干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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PDF电子书:chromosome alterations attachment agree  ...23456..23 a530maxiaofei 2010-6-1 226515188 水木清华 昨天 14:29
pdf电子书:stem cell wars attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..31 细胞海洋 2009-4-22 303836514 nosoho 昨天 13:40
x射线晶体衍射技术 attachment agree  ...23456..24 goast8 2015-7-16 238747014 分子工程师 昨天 13:20
PDF電子書: Biotechnology Procedures and Experiments Handbook attachment agree  ...23456..22 scienstein 2015-7-12 215561845 求索迷茫 昨天 12:54
PDF电子书:Control and Regulation of Stem Cells, 2008, part1,2 attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 lingn 2010-7-22 254744842 天蓝色 昨天 12:54
PDF电子书:Handbook of Pathophysiology attachment agree  ...23456..26 zyyzyy1985 2011-5-31 257616728 刘先生 昨天 12:52
PDF电子书:Lane_Chemokines and Viral Infection attach_img agree  ...23456..29 yzhbl008 2010-9-6 284687140 nauticus 昨天 12:31
PDF电子书:Stem Cells and Cell Signalling in Skeletal Myogenesis attachment agree  ...23456..27 hzh0525 2012-5-16 267677345 草长莺飞 昨天 12:25
pdf电子书 抗体生产手册 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..25 1276300203 2011-3-18 242790618 草长莺飞 昨天 12:25
PDF电子书:《 Proteomics - Methods and Protocols》 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..37 ambassador 2009-9-20 3681027663 20130827 昨天 12:25
PDF电子书: Gene Biotechnology, 第三版 attachment agree  ...23456..25 tait1 2011-5-28 244627628 生物小菜鸟 昨天 12:05
PDF电子书:干细胞技术---裴雪涛 找了好久才找到的 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..36 113305060 2012-3-26 357855399 刘先生 昨天 12:02
pdf电子书:Human Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..34 细胞海洋 2009-3-18 330955078 www1202000 昨天 11:46
PDF电子书:Stem Cell Engineering Principles and Applications 2011 attachment agree  ...23456..25 chechemvp 2013-2-20 244655560 hmhy 昨天 11:29
PDF电子书:Gene Cloning, Principles and Applications 下 attachment agree  ...23456..28 Sallylee 2011-10-20 273708291 netlover 昨天 11:08
PDF电子书:生物实验设计和数据分析 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..33 274413 2010-10-11 329815711 xiaomage 昨天 10:53
[医学术语表].Medical.Terminology.An.Illustrated.Guide attachment agree  ...23456..26 grape 2011-6-30 256569609 foxok 昨天 10:09
PDF电子书:cancer genetics attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..26 lifescience1 2010-6-19 252602038 Kuo 昨天 10:09
PDF电子书:PROTEIN-PROTEIN (2012) attachment agree  ...23456..27 xyklmu 2013-1-3 262618506 蝶澈 昨天 09:54
PDF电子书:Obesity and Metabolism heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 wangwang1987 2011-11-7 279676526 泡泡鱼 昨天 09:50
PDF电子书:An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms attachment agree  ...23456..27 xiaomao_zhoubo 2011-5-2 266642264 泡泡鱼 昨天 09:50
PDF电子书:2_D_Electrophoresis attachment agree  ...23456..27 ruochenzu 2011-3-14 264630656 修复者 昨天 09:50
PDF电子书:Human Cell Culture Protocols 3e (2012) Humana press attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 xyklmu 2011-11-17 275740480 丸子 昨天 09:31
生命科学研究生教材及参考书目 attachment agree  ...23456..25 幸福的猪 2013-8-22 247572295 旅美学者 昨天 09:29
PDF电子书:环境生物技术 attachment agree  ...23456..23 dongdegushi 2010-3-23 226615749 leeking 昨天 09:29
共价抑制剂的生成 attachment hndfh 2024-6-10 113522 苹果天堂 昨天 09:06
PDF电子书:PCR第二版(英文) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 dahui 2011-6-3 278718585 syt7000 昨天 08:46
PDF电子书:stem cell book-Imaging_chromatin_in_embryonic_stem_cells attachment agree  ...23456..25 sunyucheng 2010-7-18 241577626 dd赤焰 昨天 08:46
PDF电子书:the biotechnology of ethanol attachment agree  ...23456..24 wzpwls 2010-6-5 230543178 dreamenjoyer 昨天 08:46
PDF电子书:The Guide to Biotechnology is compiled by the Biotechnology Industry attach_img agree  ...23456..29 老相机 2009-4-28 282659337 syt7000 昨天 08:43


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