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美国药企厨房生产药品,从不检验-创造违规新高度 [复制链接]

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小小研究员 热心会员 优秀会员 优秀版主 金话筒 博览群书

发表于 2017-10-27 11:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
美国药企厨房生产药品,从不检验-创造违规新高度 -https://www.fda.gov/ICECI/Enforc ... /2017/ucm581620.htm
  E) {* h5 L2 n2 l# ^  ~1 c, }! o. x$ N, ]
FDA在其官网曝光了美国制药公司Ridge Properties, LLC的惊人违规行为:产品从未进行检验、投诉未调查、批记录不完整等,而最惊人的则是该公司药品在厨房中生产,使用家用厨房用具和一些锅碗瓢盆,并且厨房有一个开放式的窗户用于通风,并不能很好的防止药品污染和混淆。
5 _# Z6 ?5 f/ j% p; F
) y! F  K6 t1 B. [具体如下警告信摘译:
6 W: @! q: h2 g- m( b0 i  C
4 ?+ a0 R; L# P! W0 M$ SYour firm failed to have separate or defined areas or such other control systems necessary to prevent contamination or mix-ups (21 CFR 211.42(c)).
% y! `+ P+ R0 P; O) s贵公司没有单独的或者明确的区域或其他必要的此类系统来防止污染和混淆。: W" x9 c' \7 V. J: ?) \
' E, b4 Q7 r& U# U
Your firm manufactures drug products in a kitchen. You use household kitchen utensils and cookware, including a steel pot, (b)(4) blender, and kitchen spatula to mix ingredients. Our investigator observed conditions and practices that increase the risk of your drug products containing harmful and insanitary contaminants. For example, you had a window open to the outside for ventilation during production. You also stored cleaning equipment near formulation ingredients without adequate controls to prevent contamination.
5 i, K" `. l9 E+ i贵公司在厨房生产药品。你们使用家用厨房用具和锅碗瓢盆, 包括一个不锈钢锅、XX搅拌器和一个锅铲来混合原料。我们的检查员看到增加药品里面有害和肮脏污染风险的条件和操作。例如,你们有一个窗户是通过外打开来通风的。你们也将洗净的设备存放在原料附近而没有充分的控制来防止污染。
- n6 J: q' g6 r% {/ v. ]5 e) t: F4 ?' G1 t4 K4 Z- _, R
3 J' n8 |5 Y6 h2 F5 s1 _2 q$ m
YOWCH EXTRA STRENGTH FOR INSECT BITES AND STINGS- lidocaine hcl cream    Z0 ~) d" Q. K! A! e. Q
ridge properties llc
" h, G3 r% K7 [" y# o. b; h' T7 C4 e* C9 D' L) N# e1 Y
Disclaimer: Most OTC drugs are not reviewed and approved by FDA, however they may be marketed if they comply with applicable regulations and policies. FDA has not evaluated whether this product complies.& }( S! z* m8 H1 o5 _) q  Y

4 M/ j9 z1 c' G这是Wyoming一家1-10人生产天然止痛软膏的企业, 显然是走OTC monograph途径避开注册。对于OTC产品, 就好比自己承诺符合法规要求, 如不符合后果自负, 类似飞机入境前填的custom form, 如果答案全是No, 查出Yes, 等着罚款并计入黑名单。一般来讲美国人没有中国人脑子活络,比较老实,少钻空子, 凡事都有例外, 更何况是一个混杂的移民国家。头上三尺有神明, 心生敬畏才不至于剑走偏锋。/ ~9 U+ V" u3 Q# d4 `* c
' g7 X+ x8 C' D% T
) ~0 t0 v2 L8 x3 n  X
来源:丁香园论坛 http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/topic/37762865
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