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Epicardial Cells of Human Adults Can Undergo an Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transi [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-5 00:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
作者:John van Tuyna,b,c, Douwe E. Atsmaa, Elizabeth M. Winterc,d, Ietje van der Velde-van Dijkeb, Daniel A. Pijnappelsa, Noortje A.M. Baxa,d, Shoshan Knan-Shanzerb, Adriana C. Gittenberger-de Grootd, Robert E. Poelmannd, Arnoud van der Laarsea, Ernst E. van der Walla, Martin J. Schalija, Antoine A.F. de 作者单位:aDepartment of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands;bVirus and Stem Cell Biology Laboratory, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands;cInteruniversity Cardiology Institute of Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands
! w( P4 l; z- y                  
3 m/ B) Z0 z) v* z                  
9 m& h0 E( n  u9 f1 j9 S, T" Z0 p            m5 d& R3 J9 c
0 n& j" B* H( M5 r            
0 u  @: G0 D1 k* U4 e& b7 u4 `            
1 Z/ B  O  {* J4 i6 o, ]7 a/ A            6 f3 h" R6 u" A% [# m
            9 E& G; Z  T; I% J
2 v! m* l# F8 v# K        : y6 h8 M9 v# Y& |7 o
' Q) e9 {( k+ G$ A; `: d" u- w        & j) g& E& n0 U' ?5 Y9 t
2 F/ j' x" m  H: T# i* \      Myocardial and coronary development are both critically dependent on epicardial cells. During cardiomorphogenesis, a subset of epicardial cells undergoes an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and invades the myocardium to differentiate into various cell types, including coronary smooth muscle cells and perivascular and cardiac interstitial fibroblasts. Our current knowledge of epicardial EMT and the ensuing epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) comes primarily from studies of chick and mouse embryonic development. Due to the absence of an in vitro culture system, very little is known about human EPDCs. Here, we report for the first time the establishment of cultures of primary epicardial cells from human adults and describe their immunophenotype, transcriptome, transducibility, and differentiation potential in vitro. Changes in morphology and ß-catenin staining pattern indicated that human epicardial cells spontaneously undergo EMT early during ex vivo culture. The surface antigen profile of the cells after EMT closely resembles that of subepithelial fibroblasts; however, only EPDCs express the cardiac marker genes GATA4 and cardiac troponin T. After infection with an adenovirus vector encoding the transcription factor myocardin or after treatment with transforming growth factor-ß1 or bone morphogenetic protein-2, EPDCs obtain characteristics of smooth muscle cells. Moreover, EPDCs can undergo osteogenesis but fail to form adipocytes or endothelial cells in vitro. Cultured epicardial cells from human adults recapitulate at least part of the differentiation potential of their embryonic counterparts and represent an excellent model system to explore the biological properties and therapeutic potential of these cells.
6 e# t# K+ W5 N. V! i          【关键词】 Osteoblast Myogenesis Mesenchymal stem cell Adipogenesis Adult stem cells Angiogenesis In vitro culture Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
. q! A' t( W- _& z* Y3 b# Z                  INTRODUCTION
/ b/ W7 i9 T: T. ^8 T; K6 b  u& V' h, e: G. e. u8 l
Cardiomorphogenesis is an intricate process, involving cells from different embryonic origins that form distinct structures within the heart. The epicardium, which comprises the outermost layer of the heart and consists of mesothelial cells, is derived from a temporary structure of precursor cells with different developmental potentials termed the proepicardium (reviewed in .4 E) T0 K% P8 S& u  u1 I
6 G! C1 `+ t  v+ b
Recently, an epicardial cell line from rat was described .9 W  Y, D! E$ n: m6 M. @  d

/ {" `& f2 q4 ?* O  G0 R' {" c; OHere, we report the in vitro culture and subsequent characterization, using various cell biological, immunological, and molecular biological assays, of EPDCs derived from human adults. These studies reveal that primary human epicardial cells clearly differ from both primary human foreskin fibroblasts (FFBs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in their surface antigen and gene expression profiles as well as in their differentiation potential. Moreover, our findings that the in vitro cultured primary human epicardial cells undergo EMT and, after stimulation with TGF-ß1 or bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or following forced expression of myocardin, obtain characteristics of SMCs indicate that these cells retain part of the differentiation capacity present in EPDCs during embryonic development.1 M& S: \, ]5 T) c

- a  B; l  F$ N& t; xMATERIALS AND METHODS+ R* Y$ j% i) X
' T  d* ?5 C1 @" E4 W, d
Isolation and Culture of Human EPDCs
& z% V1 ~# z4 |" U: n8 }, x  x% s5 a0 V7 l2 z0 j! S8 N* A0 x* f
All experiments with human tissue specimens were carried out according to the official guidelines of the Leiden University Medical Center. EPDCs were cultured from right atrial appendages excised during cardiac surgery of adult patients. The layer of epicardium was stripped from the appendage, placed in a 2-cm2 culture dish (Greiner Bio-One, Frickenhausen, Germany, http://www.gbo.com/en) coated with porcine gelatin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, http://www.sigmaaldrich.com), and capped with a 14-mm round glass coverslip to keep the tissue from floating. The cells were cultured in a 1:1 mixture of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) and medium 199 (M199) containing 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 µg/ml streptomycin, 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (all from Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, http://www.invitrogen.com), and 2 ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (Sigma-Aldrich). The culture medium was refreshed every 2 days. Four to seven days after initiation of the cultures, when outgrowths of epithelium-like cells were visible, the coverslips and the remaining tissue pieces were removed. These EPDCs were then either detached from the bottom of the culture dish with trypsin solution (Invitrogen) to establish subcultures or processed for immunofluorescent labeling of ß-catenin. Characterization experiments were performed with at least four different EPDC isolates, and differentiation experiments were confirmed with at least two different EPDC isolates.6 d* U! G) ?, ^0 U7 z
! U+ _  G( B9 W1 S$ A$ w
Cell Culture! r- M" K' V4 x+ g1 O

$ j, ~3 P0 Y6 M+ L- z2 }MSCs and FFBs were cultured in DMEM containing 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 µg/ml streptomycin (DMEM-PS), and 10% FBS . All cells were maintained at 37¡ãC in a humidified air-5% CO2 atmosphere.2 d$ X8 o% \' ~8 z

$ K2 q0 q0 V5 w& DImmunophenotyping, p% E8 u$ S9 R. e6 p; k
. f: F& V7 q' P9 ]5 T
The surface antigen expression profiles of EPDCs and FFBs were determined by flow cytometry as described previously for bone marrow-derived MSCs . To detect Isl-1 and von Willebrand factor (vWF), the cells were rinsed with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), fixed in 100% ethanol for 1 hour at ¨C20¡ãC, and washed with PBS containing 5% FBS prior to incubation with primary antibodies.
9 y4 Z+ V5 L) Q3 \/ ?
9 i3 D/ k& ~9 T: ERNA Extraction
0 j% L9 D2 c% b) O7 P+ h
% O/ }/ e4 y" A& D; }Total cellular RNA was extracted from tissues and cultured cells using the Nucleospin II kit (Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. K.G., D¨¹ren, Germany, https://www.macherey-nagel.com). Human atrial RNA was derived from pooled right atrial appendages; human ventricular RNA was obtained from viable heart muscle tissue removed during partial left ventriculectomy. Skeletal muscle RNA was extracted from a specimen of vastus lateralis muscle. Arteries from human umbilical cords served as a source of vascular smooth muscle RNA.
" e- V7 w9 }* }# a
9 j& f4 \' |* Z! wAdenoviral Transduction
; W$ g& N9 c  K/ a: f! ?; }) X
" Z2 U) X+ R9 U6 K/ TThe conventional human adenovirus serotype 5 (hAd5) vector hAd5/F5.CMV.eGFP expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene, the fiber-modified hAd5 vectors hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP and hAd5/F50.CMV.myocL encoding eGFP and myocardin (respectively), and the control vector hAd5/F50.empty have been described previously . To determine the optimal adenovirus vector and its dose for the transduction of EPDCs, FFBs, and MSCs, they were exposed to 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, or 200 infectious units (IU) of hAd5/F5.CMV.eGFP or hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP per cell and seeded in 2-cm2 wells at a concentration of 104 cells per cm2. The inoculum was removed after 16 hours, and at 72 hours postinfection, the cells were subjected to flow cytometric analyses. To analyze the effect of myocardin on EDPCs, FFBs, and MSCs, they were either mock-infected or infected with 50 (EPDCs) or 100 (FFBs, MSCs) IU of hAd5/F50.CMV.myocL or hAd5/F50.empty per cell and plated at a density of 104 cells per cm2 in 10-cm2 dishes for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis or on glass coverslips for immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM). The culture medium was refreshed every other day until at 1 week after infection, when the cells were processed for RT-PCR analysis or IFM.
7 `" a2 r4 r  t8 f$ i8 J$ b3 O: i: d2 b  U
RT-PCR Analysis+ I; N' |1 f$ v8 c, Q6 f, ^
7 X! J- w, A% {; g1 V
RT was performed with 2 µg of total RNA as previously reported  with the addition of primer pairs targeting transcripts encoding the -subunit of the cardiac fast sodium channel (SCN5a) (5'-TGCTTGAGTATGCCGACAAG-3' and 5'-GTTGATGCACCTCCCAAACT-3') or vWF (5'-TCCTGGAGGAGCAGTGTCTT-3' and 5'-AGCTGCCTTCCAACATGAC-3') with an annealing temperature of 60¡ãC and 38 or 35 cycles, respectively. As internal controls for the quantity and quality of the RNA specimens, RT-PCR amplifications targeting transcripts of the housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were performed in parallel. Total RNA samples derived from human atrium, ventricle, vascular smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle were also subjected to RT-PCR to provide positive controls and to determine the specificity of the marker genes. PCRs carried out with water instead of cDNA served as negative controls. For semiquantitative PCR, 5 µl of a 10-, 50-, 250-, 1,250-, and 6,250-fold dilution of the original cDNA sample in water was used.
/ n  H1 u# T) v' x3 s* i
" P& T% I1 P) X) uImmunofluorescence Microscopy
! C7 C4 @* f% V0 t( b- i  [( _* ^6 x* _
Cells were processed for IFM as described previously  in combination with sarcomeric -actinin (sACTN)- or aortic smooth muscle actin (ASMA)-specific mouse monoclonal antibodies and visualized with a mixture of appropriate secondary antibodies.% a+ m3 w0 b. {9 [8 d1 j, M) V
: v) g3 F% E. A4 L- j0 Y
In Vitro SMC, Adipocyte, and Osteoblast Differentiation/ ?0 d) X1 k2 h" {1 T

3 F. d' N  l) A1 T. ^! c1 T% LTo study SMC differentiation, cells were seeded on glass coverslips at a density of 104 cells per cm2 and allowed to attach overnight. Next, the culture medium was replaced with DMEM-PS without growth factors or with recombinant human TGF-ß1 (PeproTech, Rocky Hill, NJ, http://www.peprotech.com) or BMP-2 (Sigma-Aldrich) at a final concentration of 50 ng/ml. The cells received fresh medium every 3 days and were processed for IFM at 11 days after the start of the experiment. In vitro adipogenesis and osteogenesis were induced as described before .
, E5 A; P3 c. s* L  z- d5 O' N$ u3 s2 i! I+ v/ |+ i5 T9 O
' P/ x! W5 v% i5 @1 _! C% @" M' O% q4 S( S5 s2 W9 d2 X
Isolation of Human EPDCs# f7 B: h5 S; b& d7 e0 y9 _7 @! g

+ c+ G0 A5 u5 a. ^8 O  _' A: kIn vitro culture of epicardium dissected from right atrial appendages of human adults resulted in the outgrowth of cells with an epithelioid cobblestone-like morphology (Fig. 1A, left panel). These EPDCs displayed intense ß-catenin staining, especially at sites of cell-to-cell contact, confirming their epithelial nature (Fig. 1B, left panel). After trypsinization and seeding at a low density, the cells adopted a fibroid spindle-shaped appearance (Fig. 1A, right panel). These morphological changes were accompanied by a reduction in ß-catenin level and a redistribution of this component of adherent junctions to the cytoplasm, even at intercellular contact regions (Fig. 1B, right panel), suggesting that the EPDCs underwent EMT in vitro. Because it was not possible to maintain EPDCs as an epithelial sheet during prolonged culture, these cells were further characterized after they had undergone complete EMT, as determined by morphology and ß-catenin staining.
! K7 X' q6 |, N0 p! v
: p6 D2 o; P6 |) e4 X5 A; z, O/ E9 ]Figure 1. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs). Left panels: EPDCs with epithelial morphology. Right panels: EPDCs with mesenchymal morphology. (A): Bright-field images. (B): Immunofluorescent images of ß-catenin (green) and Hoechst 33342 (nuclei; blue) staining.
8 [% j6 A3 K4 L  m, C3 e; B: w7 e0 X- N7 A$ `5 j7 _; I
Immunophenotypic Characterization of EPDCs, FFBs, and MSCs
. S3 \; P  `2 o2 J7 x2 i* S7 c4 }* m' r/ L8 P4 T' J1 |
MSCs, FFBs, and EPDCs from several human adults were expanded in culture, and their surface antigen profiles were compared by flow cytometry (Table 1). Consistent with previous reports , the plasma membrane of MSCs was abundantly decorated with hyaluronate receptor (CD44), major T-cell antigen (Thy-1; CD90), endoglin (CD105), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD106), and human leukocyte class I (HLA-ABC) antigens. These multipotent stem cells also expressed low levels of transferrin receptor (CD71), P-selectin (CD62P), ß3 integrin (CD61), neural cell adhesion molecule (CD56), and membrane cofactor protein of the complement system (CD46) at their surface. Of the aforementioned proteins, EPDCs and FFBs only expressed high levels of CD44, CD90, CD105, and HLA-ABC and low levels of CD46 at the plasma membrane. Neither EPDCs nor FFBs showed detectable surface expression of CD56, CD61, CD62P, CD71, or CD106. In contrast to the EPDCs and MSCs, the FFBs stained positive for neutral endopeptidase (NEP; CD10). None of the three cell types expressed the hematopoietic markers CD11A, CD14, CD15, CD19, CD34, and CD45 or the endothelial markers platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD31), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (Flk-1), vWF, and VE (vascular endothelial)-cadherin at their surface. In addition, all cell types stained negative for the CXC motif chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR-4; fusin), human leukocyte class II subtype DR antigens (HLA-DR), the Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), the cardiac progenitor cell marker Isl-1, and the human and murine stem cell markers CD133 and stem cell antigen (Sca)-1, respectively.
1 z' z$ M0 b" W. g& ^+ _3 e& y. f- v/ w- M
Table 1. Surface marker profile of FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs& o  p3 T! g' \( f+ j5 \

: G: C8 |( Z5 M: Z4 ]4 IEPDCs Express Several Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Genes
% h& a1 n* f3 q: j+ h' G. N* G7 Y3 j- I
Using RT-PCR analysis, we investigated the expression of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle genes in EPDCs, FFBs, and MSCs (Figs. 2 and 3). Only EPDCs expressed the cardiac marker genes encoding cardiac troponin T (cTnT) and GATA4, whereas all three cell types expressed dHand, Mef2C, and connexin 43 (Cx43; Fig. 2A) and low levels of the smooth muscle genes specifying ASMA, smooth muscle calponin (CNN1), and transgelin (SM22; Fig. 3A). Neither the EPDCs nor the control cells contained detectable amounts of mRNA for the cardiac sarcomeric components cardiac troponin I (cTnI), the atrial and ventricular forms of myosin light chain 2 (Mlc2a and Mlc2v, respectively), cardiac - and ß-myosin heavy chain (-MHC and ß-MHC, respectively), the cardiac TFs eHand and Nkx2.5, the atrial natriuretic peptide precursor A (ANF), or the ion channel proteins SCN5a or sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2 -ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) (Fig. 2A). Finally, mRNA for smMHC, which is highly specific for SMCs, and transcripts for the skeletal muscle-specific sarcomeric proteins skeletal myosin heavy chain 2a (skMHC), fast-twitch skeletal troponin I (fsTnI), and slow-twitch skeletal troponin I (ssTnI) were absent in each of the three cell types (Figs. 2B and 3A). IFM confirmed the absence of GATA4 in FFBs and MSCs and revealed a nuclear localization of this TF in EPDCs (Fig. 2C). In contrast, Cx43 was found in the cytoplasm of all three cell types rather than at cell-to-cell contact areas as is typical for cardiac or skeletal muscle.
  u2 r, M/ d! a+ L
/ V! E# ^, j; A) E# [9 i+ |Figure 2. Analysis of cardiac and skeletal muscle-specific gene transcription in FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis of cardiac (A) and skeletal muscle (B) marker genes. Controls include smooth muscle cells, human atrial tissue, human ventricular tissue, and human skeletal muscle tissue. Water served as negative control. (C): Immunofluorescent staining of FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs for GATA4 (red) and Cx43 (green). Nuclei were stained with the blue-emitting fluorochrome Hoechst 33342. Control samples were incubated with secondary antibody only. (D): Cx43 staining of isolated neonatal cardiomyocytes from rat. Note the predominance of Cx43 at areas of cell-cell contact. Abbreviations: A, human atrial tissue; E and EPOC, epicardium-derived cells; F and FEB, foreskin fibroblast; M, mesenchymal stem cells; Nc, negative control; Sk, human skeletal muscle tissue; Sm, smooth muscle cells; V, human ventricular tissue.' m0 q* ~& r5 J- w) }1 ?

7 g; W  p5 }( R; x' P* _Figure 3. Smooth muscle cell differentiation of FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs upon stimulation with vehicle (control), TGF-ß1, or BMP-2. Blue, nuclear staining with Hoechst 33342; green, ASMA; red, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (smMHC). Images were taken at magnifications of x100 (upper part) and x400 (lower part). Abbreviations: ASMA, aortic smooth muscle actin; BMP, bone morphogenic protein; EPDC, epicardium-derived cells; FFB, foreskin fibroblast; smMHC, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain; TGF, transforming growth factor.
/ W4 g* _4 ^3 ?0 L& Q  ]
  u! u: n  ~8 g. VEPDCs Can Transdifferentiate into SMCs In Vitro2 K7 }. ~  a3 g9 e# ?% b  e

# y+ T8 G2 A1 h5 V, Y/ ~During cardiac development, part of the EPDCs that migrate into the subepicardial space and underlying myocardium differentiate into SMCs. Recent investigations showed that TGF-ß isoforms stimulate EMT and SMC differentiation in avian epicardial explants . BMP-2 treatment had no noticeable effect on these cells (Fig. 4). These findings indicate that the FFBs did not differentiate into SMCs. Interestingly, for MSCs, serum deprivation alone was sufficient to induce synthesis of both ASMA and smMHC (Fig. 4). This result, in combination with the effects of TGF-ß1 and BMP-2, leads us to conclude that MSCs have a high propensity to become SMCs in vitro. Under normal culture conditions, none of the three cell types contained ASMA or smMHC in amounts detectable by IFM (Fig. 3D and data not shown).
& ?2 J0 l7 W9 _/ r1 w* a* @
9 Z- k: E0 a/ t; v' zFigure 4. Transduction of FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs with enhanced eGFP-encoding adenovirus vectors. Dashed line, conventional hAd5 vector (hAd5/F5.CMV.eGFP); solid line, fiber-modified hAd5 vector (hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP). Values are given as means ¡À SD (n = 4). Abbreviations: eGFP, enhanced green fluorescent protein; EPDC, epicardium-derived cells; FFB, foreskin fibroblast.
7 O0 T) k7 K! P. F* B2 P8 X
3 N. v/ x. i% E4 U# T0 Z# u) ^Efficient Transduction of EPDCs by Adenovirus Vectors% M& K% f! M/ s, @2 d5 `" A5 x
4 q/ L: h% N) S) @. z! F; w% ?
The usefulness of EPDCs as a model system is partially determined by the ability to efficiently transduce these cells for fundamental and applied research purposes. Genetic modification of EPDCs will allow knockdown of endogenous genes, ectopic expression of both endogenous and exogenous/therapeutic genes, and the analysis of mutant genes. Unfortunately, the in vitro cultured primary human epicardial cells were very hard to transfect using nonviral vector systems (data not shown). Wada et al.  reported that transfection of the rat epicardial cell line with plasmid DNA is equally difficult. We therefore tested the wild-type and fiber-modified hAd5 vectors hAd5/F5.CMV.eGFP and hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP for their ability to transduce EPDCs. EPDCs were efficiently transduced with the conventional hAd5 vector hAd5/F5.CMV.eGFP, whereas the control cells (i.e., FFBs and MSCs) were not. The efficient transduction of EPDCs by hAd5/F5.CMV.eGFP is remarkable given that these cells do not contain detectable amounts of CAR (Table 1), which is the primary attachment receptor for hAd5, at their surface. Binding of hAd5 (vectors) to EPDCs thus occurs via an alternative receptor. The fiber-modified hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP vector transduced all three cells types very well (Fig. 5). For the FFBs and MSCs, a dose of 100 IU of hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP per cell was considered optimal because it resulted in high-level eGFP expression in virtually 100% of the cells without apparent toxicity. For the EPDCs, a dose of 50 IU of hAd5/F50.CMV.eGFP per cell resulted in a similar transduction level (Fig. 5).
1 ]9 B! z8 h! X0 j8 v) [1 M- V8 o9 M) E; A7 }" _( C4 C
Figure 5. Analysis of smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle marker gene expression in FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs transduced with Ad5/F50.CMV.myocL or with the control vector Ad5/F50.empty. (A): Semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis of smooth muscle marker gene expression. The gray bar represents template amounts in fivefold increments from left to right. Depicted are the three template concentrations that best illustrate the relative abundance of a particular mRNA in the different samples. RT-PCR analysis of cardiac (B) and skeletal muscle (C) marker gene expression. (D): Double-labeling of sarcomeric -actinin (green) and smMHC (red) in Ad5/F50.CMV.myocL- or Ad5/F50.empty-transduced EPDCs and MSCs. Nuclei were stained with the blue-emitting fluorochrome Hoechst 33342. Abbreviations: E, Ad5/F50.empty; EPDC, epicardium-derived cells; FFB, foreskin fibroblast; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; M, Ad5/F50.CMV.myocL; smMHC, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain.
/ |1 P, i& a, g# ]& f+ l" n- Q# e  P4 }% @  @; o
Myocardin Induces Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Gene Expression in EPDCs
2 {! }0 G7 I9 Q# M$ J' l# x
3 c  _: Z2 j4 H6 zThe TF myocardin is an important target in BMP and TGF-ß signaling cascades that lead to smooth and cardiac muscle cell differentiation , myocardin did not activate the skeletal muscle-specific genes fsTnI and skMHC (Fig. 3C). Using IFM, we studied the coexpression of cardiac and smooth muscle-specific genes in EPDCs and MSCs. Figure 3D clearly shows costaining of sACTN and smMHC in both EPDCs and MSCs, demonstrating that cardiac and smooth muscle proteins are simultaneously produced in single cells. Remarkably, myocardin-dependent activation of cardiac and smooth muscle genes was much more effective in EDPCs than in MSCs (i.e., ¡À100% vs. ¡À10% of the cells; Fig. 3D).8 F$ i, c2 d0 X+ ?' N3 {
. n; g# G* }; c" ~6 n$ V( j* A
EPDCs Can Undergo Osteogenesis In Vitro
' s. O  E) c9 m" x3 j+ E! H  D: h0 |4 a( Q. F9 n, g# P8 d6 p
MSCs can give rise to osteoblasts and adipocytes when cultured in appropriate differentiation media . We tested whether EPDCs, which have undergone EMT and therefore have become a mesenchymal cell type, are also capable of differentiation into osteoblasts and adipocytes. This would indicate that EPDCs, like MSCs, have multipotent stem cell characteristics. Figure 6 shows that under conditions that promote osteogenesis and adipogenesis in MSCs, EPDCs differentiate into osteoblasts but not adipocytes. For FFBs, osteogenic and adipogenic stimulation did not lead to the formation of calcium deposits or lipid droplets.' o2 `2 H  Y7 x7 L: l

* o' Q8 Z2 O1 }0 I# A1 BFigure 6. Adipogenesis and osteogenesis in FFBs, MSCs, and EPDCs. Red stain labels calcium deposits in the osteogenesis assay and fatty inclusions in the adipogenesis assay. Abbreviations: EPDC, epicardium-derived cells; FFB, foreskin fibroblast.
/ \  T' w) x9 i7 |4 l% {: J& o* M: V, s" f
DISCUSSION, I0 h" H: S8 `( m

; H5 x; G* O8 H$ M& c! T; QThis is the first study describing the isolation, ex vivo propagation, characterization, and differentiation potential of primary epicardial cells from human adults. The initially epithelioid cobblestone-like morphology of these cells indicates that true epicardial mesothelial cells, instead of subepicardial interstitial cells, were brought in culture. Unlike the previously described primary rat epicardial cells, which required stimulation with specific growth factors (e.g., bFGF or epidermal growth factor . Interestingly, virtually all hAd5/F50.CMV.myocL-infected EPDCs coexpressed cardiac and smooth muscle genes, whereas at a comparable myocardin dose, only approximately 10% of the transduced MSCs stained positive for heart and smooth muscle proteins. This may indicate that, at least in humans, EPDCs are more receptive to stimuli for cardiac and smooth muscle differentiation than are MSCs. On the other hand, near-quantitative transduction of MSCs and EPDCs with a vesicular stomatitis virus G protein-pseudotyped lentivirus vector encoding myocardin in both instances led to the (co)expression of sACTN and smMHC in almost 100% of the cells (data not shown).
# i% `$ [4 Q2 K1 V' F
; j- b& I1 f$ E3 GGiven the controversy about the contribution of epicardial cells to the endothelium of coronary blood vessels  did not succeed in inducing endothelial differentiation of primary rat epicardial cells in vitro. Taken together, these findings suggest that (genuine) epicardial cells either do not possess vasculogenic differentiation capacity or lose this ability at a certain stage of development and/or upon in vitro culture.4 L, G/ y# V" F4 _; }

6 s, f, x% q) j6 t8 }The differentiation potential of EPDCs was further explored by subjecting them to adipogenic or osteogenic stimuli in vitro. Like MSCs, EPDCs could be induced to form calcium deposits, whereas FFBs could not. However, under conditions that stimulated adipogenesis in MSCs, no lipid droplets were found in EPDCs or FFBs. These new findings are intriguing for several reasons. First, they demonstrate that a differentiated epithelial cell type after in vitro culture can give rise to various specialized types of non-epithelial cells. There is growing evidence that this remarkable plasticity is a general property of mesothelial cells  and (b) the smooth muscle differentiation ability that EPDCs display in vitro and in vivo, it would be interesting to investigate whether calcification of EPDCs is preceded by SMC differentiation.( z; V- s/ i6 I! K
, i& H! o$ |% P3 Q% ]
SUMMARY! T$ v8 q, S; z( I5 ~
3 V4 J% q$ ]9 g0 [
We have shown that EPDCs of human adults can differentiate into various mesodermal cell types, including SMCs and osteoblasts, but have a more restricted differentiation capacity than MSCs. EPDCs thus best fit the description of a committed progenitor cell. Consistently, the surface marker profile of EPDCs is clearly distinct from that of MSCs. The immunophenotype of EPDCs also differs from that of other possible stem and progenitor cell populations in the heart, like human hematopoietic stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells, or cardiac progenitor cells. This corroborates that a novel progenitor cell type was isolated. The relatively straightforward method of isolating and culturing primary human epicardial cells, combined with the fact that these cells retain at least part of the properties of embryonic EPDCs, makes them an attractive model system for studying various aspects of normal and pathological cardiovascular development, including epicardial EMT and coronary SMC differentiation. Finally, these cells may prove valuable (a) as feeder layer for culturing human cardiomyocytes , (b) for screening cardiovascular drugs, (c) as vehicle to deliver therapeutic genes, and (d) for healing damaged hearts by restoring myocardial architecture and vascularization.! l6 X% m8 P2 `! q6 X. T* U
! z0 J2 `8 T! |, ~$ J  a$ a/ X
. m6 T' H6 y( K* i# f! X7 h3 c- @
& u0 B, w. }# K+ p+ t% ~1 t! VThe authors indicate no potential conflicts of interest.0 S3 [" p$ O5 A

, }+ N: X; ~7 _% @- t, W" qACKNOWLEDGMENTS- x  X( t1 i; E6 P. T

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