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公告 公告: 干细胞之家论坛提醒各位会员更新您的帐号密码!!! 细胞海洋 2011-12-28    
全局置顶 博雅控股集团:干细胞、免疫细胞自动化设备及实验室、手术室整体解决方案供应 attach_img  ...234 Boyalife 2017-8-11 303759143 randy2002 2024-3-4 11:44
全局置顶 重要通知!近期有人仿冒干细胞之家网站工作人员身份!!! 细胞海洋 2021-8-28 21065417 SKC-SFC 2022-9-13 14:14
全局置顶 博雅控股集团提供CAR-T及其他细胞生产的CDMO服务 attach_img Boyalife 2018-5-31 82024572 xph2557 2022-4-22 09:37
Mcp5, a meiotic cell cortex protein, is required for nuclear movement mediated b  ...23456..21 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 201324637 老农爱科学 7 分钟前
Raf-1 regulates Rho signaling and cell migration  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 243292439 兔兔 26 分钟前
Cell adhesion molecules regulate Ca2 -mediated steering of growth cones via cycl  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 247305526 若天涯 半小时前
CAR-1 and Trailer hitch: driving mRNP granule function at the ER  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 228325116 丸子 半小时前
Credit Cards Offers For Good Credit - [售价 包包 10 ]  ...23456..25 CoolBoySuborg 2009-4-29 245334458 xiao2014 4 小时前
Cell growth–dependent coordination of lipid signaling and glycosylation is media  ...23456..21 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 201295915 咖啡功夫猫 5 小时前
Nuclear congression is driven by cytoplasmic microtubule plus end interactions i  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 227280956 蚂蚁 6 小时前
Ubiquitin/SUMO modification of PCNA promotes replication fork progression in Xen  ...23456..27 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 261286386 旅美学者 昨天 23:32
Class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase defines a novel signaling pathway in cell mig  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 237315866 365wy 昨天 23:00
Spore number control and breeding in Saccharomyces cerevisiae : a key role for a  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 239294554 biobio 昨天 22:23
Concentric zones of active RhoA and Cdc42 around single cell wounds  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 227300869 365wy 昨天 22:17
Epigenetic manipulation of gene expression : a toolkit for cell biologists  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 225257667 Greatjob 昨天 20:44
Coordinate control of axon defasciculation and myelination by laminin-2 and -8  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 225279279 安安 昨天 20:36
Prion protein recruits its neuronal receptor NCAM to lipid rafts to activate p59  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 243341647 三星 昨天 20:23
Proline residues of transmembrane domains determine the sorting of inner membran  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 241351242 bluesuns 昨天 19:16
Lithium induces autophagy by inhibiting inositol monophosphatase  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 221280732 水木清华 昨天 18:20
Akt2 phosphorylates Synip to regulate docking and fusion of GLUT4-containing ves  ...23456..24 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 231302502 yukun 昨天 17:52
Spatial organization of the mammalian genome surveillance machinery in response  ...23456..28 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 277319432 Diary 昨天 16:44
Coordinated transport of phosphorylated amyloid- precursor protein and c-Jun NH2  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 249287522 whyboy 昨天 15:33
Mouse SYCP2 is required for synaptonemal complex assembly and chromosomal synaps  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 224299421 leeking 昨天 14:39
It's HIP to be a hub : new trends for old-fashioned proteins  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 246434597 heart10 昨天 13:31
Seeing is believing A beginners' guide to practical pitfalls in image acquisitio  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 241267192 MIYAGI 昨天 13:17
Self-organization of an acentrosomal microtubule network at the basal cortex of  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 243284609 三星 昨天 12:59
IGF-I increases bone marrow contribution to adult skeletal muscle and enhances t  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 225279131 生物小菜鸟 昨天 11:29
Hrp59, an hnRNP M protein in Chironomus and Drosophila, binds to exonic splicing  ...23456..25 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 243276278 txxxtyq 昨天 11:25
-site specific intrabodies to decrease and prevent generation of Alzheimer's A p  ...23456..28 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 272424587 nauticus 昨天 06:12
CIB1 is an endogenous inhibitor of agonist-induced integrin IIb3 activation  ...23456..23 飞鸟二世 2009-4-25 220355841 20130827 昨天 05:28


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