干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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EndNote5 大量教程 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 dimi_luki 2012-6-20 290488108 黄山 2024-4-16 18:26
2009年SCI期刊影响因子 attachment agree  ...23456..24 liutianzhu 2010-7-13 232404599 pspvp 2024-4-16 17:57
单克隆抗体技术  ...23456..27 defu 2013-2-18 264487292 咖啡功夫猫 2024-4-16 16:50
Real-time+PCR+原理及应用 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 xiangbo2010 2010-9-20 275495821 laoli1999 2024-4-16 15:57
siRNA转染注意事项及转染剂大全 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 liutianzhu 2010-7-13 277506398 心仪 2024-4-16 10:30
nature:结肠癌细胞中p53的缺陷会抑制代谢 attachment  ...23456..22 chenhuachen 2013-4-25 215404040 whyboy 2024-4-16 09:23
中科院研究生院spss课程教材 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 sfk06 2010-7-29 310555683 netlover 2024-4-16 06:26
Human DNA Repair Genes attachment agree  ...23456..23 sjmpt 2012-3-26 225407230 陈晴 2024-4-16 04:38
生物学辞典 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 eley 2010-4-28 264484411 命运的宠儿 2024-4-16 03:53
剖析文献阅读的重要性  ...23456..24 wh2008 2010-8-9 235424112 heart10 2024-4-16 03:17
关于流式细胞术的资料 attachment agree  ...23456..25 shiqingxi 2010-10-21 242418560 tuting 2024-4-16 02:08
电子书《Good Laboratory Practice – the Why and the How》 attachment  ...23456..26 chleiwu 2010-11-10 250460961 dreamenjoyer 2024-4-16 01:43
科研利器endnote介绍 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 namulow 2011-11-8 265524359 123456zsz 2024-4-15 21:52
实验室创新技术精选集 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 henson 2011-7-27 317524872 myylove 2024-4-15 21:29
ebook on Flow Cytometry and FACS attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..24 lixiaodong 2010-6-10 239410140 温暖暖 2024-4-15 13:09
荧光素酶检测系统中文说明书 attachment agree  ...23456..28 orangewei 2010-11-23 274472643 蚂蚁 2024-4-15 12:15
PDF电子书:EPICS-XL流式细胞仪培训资料(贝克曼) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..39 jhu132llh 2010-11-2 386760127 doc2005 2024-4-15 12:10
临床相关细胞结果分析 attachment  ...23456..26 gundomff 2015-6-6 250477455 干细胞2014 2024-4-15 08:39
臭氧与别的杀菌方式的比较  ...23456..22 bsjy210 2011-11-16 215405768 nosoho 2024-4-15 08:03
实验室紫外线杀菌技术 heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 bsjy210 2011-11-16 265475574 Whole 2024-4-15 07:24
artificial micro RNA interference attachment  ...23456..26 tinaqu 2012-7-20 252449957 lab2010 2024-4-15 06:17
PDF电子书:EndNote attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..25 yzhbl008 2010-8-27 248449026 dypnr 2024-4-15 05:00
中国生物医药产业研究报告 attachment recommend agree  ...23456..27 biowx 2010-10-20 268476136 xuguofeng 2024-4-15 04:42
破解版ENDNOTE4  ...23456..27 namulow 2011-11-11 262480446 HongHong 2024-4-15 03:07
分享基本关于生物统计方面的书籍 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..24 tigerfish 2011-4-18 238437766 xiaomage 2024-4-15 02:01
干细胞---Mesenchymal stem cells inhibit proliferation and apoptosis of tumor cel  ...23456..23 gkshl 2012-5-17 226365467 化药所 2024-4-14 23:02
商业化培养基配方(M199、1640、F10/12、DMEM、DMEM/f12) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..34 573639471 2011-4-21 331622462 小倔驴 2024-4-14 22:35
非常好的东东,PCR数据分析 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..33 如来的观音 2011-11-1 320516654 cjms 2024-4-14 19:08
一个让人受益匪浅的 演讲稿 attachment  ...23456..25 youyou0795 2010-7-14 242452017 苹果天堂 2024-4-14 17:42
Eppendorf移液器的日常操作规范与保养 attachment agree  ...23456..25 sunyucheng 2010-1-31 246442174 石头111 2024-4-14 15:56


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