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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞随笔 发现一种兔病毒可以杀死一些癌细胞,提高骨髓移植手术效 ...



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发现一种兔病毒可以杀死一些癌细胞,提高骨髓移植手术效果 [复制链接]

Rank: 4


金话筒 优秀会员 新闻小组成员 帅哥研究员

发表于 2015-6-8 23:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 hyde 于 2015-6-8 23:02 编辑 # `4 k8 B# e$ u" G( e

  d7 H( M( Q$ }; |  K之前看了论坛上分析的癌症资料,然后看到这篇报道就好奇看了一下,感觉意义不是很大……不知道是不是,有很不懂
& i( U3 V+ C3 q  V: z6 u
, O2 A2 A# t- k. {' t6 m3 Lhttp://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/294944.php
( u' S; I3 k% `3 Q. O7 E2 PRabbit virus could make bone marrow transplants safer
4 ]; w( q$ I3 Y; u( ?8 {' S& e0 b! U: D* z" L
Last updated: Monday 8 June 2015 at 12am PST 32 Like94 q0 C% S3 l/ @" Z' f
Transplants / Organ Donations Lymphoma / Leukemia / Myeloma Cancer / Oncology Stem Cell Research add your opinionemailMNT featuredAcademic journal+ u1 }$ K4 i5 N) V& c
As unlikely as it sounds, researchers believe that a virus found in rabbits could help make bone marrow transplants safer for patients and improve the options of people unable to find fully-matched bone marrow donors.
+ t$ Z# s. d, h  c' i! Q, P3 b) vRabbit.
8 m$ F8 g: N: O: P9 Q) iThe myxoma virus can be lethal to rabbits but it does not affect humans when they are exposed to it.8 k" c( t8 @; r& I
In their study, published in Blood, the scientists found that the myxoma virus simultaneously killed cancer cells and prevented graft-versus-host disease, one of the most dangerous complications of bone marrow transplants.) K! T* `1 I( l# t
" I$ r+ u' u- ?4 ^2 d: `4 w) D
Bone marrow transplants are an important form of treatment for patients with blood cancers, such as leukemia and multiple myeloma. If a patient's bone marrow is not producing enough healthy stem cells, healthy cells can be infused into their body to replace damaged or diseased bone marrow./ Q3 r& q% j8 {# |8 ]
, ~' i8 ?, e1 x0 b
There is a risk, however, with the procedure in that newly transplanted white blood cells can attack the recipient's body - a condition referred to as graft-versus-host disease that can lead to shortness of breath, abdominal pain and, in severe cases, death.. g9 C9 m, U( F0 ^5 p% T5 d
7 g" w8 q1 e6 a# e
Myxoma virus is typically found among rabbits in Australia and Europe. In rabbits, the virus can lead to the highly lethal condition myxomatosis, but in humans, the myxoma virus is benign.
& [) M5 m0 m; l! p. G1 f: u
; F, r; u  M/ }1 w, s2 a) P9 ~0 NThe researchers tested the virus on human cells in the laboratory, attaching the myxoma virus to white blood cells known as T cells before delivering them as part of a bone marrow transplant. Once transplanted, the virus not only blocked graft-versus-host disease but was delivered to cancer cells that were present and killed them.
6 K- U( I1 f: B0 }. t0 {+ ?& @
/ b' ^* c! T2 l- U8 vProcess may benefit those at higher risk of graft-versus-host disease most- ]4 i5 G% P* o8 \
Dr. Christopher R. Cogle, lead investigator for the study and an associate professor at the University of Florida (UF) College of Medicine, believes that the application of the virus may be particularly useful for patients who have a higher risk of graft-versus-host disease, namely those who have difficulty finding suitable donors.
& ?- S% F0 A5 E
5 e3 T( f3 j: b. C8 B! ^0 kIf a bone marrow donor is only a partial match for the recipient, the risk of graft-versus-host disease is around 80%. According to Dr. Cogle, African-American patients and older adults are least likely to find fully-matched bone marrow donors.
" m0 T. Y- w" L+ d- n1 o, G! u: l" ?; {% a! X2 z0 |" y0 c
Following successful testing of the myxoma virus on human cells, the team is now looking to test its efficacy using a mouse model. They hope that a full clinical trial can commence within the next year, although there is a lot of work to be done before one can begin.
7 H# ~" J4 A8 _) e; C/ g% U' ]# f7 _' ]. I0 ?( f  E
A clinical grade virus will need to be developed, and safety testing will need to be conducted. Dr. Cogle states that the patent on the myxoma process has been licensed to a company who will now aim to raise money for future trials.
$ O1 `. P5 E% C+ i' Y7 y
; N; O7 O8 x$ U1 v; ~- S& uAccording to Grant McFadden, a professor in the UF College of Medicine Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, the study marks the first time that a virus has been shown to simultaneously prevent graft-versus-host disease and kill cancer cells in the laboratory.# V. F8 a- D$ R! O! R

9 U* {! P2 o/ Z! i" k* d4 IWhile the myxoma process has only been found to work on blood-related disorders such as leukemia and multiple myeloma, Prof. McFadden is hopeful that in the future, the process will have broader application for other forms of cancer.
& p% S0 g6 q0 y- a
* K* [2 d1 o( g5 m5 ^( ["Myxoma is one of the best strategies because it is effective but doesn't affect normal stem cells," concludes Dr. Cogle./ r$ H# U6 `7 N7 s$ z# S* v% @
4 v& z$ ?% V4 f
Previously, Medical News Today reported on a study that identified a gene mutation that increases the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
/ O( ]0 t# H5 s" K# }$ Z* A8 J7 L' ^6 C5 F
Written by James McIntosh4 K# }" u2 |9 _* e& ?
+ ~6 v& R! d: T, c' s% \
Copyright: Medical News
! E; ~: O2 {6 O
5 l2 R7 m# W3 }佛罗里达大学健康学院的研究人员发现一种兔子病毒在骨髓移植中有多重效果,可以杀死一些癌细胞并且消除骨髓移植时的一些常见且危险的并发症。
/ E+ E) J! V3 U+ e9 U* s, _" e4 c
4 B2 t8 }% B/ Y$ c对于患有血液癌症的病人如白血病或多发性骨髓瘤,骨髓移植具有治疗性但同时也具有危险性。移植的骨髓代替疾病或化放疗损伤的骨髓,但可能会引发新移植的细胞攻击受体的风险(移植物抗宿主病)。" f+ k( m% j  O0 B* d, S
) e3 V2 |! L( U) L2 a3 J* ?1 H
目前研究者在兔子上发现一种病毒myxoma virus有双重效果,可以减轻骨髓移植时产生的副作用,同时破坏癌细胞。(骨髓移植前不是应该通过化疗或放疗把所有的癌细胞杀死吗?那要病毒来杀个什么?)
( p. g6 I* [+ h  z) w7 t+ w) {5 u. N0 A) H
Christopher R. Cogle, M.D., the study’s lead investigator and an associate professor in the UF College of Medicine’s division of hematology and oncology 说该病毒可能对找不到合适供体的血癌复发病人有一定的效果。使用部分匹配的供体骨髓移植产生移植物抗宿主病的概率大约是80%,这种病毒能够对其有缓解作用。(病毒的免疫抑制作用?和免疫抑制剂效果类似吧?没什么新东西……历史上很多神汉是不是就是这类病毒的携带者,比如圣经中说耶稣接触长恶疮者能让其康复……)
9 u8 P$ y3 `  C/ b2 Q4 D
( ^) O- U  {) t/ b这种病毒可以提高非裔美国人和老年人的骨髓移植效果。那些患者不太可能找到完全匹配的骨髓供体,容易引起移植物抗宿主病。(开始为研究找意义了……)
2 I( T+ f1 m: R( U/ E' z
) P) r* i: c. q3 e: cChristopher R. Cogle, M.D.说“使用这种病毒是最好的策略之一,因为它是有效的,而且不影响正常的干细胞。”0 J! q: Q5 D$ L% C4 T
研究人员在实验室中测试其人体细胞的作用,该病毒作用过程如下:病毒附着在T细胞上,随着骨髓移植进入到受体体内,然后病毒被激活,它会阻止移植物抗宿主病。这种骨髓移植并发症会导致很多症状,包括皮疹,呼吸急促,腹痛,黄疸和肌无力。在严重的情况下,这些并发症可能是致命的。然后T细胞携带这些病毒到癌细胞,病毒会将癌细胞杀死。(如何证明是病毒杀的而不是T细胞杀的呢?如果T细胞可以特异接触癌症就可以特异杀伤癌细胞呀?如果癌细胞还在就进行骨髓移植有意义吗?)这项研究的结果发表在4月22日版Blood杂志。在成功进行人类细胞测试后,研究人员正在使用小鼠模型中检测其有效性。(是不是错了,先小鼠再人才对吧?); J8 S# K0 D5 c/ d3 o2 m# W
. y% M5 b' B/ m/ B! r
Grant McFadden, Ph.D., a professor in the UF College of Medicine department of molecular genetics and microbiology.说这种病毒的双重作用令人鼓舞。这是第一次在实验室证明病毒同时可以防止移植物抗宿主病并且杀死癌细胞。目前这个病毒的效果表现在某些血液相关的疾病,如多发性骨髓瘤和急性骨髓性白血病,但可能有一天可以将其扩展到其他种类的癌症。这种病毒被发现于澳洲和部分欧洲的兔子上,暂时未发现其对人类有明显的危害。, q" t" j0 s  Y3 ?
………………2 b4 l* o  Z% f, g: b# e1 {

3 H- `- v! e$ @9 y* M研究小组的 Nancy Villa, Ph.D., a research scientist in the division of hematology and oncology.完成了研究的另一个重要组成部分。Cogle表示Nancy的发现对于理解和解释这种病毒抑制移植物抗宿主病的机理是至关重要。3 l4 M: @# D, G4 H! a6 p

3 c. K/ f& f0 g: Z! O: x: j: C在人体细胞实验初步获得成功后,麦克法登持谨慎乐观地认为,临床试验可能在一年内开始。在此之前,研究人员需要制备临床级的病毒,进行安全测试,并募集大约100万美元费用用于临床试验。………………
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Rank: 4


金话筒 优秀会员 新闻小组成员 帅哥研究员

发表于 2015-6-8 23:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 hyde 于 2015-6-8 23:53 编辑
+ J( ^+ o, O( Z5 n& X7 J2 S' G
/ Q* ]& o; ]! a/ z7 F如果骨髓移植前“The preparative treatment before transplantation (or conditioning regimen) aims to eradicate the remains of the disease and to make immunological system of recipient weaker in order to enable the acceptance of the graft by the recipient. “ 那病毒的作用杀癌细胞作用是干嘛的?为了复发的病人用吗?那也讲不通呀?求逻辑求逻辑求逻辑
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