干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站



干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 干细胞与肿瘤发生 肿瘤干细胞假说(Cancer stem cell hypothesis)



作者 回复/查看 最后发表
肿瘤干细胞假说起源-胚胎残迹假说(ZZ from DXY) agree 饶冠华 2009-3-12 528933 prettybear 2010-2-28 16:06
假说如何证明是事实 imap111 2009-5-8 822267 wzx6660 2010-2-27 17:30
Is CD133 a marker of metastatic colon cancer stem cells? attachment agree 饶冠华 2009-11-2 726783 wzx6660 2010-2-27 17:14
Distinct Populations of Cancer Stem Cells Determine Tumor Growth and Metastatic attachment agree 饶冠华 2009-12-3 215671 wzx6660 2010-2-27 17:06
癌基因和抑癌基因失衡之谜 agree 天天快乐 2009-6-11 922086 wzx6660 2010-2-27 17:03
浸润转移是肿瘤干细胞的必备特征吗 agree  ...2 fpj 2009-12-3 1234384 wzx6660 2010-2-27 16:57
透过诺贝尔奖谈中国教育--谈谈你对中国教育的看法 recommend heatlevel agree  ...2 饶冠华 2009-10-21 1541886 jiandong2001 2010-1-17 21:20
The aneuploidy paradox (cancer cell 2008) attachment passenger101 2009-4-30 313581 LiuRoc 2010-1-16 08:43
Hard to swallow: Oncogenic “pills” for cancer? agree 刘实 2009-3-12 521653 燕归来2 2009-12-9 07:05
生物科学与能源问题---谈谈你的思考与看法? agree 饶冠华 2009-12-8 518002 饶冠华 2009-12-8 12:11
参加肿瘤干细胞假说文献讲解活动的同学进来报名 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...234 饶冠华 2009-9-18 3170586 rainsky1314 2009-12-7 19:58
comment on--cancer stem cells: mirage or reality? attach_img agree  ...23 饶冠华 2009-9-26 2350829 wzx6660 2009-12-5 20:10
想统计一下来这个版的人数 attachment agree  ...2 饶冠华 2009-6-16 1936468 luohucy 2009-12-3 20:31
悬赏 肿瘤干细胞领域研究专家的实验室网址 - [悬赏包包 4 ] digest 饶冠华 2009-3-12 736138 luohucy 2009-12-3 20:13
2008 world cancer report attachment  ...2 饶冠华 2009-3-13 1641643 张也行 2009-12-1 15:37
Enabling a Future of Personalized Cancer Medicine agree carfan 2009-11-8 121951 饶冠华 2009-11-9 10:57
正常成体干细胞在生理情况下是不是不发生其他部位的转移或者移动? agree 天天快乐 2009-6-10 627479 jack0811 2009-10-20 00:08
请问 lineage survival oncogene 中文意思 谢谢 agree lpzhdm 2009-10-11 340740 lpzhdm 2009-10-12 09:28
Peter Duesberg, chromosomal chaos, and cancer: An intriguing hypothesis argued p digest agree 天天快乐 2009-6-10 542616 tainlangxing 2009-9-23 20:41
大家踊跃提出癌症的疑难问题或者疑惑? agree tainlangxing 2009-9-23 115817 tainlangxing 2009-9-23 20:27
正常上皮和间质细胞的移动或者转移速度不一样吗? attachment agree 天天快乐 2009-8-13 617453 wzx6660 2009-9-12 20:24
良性肿瘤内充质干细胞是否由体细胞转化 attachment agree libei 2009-8-17 618276 ssz 2009-8-29 00:07
Peter Duesberg 实验室网页 饶冠华 2009-3-30 325325 细胞海洋 2009-8-11 15:36
良性肿瘤干细胞能成骨分化吗? agree naren2000 2009-7-16 218867 饶冠华 2009-7-16 15:48
Does Aneuploidy or Mutation Start Cancer? attachment 饶冠华 2009-3-30 215767 jmm008 2009-6-4 23:03
支持aneuploidy hypothesis的新证据 attachment 饶冠华 2009-5-31 117390 jmm008 2009-6-4 22:53
Occurrence of cancer at multiple sites: towards distinguishing multigenesis from 刘实 2009-3-12 318462 shujing 2009-5-15 23:43
活动 aneuploidy--reading time 饶冠华 2009-4-21 831731 饶冠华 2009-5-10 17:27
过两天评述第二篇文章吧~~ 饶冠华 2009-5-8 218031 饶冠华 2009-5-8 20:07
another paper for aneuploidy and gene mutation-cancer theory attachment 饶冠华 2009-4-30 116438 passenger101 2009-5-1 07:20


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