干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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PDF电子书:Transplantation Drug Manual attachment agree  ...23456..25 soldier 2010-4-26 248575539 一个平凡人 10 小时前
PDF电子书:现代免疫学 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 sanmao85 2013-1-15 278778586 3344555 11 小时前
PDF电子书:Regulation of Gene Expression attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 mig25 2010-5-8 268619669 我心飞翔 11 小时前
Cell Cycle Checkpoints and Cancer attachment  ...23456..12 宗介 2020-7-17 112214964 狂奔的蜗牛 11 小时前
mesenchymal stem cells methods and protocol  ...23456..10 ahuasuo123 2020-11-18 90145539 mk990 11 小时前
PDF电子书:International Review ofCytology-A Survey of Cell Biology attachment agree  ...23456..28 hualin840518 2009-7-2 270661783 marysyq 11 小时前
PDF电子书:<Fibrosis research methods and protocols> attachment recommend agree  ...23456..26 liuchangxing 2010-3-2 254711956 榴榴莲 11 小时前
pdf电子书:The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..28 细胞海洋 2009-4-27 278863745 某某人 12 小时前
PDF电子书:Nanotechnology for Nucleic Acid Delivery (Springer MMB-Vol948, 2013) attach_img agree  ...23456..28 xyklmu 2013-1-13 272646975 小小C 12 小时前
PDF电子书:干细胞进展和展望--原版电子书 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 ncRNA 2013-8-15 241707501 多来咪 12 小时前
PDF电子书:Epigenetics attachment agree  ...23456..22 pujixing 2010-2-27 214530312 多来咪 12 小时前
pdf电子书:PCR Cloning protocols attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..39 bobo 2009-3-23 383997961 leeking 12 小时前
PDF电子书:Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 2007年完整版 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..34 cz200203 2011-3-8 338905246 cjms 12 小时前
PDF电子书:Cardiovascular Regeneration Therapies Using Tissue Engineering Approaches attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 雪原 2009-7-1 285800804 na602 12 小时前
PDF电子书:Treatment of Leukemia and Lymphoma attachment agree  ...23456..30 迎风吸烟 2009-5-18 293713382 bioprotein 12 小时前
Perl 在生物信息学中应用 attachment agree  ...23456..26 kjeldahl 2012-3-15 256698907 初夏洒脱 14 小时前
干细胞临床应用++基础、伦理和原则,2011,金坤林 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 amwhjj 2013-7-21 270693482 renee 14 小时前
PDF电子书:Gene Delivery To Mammalian Cells attachment agree  ...23456..29 a86856635 2011-6-8 286606468 ines 14 小时前
PDF电子书:细胞电融合技术 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 nekdgf4 2011-5-20 264672412 3344555 14 小时前
pdf电子书:Gene Delivery to Mammalian Cells(MMB系列)超高清电子书 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 langziforever 2011-7-7 266638789 983abc 14 小时前
PDF电子书:Perinatal Stem Cells 2009 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 cz200203 2010-6-30 257880089 旅美学者 14 小时前
PDF电子书:Molecular Biology and Genomics(fourth edition)(2007) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 kinase12 2011-8-28 271607071 初夏洒脱 15 小时前
PDF电子书:Methods in Microbiology attach_img agree  ...23456..23 yzhbl008 2010-8-23 228586548 初夏洒脱 15 小时前
pdf电子书:MicroRNA Protocols attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 hallok 2011-9-9 273668374 syt7000 15 小时前
PDF 电子书:Howard Hughes New faculty guide attachment agree  ...23456..26 xiegm 2010-5-12 258564276 命运的宠儿 15 小时前
pdf电子书:Protein Arrays Methods and Protocols(MMB系列)超清晰电子书 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 langziforever 2011-7-4 252551291 杏花 15 小时前
PDF电子书:改变我们关于遗传学和分子生物学认识的21个重要实验 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..34 wzpwls 2010-2-3 333853977 小敏 16 小时前
打包上传10本RNAi的电子书 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..27 argonaute 2010-11-16 261651798 Kuo 16 小时前
PDF电子书:Cellular Therapy Accreditation Manual attachment agree  ...23456..25 soldier 2010-4-26 242617639 keanuc 16 小时前
Hematopoietic Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.Springer(2015) attachment  ...23456..18 08liurenxing 2017-2-16 171415947 罗马星空 17 小时前


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