干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站






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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
全局置顶 博雅控股集团:干细胞、免疫细胞自动化设备及实验室、手术室整体解决方案供应 attach_img  ...234 Boyalife 2017-8-11 303874024 randy2002 2024-3-4 11:44
全局置顶 重要通知!近期有人仿冒干细胞之家网站工作人员身份!!! 细胞海洋 2021-8-28 21134406 SKC-SFC 2022-9-13 14:14
全局置顶 博雅控股集团提供CAR-T及其他细胞生产的CDMO服务 attach_img Boyalife 2018-5-31 82082566 xph2557 2022-4-22 09:37
Epigenetic manipulation of gene expression : a toolkit for cell biologists  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 230271161 化药所 半小时前
Clathrin- and caveolin-1–independent endocytosis : entry of simian virus 40 into  ...23456..27 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 265344725 陈晴 1 小时前
Assembly and trafficking of caveolar domains in the cell : caveolae as stable, c  ...23456..26 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 255323674 生物小菜鸟 2 小时前
Optineurin links myosin VI to the Golgi complex and is involved in Golgi organiz  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 226265362 www1202000 2 小时前
A motor neuron disease–associated mutation in p150Glued perturbs dynactin functi  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 224310313 咖啡功夫猫 3 小时前
CpG-induced tyrosine phosphorylation occurs via a TLR9-independent mechanism and  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 249323475 安生 3 小时前
Sunday Driver links axonal transport to damage signaling  ...23456..27 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 262326626 ringsing 4 小时前
The selective continued linkage of centromeres from mitosis to interphase in the  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 242325248 mk990 6 小时前
Recycling of ESCRTs by the AAA-ATPase Vps4 is regulated by a conserved VSL regio  ...23456..22 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 215280904 sky蓝 6 小时前
Recombination protein Tid1p controls resolution of cohesin-dependent linkages in  ...23456..22 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 215223833 youngcell 6 小时前
Depalmitoylated Ras traffics to and from the Golgi complex via a nonvesicular pa  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 238297337 xiaomage 7 小时前
Centrosome fragments and microtubules are transported asymmetrically away from d  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 234367971 蝶澈 7 小时前
Concentric zones of active RhoA and Cdc42 around single cell wounds  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 232315184 ines 8 小时前
Specific integrin and chain phosphorylations regulate LFA-1 activation through  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 246320025 txxxtyq 9 小时前
Structural activation of Mad2 in the mitotic spindle checkpoint: the two-state M  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 236412734 我学故我思 9 小时前
Repair of double-strand breaks by nonhomologous end joining in the absence of Mr  ...23456..21 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 206338846 草长莺飞 10 小时前
The Fat1 cadherin integrates vascular smooth muscle cell growth and migration si  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 246290262 丸子 10 小时前
Spatial and temporal regulation of cofilin activity by LIM kinase and Slingshot  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 229303503 alwaysniu 10 小时前
DRhoGEF2 regulates actin organization and contractility in the Drosophila blasto  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 237304327 aakkaa 10 小时前
A developmentally regulated Na-H exchanger in Dictyostelium discoideum is necess  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 230269961 dogcat 11 小时前
Huntingtin–HAP40 complex is a novel Rab5 effector that regulates early endosome  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 249313676 舒思 11 小时前
sdfsfasfasfIndependent and sequential recruitment of NHEJ and HR factors to DNA  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 246328250 天蓝色 11 小时前
Sgk3 links growth factor signaling to maintenance of progenitor cells in the hai  ...23456..26 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 254325943 qibaobao 11 小时前
Myc regulates keratinocyte adhesion and differentiation via complex formation wi  ...23456..27 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 262313448 vsill 11 小时前
The p85 regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase down-regulates IRS-1 sig  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 220296709 Diary 12 小时前
Targeting and activation of Rac1 are mediated by the exchange factor -Pix  ...23456..28 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 272399609 陈晴 14 小时前
Internalization is required for proper Wingless signaling in Drosophila melanoga  ...23456..26 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 257283140 changfeng 15 小时前


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