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中科院广州Miguel课题组招聘【博士后】和【助理研究员】 [复制链接]

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发表于 2018-9-11 06:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院Miguel课题组主要从事转录及转录后调控在细胞命运转变过程中的作用及机理,同时拥有人类疾病来源的多能干细胞模型并建立相关的研究工作。本实验室是中国科学院再生生物学重点实验室的成员,先后承担国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划,其中Miguel研究员为首位承担中国科技部973计划项目首席科学家的外裔研究员), 国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划,广东省干细胞重大专项等项目。近年来,课题组相关研究成果先后发表在Nature Methods, Nature Cell Biology, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Research, Nature Protocol, Nature Materials等高水平学术刊物上,总引用次数超2000次(详情参见:http://www.miguelestebanlab.site)。现因课题需要,招聘以下人员:
* l" \" Q! l! @1 V$ |专业背影描述:
* A0 \0 Z0 _7 [0 U) x' B1.干细胞生物,生化与分子和细胞生物学理论基础. |, ~( A# H2 a9 z
2.生物信息学,能熟悉相关软件的操作和大数据的挖掘和分析% I) E& a' ~: [
+ v1 d8 `8 e) G( B岗位名称1:博士后
$ @7 ~: h2 u" E$ ~拟招聘人数:2-3人  D8 i: a' I; w. |/ v! H
岗位职责:  `$ d2 N) K  h; v6 U* H( J+ c
7 z+ k8 h8 e, n6 H2.协助管理实验室和相关的科研项目( b- w# x" p' O4 g+ @5 r( B( I
0 c! O* ]% \( i0 Q* I应聘条件:0 o% }% E( r$ O6 {/ [3 O+ k
1.具有细胞生物学,生物化学或生物信息学等相关专业博士学位以上学历;以第一作者身份在相关领域高水平学术杂志发表过研究论文可获优先考虑;# g: D5 @6 t6 ]5 @3 g
2.具有全面扎实的专业技能;% g0 j; B6 @" _5 m
2 _$ A; g3 q4 u7 a4.热爱生命科学研究,身心健康,主动沟通能力强,勤干捷思,有责任感心,并能承受一定的工作压力* I' E$ T" F3 P- F8 v8 v* s
岗位名称2:助理研究员或研究实习员4 _- s; a% m( }
拟招聘人数:1-2人, `7 q/ n* D2 m* ^& N& Q# |& ]: J2 G
岗位职责:6 V3 Q- S  D5 i1 X+ F. e6 |
3 V- k( M7 m7 {( F) x! p2.协助完成组长分配的科研任务
; h( C* {4 |& I' {* g1 O, A3.完成课题数据的分析和呈现
& t$ V9 V! Y  U( i应聘条件:
0 K) I1 M) P( k1 D. n& Y1.具有细胞生物学、生物化学或生物信息学等相关专业硕士学位以上学历;或具有相关行业从业经历的优秀本科毕业生;
& b& y; k/ S6 @6 {2.具有一定的英语读写和听说能力,能通读英文文献;
% s: B- ~9 _- B3.动手能力强,善于沟通,积极主动,且有强烈的责任心和团队精神,能承受一定的工作压力0 I" J( ?! r5 l$ _

) l3 X4 q/ V9 ~: j2 @; f5 m符合条件者请将英文简历(包括教育、工作经历、发表论文情况,感兴趣的研究方向等材料),投递至guo_xiangpeng@gibh.ac.cnlai_yiwei@gibh.ac.cn,待遇面议。
3 x) H& Z5 }9 c( h# k! ^8 X8 r6 f" L
+ e" C" b/ a6 |  G" o1 u部分发表的文章:4 `7 P% c* J- {/ V9 R' s! L1 \
NCoR/SMRT co-repressors cooperate with c-MYC to create an epigenetic barrier to somatic cell reprogramming. Zhuang Q, Li W, Benda C, Huang Z, Ahmed T, Liu P, Guo X, Ibanez DP, Luo Z, Zhang M, Abdul MM, Yang Z, Yang J, Huang Y, Zhang H, Huang D, Zhou J, Zhong X, Zhu X, Fu X, Fan W, Liu Y, Xu Y, Ward C, Khan MJ, Kanwal S, Mirza B, Tortorella MD, Tse HF, Chen J, Qin B, Bao X, Gao S, Hutchins AP, Esteban MA*. Nature Cell Biology. 2018  *Corresponding author
/ _+ b, H. w/ W& O: N8 i/ TCapturing the interactome of newly transcribed RNA. Bao X, Guo X, Yin M, Tariq M, Lai Y, Kanwal S, Zhou J, Li N, Lv Y, Pulido-Quetglas C, Wang X, Ji L, Khan MJ, Zhu X, Luo Z, Shao C, Lim DH, Liu X, Li N, Wang W, He M, Liu YL, Ward C, Wang T, Zhang G, Wang D, Yang J, Chen Y, Zhang C, Jauch R, Yang YG, Wang Y, Qin B, Anko ML, Hutchins AP, Sun H, Wang H, Fu XD, Zhang B, Esteban MA*. Nature Methods. 2018 *Corresponding author: _  Z2 m3 J* s% o
Generation of Human Liver Chimeric Mice with Hepatocytes from Familial Hypercholesterolemia Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Yang J, Wang Y, Zhou T, Wong LY, Tian XY, Hong X, Lai WH, Au KW, Wei R, Liu Y, Cheng LH, Liang G, Huang Z, Fan W, Zhao P, Wang X, Ibañez DP, Luo Z, Li Y, Zhong X, Chen S, Wang D, Li L, Lai L, Qin B, Bao X, Hutchins AP, Siu CW, Huang Y, Esteban MA*, Tse HF. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 *Corresponding author* |4 T7 O( X3 T: u7 [' O
Transcriptional pause release is a rate-limiting step for somatic cell reprogramming. 1 \" L: r5 f" z, F
Liu L, Xu Y, He M, Zhang M, Cui F, Lu L, Yao M, Tian W, Benda C, Zhuang Q, Huang Z, Li W, Li X, Zhao P, Fan W, Luo Z, Li Y, Wu Y, Hutchins AP, Wang D, Tse HF, Schambach A, Frampton J, Qin B, Bao X, Yao H, Zhang B, Sun H, Pei D, Wang H, Wang J, Esteban MA*. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 *Corresponding author
, j* e+ s% |5 W; g6 aGeneration of human induced pluripotent stem cells from urine samples. Zhou T, Benda C, Dunzinger S, Huang Y, Ho JC, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhuang Q, Li Y, Bao X, Tse HF, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Nature Protocols. 2012 *Corresponding author
" H/ Q* R8 K4 o8 G7 G# IGeneration of induced pluripotent stem cells from urine. Zhou T, Benda C, Duzinger S, Huang Y, Li X, Li Y, Guo X, Cao G, Chen S, Hao L, Chan YC, Ng KM, Ho JC, Wieser M, Wu J, Redl H, Tse HF, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2011 *Corresponding author' n9 T- q, a, ^' W4 |4 i
Rescue of ATP7B function in hepatocyte-like cells from Wilson's disease induced pluripotent stem cells using gene therapy or the chaperone drug curcumin. Zhang S, Chen S, Li W, Guo X, Zhao P, Xu J, Chen Y, Pan Q, Liu X, Zychlinski D, Lu H, Tortorella MD, Schambach A, Wang Y, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Human Molecular Genetics. 2011 *Corresponding author/ m6 l3 ~" C2 T9 d
A mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition initiates and is required for the nuclear reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts. Li R, Liang J, Ni S, Zhou T, Qing X, Li H, He W, Chen J, Li F, Zhuang Q, Qin B, Xu J, Li W, Yang J, Gan Y, Qin D, Feng S, Song H, Yang D, Zhang B, Zeng L, Lai L, Esteban MA*, Pei D. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 *Corresponding author
, s0 K$ A1 P1 F1 X7 \: i7 `Vitamin C enhances the generation of mouse and human induced pluripotent stem cells. Esteban MA, Wang T, Qin B, Yang J, Qin D, Cai J, Li W, Weng Z, Chen J, Ni S, Chen K, Li Y, Liu X, Xu J, Zhang S, Li F, He W, Labuda K, Song Y, Peterbauer A, Wolbank S, Redl H, Zhong M, Cai D, Zeng L, Pei D. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 
9 l6 @/ @9 M8 S. y5 y2 j  b' yThe laboratory of RNA, Chromatin, and Human Disease at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has two major ongoing efforts: one on transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms controlling cell fate transitions, in particular dissolving/maintaining pluripotency, and the other on creating an atlas of human diseases using stem cells. Our long-term goal is to understand the intricacy of healthy and diseased cell identity. We are a member of the Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology, CAS, and are supported by various foundations and programs including the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation, National Key Research Development Program, and many others. Our lab has created a mature and systematic experimental platform, and the related work has been published in Nature Methods, Nature Cell Biology, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Research, Nature Protocols, Nature Materials, Nature Genetics, and other high-profile journals. (For more details please refer to: http://www.miguelestebanlab.site). Professor Miguel A. Esteban is an internationally renowned foreign scientist fully based in China since 2008. He has been recipient of many awards including the 2017 Outstanding Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In our lab, we use Chinese and English indistinctly for communication.
1 I" j- V- [! c' h3 s$ [7 aJob 1: Post Description and Candidate Requirements for Postdoctoral Fellow:
/ g! N1 _4 E! |We are now looking for highly motivated research scientists with passion and curiosity for science. A successful candidate will have expertise in either stem cell biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, proteomics, or related disciplines. The candidate should have the ability to take on the projects semi-independently (including applying for projects/grants with guidance from the lab heads) and be involved in the supervision of the students and help to manage the lab.: y3 R) M, X' \# p* `1 s$ Q" H- E
Minimum qualifications:
0 M+ ]# Q& w2 ]' z1.PhD degree in Cell Biology/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics or other biology science discipline.* x/ Z9 X  W6 j+ K+ g
2.Adequate publication record would be preferentially considered.* k& W% `5 S6 M) u
3.Good knowledge of English is a plus but proficiency is not at all an absolute requirement.7 r3 @, V) c! o$ R+ u% a
Postdocotoral fellowship salary is competitive.
1 o5 U- W* s0 f6 Q& PJob 2: Post Description and Candidate Requirements for Research Assistant% T/ W2 b5 k4 ]: W5 ~' u9 r2 s( m
The candidates will need to finish the related experiments (molecular biology and/or tissue culture) with close guidance from the supervisor.
& P: q8 L! E: R7 c, F* GMinimum qualifications:- ~  t" A: Z( v( {( L( k+ ?
1.Master’s degree in Cell Biology/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics or other biology science discipline. ) G  `4 A/ e9 D9 n2 X: e- v
2.Enjoy team work, be serious and active in work, have interests in scientific research.0 j( Z" E, z; B( U  m5 M
3.Adequate knowledge of English in reading and speaking will be a plus but is not absolutely necessary.
9 \4 D  a) w& g. y% DApplicants are welcomed to send their CV in English to guo_xiangpeng@gibh.ac.cn and lai_yiwei@gibh.ac.cn 1 Z! h; i1 z" }. K2 O8 a
Selected publications:
0 }- O, p2 r% T% TNCoR/SMRT co-repressors cooperate with c-MYC to create an epigenetic barrier to somatic cell reprogramming. Zhuang Q, Li W, Benda C, Huang Z, Ahmed T, Liu P, Guo X, Ibanez DP, Luo Z, Zhang M, Abdul MM, Yang Z, Yang J, Huang Y, Zhang H, Huang D, Zhou J, Zhong X, Zhu X, Fu X, Fan W, Liu Y, Xu Y, Ward C, Khan MJ, Kanwal S, Mirza B, Tortorella MD, Tse HF, Chen J, Qin B, Bao X, Gao S, Hutchins AP, Esteban MA*. Nature Cell Biology. 2018  *Corresponding author( Y9 b' T* b4 s: h% g3 Q% I; A5 @
Capturing the interactome of newly transcribed RNA. Bao X, Guo X, Yin M, Tariq M, Lai Y, Kanwal S, Zhou J, Li N, Lv Y, Pulido-Quetglas C, Wang X, Ji L, Khan MJ, Zhu X, Luo Z, Shao C, Lim DH, Liu X, Li N, Wang W, He M, Liu YL, Ward C, Wang T, Zhang G, Wang D, Yang J, Chen Y, Zhang C, Jauch R, Yang YG, Wang Y, Qin B, Anko ML, Hutchins AP, Sun H, Wang H, Fu XD, Zhang B, Esteban MA*. Nature Methods. 2018 *Corresponding author1 P' N  M, T6 V1 Z! l
Generation of Human Liver Chimeric Mice with Hepatocytes from Familial Hypercholesterolemia Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Yang J, Wang Y, Zhou T, Wong LY, Tian XY, Hong X, Lai WH, Au KW, Wei R, Liu Y, Cheng LH, Liang G, Huang Z, Fan W, Zhao P, Wang X, Ibañez DP, Luo Z, Li Y, Zhong X, Chen S, Wang D, Li L, Lai L, Qin B, Bao X, Hutchins AP, Siu CW, Huang Y, Esteban MA*, Tse HF. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 *Corresponding author% r6 i& ^# G" d& ^  R' {$ B
Transcriptional pause release is a rate-limiting step for somatic cell reprogramming. 8 s  o$ b& F  M3 D# ]- r
Liu L, Xu Y, He M, Zhang M, Cui F, Lu L, Yao M, Tian W, Benda C, Zhuang Q, Huang Z, Li W, Li X, Zhao P, Fan W, Luo Z, Li Y, Wu Y, Hutchins AP, Wang D, Tse HF, Schambach A, Frampton J, Qin B, Bao X, Yao H, Zhang B, Sun H, Pei D, Wang H, Wang J, Esteban MA*. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 *Corresponding author* ^, t: P7 M, M6 O
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from urine samples. Zhou T, Benda C, Dunzinger S, Huang Y, Ho JC, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhuang Q, Li Y, Bao X, Tse HF, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Nature Protocols. 2012 *Corresponding author% f# j* h& c! ?0 f$ F3 ]" P) B
Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from urine. Zhou T, Benda C, Duzinger S, Huang Y, Li X, Li Y, Guo X, Cao G, Chen S, Hao L, Chan YC, Ng KM, Ho JC, Wieser M, Wu J, Redl H, Tse HF, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2011 *Corresponding author
: Z8 }8 j* o- ^; KRescue of ATP7B function in hepatocyte-like cells from Wilson's disease induced pluripotent stem cells using gene therapy or the chaperone drug curcumin. Zhang S, Chen S, Li W, Guo X, Zhao P, Xu J, Chen Y, Pan Q, Liu X, Zychlinski D, Lu H, Tortorella MD, Schambach A, Wang Y, Pei D, Esteban MA*. Human Molecular Genetics. 2011 *Corresponding author; ]5 G& O, i" ?8 ]3 [0 T7 z2 I
A mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition initiates and is required for the nuclear reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts. Li R, Liang J, Ni S, Zhou T, Qing X, Li H, He W, Chen J, Li F, Zhuang Q, Qin B, Xu J, Li W, Yang J, Gan Y, Qin D, Feng S, Song H, Yang D, Zhang B, Zeng L, Lai L, Esteban MA*, Pei D. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 *Corresponding author8 K6 z0 _  n1 s1 ]- x: l( ]5 p( C  d
Vitamin C enhances the generation of mouse and human induced pluripotent stem cells. Esteban MA, Wang T, Qin B, Yang J, Qin D, Cai J, Li W, Weng Z, Chen J, Ni S, Chen K, Li Y, Liu X, Xu J, Zhang S, Li F, He W, Labuda K, Song Y, Peterbauer A, Wolbank S, Redl H, Zhong M, Cai D, Zeng L, Pei D. Cell Stem Cell. 2010 
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