干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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分子生物教学动画 attachment agree  ...23456..25 abocide 2010-6-15 241486447 xm19 2024-4-10 10:53
资料分享:流式细胞仪操作手册 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..31 chliu 2011-5-23 302525675 一个平凡人 2024-4-10 09:25
PDF电子书:希氏内科学-内分泌和代谢疾病 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 abocide 2010-6-15 259437546 happyboy 2024-4-10 08:51
干细胞产业分析 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 贝壳追梦人 2014-3-24 272534589 加菲猫 2024-4-10 08:51
化学、化工、生物免费数据库 heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 sunshine520 2010-9-27 268449627 chinagalaxy 2024-4-10 07:06
Endnote与RSS使用简明教程 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 轩辕之客 2011-11-29 279509539 doors 2024-4-10 05:44
Metabolic Pathways生物化学代谢清晰版全图  ...23456..24 subenjinwo 2011-3-30 239393112 awen 2024-4-10 05:44
Macrophages, Inflammation, and Insulin Resistance attachment  ...23456..24 chleiwu 2011-3-31 239403459 知足常乐 2024-4-10 05:41
干细胞培养,有兴趣的进来!! attachment heatlevel  ...23456..34 nokiagx 2012-10-20 336547520 糊涂小蜗牛 2024-4-10 03:10
APPLICATION OF DATA MINING IN BIOINFORMATICS attachment  ...23456..22 chleiwu 2011-4-11 216404091 水木清华 2024-4-10 01:08
大放送——经典生物资源“相关资源已过期” heatlevel agree  ...23456..31 sunsong7 2011-1-7 300534729 Kuo 2024-4-10 00:43
研究称手机辐射可能导致骨质疏松  ...23456..24 aehxing 2010-6-5 233369593 黄山 2024-4-10 00:43
实时定量PCR中参照基因的选择 disagree  ...23456..26 syl1982 2011-3-19 252417727 小敏 2024-4-10 00:30
蛋白纯化资料 attachment agree  ...23456..23 tmdabc 2011-2-7 225427798 HongHong 2024-4-9 23:34
Current protocol in Protein science attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 jzhao5 2010-6-23 292464414 糊涂小蜗牛 2024-4-9 23:05
干细胞免疫网络图 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..25 merckten123 2012-2-23 249452460 龙水生 2024-4-9 22:20
973干细胞 2010 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..29 wangyan9672 2010-9-2 286441803 xiao2014 2024-4-9 19:45
生化途径动画(超清英文版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..25 sunyucheng 2010-2-5 244441819 qibaobao 2024-4-9 19:36
PDF电子书:酵母双杂交 matchmakr gold yeast two-hybrid system attachment agree  ...23456..27 3134jinjie 2010-10-26 265466988 yukun 2024-4-9 19:14
荧光定量PCR实验指南 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 hdc2001 2010-7-28 315551654 wq90 2024-4-9 16:05
PubMed资料检索完全攻略 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 07292462 2010-6-17 256484905 dada 2024-4-9 11:52
流式细胞术资料-北大流式细胞术讲义、BD流式细胞术中文培训手册· attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..38 Andyhigh 2012-11-26 371618408 桦子 2024-4-9 11:09
非常全的back altra流式资料,其它机器也可参考进阶 attachment agree  ...23456..25 aehxing 2010-6-5 245414488 lalala 2024-4-9 11:03
我的文献检索经验总结(本版原创)  ...23456..25 wh2008 2010-8-9 245394200 dypnr 2024-4-9 10:49
十八大学术搜索引擎 attachment  ...23456..25 xzx618 2011-9-8 242458499 MIYAGI 2024-4-9 09:17
美国血液细胞问答 attachment  ...23456..23 gundomff 2015-6-6 223415512 feixue66 2024-4-9 07:24
pET载体系统使用手册 attachment agree  ...23456..28 cactus.X 2010-7-11 272490215 MIYAGI 2024-4-9 05:58
一篇很好的文献 attachment  ...23456..24 麻雀精灵 2011-6-24 237434868 wq90 2024-4-9 05:27
启动子分析 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 wzpwls 2010-2-4 282530549 依旧随遇而安 2024-4-9 04:54
疑难词汇 attachment  ...23456..25 joeandanna 2010-7-30 247447875 剑啸寒 2024-4-9 03:15


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