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《cell》细胞杂志 今日: 175|主题: 4054

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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
全局置顶 博雅控股集团:干细胞、免疫细胞自动化设备及实验室、手术室整体解决方案供应 attach_img  ...234 Boyalife 2017-8-11 304176302 randy2002 2024-3-4 11:44
全局置顶 重要通知!近期有人仿冒干细胞之家网站工作人员身份!!! 细胞海洋 2021-8-28 21299540 SKC-SFC 2022-9-13 14:14
全局置顶 博雅控股集团提供CAR-T及其他细胞生产的CDMO服务 attach_img Boyalife 2018-5-31 82235775 xph2557 2022-4-22 09:37
Novel regulation of mitotic exit by the Cdc42 effectors Gic1 and Gic2  ...23456..28 杨柳 2009-3-6 275407779 apple0 17 分钟前
How WASP Regulates Actin Polymerization  ...23456..27 杨柳 2009-3-5 267509971 983abc 17 分钟前
In Vivo Release of Mitotic Silencing of Ribosomal Gene Transcription D  ...23456..25 mx988 2009-3-5 249523282 haha3245 17 分钟前
Impacts of a new transcription factor family : mammalian GCM proteins  ...23456..27 杨柳 2009-3-6 265591813 兔兔 21 分钟前
Endocytosis of E-cadherin regulated by Rac and Cdc42 small G proteins  ...23456..23 杨柳 2009-3-6 228332079 生物小菜鸟 24 分钟前
Mutations in sticky lead to defective organization of the contractile  ...23456..23 杨柳 2009-3-6 228370236 罗马星空 半小时前
Pheromone-induced polarization is dependent on the Fus3p MAPK acting t  ...23456..28 杨柳 2009-3-6 272444680 罗马星空 1 小时前
Maria A. Ferraiuolo, Sanjukta Basak, Josee Dostie, Elizabeth L. Murray  ...23456..25 杨柳 2009-3-6 249536542 frogsays 1 小时前
cell上13年5月份 遗传表观调控与干细胞 attachment agree  ...23456..26 小明子 2013-6-22 256644796 ringsing 1 小时前
A core function for p120-catenin in cadherin turnover  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 232366431 biopxl 1 小时前
Cytoplasmic linker proteins promote microtubule rescue in vivo  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 251388001 杏花 1 小时前
In Brief  ...23456..28 杨柳 2009-3-5 273731813 安生 1 小时前
MuSK induces in vivo acetylcholine receptor clusters in a ligand-indep  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-5 235492355 ladybird 1 小时前
Slow but steady wins the drug race  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 250514179 天蓝色 1 小时前
A conserved protein interaction network involving the yeast MAP kinase  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 252385817 pspvp 1 小时前
Androgen-dependent apoptosis in male germ cells is regulated through t  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 239484906 分子工程师 1 小时前
A Functional Link between Dynamin and the Actin Cytoskeleton at Podoso  ...23456..23 mx988 2009-3-5 229370648 xm19 1 小时前
Phosphorylation of mitotic kinesin-like protein 2 by polo-like kinase  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 253413943 化药所 1 小时前
High resolution mapping of mast cell membranes reveals primary and sec  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-5 233417878 s06806 1 小时前
Evidence for a role of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 i  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 237389812 doc2005 2 小时前
Recruitment of Protein Phosphatase 1 to the Nuclear Envelope by A-Kina  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-5 252397871 beautylive 2 小时前
Isolation of a Ribonucleoprotein Complex Involved in mRNA Localization  ...23456..25 mx988 2009-3-5 249382577 三星 2 小时前
Huntingtin forms toxic NH2-terminal fragment complexes that are promot  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 230427737 dr_ji 2 小时前
The forces that position a mitotic spindle asymmetrically are tethered  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 252501379 快乐小郎 2 小时前
Selective Disruption of Nuclear Import by a Functional Mutant Nuclear  ...23456..25 mx988 2009-3-5 242423384 renee 2 小时前
The learning matrix  ...23456..24 杨柳 2009-3-6 237496908 pspvp 2 小时前
Mechanisms for focusing mitotic spindle poles by minus end–directed mo  ...23456..26 杨柳 2009-3-6 257433734 sshang 3 小时前


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