干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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PPT:细胞命运决定—细胞分化的分子机制 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..36 jdrkna 2010-4-20 353968852 dreamenjoyer 3 小时前
PDF电子书:Viral Applications of Green Fluorescent Protein-Methods and Protocols attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..31 雪原 2009-6-7 305720351 pcr 3 小时前
PDF电子书:Mass Spectrometry-Instrumentation, Interpretation, and Applications attach_img agree  ...23456..28 longcz 2010-5-10 270544227 Diary 3 小时前
PDF电子书:Bone Marrow - [售价 包包 5 ] attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..29 telomerase 2009-5-22 286716884 快乐小郎 4 小时前
PDF电子书:Calcium - A Matter of Life or Death - J. Krebs, M. Michalak attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 leeche 2010-11-7 272733185 小倔驴 4 小时前
PDF电子书《MicroRNA Expression Detection Methods》2010 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..36 芷瞻 2010-1-20 359790948 apple0 5 小时前
PDF电子书:Do Fish Feel Pain 2010 attach_img agree  ...23456..24 cz200203 2010-5-12 238659912 橙味绿茶 5 小时前
PDF电子书:Hematopoietic Stem Cell Protocols 2nd attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..41 泡沫清风 2009-4-26 403935036 与你同行 5 小时前
PDF电子书:Evolution attach_img agree  ...23456..25 lancewyl 2010-2-25 244578249 若天涯 5 小时前
pdf电子书:Trends in Stem Cell Biology and Technology attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..32 细胞海洋 2009-4-27 310945411 leeking 5 小时前
PDF电子书:Novel_Gene_Therapy_Approaches attachment agree  ...23456..23 soldier 2013-2-19 223548773 安安 5 小时前
PDF电子书:信号转导 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 bridgeyangfan 2010-12-22 251812809 biobio 5 小时前
2011年新书Adult Stem Cells - Biology and Methods of Analysis 2011 attachment  ...23456..26 yqbter 2012-3-8 259586331 Diary 6 小时前
PDF电子书:Mitochondrial Genetics and Cancer 2010 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 cz200203 2010-3-27 274648973 与你同行 6 小时前
高清晰原版PDF,Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis--An Introduction,6e,2010年4月新版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..34 fire1001 2010-10-20 334732660 龙水生 6 小时前
The Regulatory Genome: Gene Regulatory Networks in Development and Evolution attachment agree  ...23456..29 李泽中 2011-2-23 286732915 水木清华 6 小时前
PDF电子书:细胞培养与蛋白质工程 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 ruochenzu 2010-3-15 258644949 橙味绿茶 7 小时前
PDF电子书:RNAi A Guide To Gene Silencing 2003 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 cz200203 2010-4-17 268647324 na602 7 小时前
PDF电子书:Introduction to Cell and Tissue Culture Theory and Technique attachment agree  ...23456..26 念想儿 2010-6-1 250585832 dd赤焰 7 小时前
PDF电子书:Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation(第二版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 soldier 2010-4-30 264492381 yukun 7 小时前
PDF电子书:Protein Protein Interactions(MMB261) attach_img agree  ...23456..26 biology123 2010-2-14 252586930 happyboy 7 小时前
PDF电子书:生物信息学导论 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 yzhbl008 2010-9-7 281804617 tempo 7 小时前
PDF电子书:分子克隆实验指南中文版(上、下) attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..95 english6 2010-11-16 9401836072 lalala 8 小时前
PDF电子书:Epigenetics of Aging Trygve O. Tollefsbol attach_img agree  ...23456..26 mqz_11 2010-6-27 251579782 泡泡鱼 8 小时前
PDF电子书:Stem Cells: Scientific Progress and Future Research Directions attachment recommend agree  ...23456..26 nirvanahe 2010-10-20 250667381 aliyun 8 小时前
PDF电子书:细胞叛逆者:癌症的起源 (美)罗伯特·温伯格着.pdf attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..25 xcf20305 2015-9-23 245593165 张佳 8 小时前
PDF电子书:脂肪源干细胞实验方法学(2011年版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..42 kouke80 2011-1-23 4151039981 8666sea 9 小时前
pdf电子书:CHEMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMIC APPROACHES TO STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGEN attachment  ...23456..30 bobo 2009-4-22 295696947 剑啸寒 9 小时前
PDF:Statistical Bioinformatics For Biomedical and Life Science Researchers attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..32 lifescience1 2010-6-19 313935396 renee 9 小时前
PDF电子书:Molecular Cloning attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 sunshine226 2010-3-19 272644687 bioprotein 9 小时前


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