干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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PDF电子书:handbook of stem cells(second edition)(2013) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 lgs1 2014-10-29 278647475 abc987 2024-3-8 00:01
PDF电子书:Neuronal Activity in Tumor Tissue attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..31 雪原 2009-6-27 304744423 分子工程师 2024-3-5 01:16
PDF电子书:Flow Cytometry for Biotechnology attach_img recommend heatlevel  ...23456..41 雪原 2009-6-11 4031120315 未必温暖 2024-3-4 22:33
PDF电子书:Data Analysis and Visualization in Genomics and Proteomics attachment agree  ...23456..27 shinejesse 2010-9-19 263638771 知足常乐 2024-3-1 10:21
PDF电子书:染色质与干细胞分化(很前沿的一起杂志) attachment agree  ...23456..26 xupanglian 2012-3-4 253643279 awen 2024-2-27 06:16
PDF电子书:Progenitor Cell Therapy attachment agree  ...23456..23 wjc1975 2011-1-3 220556574 nosoho 2024-2-24 00:27
PDF电子书:Harper.Illustrated.Biochemistry attach_img agree  ...23456..23 biology123 2010-4-20 226603880 syt7000 2024-2-18 13:34
PDF电子书: Hematology - Science and Practice (2012) attachment  ...23456..25 各输己键 2013-10-27 245685716 小倔驴 2024-2-16 15:01
PDF电子书Mesenchymal Stem Cells Methods and Protocols 200页 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 hawkyiger 2010-1-22 272807001 Greatjob 2023-12-25 11:17
PDF电子书:细胞的分子生物学(第四版,下册) attachment recommend agree kouke80 2010-4-12 454783 w343989328 2012-7-5 10:38
PDF电子书:细胞的分子生物学(原书第4版,中文版 上册) attachment recommend agree  ...2 kouke80 2010-4-12 14110537 w343989328 2012-7-5 10:38
PDF电子书:生命科学名著 细胞 attachment recommend agree hzh0525 2012-5-21 967525 andylee824 2012-5-21 15:13
PDF电子书:造血干细胞生物学及其研究方法 attachment agree  ...2 hzh0525 2012-5-16 1253827 mqz_11 2012-5-17 14:33
PDF电子书:干细胞组织工程技术 基础理论与临床应用 attachment agree  ...2 hzh0525 2012-5-16 1450957 sdwzg119 2012-5-17 14:32
PDF电子书:肿瘤干细胞 attachment recommend agree hzh0525 2012-5-16 742291 wlandragon 2012-5-17 13:24
PDF电子书:精编分子生物学实验指南 第五版 attachment agree  ...2 hzh0525 2012-5-16 17128421 sdwzg119 2012-5-17 11:55
PDF电子书:Stem Cell Biology and Gene Therapy attachment agree hzh0525 2012-5-16 118482 cz200203 2012-5-16 15:22
PDF电子书:罗宾病理学(英文,第7版) attachment recommend kouke80 2010-4-12 128755 dongdegushi 2010-4-12 23:37
PDF电子书:干细胞研究工具与实验方法(中文导读版) attachment recommend agree  ...2 kouke80 2010-3-28 1558555 lingren 2010-3-29 11:11


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