索肿瘤病因的序幕,第一次把职业同癌症发生联系了起来。为了证实这种联系,1889年德国科学家汉诺用焦油涂抹大鼠皮肤,试图能诱发大鼠的皮肤癌,但他没有成功。1915年***的Katsusaburo Yamagiwa总结了前人经验与结合自己对肿瘤的理解,辛苦工作20年,最终他可以随心所欲地诱发癌症。他从焦油中提炼出某些物质,每隔2至3天便涂抹在137只兔子的皮肤上,持续3个月,1年后,其中7只兔子涂过焦油的部位出现了浸润性肿瘤,这是人类有史以来第一次制造出癌症,而不是等待癌症自然出现。全世界数以千计的科学家受到Yamagiwa成功的鼓舞,利用各式各样的物质进行类似的实验,积累了丰富的数据,到1941年美国国立癌症研究所总结地发表了对696种化学物质的调查结果,其中169种可能在动物体内导致肿瘤。从此,化学致癌理论建立。到1969年,国际癌症研究总局的资料认为对人类确有致癌性的,或者有可能致癌的物质达1 000种以上。迄今人类使用各种有机化合物达200万种以上,实际上到底有多少种致癌物谁也讲不清楚。* j5 ]2 g4 n0 w
+ u# Q7 Q8 b) r# r  在另外一条战线上,人们发现病毒也可诱发癌症。事情源自1908年,两名丹麦科学家爱乐门和斑发现一种非细胞因子可使白血病从一只鸡传染到另外一只鸡。 1909年,美国科学家Peyton Rous把一只鸡的肉瘤标本碾碎,再用可去除细菌的滤器过滤以排除细胞或细菌种植的可能。结果被注射过滤液的鸡在数周后长出了类似的肿瘤。1930年,利特尔实验室发现一种病毒因子能使乳癌从一只小鼠传到另一只,也能由母乳传至后代。随后又确认出兔子的乳头状瘤病毒、鼠类白血病病毒。一连串的发现使病毒致癌论成立:癌症病毒入侵体内正常细胞,使它们转化成为癌细胞,癌细胞的大量繁殖形成肿瘤。并认为化学物质只是一种能够激活肿瘤病毒的因子,肿瘤病毒一旦活化,就会在不同组织引发肿瘤。然而,病毒致癌学说的专家们尝试着为人类常见的癌症寻找相关病毒的努力并未得到相应的回报,因为绝大部分的人类肿瘤中找不到相关的病毒踪迹。到目前为止,较为明确的也只有几种病毒被认为与人类癌症有关:如Epstein-Barr病毒与非洲儿童恶性淋巴瘤、白血病、传染性单核细胞增生症、鼻咽癌有关;人乳头状瘤病毒与Ⅱ型疱症病毒和人的子宫癌有密切关系;肝炎病毒与肝癌;人类免疫缺陷病毒与卡波西肉瘤、淋巴瘤、白血病有关。7 }' D; n# `# Z7 L# `# Y8 k" q# T5 F( [) u) I- ~
  此外,人们还发现过多地接触各种射线,如X射线、γ射线、β射线、α射线、宇宙射线、日光及紫外线后,也可引起多种的人类肿瘤。5 B# {, i: _+ d5 t
# F4 y5 R' S! M1 J- w/ [" M' I! z
! L7 {% p: @3 A# C4 T, Z( c( @0 H! [2 g9 V  o$ ]: q. S" c3 致癌基因与肿瘤抑制基因/ B& R+ Y1 z1 Z2 `
' a# w4 C5 @6 n) S/ O) t5 U, W3 V0 W0 B5 l; a' m' l# j9 [
  “江山代有人才出”。 1953年,James Watson和Francis Crick在英国的《自然》杂志发表了划时代的论文,解开了DNA分子结构之谜,说明了在生物世代相传的过程中,遗传讯息是以A.T.C.G四个“字母”的形式储存在长链的DNA分子内,小至病毒、细菌,大到人类无一例外。复杂的生物功能就是通过把DNA分子上的碱基A.T.C.G(任何三个字母组成一个密码)的遗传信息转译制造成蛋白质来执行的。DNA作为载体被精确复制保存在生物体内世代相传。这样一个中心理论强势地引导者生物学与医学研究的走向。60年代放射性同位素与离心机的出现与运用,使70年代后的分子生物学呈现出爆炸性的发展,20世纪末的40年中,生物学前进的速度呈几十倍甚至百倍千倍的增长。 1977年,英国的Fredrick Sanger完成了世界上第一个生物的基因定序(基因是指含有合成一个蛋白质所需遗传信息量的DNA片段),这个生物是一种能感染大肠杆菌的病毒—?X 174噬菌体。噬菌体的基因组(基因组是指一个生物体内全部的基因总和)的遗传密码数为5 383。癌症研究也搭上了时代的列车,进入分子水平。1976年,美国的Mike Bishop与Harold Varomus掀起了一场癌研风暴,使癌症分子生物学正式登场。事情始于对Rous病毒(一种鸡反转录病毒)的研究,美国的Hidesaburo Hanafusa与Peter Vogot在70年代早期证明Rous病毒携带两组基因:一组控制病毒的复制;另一组促使病毒诱发宿主细胞癌变。1973年Peter Duesberg从Rous病毒中分离出一段RNA序列,这段序列具有转化能力,被定名为src基因(这是第一个纯化的癌基因)。src不存在于其它鸡的反转录病毒中(而这些鸡的反转录病毒都拥有类似Rous病毒基因组内的复制基因),病毒学家纳闷:其它鸡病毒是Rous病毒的退化形式?还是Rous病毒源自于其它的鸡病毒?如果是,src癌基因是怎么进入Rous病毒的基因组?Bishop实验室的Dominique Stehelin于1974年花了6个月的时间制成src探针(利用RNA反转录酶催化合成的src互补DNA),这个探针只和正常的Rous病毒中src基因杂交,不会与src基因缺乏的缺陷性Rous病毒,以及其它鸡的反转录病毒杂交。然而,当Stehelin运用这个探针的首次实验就发现了相反的结果:未受Rous病毒感染的鸡细胞中至少带有一个src基因的复本,甚至更多。经过再三排除“污染”的可能性后,于1975年Bishop他们终于相信这个结果是真的,并于1976年发表在《科学》杂志上。Stehelin的实验说明:鸡细胞在Rous病毒感染之前许久, src基因就已经存在于宿主细胞的基因组中了; Rous病毒的祖先籍由偷窃的方式从鸡细胞基因组中偷盗了这个src基因。随后, Bishop他们扩大搜索范围,结果src基因的足迹遍布鸟类、人、鲑鱼、海胆。实验显示:src基因实际上有两个版本,一个是病毒版本V-src,为活化的癌基因或致癌基因;另一个是存在于正常细胞中的c-src,又叫原致癌基因(Proto-oncogene)。跟随Bishop的脚步,70年代被发现的原致癌基因的名单每个月都会增加,如mos,Ha-ras,myc,myb,ki-ras,fes,mil,erb-B1,raf,abl。到80年代末,已发现的人类致癌基因多达50多种,到90年代中期到达100多种。Ed Scolnick甚至在酵母菌的DNA中发现了ras基因的同源体,据此估计在十几亿年前,人类与这些简单的单细胞生物有着一个共同的祖先。ras基因出现并并入细胞的基因组后就一直扮演着重要的、必须的角色——与繁殖过程的调节有关。! \+ y0 C" _6 `, h) N) P! Q1 M! u
' X* {' u& P; g$ F! t" J  依照Varmus与Bishop的说法,src基因的活化需要反转录酶的参与,重新塑造c-src基因,迫使src遵照病毒的吩咐行事。但是,人类除了HIV病毒及***南部某种罕见的白血病外,极少感染反转录病毒。人们无法在人类肿瘤细胞中找到病毒的src基因。因此,病毒激活原致癌基因这个理论还不足以解释人类的绝大部分癌症的发生。* c8 y+ ?1 w/ G- ?9 e. [
# K; z# \: a) x+ ]! x, z  1975年,美国加大柏克莱分校的细菌遗传学家Bruce Ames参考别人的研究并加入自己的技巧,找到了测试化学物致突变力的方法。他测量的是:每单位重量化学物质诱使DNA发生突变(突变是指DNA分子上的碱基A.T.C.G序列发生变化,即使只是一个碱基对出错,也能完全改变基因的意义,突变还会传给子代)的能力。他发现不同的化学物质诱发副伤寒杆菌基因的能力极端不同,其中最强的致变力是最弱者的百万倍。Ames相信细菌与复杂生物的基因有着类似的性质,根据化学物质对细菌的致变力,可以得出化学物质对人类基因的致变的能力。致变物藉着使基因突变而导致细胞癌化。他发现致癌物到处可见。 1965年Leo Sachs把化学致癌物直接加入正常的仓鼠细胞培养基中,可促使正常细胞癌化。美国的肿瘤分子生物学家Weinberg Robert A坚信Ames的理论和Sachs的实验结果,他认为癌细胞始于各种原因(化学、物理、生物)导致的异常细胞基因(或许是致癌基因)。他指导台湾博士施嘉和用化学诱化的小鼠成纤维癌细胞的DNA去转染NIH 3T3(一种小鼠成纤维细胞株)获得成功,证明化学转化的癌细胞中携带着“致癌基因”,这些“致癌基因”并不存在于正常细胞内。随后,他们又用提纯的人膀胱癌的DNA去转染NIH 3T3细胞也获成功。结果,这个膀胱癌的癌基因却是c-ras基因,1982年完成DNA的测序工作,发现膀胱癌c-ras和正常c-ras比较后只是一个碱基被取代,是基因点突变,由于这个点突变造成了结构蛋白的编码错误(甘氨酸变成撷氨酸)。正常ras蛋白在细胞中的作用犹如开关,突变就会丧失“关闭”的功能。Weinberg的研究团体第一次在非病毒致癌的癌细胞中找到了活化的原致癌基因ras。几乎同时,Stuart Aaronson和Michael Wilgler两个研究群也证实了这一结果,使人们认识到不论是什么原因(物理、化学、病毒),只要活化原致癌基因就可引发癌症。. D' P/ z3 f' @. X4 {, O9 O; y. L& G
9 y1 R3 a9 r, N% W  正当癌基因学说处在热潮时,另一条相反的路线也在形成当中。英国牛津大学教授Henry Harris认为在细胞癌化的过程中还会有另一种基因举足轻重,这种基因的作用是压抑肿瘤的恶性生长,他给其命名为“肿瘤抑制基因”(tumor suppressor gene)。Harris于1969年利用从***科学家改善的细胞融合技术把完全正常的结缔组织细胞与三种鼠类癌细胞分别融合在一起,预期这些杂交细胞会像癌细胞一样生长。出乎意料的是杂交细胞却表现出正常的生长状态。为了验证这一结果,与Harris合作的瑞典科学家George Klein检查了杂交细胞,证明杂交细胞确实带有双亲(正常与癌细胞)的染色体。这个结果说明正常基因与癌基因共同存在于一个细胞中时,正常基因是主导者,用遗传术语讲即“显性”。1971年,美国的小儿科肿瘤学家兼遗传学家Alfred Knudson挖掘出1886年由巴西教授Hilario de Gouvea报告的视网膜母细胞瘤。Knudson发现视网膜母细胞瘤有两种形式:一种是家族性的,可以从亲代传给子代。另一种是偶发的,患者不会将疾病遗传给后代,其家族中也找不到类似的疾病。基于以上事实,Knudson认为:视网膜母细胞瘤的发生,归结于两个受损基因(一个来自父亲;一个来自母亲)。在家族性案例中,孩童从亲代遗传了一个受损基因,如果另一个正常的相应基因遭受到随机损失而突变,细胞就会癌变。偶发性的肿瘤孩童,其出生时带有一对完好的基因,但这两个基因都在肿瘤发生前受到打击而突变。1974年Orye E观察视网膜母细胞瘤的细胞中第 13号染色体丢失了中间的一段。1986年Weinberg实验室的Friend S寻找和克隆了视网膜母细胞瘤的基因—Rb基因。不久,其他研究人员也证实了Rb基因的功能。随后的研究又发现在膀胱癌、青少年骨瘤、小细胞肺癌中都有Rb基因的丢失。从克隆Rb基因到现在,人们又发现了BRCA1、BRCA2、APC、P53等肿瘤抑制基因,为全面认识癌症迈出了又一坚实的一步。0 I+ k# b# W3 }. Z+ ~2 `
2 g( F( A* n) f) j" T! o2 q. u! f- l6 u! L
' U0 U, ^' G" o3 `: Z: a$ J4 进化与抗进化& M- p) A% `5 Q
  V" S! c; Z" A2 ^+ _$ J
; T/ _0 D& T" @6 y# Z: v) r% k# j+ o6 f) \( I2 {% `  早在19世纪晚期,人们在组织切片上观察到很多肿瘤细胞有丝分裂异常。 1879年德国病理学家Arnold,J首先描述了异常的有丝分裂。 1890年另一名德国病理学家Von Hansemann D指出异常有丝分裂在人类肿瘤的起始与发展中可能扮演着重要作用。特别值得一提的是生物学家Boveri T,他在1902到1914年的海胆研究中,发现有丝分裂异常如受精卵中多级分裂往往导致生物发育异常。他在承认对癌症没有直接经验的同时,提出体细胞的有丝分裂异常而导致的染色体非整倍体与肿瘤相关。他进一步预言:(1)肿瘤细胞群的遗传物质不稳定。(2)肿瘤是单细胞起源。(3)由于得到或丢失染色体而缺乏对外界调控的反映。(4)有些关键的遗传学变化可能在亚显微镜水平,并不涉及整个染色体。他的这些真知灼见被后来的科学研究所证实。1928年Bauer K H发表了肿瘤发生的突变理论。1930年Winge O扩展Boveri T的单细胞起源说而提出肿瘤起源于干细胞的概念,肿瘤干细胞学说由于50年代发现某些给定的肿瘤细胞中都存在着一种或几种相同的染色体异常得到证实。1956年,由于染色体技术的精确化,Tjio H和Levan A确定人的染色体为46条。1970年Caspersson T的染色体荧光分带技术的成功,使五六十年代分辨不清的染色体研究突飞猛进,此时已可分辨单一染色体,并可确认染色体的重组和移位。绝大多数的癌细胞已被辨析出存在染色体的畸变。1994年由Felix Mitelman编写的第5版《癌染色体异常目录》中,刊出了84 820种染色体的畸变,这些畸变涉及几乎所有的癌,涉及到人的23对染色体中的每一条。1957年Foulds L观察和总结到:临床上肿瘤的发展与逐步恶化是由于肿瘤细胞随着时间的推移而积累了更多的遗传学变化所致。1976年,Nowell P C总结性地在《科学》杂志上发表了《肿瘤细胞群的克隆性进化》一文,他明确地指出:肿瘤细胞获得了遗传学上的易变能力,经过多步的被选择发展成为临床上所见的肿瘤。七八十年代分子生物学的出现和进步,使原来在染色体水平无法看到的遗传学变化也陆续示众。综合各种研究资料后,笔者在 1989年11月发表了《肿瘤细胞的本质是进化》,指出:“说肿瘤细胞的本质是进化,首先是把肿瘤细胞作为一个生命体,即以体细胞为参考系来认识的。“进化”是指生命体在原有的遗传信息基础上,由外界输入新的生物信息并体现,通过优胜劣汰、适者生存的总概括,其中包括了发生的外因(致癌因素)、发生的基础(新的生物信息)、发展的过程(演化)以及发生后的结局(高度适应能力)。笔者还根据对肿瘤的四维性认识以及进化的定义,指出肿瘤细胞是不可能被逆转的。同年,由诺贝尔奖得主、分子生物学的奠基人、DNA结构的提出者Watson J D等主编的《细胞分子生物学》第2版及1994的第3版,在癌症一篇以总纲的形式定义:癌症是一种微型进化过程(Cancer as a Microevolutionar Process)。该书引用了Vogelstein B等人从分子水平上研究肠癌的结果:肠癌的病理过程为正常上皮细胞①?高度增生的上皮细胞②?早期腺瘤③中期腺瘤④?晚期腺瘤⑤?腺癌⑥?癌转移。相应的分子水平的证据是①5号染色体上的APC基因丢失,②③12号染色体的k-ras活化,④18号染色体的DCC基因丢失,⑤17号染色体的p53丢失,⑥其他基因的变化。' q1 g0 v0 r& u7 [6 {. t8 @. c/ I9 C: b7 L  x7 G- C: U: {$ g; {7 u
  由于癌细胞的本质是微型进化,那么试想用一种药物或手段去治疗癌症显然不切合实际,自然也不会存在什么灵丹妙方。基于此,笔者又在1995年发表了《抗进化:治愈癌症的全新方案》,提出治疗癌症的正确途径只能是“抗进化”,即在第一次治疗后(手术、放疗或化疗),必须用不同属性的手段给予残留癌细胞多次间隔性打击,使残余癌细胞还未对某种手段进化至适应前就被接连不断的、不同性质的但又致命的 (对癌细胞来讲)打击而灭绝。第二次以后的治疗剂量不必很大就足以杀死余癌细胞,又不致对人体造成伤害。真正实施“抗进化”方案,人类攻克癌症的愿望才可实现。6 d! v! J2 ~6 t6 L5 b* {. z4 u* ]0 [7 z% o2 Z1 q2 j
- [9 _- n. K* t8 k6 Y6 {, U  O2 M- L7 f' `5 f! Y4 j
5 总结与展望
( x* P% w9 z6 w; H" t. Q+ X1 v9 _; C; ?$ }5 Z" O4 B/ Z5 N/ F2 |! s# q" ^* a& a, I- ^& J' y
  人类与癌症的战争已经进行了几千年,较为出色的战役是近100年,尤其是20世纪50年代以来人类顺着癌症的外因找到了内因,并在不断扩展深度与广度。我们不仅知道化学(千种以上的化学致癌物)、物理(各种射线和其他物理因素)以及生物(病毒、寄生虫)等外因,也已知道存在于细胞内的原致癌基因、肿瘤抑制基因、修复基因的突变及功能失常会引发癌症。更加重要的一点是我们已经站在更高的层次上认清了癌细胞的本质是一种微型进化,这种进化可说成是大自然生物进化之机制在动物机体内的通过癌细胞的一种特殊的“表演”或缩影。我们不能抱有任何幻想,如逆转癌细胞(笔者于1997年发表了“评肿瘤研究领域里的‘以太观’:癌细胞逆转论”详细剖析了逆转论的错误)。这是一场特殊的战斗,要取得最终的胜利,我们仍需走相当长的路。在进入21世纪后的癌战中,我们必然经历一些战略阶段:( y2 F- g4 x) e
; L) M# [3 x8 \/ v( F& m  第一,继续“人类基因组计划”直到人类23(46条)对染色体上10~14万个基因全部定序(几年内可完成)。2 g0 J) a6 c# c$ V* ?
  c* j2 }) t5 j9 D* a( O: r  第二,运用高效的基因芯片技术与电脑的智能想结合,完成正常组织细胞基因表达的谱系;在此基础上进行比较研究,找出各种肿瘤、不同程度的基因表达谱系。这个工作量非常巨大,就一个细胞在某一时间的基因表达数是总基因数目的10%~20%,也就是有1~2万个基因的表达。需要积累的数据包括不同肿瘤、不同阶段、不同病人。因此,需由全世界的科学家若干年的努力方可完成。: g0 o" N9 T  A* O; b' j/ M- I7 S- u8 y# X) K) M6 x4 s/ g% E3 t
  第三,当基因表达的谱系完全搞清后也还不能完全认识癌症,因为癌细胞主要是由基因突变引发的,突变在表达谱系中是不能完全看出来的。由于目前技术的问题,对基因突变检测的速度远远赶不上对基因表达检测。对每一个病例若要进行全部的相关基因检测,其工作量更是大得无法想象。/ e( N. w( V( V1 O/ X9 F, f& O
4 C$ j5 h, E+ n6 h- `  只有当癌细胞的表达谱系和突变谱系全部清楚之后,人们才能搞清癌细胞是怎样进化的确切机理。届时,对癌症的治疗(“对症下药”)才能真正进入辉煌胜利的时代,人类克癌之梦想才能变成现实。' X0 k, _0 a/ |$ ]$ w7 T; ~% ~; m5 a9 L
/ h7 f/ \  Z8 S3 u* h. q1 g
* j$ M7 S5 r+ B0 R% i( m(责任编辑:刘 霞)
8 b: @( V& ~2 w$ [! V* n" \, t+ ~5 n* n3 H% ]
2 \4 \4 l5 s1 }, n1 f( o1 k* a1 l, D4 W0 @9 H5 w  H廖世栋(美国洛杉矶希望城国立医学中心Beckman研究所分子医学系)! ]& i- J0 x2 P
8 T9 ~0 N4 a  t) H0 s( A5 ^) q8 ^" ^) r* M
6 e/ w, q, W/ H' s2 y7 v) _> - v5 i7 ^4 g9 t6 y. z- m6 {4 M
' W" C* d  t7 C: j9 q/ p: X; ?" o, j+ K4 X( N/ }% c1 @0 m) {5 n$ h- w
1111.doc (74.5k)' P! g$ U% r7 @5 O" R9 ~  Y
1 B; H& N1 X/ X  D2 A* @( \5 Q( q: W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: J" V0 x" N3 e6 u) t
) w5 u5 g8 Y& Z) L" J' Y很棒!
# b9 s! S1 R( U2 Y. t8 s5 R1 {& ?5 N--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) s( |" g% z( M4 y1 P/ r4 x8 G1 d9 `, h) O6 E' D2 z; D很棒!2 J  U4 Z8 q# Z1 \! g5 N4 v' R% P9 j/ _: w" y; h/ A% m/ S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 _! W1 Q1 F+ K  |! M( M
0 V# u# E0 O4 l. c! N; p以前病理学家将癌症比作不可修复的损伤或者过度再生修复。最近基因表达芯片分析进一步支持这样的说法/ f4 q+ f7 S# c& k) d. z
  i- h8 M2 N: f4 {% @) k9 q1 _% t% r& |6 [8 y1 U, D& F6 \
0 A0 g3 g0 S! d& k4 w& [Cancer Res. 2006 Jul 15;66(14):7216-24. Links $ X" `2 r9 F4 a6 v$ ^/ Q
& J, {5 k1 G6 FCancers as wounds that do not heal: differences and similarities between renal regeneration/repair and renal cell carcinoma.Riss J, Khanna C, Koo S, Chandramouli GV, Yang HH, Hu Y, Kleiner DE, Rosenwald A, Schaefer CF, Ben-Sasson SA, Yang L, Powell J, Kane DW, Star RA, Aprelikova O, Bauer K, Vasselli JR, Maranchie JK, Kohn KW, Buetow KH, Linehan WM, Weinstein JN, Lee MP, Klausner RD, Barrett JC. , m8 F+ @3 a6 k  i+ c$ k
0 k8 ]' X( k6 E3 BLaboratory of Biosystems and Cancer, Comparative Oncology Program, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. rissjo@mail.nih.gov% e0 y. u! N3 B
2 L" ^; p- \' W; l/ I6 [! J8 l1 ]: B/ t" I# u) ~+ e, }9 l! p5 U* }  z
Cancers have been described as wounds that do not heal, suggesting that the two share common features. By comparing microarray data from a model of renal regeneration and repair (RRR) with reported gene expression in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), we asked whether those two processes do, in fact, share molecular features and regulatory mechanisms. The majority (77%) of the genes expressed in RRR and RCC were concordantly regulated, whereas only 23% were discordant (i.e., changed in opposite directions). The orchestrated processes of regeneration, involving cell proliferation and immune response, were reflected in the concordant genes. The discordant gene signature revealed processes (e.g., morphogenesis and glycolysis) and pathways (e.g., hypoxia-inducible factor and insulin-like growth factor-I) that reflect the intrinsic pathologic nature of RCC. This is the first study that compares gene expression patterns in RCC and RRR. It does so, in particular, with relation to the hypothesis that RCC resembles the wound healing processes seen in RRR. However, careful attention to the genes that are regulated in the discordant direction provides new insights into the critical differences between renal carcinogenesis and wound healing. The observations reported here provide a conceptual framework for further efforts to understand the biology and to develop more effective diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic strategies for renal tumors and renal ischemia.
, W5 [% l- q( `# C, C6 L7 y% W4 R/ E4 W! i3 y1 q) h  U) h+ R: ]: W# Q+ y6 h3 d2 h
PMID: 16849569 [PubMed - in process]
# L& [' w  C2 e7 ~: c% L$ U0 {0 V) ?- \6 ]) R--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& y/ R6 F& \8 F: @# @2 d, {  J  N; }/ N, f2 y
经典的实验提出了对基因突变学说的质疑7 [) e, P3 R) \1 h
) [$ Q. ~- n& u0 b7 Y' N2 J8 I" e% X# E  s' o+ X, \* J* {$ g/ t) C
PNAS | July 1, 1978 | vol. 75 | no. 7 | 3297-33013 }3 m- J- W, G. D( n- i; q2 @8 n! m: |$ t) ^
Copyright © 1978 by the National Academy of Sciences 0 t) y9 e  w: w4 d% v- J- l# b, j4 C# e9 R
3 p: W9 l! S/ w# q3 N1 r! P! e) {
0 E" w7 K) O' Q/ C7 Z3 k3 rRelationship between Somatic Mutation and Neoplastic Transformation 4 l" `6 a% c' k% r5 p2 t) [
! m0 D* {% o* j" p" k
. ?- T- Y$ }1 S" G5 C! w* u( Q  r/ O7 s" |% X+ N9 VJ. Carl Barrett and Paul O. P. Ts'o 9 u/ t% }% J: D3 R6 R' z) R% `* M- j0 R8 U
* W+ M: _  V# j  S  v1 o( G6 ~& R6 Y; h' P2 |4 G
Somatic mutation and neoplastic transformation of diploid Syrian hamster embyro cells were examined concomitantly. Mutations induced by benzo[a]pyrene and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine were quantitated at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase and Na+/K+ ATPase loci and compared to phenotypic transformations measured by changes in cellular morphology and colony-formation in agar. Both cellular transformations had characteristics distinct from the somatic mutations observed at the two loci. Morphological transformation was observed after a time comparable to that of somatic mutation but at a frequency that was 25- to 540-fold higher. Transformants capable of colony formation in agar were detected at a frequency of 10-5-10-6, but not until 32-75 population doublings after carcinogen treatment. Although this frequency of transformation is comparable to that of somatic mutation, the detection time required is much longer than the optimal expression time of conventionally studied somatic mutations. Neoplastic transformation of hamster embryo cells has been described as a multistep, progressive process. Various phenotypic transformations of cells after carcinogen treatment may represent different stages in this progressive transformation. The results are discussed in this context and the role of mutagenesis in the transition between various stages is considered. Neoplastic transformation may be initiated by a mutational change, but it cannot be described completely by a single gene mutational event involving a dominant, codominant, or X-linked recessive locus. Neoplastic transformation induced by chemical carcinogens is more complex than a single gene mutational process. Thus, this comparative study does not give experimental support to predictions of the carcinogenic potential of chemicals based on a simple extrapolation of the results obtained from conventional somatic mutation assays.9 u: q& l1 q& D$ J0 B3 h, I2 o: L: N  [! H
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 U* Q- |" F. M, j( m- w9 L2 O
; c8 e2 I( {5 c9 _4 D很多报道癌基因的组合可以转化原代培养的细胞,但是遗传学检测其核型已经发生了很大的变化?癌基因的作用?; x4 _' @9 h% G# C% N" o- U- L9 F$ r% e/ X& e, @
6 |$ b2 O" d, Y2 p8 K0 ~$ j. v- Y9 C
, J. Q% J4 X7 E4 m# L5 H& rSymp Fundam Cancer Res. 1986;39:45-56. Related Articles, Links . F; s, P: G$ Q/ ?& w
$ ~2 W! U' @# J) o7 o1 Z7 d! Y  [) z  M% A: I$ P- v3 S' M% K. f- F& W7 x0 y" H
Role of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in a multistep model of carcinogenesis.
7 ~& H: @7 j" T% \4 a+ w6 e  B7 G& u1 a* {( w% y* M
2 v- Q! I0 O/ k% `Barrett JC, Oshimura M, Koi M.
3 w; q, q5 u$ m6 r) B7 o) M) ^9 W2 z% C; r  o, w
# E1 H9 z& D) |& @! Z0 V$ f* X& O4 j4 eEnvironmental Carcinogenesis Group, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709.1 W* [* F+ v4 F0 W* g
+ \  z; M5 |% w! A" K" o3 E+ x% x) Q9 Q! W/ r1 D" `; |% C4 B( c
3 K' r! V5 |9 Q$ n+ Q/ x3 {, a8 cWe demonstrated previously that carcinogen-induced neoplastic transformation of Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells requires multiple steps. Normal, diploid SHE cells and carcinogen-induced preneoplastic cells were transfected with different oncogenes. The normal, early-passage cells were not transformed by the v-Ha-ras or v-myc oncogenes alone, but the two oncogenes combined caused tumors in nude mice and syngeneic hamsters. Cytogenetic analysis of the ras-plus-myc-induced tumors showed a nonrandom chromosome loss (monosomy of chromosome 15) in the ras/myc tumor cells. Tumorigenicity of the ras/myc tumor cells was suppressed following hybridization with normal SHE cells; reexpression of tumorigenicity at later passages correlated with loss of chromosome 15. The hybrid cells in which tumorigenicity was suppressed still expressed the ras and myc oncogenes. An early change in carcinogen-induced neoplastic progression of SHE cells is induction of immortality. At early passages, immortal cells retain the ability to suppress tumorigenicity in cell hybrids. This ability decreases with passaging of immortal cell lines. The susceptibility of immortal cell lines to neoplastic transformation by DNA transfection with the v-Ha-ras oncogene or tumor DNA inversely correlated with the tumor-suppressive ability of the cells in cell hybrids. These observations indicate that neoplastic transformation of SHE cells involves at least three steps: (1) induction of immortality, (2) activation of a transforming gene or oncogene, and (3) loss of or inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene.6 E, t" w, I. v2 s* [6 A& J# ]+ {- U, N# d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ H3 C, l2 B% b& x, _, z) A/ ?; E/ Y# F/ A8 `; T2 R+ w
2006年5月24日,Nature及其子刊Nature Medicine and Nature Reviews Cancer共同推出了Milestones in Cancer 专辑,在这个专辑中回顾了自1889年以来肿瘤研究中的各个里程碑事件。7 e0 k2 f% d5 z9 S% f0 j% u% ]% D, U1 f8 t7 ~1 |& Z3 p( }; R; k
5 e% H) J, c3 P  M
5 U% q6 Z$ W. P$ n& U6 W百年肿瘤研究大事记概述如下:$ u1 m( |8 A8 t* Z9 U, B" E% ]2 u+ _! _4 Z6 }* t* f  [& `
9 b: a# Q6 ~9 N) ^* m, o; j" ^! v3 L1889年 Seed and soil hypothesis 种子与土壤假说1 @$ s6 n( w  L6 ?- i0 N
3 I  l8 E. w6 c& {1 h* d+ k决定哪个器官将会遭受癌症播散的因素究竟是什么?这个问题引起了西方伦敦医院和皇家医院的一个助理外科医生——Stephen Paget的思考,并于1889年发表了一篇文章详细分析了引起癌症转移的“种子和土壤”假说。即:癌细胞通过血液和淋巴可以播种到其它组织并能使其周围细胞癌症化;并通过分析了735个乳腺癌病例,证实了癌症转移灶不是随机的,而是一些特定器官可以提供适合特定转移灶生长的环境。2 O% Y( K( G, T( `
6 m$ v' O1 S9 N! x# i5 v6 [, A虽然这个理论被忽视了很多年,但是,在1980年,Ian Hart 和Isaiah Fidler使种子和土壤假说得到了空前的繁荣,这个时候临床观察也确证了一些器官更易于发生转移。Hart 和Fidler做了黑色素细胞瘤的动物实验,并用放射性标记技术证实了癌细胞需要从环境中得到一些营养才能生长。这个思想在今天仍旧激励科学家从分子水平上研究种子与土壤假说的转移机制。" `8 I$ c3 r; Q. @+ |% u: `+ ^$ P3 i
里程碑2 7 f1 Q. V; m* ]' T2 U% e' k
8 \8 g1 K& \4 s$ k5 z0 V. t1890年 Cancer as a genetic disease 肿瘤是一种遗传性疾病6 w6 n9 h* O8 N; w1 I6 \1 e* q2 H% ?: }* A& s, A/ w
癌症的遗传学基础是现代癌症研究的基石。1890年,David von Hansemann详细描述了13个不同腺癌样本的有丝分裂像,发现每个样本都存在异常分裂像,于是推断这些异常的细胞分裂是癌症细胞中染色质内含物或多或少的原因。  Z) d0 q7 d4 }! @" d3 ?
/ \" l3 R( i4 R4 C0 q6 W在20世纪初,zoologist Theodor Boveri研究了异常有丝分裂和恶性肿瘤的关系。他的一个重要的创新是设计了一个海胆卵操作实验,该实验可以诱导多级有丝分裂和染色体异常分离。他发现并命名了有丝分裂纺锤体,推测染色体是遗传物质的载体,对于每个个体在质上都是相似的。他认为异常分裂导致染色体不平衡分离,这在多数情况下会产生有害基因。一次偶然中发现染色体的不正确联合会产生能够遗传的有无限增殖能力的恶性细胞。这些奠定了癌症是遗传性疾病的基础。; a! `. g2 L2 B# e# C# S
' J8 R0 z- j) r* h; u! E同时,Boveri还用自己的观点解释了和癌症相关的许多现象,并且提出了很多大胆的设想和推测,诸如目前我们所说的细胞周期检查点、肿瘤抑癌基因和癌基因。他甚至想象毒药、射线、物理损伤、病原体、慢性炎症和组织修复都可能会间接促进染色体异常分离或导致染色体不平衡的其它情况,进而与癌症的的发生密切相关。随着这些惊人的假设,Boveri还阐明了在一种组织中会出现不同类型的肿瘤、隐形染色体等位基因丢失、癌症易感性的遗传度、癌症在发生和进展上的步骤相似、癌细胞对放疗敏感。这些观点已经广泛接受。后来,一些研究者发现了致癌物可以作为诱变剂,这使癌症的遗传学基础更引人注目。1960年Ph染色体的发现使此观点得到了更大的支持。5 m4 o% t* U3 b7 g# ~0 @1 [& P+ t
8 Q7 W* l& M& Y3 ^与Boveri假说密切相关的观点是在癌症细胞中,染色体不稳定可以促使染色体异常和突变积累。首次证明癌症细胞基因组不稳定的是Robert Schimke和他的同事,他们发现癌细胞的耐药基因易于发生不稳定扩增。目前该观点已经广泛接受,染色体不平衡、突变率增加和其它形式的基因组不稳定都和人类癌症的发展有关。( C6 J* E; b! E  _1 Z7 ]( K( ]# L/ v1 o
随着研究的深入,我们正在试图解释von Hansemann的设想,即:染色体异常和基因组不稳定是癌症发生的始动因素。5 R$ P; q; s' F
. g8 c/ T- a) @5 ], n里程碑32 d' r9 _' k- H' A& \, X2 \
$ U0 t$ n3 c* l' k1 \0 R6 d& Q1909年 Immune surveillance 免疫监视) t9 K! I' o2 T. b* K* D3 A
/ o' ^7 H& H* r/ j: z2 k免疫系统有惊人的能力来检测出外源物质,而保留自身。Paul Ehrlich深信癌细胞中,突变累积和改变的基因扩模式也能使免疫系统像清除炎症物质那样破坏癌细胞,并于1909年提出免疫系统可以抑制肿瘤的发展。但是试图开展的免疫治疗却没有得到Ehrlich设想的那样成功。在1957年,Richmond Prehn 和Joan Main证实并得出结论肿瘤免疫只对化学致癌物引起的肿瘤起作用,对自发产生的肿瘤却无效。从此,开始了这方面的大量研究。Harold Hewitt及其同事对这些研究做了总结认为自发性肿瘤是非免疫源的。此外,Osias Sutman在1974年的报道提出在化学致癌物引起的肿瘤中免疫监视有效是不正确的。然而,Aline van Pel和Thierry Boon发现预防接种可以引起肿瘤特异性免疫反应,这使肿瘤免疫的研究得到了重新振作,但是他们没有得到有效的免疫反应。Pierre van der Bruggen从技术上得到了突破,并证实肿瘤抗原能激发肿瘤特异性免疫反应。7 }# a3 p9 {+ R* b
. x8 ]0 ~9 ~7 z2 u2001年,Robert Schreiber重新开始了免疫监视的研究,认为免疫系统对肿瘤细胞产生了一个选择压力或者免疫编辑,造成免疫源的减少最终逃离免疫介导的根除。最近,Gerald Willimsky和Thomas Blankenstein提出在老鼠中散发性肿瘤不是失去了免疫源性,而是产生免疫耐受逃离了免疫根除,但是,和肿瘤生长相关的模式仍旧没有明确。: X, i3 y" d9 ]0 P; |9 d8 u$ L% G: p$ u
1 Y8 N9 s" @) }' o" o9 q4 a. l: m3 K' c然而,Ehrlich的设想仍旧鼓舞着肿瘤免疫领域的研究,特别是对作为肿瘤治疗中一个有潜力的免疫治疗领域。
( ]1 i$ s) }) `! i9 Q8 E! i) D8 Q9 l# ~: d* ?9 _3 O, j里程碑44 c1 y9 G4 ^% D7 o
( |5 O8 L* z4 i3 r( ^1 L' }1 |1910年 Viruses and cancer 病毒与肿瘤 From hens to eternity 6 o; T# m8 f# k4 |
5 |+ F% U0 t, H+ r6 p病毒可以导致癌症,这个观点已经过时了。但是,逆转录病毒的研究使癌症领域得到了许多重要的发现。* I" E& ~3 P: @' d" j# J& ^* N1 w/ E$ F3 s1 b4 x; u$ w
Peyton Rous公认是该领域之父,他的突破性工作始于1910年,在一个母鸡上发现了一个梭形细胞肉瘤,并鉴定出了鲁斯肉瘤病毒RSV。当时,他的重要发现并没有得到重视,直到1966年,在他77岁时,Rous才因该研究获得了诺贝尔奖。1969年,Robert Huebner 和George Todaro开始了一系列研究,认为多数癌症都是由逆转录病毒基因表达造成的。虽然他们的观点并不完全正确,但是,他们的工作促使了第一个逆转录病毒致癌基因src的鉴定。因此,这些突破性工作为癌症领域的其它发现铺平了道路。+ s: q! g4 d: P6 [. @- H
1 x. G4 t& w: C) X( L: \里程碑5- J2 t1 h" w6 }! H9 C( w# ^6 X! T5 w
1915年 Hormones and cancer 激素与肿瘤0 T' Z) P6 H- Y* l2 v
  U, I- K3 H% R2 Z3 u- U$ ?激素可以影响癌症的发生发展,目前被我们普遍接受,然而,从最早观察到激素对一些癌症病人有益到发展起来以内分泌器官为靶的第一种药物,已经经历了一百年。虽然现在我们知道激素可以好几种癌症,但是对雌二醇和乳腺癌关系的研究就产生了很多重要的里程碑。* B' B' n6 M) w) I* Z) s
* n$ K$ e: N: k3 u1915年,Abbie Lathrop 和Leo Loeb首次提出激素和肿瘤的发生有关,他们对黄体酮和癌症关系的研究具有划时代意义,但是,直到八年之后,Edgar Allen 和Edward Doisy才鉴定出黄体分泌的那种物质是雌二醇。接下来的25年中,Abraham Lilienfeld等人研究了女性生殖系统和乳腺癌的关系,提出雌二醇是一种致癌物。Elwood Jensen于1958年发现了雌二醇受体(ER),1971年他的一项研究(肾上腺切除术对人类乳腺癌影响)是该领域的一场大革命,提出抗雌二醇符合物可以作为避孕药,并促进了制药业的发展。Michael Harper和Arthur Walpole于1967年研究并详细描述了ICI,46,474(它莫酚)等避孕药,但是直到V.Craig Jordan的研究才使这些药物被临床采纳。1992年,Bernard Fisher及其同事对它莫酚作为乳腺癌外科手术辅助药物的研究才明确了它莫酚可以预防人类乳腺癌的发生。从此,它莫酚作为不同肿瘤类型的选择性用药纷纷展开,这些药物的成功发展是该领域中的第一个里程碑。
& v9 ^: |3 K' v9 `- m& v2 d' Y. D: @. q& Z% z4 H! k( F里程碑6+ `0 ?4 ?" ]& B& ~  g6 \& `5 D3 Z8 o6 W% V. r
1937年 Cancer stem cells 肿瘤干细胞# N1 v% c- T* z! s8 E$ C: R+ r2 N. ^6 M. M: F
虽然肿瘤干细胞的观点到20世纪60年代才得到广泛认可,但是直到20世纪90年代中期才分离出这些细胞。我们对CSC的多数理解都源于造血恶性肿瘤的研究。1937年,Uacob Furth首次提到了CSC,当时,对白血病源于病毒还是细胞存在争议,但是他们首次发明了定量方法来测量克隆潜能。Robert Bruce和Hugo Van der Gaag运用集落形成实验(CFU-S)使CSC的概念明确化。然而,直到1994年,John Dick及其同事分离并纯化出了CSC。目前对实体瘤的研究使CSC的观念不再局限于造血恶性肿瘤。实体瘤干细胞的分离使研究者更加坚信癌症治疗的靶不是肿瘤细胞的混合群落,而是少数具有自我更新能力的CSC。目前,我们正在努力阐明CSC的调节机制。4 T2 ]8 g0 b) r; ?6 Q  b# Z, P9 F$ R) A" u7 h% ~8 z
里程碑7  O( V4 q& A# h# m3 |: x# m4 R4 I/ N- G. d$ I  h
1939年 Angiogenesis 血管发生
4 N1 R& a; h" N" U% I( m& M2 u/ T) K, t7 T" N' [9 p; t. w1939年,Gordon Ide和他的同事在研究肿瘤周围的血管时发现重量可能会产生一种血管生长刺激物质。1945年,Glenn Algire等从动力学上对此进行了更深入的研究,发现血供不足的情况下肿瘤不能有效生长,因此,可以通过抑制血供系统来治疗肿瘤。1968年,Melvin Greenblatt和Philippe Shubik证实Ide提出的血管生长刺激物质确实存在,而且在理论上也能鉴定出来。Judah Folkman等于1971年从肿瘤萃取液中分离出了肿瘤血管生成因子TAF,并提出如果抑制了TAF的活性可以阻滞恶性肿瘤的生长,这使对该领域的研究热潮再次升起。但是,直到18年以后,Napoleone Ferrara才纯化并鉴定出血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)基因,随后克隆并进行了功能上的研究,而且,他们用封闭性抗体为VEGF刺激肿瘤血管发生和生长提供了最终的证据。基于这些研究,2004年美国食品和药物管理局批准了贝伐单抗来治疗转移性结直肠癌。  _" T. c7 N5 H' O, w! U
# }: ?  s( ~4 \$ M里程碑8, g$ G6 \; Z! _7 y5 ~5 s- b4 o
7 e" b' [0 z2 z$ f  M" q0 a% M) o1950年 Smoking and cancer 吸烟与肿瘤
* v1 Z, v5 q0 q; W3 n4 H0 b' W4 L' q2 r% y& C( w" b" T  F20世纪的前半个时期,香烟制造业在西方发展迅速,同时男性肺癌的患病率也增长迅速。英国流行病学家Richard Doll和Tony Bradford Hill提出多数肺癌都是由吸烟造成的,这个观点目前已被我们广泛接受。接下来,展开了一些肺癌与吸烟关系的病例对照研究,1950年,Doll和Hill在英国医学杂志上发表文章并得出结论——吸烟是肺癌的一个重要的原因。具有里程碑意义的是他们设计的一个前瞻性研究克服了偏移的影响。当时的研究都认为吸烟与男性肺癌有关,而且比其它因素都重要。在香烟中鉴定处理致癌物以及明确了致癌机制,尽管这些数据无可争辩,但是世界有10亿男性每天都吸烟,但是每年死于肺癌的男性只有1.2百万。  q6 p) q: a5 H0 g2 \- a( B8 `
* S+ ]# O  t  X% c9 m1 K" c- g, j/ X里程碑9
/ [) g; G/ i& Q5 c: }4 z; e3 l; t' b3 F" {5 ?( Q1953年 Two-hit hypothesis 二次突变假说3 |/ u( w0 Z. j! d, ~- K1 t3 V
0 v" N4 g' x% }: C: Z20世纪的前半个时期,遗传突变可以导致癌症的观点已经深入人心(见里程碑2),病毒能够致癌也广泛接受,并且也开始用遗传模式来解释癌症发生的年龄分布。20世纪50年代和60年代,许多研究运用数学模式进行癌症流行病学研究发现必须到一定的年龄发生的成功突变才会致癌。Carl Nordling认为至少需要大约七次突变,1957年,Peter Armitage和Richard Doll进一步研究认为体细胞两次突变会导致癌症发生。同期,对RB、神经母细胞留和儿童白血病进行了研究。直到1971年,Alfred Knudson提出了突变打击思想,他在分析同一种类癌症中遗传性和非遗传性肿瘤之间的关系时,专门研究了发生双侧和单侧RB的特征,提出了二次打击论,认为肿瘤的发生是一种隐性事件,即野生型基因产物可以抑制肿瘤产生,而肿瘤中的这一对等位基因发生了失活,他称该基因为肿瘤抑制基因。我们目前的观点都建立在这些发现之上。我们现在都知道所有的人类癌症都有多种先天和后天的变化,许多这些变化都有可能影响到肿瘤的发生发展(见里程碑14)。
* m! l' b, u% Y9 j1 B2 J# D2 l" k$ x/ {7 L+ p& O# v里程碑10
: D; a' {- ~6 F" C" g# H0 s, \0 L- x2 G& O: }1960年 Chromosome translocations 染色体易位6 @- P1 G( n3 |' R+ n% @' W- t
( S* z9 X$ g+ h7 \& H在慢性骨髓性白血病病人的癌细胞中鉴定出来的一个小染色体是第一个发现的与癌症相关的遗传缺陷,随后发现它是一个易位的染色体,这促使研究者在其它癌症中鉴定染色体易位,并发现了许多癌基因。1960年,宾夕反尼亚大学的研究者首次报道了在CML细胞中发现了Ph染色体,科学家一直认为Ph染色体仅导致遗传物质缺失。70年代早期,荧光技术和显带技术加快了细胞遗传学的发展。Jan Rowley运用这些技术发现Ph染色体是22和9号染色体的易位,随后,在其它类型癌细胞中又发现了许多新的易位。细胞遗传学分析成为白血病和淋巴瘤诊断中对可靠的方法之一。这些染色体重排是怎样导致癌症的?这个问题引起了许多研究者的兴趣,他们通过克隆这些易位的断裂点发现了许多癌基因和抑癌基因。2 m8 M5 J1 O* Q- I$ T1 H/ e9 B( [* B- d9 @) z
里程碑117 Q0 G; P1 C) L* v7 [
6 A! H2 q+ J2 Q7 d0 U7 F. n2 R1971年 Tumour suppressor genes 肿瘤抑制基因8 k- F1 f# `* o' @! j* M( Z6 a& \9 j$ M- C
很少人会质疑科学发现是瞬时的和简单的,肿瘤抑制基因失活会引起肿瘤就是一个例子。20世纪70年代和80年底,癌基因是肿瘤研究的主流,突变是引起肿瘤的原因。当时二次突变学说很受欢迎,但是很少关注突变的本质。或许科学的推动往往是那些异端思想,这时,Henru Harris及其同事开始运用细胞融合研究癌基因理论的漏洞,并强调易癌基因。虽然前期很多科学家支持了等位基因缺失,但是,Savid Comings在1973年总结了各种肿瘤中抑癌基因的作用。然而,十年以后才发展到分子水平,Webster Cavanee等首次鉴定了两个肿瘤抑制基因RB和p53。随后,Atephen Friend于1986年对RB进行了定位,Wen-Hwa Lee和Yuen-Kai Fung用染色体布移法克隆了RB,并认为RB失活是癌症发生的原因。p53基因发现10年后,Bert Vogelstein小组才于1989年研究明白了其功能。! f2 N/ q8 g/ w6 D/ q1 P
3 Q4 r3 z, X! m0 _6 g6 \  Q, V5 t肿瘤抑制基因和癌基因是对立的两极,不到15年就充满了该领域的文章。正如Comings所预测的那样,肿瘤抑制基因抑制癌症的转化,这为继发性恶性肿瘤的机制提供了理论基础。( m: s: q. K8 ?* k" [4 i7 Z) w4 G3 j" t) z9 j- [+ u
& P. F) e2 B/ o
+ ^" w* s9 E+ h' `( ?) t2 h4 KThe road less travelled
* w. d4 \# u$ n# y9 i7 D4 Y* k( V' Z' R% M/ M里程碑12
1 i- l4 R' L# X) v8 j3 {  W$ S+ d2 h' r  @5 x1972年 Apoptosis and cancer 细胞凋亡与肿瘤
" o# Q; M/ }7 U1 S- J: V# ]! z' K4 i) a' V; a& _) w20世纪60年代末,肿瘤细胞自发耗失对肿瘤细胞的生长很重要,虽然这个过程与细胞死亡很相似,但是对其机制我们了解很少。John Kerr报道了这种细胞死亡在形态学上不同于坏死,但是直到1972年Johen Kerr、Andrew Wyllie等发现了细胞调亡现象才开始对细胞死亡的特殊现象进行研究,并认为调亡不同于坏死,是一种正常的自杀的程序性死亡。重要的是1988年David Waux等发现BCL2基因(在滤泡性淋巴瘤中发现,见里程碑10)可以促进去除生长因子的造血细胞存活。随后的研究认为BCL2不是促进细胞增殖,而是通过延长细胞的生命期限来促进细胞的存活。不久又发现了其它癌基因,如ABL,可以抑制细胞调亡。相反,一些研究者报道MYC过表达可以诱导调亡,并提出MYC诱导调亡是肿瘤抑制的一种机制。肿瘤抑制基因p53可以诱导调亡(见里程碑20),这更进一步支持了调亡是限制肿瘤发生的一种机制。这些发现均表明诱导调亡失败会产生超常增生,然而进一步的突变就会又明显的瘤形成。综上所述,细胞丧失功能到死亡会潜在的导致肿瘤发生,这个观念对肿瘤发生具有革命性意义,并且对肿瘤治疗产生了深深的影响。
5 u0 b0 E! I$ _# K' V* t; {/ A3 E. {3 k: a里程碑13& z+ s9 L3 a" `: x% b
( Y( ^0 f6 q2 K; z* g. O7 f1975年 Tumour microenvironment 肿瘤微环境7 \4 P3 W+ F2 p; u3 L# i! w$ a: Y& X
  F& X. y' o- h: k# b  [环境是细胞的一切,此外合适的血供也很重要(见里程碑7)。当细胞发现可以破坏自身环境时,肿瘤的潜力才得到重视。虽然发现细胞基础之后十年过去了,但是这种现象在20世纪70年代就已经阐明。1975年Beatrice Mintz和Karl Illmensee研究发现肿瘤细胞在合适的环境中可以发展成为各型细胞并且可以恢复成正常细胞,同事,他们还推测肿瘤发生起始阶段可能不涉及突变。这些研究深深的影响了Mina Bissell,她通过研究发现RSV引起的肿瘤也依赖于环境的作用。十年之后,我们开始从分子水平上研究环境和炎症感染过程是怎样影响肿瘤发生的。例如,Bissell在1997年研究显示在体外和培养细胞中,抑制整联蛋白的功能可以逆转人类乳腺癌的恶性表型。Leis Parada和Harold Moses的研究表明在鼠模型中,肿瘤细胞微环境的改变能够影响癌症的发生发展。/ X& X, \' r7 P* Z* s
/ K7 n/ M: V7 ^# `) p0 H里程碑14
4 w* K8 g0 \" [9 r- A9 E; l/ l, h5 N# G/ L1976年 Clonal evolution & multistep tumourigenesis 克隆演变&多步骤肿瘤发生, u+ T+ _$ v& U* X+ y! G! V
0 W; |$ `0 F- e7 x4 X- X癌症存在遗传基础在20世纪早期就得到了认可(见里程碑2)。此外,肿瘤单克隆起源和多步骤发生也有了证据,例如,Leslie Foulds描述肿瘤的发生是一个在质上阶段不同的进展性动力学过程,即癌前阶段到病变和转移。然而,目前最流行的观点是达尔文的进化论和肿瘤的多步骤发生,对此观点贡献最大的是Peter Nowell在1976年的研究。他把癌症多次突变的观点通过遗传变化的累积和选择引入到了肿瘤发展的一个总框架中。他认为第一步导致细胞在选择优势允条件下在一定程度上无限增 Step by step- x" e, W3 h0 Y
/ v& Q" |5 P$ j' {, c5 O殖,当然后天的改变如基因组不稳定(见里程碑19)也会起一定的作用,并且研究了基因组不稳定如DNA修复缺陷和有丝分裂异常(见里程碑2和22)的潜在机制,以及诸如例子辐射和病毒等不同的致癌因子可以引起遗传改变。他还认为如果能发现染色体的相似变化将会对我们很有帮助,虽然发现了著名的Ph染色体(见里程碑10),但是在当时仍然很难。接下来的几年,在人类肿瘤中鉴定出了很多癌基因和肿瘤抑制基因。1990年,Eric Fearon和Bert Vogelstein把这些发现和克隆演变思想总结为一个多步骤肿瘤发生的一致的分子模式。他们认为肿瘤的演化是通过癌基因和抑癌基因,以及许多恶性细胞群体逐步选择的结果。这个模式总括了癌症发生的所有常见形式,被广泛接受。目前,当我们开始从分子学角度进行治疗时(见里程碑24),Nowell关于个体化治疗的预言很值得借鉴。7 K2 a+ n7 x- s/ n# p7 x
' E. Q* b$ {& c8 I% j# J: `里程碑152 L/ i. q3 `1 r  n! s" {% A
& w9 _2 p. l/ B2 m, \! g1976年 Cellular homologues of viral oncogenes 病毒癌基因的细胞同系物, D7 X9 ~# k4 ^) o+ c% X* d
7 y7 w/ m+ \/ \0 {# t( QG.S.Martin鉴定出来RSV病毒对转化具有温度敏感性,这说明RSV包含癌基因。Peter Duesberg和Peter Vogt不久就证实RSV基因组包含RNA序列。Michael Bishop等用cDNA探针杂交证实RSV通过与鸡细胞c-src癌基因重组或转导获得了转化能力。他们用不研究的杂交技术探测到在人类和鼠DNA中存在许多和c-src相似的区域,但是在海胆、植物和细菌中不存在。接着,他们继续研究了c-src的基因产物,在鸡、鹌鹑、大署和人类成纤维细胞中分离了一个60kD的磷酸化蛋白,该蛋白在化学性质和结构上与病毒都很相似,此外,在功能上也类似于病毒蛋白的蛋白激酶途径(见里程碑16)。这些研究首次为健康脊椎动物基因组中存在与病毒癌基因相似的基因提供了证据,同时也证明了Bishop的著名假说——我们的体内有癌症种子。这些发现使癌基因研究空前火热,鉴定出了40多种癌基因,还为控制正常细胞生长的信号传导途径提供了一个框架(见里程碑16)。Bishop等还为此获得了诺贝尔奖。
5 n6 d; _/ Q) |' Z# T5 W( n% W8 i# K3 @% R4 j里程碑16+ M/ j. k" j6 n, V1 p7 g
' N2 u( e& |6 V2 n# [1978年 Oncogenes encode proteins that regulate cell growth 癌基因编码蛋白调控细胞生长3 t; ]* h( z' q# i5 j1 x! [" ]
; j2 G- ]' [% b4 G! f2 G* e& o随着逆转录病毒的研究,逐渐解开了细胞转化过程和癌症生长看似简单的秘密,对癌基因编码产物的研究会有更深入的发现(见里程碑15和17)。1978年,Bishop等对RSV的src病毒功能的研究表明蛋白磷酸化对转化过程可能很重要。1979年,Hunter等在多瘤性病毒中间T抗原的蛋白免疫沉淀物中发现了磷酸酪氨酸激酶活性。此后有两个研究小组的研究均显示这些酶通过病毒癌基因对细胞的恶性转化是必须的。然而,酶活性和癌基因在功能上的关系仍旧不明。Stanley Cohen实验室用从表皮生长因子反应的癌细胞中分离出来的细胞膜进行的研究使我们对癌蛋白活性和受体信号关系的认识又更深一步。1983年后,三篇文章和大鼠细胞癌基因的鉴定(见里程碑17)表明逆转录病毒编码产物对正常细胞的生长调节也起作用,在该信号途径中还存在其它许多癌基因编码的蛋白激酶,其中每一步都可以作为干预治疗的靶,这将会大大促进肿瘤靶向治疗的发展(见里程碑24)。
9 E+ q2 e% z- N" Y7 c7 ^' X4 G, P* d里程碑17  q) \8 v. N  X: I* e' [. r8 o$ T! n# u% n$ O
1979年 First human oncogene 第一个人类癌基因! W$ Q/ s+ D% o3 D9 ^! w: V% E
3 o6 g+ b$ H1 }1 W3 Z癌症是基因改变性疾病,这个观点在20世纪70年代被从事基础研究的科学家们广泛讨论,肿瘤基因组中突变的发现引起了科学家们的更加关注。到20世纪70年代末,众所周知逆转录癌基因可以迅速使细胞发生转化、病毒可以从它们感染的哺乳动物和鸟类细胞基因组中获得这些基因(见里程碑15)。因此,这些基因的细胞同系物中的突变可以使细胞发生转化。Robert Weinberg和Geoffrey Cooper分别在1981年的转基因实验中发现了ras癌基因,他们用从人肿瘤中提取的DNA,转染培养小鼠NIH/3T3成纤维细胞,成功地诱发其转化,证明人肿瘤细胞中含有细胞中含有细胞癌基因,这是第一次在人癌中发现有生特学活性的细胞癌基因。它不同于其前癌基因,是由于点突变导致单个氨基酸的替换,使密码子12从GGG(甘氨酸)改变成GTG(缬氨酸),致使从人膀胱癌提取的DNA能诱发培养中小鼠细胞的转化。此后,不到一年,RAS基因的成功克隆和其突变活性的鉴定使细胞癌基因的观念更加坚定。这些使我们对癌症的理解是很关键的一步。. ?3 c) k8 B. ?! }  }! R; z) Q/ f8 Y& I! n: i7 g  L+ l4 b; J8 O
里程碑181 {% I; f" [8 j5 N, ^2 M
3 k; d& ?; O6 Y1983年 Oncogene co-operation 癌基因合作$ ^. j$ j, ?4 y
9 r2 V7 F$ [  S$ N  e7 f* N在80年代早期,有证据表明,初级细胞向癌细胞的转化至少需要两个步骤:确立(细胞永生化的获得)和细胞学转化。基于这种思想,Hartmut Land和其他的一些科学家,开始研究多少个癌基因的合作才能导致肿瘤的发生。& j0 E5 P( v: u# b+ L7 o* u! B+ U4 f; y* D
Weinberg和他的同事们首先对RAS和MYC两个癌基应进行了研究。他们发现,虽然RAS能够使鼠类细胞系发生转化,但不能转化胚胎成纤维细胞,REFs单独表达RAS还不足于形成肿瘤。REFs同时表达RAS和MYC会导致肿瘤的形成,但肿瘤没有转移能力。这些结果表明,除RAS和MYC以外,肿瘤转移能力的获得还要其它癌基因的参与。在这个研究的艰难时期,重要的发现是不同的癌基因的合作会表现不同的细胞转化能力。分子生物学的发展使我们能够发现为什么一些特殊的癌基因能够使转化能力大大加强。Land和他的同事们发现,RAS的作用依赖于P21。相反的结果显示,MYC的扩增会同时产生增值和凋亡的作用。 MYC和RAS合作后,MYC可以通过多种途径防止RAS引起的G1期阻止,而RAS可以防止MYC诱导的凋亡。BCL2和MYC合作会使转化能力更为有效,这是由于BCL2 可以抑制MYC诱导的凋亡,使得MYC的增值作用不受到控制。对于癌基因的相互限制使研究者认识到了细胞通路的存在,在肿瘤细胞中,各种分子可以发生相互的作用,限制细胞的增值作用。1 J5 a* d4 N; [: |  X5 r4 O+ d7 D9 h1 K
- G5 I% X# k0 e6 {3 K3 @8 O1 b/ l5 ^' M" e1983年 Cancer epigenetics 肿瘤表遗传学. ?& i1 L8 D5 a- l# a/ _# e  U
- e, d1 d# e9 \80年代早期,肿瘤领域对于癌基因的突变与肿瘤相关感到迷惑。1982年发现了Rans癌基因的突变使得它的生物学功能有了改变,但这存在很大的争议。在这种环境下,表观遗传学的改变在很多领域是被忽略的。80年代的研究表明,癌基因和抑癌基因同时可以出现表观遗传学的改变,并最终导致了我们现在把表观遗传学的改变作为诊断和治疗的一个重要指标。
7 b' \2 V# h' p9 Y4 b0 y' b- L' U. z4 I' ]% L/ g% a表观遗传学是指在细胞信息水平的改变,而不是DNA序列的改变,涉及到DNA和组蛋白的共价修饰。DNA甲基化可以调控基因的表达,甲基化水平降低使癌基因激活,诱导癌症的发生。80年代末期,肿瘤抑制因子有了很好的定义,并且发现了肿瘤抑制因子同样存在着甲基化水平的改变。甲基化水平增高,抑制了肿瘤抑制因子的表达,而引起肿瘤的发生。随后的几年内,用大量的老鼠模型研究甲基化的影响,发现肿瘤抑制因子,在肿瘤中是高甲基化的,并被沉默,但是这种甲基化可以被DNA甲基化酶抑制剂而重新去除。有些DNA甲基化酶抑制剂已经用于临床肿瘤治疗中,但这种治疗效果还有很大的争议。但是,不管怎么样,DNA甲基化逆转是治疗肿瘤的一个新策略。
" L$ m( L, U! u( C% W9 g7 W1 j. \  X' z$ X" ?* L* O& ^里程碑20
1 V$ b+ [8 f, z0 B: t4 ]3 K4 R/ ]0 C5 m4 U8 J: P1 G* t. T1989年 Cell cycle and DNA damage checkpoints 细胞周期和DNA损伤检查点
" g5 B5 `5 x+ P% l/ o/ E; j7 h7 B& A* N( d4 u! Y) b半个世纪前,流行病学家猜测肿瘤是多个点异常引起的。开始主要集中在癌基因的显性突变,随后的细胞融合和遗传学试验揭示了抑癌基因的隐性突变。Bert Vogelstein首先提出了结肠癌的癌基因与抑癌基因的多步骤学说,随后发现p53和EB基因是多步骤中的关键基因。1989年,David Livingston和Ed Harlow发现了RB的磷酸化是决定细胞越过G1期的关键步骤。, M! J6 y( K% s' _2 W  @( Y- G8 ]* ?2 _1 t
P53是基因组稳定的重要的维护者,现在知道,p53和DNA损伤会阻止细胞进行DNA复制,从而使细胞阻滞在G1期。重要的是当细胞没有p53的时候,用射线照射后,细胞被阻滞在G2 期。一些研究者还证明了运动失调性毛细血管扩张症和P53在功能上是连锁的。不久前,还发现了p53是一种特异性DNA结合蛋白有转录活性。最近的研究已经把P53的上游和下游作用因子搞清楚了。90年代中期,发现凋亡是抑制肿瘤的光健途径,P53可以诱导凋亡。4 k8 |# {! r' ~" K" m1 e2 ?" S! m3 c% N0 x2 B
里程碑21: Q, d7 r1 |: F1 p( k
7 t5 d7 L" V8 O. I. W1 ~) T. y1990年 Genetic basis for cancer predisposition 肿瘤易感性的遗传基础$ L7 _+ e3 U) w- J2 H
1 y. M5 n' Y+ o+ I4 c我们清楚的认识到,肿瘤是一种复杂的具有挑战性的疾病,虽然我们起取得了一些胜利,但要想战胜肿瘤还有很长的路要走。八十年代晚期和九十年代早期发现了大量的肿瘤抑制因子,这些因子在增值、细胞周期调控、细胞死亡中起重要作用。与此同时,研究者还发现了大量的敏感基因和一些分子机制,这些成就使遗传咨询医生应用到实践中指导最后的治疗,并作出有重要意义的决定。肿瘤的遗传基础较为常见,在乳房癌和结肠癌中更为明显。3 M0 K: O1 j5 C+ @6 s6 S0 M. V, P
' p6 J( W) \% ~) g. m在90年代以前,5-10%的乳腺癌和结肠癌具有家族聚集性,但还不知道是环境性疾病还是单基因病或多基因病。一个重要的进展是我们在2号和7号染色体上分别找到了分别与大部分乳腺癌和结肠癌相关的基因。MSH2、MLH1和非息肉性结肠癌相关,BRCA1和BRCA2与乳房癌相关。有趣的是在这些有遗传基础的肿瘤中,相关基因影响DNA修复而不影响细胞生长本身。遗传外显率在不同的家庭有较大的差别,在很多的乳腺癌和结肠癌中并不表现遗传倾向,这就很难根据异常基础来对肿瘤的发生率作出判断。在最近几十年内,关于肿瘤易感基因的检测已经很普及,但根据这些检测结果作出肿瘤的易感性还很难。" Z2 u4 D% q2 |  z( {! c$ q
0 A4 I2 i5 g' y里程碑222 {: ~" d) a, _3 H- u" ~- u- l% l4 o9 P
1990年 Mechanisms of genetic instability in cancer 肿瘤遗传不稳定性的机制- \3 F6 o/ n1 l+ \% G7 F& O+ \. U- E& o3 w' Y3 ]
虽然很多肿瘤是由于癌基因和抑癌基因的突变引起的,但细胞保护机制(DNA修复机制)的缺陷同样可以导致肿瘤的发生。最初这种设想来源于Theodor Boveri对实体瘤染色体不平衡的研究。DNA损伤小到单个碱基的错配,大到不平衡易位,这些水平的遗传不稳定性都可以导致癌基因和染色体畸变,加速肿瘤的发生。
9 R# |; l% w% S) @% K6 w* o2 }" T% G6 n; ~( U4 d/ q  z+ j当细胞被紫外线照射后会出现碱基的二聚化,这时就需要核苷切除修复的参与来保证复制的顺利进行。有些人类综合症表现出了紫外线超敏,如皮肤干燥病表现出了明显的肿瘤倾向,已经克隆出了很多与皮肤干燥病相关的基因,这些基因都参与了DNA的修复过程。皮肤干燥病主要不是DNA水平的损伤,而是DNA修复过程的缺陷。非息肉性直肠癌同样也表现出了明显的修复过程的缺陷,细菌错配修复缺陷菌株和非息肉性直肠癌细胞有相似的微卫星重复序列,这一现象使人们定位出了与细菌错配修复基因同源的MutS、MutH、MutL。接着的几年内,研究人员还克隆出了一些亚类基因。. |! L2 |1 L- V4 {5 Q  ?! f# d% ^% n; \* I* z: J
在人类肿瘤中会伴随着一些大的染色体改变,这一现象的机制是研究的热点。一些研究表明端粒酶的失活和P53的失活导致了染色体的不稳定,另一些研究则表明有丝分裂纺锤体检测点异常同样可以引起染色体不稳定。研究表明DNA修复缺陷存在很多种形式,并可引起基因不稳定而导致肿瘤的发生。在散发病例的肿瘤患者中,基因不稳定是否会导致肿瘤的发生还存在着较大的争议,但保护基因组的完整性是一种有效的肿瘤抑制机制。' T5 U' p- D) K# C9 T- Z% f
, ], t( B8 {& [2 |2 T% R$ N% R里程碑23, f* t5 `$ \  q2 t2 }2 x1 s" h5 h* J: A, s
1999年 Cancer profiling 肿瘤谱: ?( \0 H" K: H& T' Z$ m. h: k
0 o5 O3 f. h! L/ ^对于不同的肿瘤类型采取不同的治疗方案,会使肿瘤的治疗达到最大的疗效、最小的毒副作用。传统的肿瘤分类方法是根据形态学来分类的,但是具有相似的形态学和组织学特征的肿瘤对于治疗会有完全不同的反应。一种好的分类方法是能够预测临床结果和选择最适的治疗方案,芯片技术的出现使这种分类方法成为可能。7 e) k6 X* |/ k( Z# {6 f1 _% a- @
$ K6 q/ h( v% m. }# a% F1999年,Todd Gold和Donna Slonin及其同事第一次提出了基因表达谱可以用来区分不同的肿瘤类型。他们将急性粒细胞白血病和急性淋巴细胞白血病作为研究对象,基于这两种肿瘤不同的基因表达形式来区分肿瘤类型,并评价了这种分类方法的有效性。这种分类方法能很好的预测肿瘤对于化疗的反应。这种根据基因表达来区分肿瘤类型的方法可以用于区分不明种类的肿瘤。肿瘤基因表达谱还可以预测肿瘤的转移能力、不良预后。将肿瘤谱进一步的细化,肿瘤谱诊断已经用于了临床,但是,这种分类方法在临床的应用价值还不能确定。这种基因芯片法的一个重要特征是不会受主观偏差。因此,这种方法可以将肿瘤分类系统化,并不受我们先前生物知识的影响。. I  _8 f1 Q  }) f
  |$ V" f& V' @. D里程碑24* [" P* |1 c' h) ~, Q) D9 `+ j
$ g. J2 n8 C. T" Y2001年 Targeted cancer therapy 肿瘤靶向治疗' f5 W  B- }) U" C( l; _6 _/ J+ h" w' u* q$ u
在最近的几十年内, “癌症之战”已经变成陈腔滥调。但它确实描述了我们在癌症治疗中取得的种种胜利。Tamoxifen已经证明,肿瘤可以用特异性的药物治疗来避免传统化疗的毒副作用。癌基因的发现使肿瘤靶向治疗成为可能。
4 w+ n& r! Q: M# r0 _' R6 @, }+ s# A& c# ~曲妥单抗是第一个用于分子靶向治疗的单克隆抗体。它可以阻断表皮生长因子受体2的作用。Dennis和他的同事们发现曲妥单抗加常规化疗的效果要明显优于单独使用常规化疗。如果说曲妥单抗证明了分子靶向治疗的 Precision weapons 4 V4 {8 V6 T7 u. r
. ?. L& |" B% |7 L7 P& _有效性,那么甲磺酸伊马替尼的出现使我们真正认识到了这种治疗的巨大潜力。甲磺酸伊马替尼阻断了BCR和ABL的活性位点,使98%的慢性粒细胞白血病病人血细胞计数恢复正常。George Demetri和他的同事们应用甲磺酸伊马替尼阻断C-KIT基因用于治疗恶性胃肠道间质肿瘤,同样也取得了成功。然而,分子治疗存在很多抗药性,很多病人会出现耐药现象,这是由于靶蛋白的突变所造成的。针对这些缺点,研究人员已经设计了一些新的药物,有些已经进入了临床。但是,“肿瘤之战”还刚刚开始,要想取得最终胜利还有很长的路要走,分子靶向治疗是我们能否取得胜利的重要转折点。0 k9 P( \" U2 c, h' T
4 u8 I) g- S- d' Q' v( ^7 ]. G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  [( K+ F+ Y: Q* ~) c# ?- z/ h: d; ~) a9 P+ l! _  C8 E8 z! H
谢谢啊- f+ H8 O4 y5 n6 n7 Y1 A+ X( g% A. }7 j# z* ], J7 c* K0 z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 p; G8 V5 Y8 ?6 F, n0 s% G. k% t7 |  q. ^2 n% U
' b1 m! D2 _4 b0 j1 o7 F* \& M* C+ p. _. i% @0 h; y) n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  V/ y9 f' u; C6 S+ |, C2 e" [0 h# Z给大家推荐本中文方面的,《肿瘤的分子诊断与预测》,钦伦秀 主编。上海科技教育出版社。特别是预测思维很有价值。
: s* e3 r% R5 g& G0 L- s! I9 D0 f4 k& s" T/ N! O; U' V+ J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ~) W/ t$ w% ?+ Q1 s* t0 A3 L, X: I2 `4 Q1 M1 ]6 V
Cancer Stem Cells¡&ordferspectives on Current Status and Future: j' o1 O/ N+ k: V" O1 B; k. A. T8 O: ?: E, s$ y1 n# i2 A6 O, t
Directions: AACR Workshop on Cancer Stem Cells
: o8 q( E  C3 P# X9 y9 I5 y5 H' Z0 O4 O/ M* G. [3 O$ @8 n
! H7 Y( x2 L3 ~, Q0008-5472.CAN-06-3126v1.pdf (203.69k)
1 @8 K1 |3 n, l; @/ C$ F0 v! u$ E! l) Y# \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, z9 U* C1 b% [3 ~% z, r7 K! r) h# c, O  k; R2 w; t科学最需要的是自己的思路,西方莫不如此。0 m6 h6 a& m. M# J
4 Q$ T9 }. t+ V8 R+ q) m6 J+ K
/ y& N2 j  L3 u8 ~, i7 D/ T  z) R* o# Z" e科学最最需要的是坚持自己的思路,错了只是自己的失误,正确了,是人类的福址,西方莫不如此。
0 z' p+ L& x. R3 }7 `2 @, g  u- x: d' l2 _" J% k, B% |& z
, D! p+ n8 `2 l7 F) i* {随大流不是科学,相反是迷信,是人类最大的迷信。国内很多人在搞所谓的科学,但是我想他们实际上在进行大规模的迷信活动,一种“科学”名义上的迷信活动。7 _2 f0 L3 T+ a, [4 v# J/ ]% H8 ?
2 p& m% v" A* P) d  u  N- T# l; ^! M+ q* m" K& |: ^8 d4 Y* }
我说这样观点的理由是:科学的进步除了验证外,更深层次的是证伪,也就是寻求不一致及其原因,只有知道了什么方面能够证实,什么方面能够证伪,我们才对事物有了科学的认识。也就是说:知道事物的两面才可能真正的认识事物。但是我们很多人已经忘记了硬币的另一面。8 n' Z( ?% |  ~( U
# x+ H4 b) z: y# Y8 C+ y/ R9 M7 I( w+ e: q! c" _
  y  B' U) \+ k/ w只有具有了自己的思路,并坚持,不顾外界的各种压力,才可能促进科学的真正进步。没有哥白尼的坚持,科学时代的到来可能更晚一些,没有达尔文自己一生的坚持,不会有《进化论》的诞生,没有爱因斯坦的孤独寂寞,物理学的革命要进一步推迟,没有Duesberg的坚持,癌症领域的研究将会更长时间忘记非整倍体的作用,没有Prehn的坚持,免疫对癌症的刺激研究会消失。, C8 c$ x% O8 Y- o* a; d. e
' s1 }- Z4 J7 a3 `$ t) S) f4 \0 k, N% s; v9 I% q* k7 [* Z( T3 w1 Q, g
西方人有坚持自己观点的习惯,甚至达到固执的程度。可能因为:他们自己认为自己坚持的就是真理,所以需要以自己的生命和名誉来维护和坚持。即使以后被证明错了,也只是自己的错误,正确了,是人类的幸运。况且,真理总是由两部分构成,一部分是“正确”的例子,一部分是“失误”的例子,只知道正确的例子不会真的认识真理,只有正反都知道了,才可能真的把握真理。从这个层次上说,坚持“错误”的观点也不能被认为就是历史的罪人,相反还有积极的,甚至真正的积极作用。人类进步的唯一道路是试错,不断的试错不断的进步,从这个意义上说,个人的观点已经没有什么谁对谁错,都是真理进步的阶梯。' y* i! K- o' ~8 T, e
6 R. C% ~: L, X) `4 ^+ o% X* Q1 ]& i3 u+ D' j0 o$ J
& t( }, I( b# h' @* d# L从个人认知角度来看,自己掌握的事实和推理技能是坚持自己观点的基础,也只有自己真正清楚自己的观点的正确程度,因此坚持自己的观点是坚持真理的最好策略和法则,西方人运用了并获得成功。相反,我们无法真的理解别人的观点,更难以达到别人的理解层次,从这个意义上说相信别人不相信自己就是迷信,这也其实是迷信存在的根源。因此,从某种意义上说,坚持自己的观点而不是总相信别人的观点是破除迷信的最有效手段,同样也是科学能够不断进步的最基本要求。
8 c* C4 ]2 D0 q  \2 l' X% q. x: c/ N' F. Z# J2 y3 j" _; r1 S- E& P; [! j% F1 s% S+ x2 n
; G% S- a# k4 r综上所述,我们有坚实的理由具有自己的思路,更有坚实的理由保卫自己的观点,那样才可能为自己和社会注入生命力。' ^( i- ]3 i" K, Q: s5 d/ O4 X5 m, K, C3 q
8 m. j' L) C- i4 ]% G# H& e1 K6 j9 q1 ]; I7 b5 N7 Z7 r$ o除了敬佩已经不知道说什么了~ 这个帖子坚持了这么久,cypress真的好谢谢你! 现在正开头看癌症机理方面的咚咚,看到这么个帖子真是受益匪浅。2 O$ x6 I5 v6 W+ }- i) n9 q
$ o& ^. o$ M& l* m. t5 Q! f# R--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 F  i. C. z2 s! [: u4 K2 Y. m: o% M- ~3 T6 X醍醐灌顶,受益非浅, f5 a5 U& Y8 A: F# T9 N- u
8 _% ]# _- e: C- c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 `9 B' r3 X7 Q3 X! b- u7 @
* }/ V0 ]' N3 j& i1 m9 i- {; b. QI will be to Japan to carry the research of MDR of gastric cancer cell. Whar should I prepare the my experiment.

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发表于 2010-2-3 08:43 |只看该作者
! F0 D8 J+ {9 P/ r9 `2 l$ J) @7 T学习了

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发表于 2010-2-4 17:51 |只看该作者
回复 10# zhangqh
( ?( d8 V# E3 q+ _
' x3 N( b, ]* v
( {; V& z2 X3 _6 A9 @7 j    我正在做肿瘤干细胞方面的一些研究,目前还比较迷茫

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发表于 2010-2-7 16:16 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-2-9 13:37 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-2-15 13:12 |只看该作者

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