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楼主: sunsong7

活细胞就是干细胞?     [复制链接]

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-15 23:54 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-16 00:04 编辑 1 q/ T8 C* |( s& s
marrowstem 发表于 2011-5-15 19:50
4 V3 t$ U8 P, e  y" T* _记得上个世纪八十年代,中国有个老教授提出“全息生物学”这样一个概念,也有相关的书籍和文章刊发, ...

& z' y% t2 j% a. O/ ?, q% s: s" G8 x1 H! W2 }
8 p: {! W' }  [3 c
  W8 \1 X1 Y" }. i& \. q/ d老狼提出“活细胞就是干细胞?”这个命题的讨论,主要是受“干细胞演化——the Origin of Disease. http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-35079-1-1.html”这个帖子的启发:既然肿瘤和其他许多疾病都起源于干细胞,那么,干细胞研究的对象如何界定?机体内除干细胞外其他具有增殖能力的细胞出现功能障碍会不会也引发一些疾病?不能进行细胞分裂的终末分化细胞受损后会不会让人生病?
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精华勋章 金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-16 19:32 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子
4 w8 i' \8 c' H1 W8 g, s" ?& O
9 B8 j2 }) K# A- m, y植物体和动物特别是不如动物有很大的差异,植物中的这些现象并不一定能成功的移植到动物身上。试想植物全能性很早很早以前就实现了,并且是那么的容易,而动物全能性的证明其实是有了多莉才渐渐被人接受,并且克隆效率是如此之低,实验条件也是如此苛刻。- i! a' f* d4 L% M9 w' g
* m, S0 f1 P8 x- k
我想,这些事实起码能留给你一个印象:植物和动物的差别甚远。; v! w9 R/ ~5 a
! i1 [; V4 U; `4 n' B; o
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-16 21:21 |只看该作者
回复 张也行 的帖子* q% I- k6 n. K. D9 T4 z
, v4 G2 K; A1 D
1. 并非所有的植物组织都需要干细胞特征来维持生长,譬如落叶植物进行正常的细胞凋亡;9 s" v9 _0 }! x8 ^

! D5 |0 P9 _0 L2 C* H4 N2.微生物学和植物学的研究结果虽然不能直接被移植到动物身上,但通过研究简单的模式生物细胞活动规律对理解复杂生物体系的生命现象是常见的有效手段; / I, m$ _8 N3 G& ]$ Y9 V

* S+ q7 q  d9 g" z3. 根据细胞的定义,如果终末细胞不具备进行“复制”或“增殖”的潜能还不能被称为“细胞”,同理也不能被界定为“活细胞”;% C" {/ H( n+ H8 o

! k7 y. ~# x* U  k* ?; @6 a  k/ A2 D4.人们对细胞的认识在发展之中,不排除有朝一日找到让分化成熟的终末细胞“在合适的条件下”恢复“增殖能力”及“可塑性”的可能性;
( s' K' |( `' h3 e
5 G3 h( `# W! y5. “活细胞就是干细胞”这个讨论的目的在于界定干细胞研究的对象,认识干细胞在疾病发生中的地位;
7 g2 G* y) G$ M; W* b6 V, h. N$ ^
. \+ L2 v5 G2 n2 s/ t1 y
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精华勋章 金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-16 22:20 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子
8 f1 k. }. m- H, O: V$ f
! Y0 Z; A9 B* e. W9 F% M"如果终末细胞不具备进行“复制”或“增殖”的潜能还不能被称为“细胞”"
. Q/ ]; R/ X8 M, F' ?6 q0 i  ?- z# s1 J/ C! J
8 S- x, T" e9 @. F" [( J
7 o4 M& L5 G! q. M& `另外,我想舍弃这些宏观的描述性的定义,用分子生物学的观点来描述干细胞:就从marker基因来说吧,咱们暂且定义干细胞就是“表达某些标记的细胞就是干细胞”。ES细胞表达Oct4, Sox2, Nanog等基因,从而确定了其胚胎干细胞的身份。一些分化的细胞表达各自的marker,而不是干细胞的marker,这就说明他们不是干细胞。2 K/ G2 y9 B/ G( F( M4 _

( i4 B+ O$ K; C; W$ Y我觉得楼主你试图解释的观点应该是:“每个活细胞都有获得干细胞特性的潜能”, 而不是“每个活细胞都是干细胞”。而你说的“有朝一日找到让分化成熟的终末细胞“在合适的条件下”恢复“增殖能力”及“可塑性”的可能性” 不就是我们重编程,iPS细胞的任务吗?
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-16 23:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-16 23:34 编辑
: _+ ]9 m& h2 F
张也行 发表于 2011-5-16 22:20
7 E/ T) N) ~7 }4 d; G回复 sunsong7 的帖子( H  i& V/ ~7 r. E7 E! n3 w
7 u, z. }8 j4 c: I

' W4 h% |5 A8 Q% H1 E. O- k9 C2 o0 n9 M0 ?+ F- W
关于不能复制的细胞是否还算“细胞”?这个问题请参看前面贴子关于细胞的定义(http://www.stemcell8.cn/forum-re ... 657-pid-360678.html
( n0 t' Z/ _+ b: z* s3 b) @' y6 r9 U另外,一些研究表明除了“重编程”技术外,病毒感染、细胞微环境改变等因素可以再激活终末分化细胞进入细胞周期,说明终末分化细胞仍具有可塑性5 T! C  Y" U! c! |1 J; t

) m/ V, i3 y* }  |- ]8 J! p
9 `$ |8 a4 i! s: M, c" E9 s【扩展阅读】5 y' N- `" }# d5 q1 T
通常理解,终末分化细胞(terminally differentiated cells) 又称不育细胞或不分裂细胞,指一旦生成后,终生不再分裂的高度分化的成熟细胞。简单地说就是最后定型的细胞,干细胞进入终末分化后,形成执行特定功能的成熟细胞,不再分裂,譬如运输氧气的红细胞、成熟表皮细胞、神经元、成熟的浆细胞等等。
: c2 \, Y, X) }" O
* L1 o( B/ _* u5 E5 g类似的概念还有永久性细胞(permanent cells)是指不具有再生能力的细胞,此类细胞出生后即脱离细胞周期,永久停止有丝分裂。 属于此类的有神经细胞(包括中枢的神经元和外周的节细胞),另外心肌细胞和骨骼肌细胞再生能力也极弱,没有再生修复的实际意义,一旦损伤破坏则永久性缺失,代之以瘢痕性修复。
1 _& ?$ f+ f  K3 {9 K
! S2 l4 G( M. d- J下面的资料表明这些观点正在被颠覆:% Z" h) S. R( ^$ p+ a, k1 {
" n1 Y, {: r* _9 g( f( z
Terminally differentiated skeletal myotubes are not confined to G0 but can enter G1 upon growth factor stimulation (终末分化细胞并不仅锁定于G0期,细胞因子可以刺激其进入G1期)
" o+ v" k5 }3 G3 G+ {M Tiainen, D Pajalunga, F Ferrantelli, S Soddu, G Salvatori, A Sacchi and M Crescenzi ! w6 t* ?9 m/ I7 M
Molecular Oncogenesis Laboratory Regina Elena Cancer Center, Rome, Italy. 5 n* u* A9 n7 |
Cell Growth & Differentiation, Vol 7, Issue 8 1039-1050, Copyright © 1996 by American Association of Cancer Research * o6 |# H" n4 @/ Z5 _
Terminally differentiated cells are specialized cells unable to proliferate that constitute most of the mammalian body. Despite their abundance, little information exists on the characteristics of cell cycle control in these cells and the molecular mechanisms that prevent their proliferation. They are generally believed to be irreversibly restricted to the G0 state. In this report, we define some features of a paradigmatic terminally differentiated system, the skeletal muscle, by studying its responses to various mitogenic stimuli. We show that forced expression of a number of cell cycle-regulatory genes, including erbB-2, v-ras, v-myc, B-myb, ld-1, and E2F-1, alone or in combinations, cannot induce terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells (myotubes) to synthesize DNA. However, serum-stimulated myotubes display a typical immediate-early response, including the up-regulation of c-fos, c-jun, c-myc, and ld-1. They also elevate the expression of cyclin D1 after 4 hours of serum treatment. All these events take place in myotubes in a way that is indistinguishable from that of quiescent, undifferentiated myoblasts reactivated by serum. Moreover, pretreatment with serum shortens the time required by E1A to induce DNA synthesis, confirming that myotubes can partially traverse G1. Serum growth factors do not activate late-G1 genes in myotubes, suggesting that the block that prevents terminally differentiated cells from proliferating acts in mid-G1. Our results show that terminally differentiated cells are not confined to G0 but can partially reenter G1 in response to growth factors; they contribute to a much-needed definition of terminal differentiation. The important differences in the control of the cell cycle between terminally differentiated and senescent cells are discussed. 0 w. N  r5 B( a. n* o7 J
. b8 ~; x, s6 V5 g  M  |
4 M: {# t9 u7 I+ P' z) U9 h. @
Reactivation of the Cell Cycle in Terminally Differentiated Cells (终末分化细胞的细胞周期再激活)  m" ^! s- y, u& @3 |  H9 {
Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit 17, by Marco Crescenzi,  Publisher: Springer 20031 `" K9 o6 E8 T

' v0 o* Z. _" M  B0 P. v2 u3 JTerminal differentiation is defined as the state in which a cell has acquired specialized properties and has ceased proliferating permanently. This book comprehensively describes whether the terminally differentiated state actually exists, the molecular mechanisms that control the post-mitotic state, and whether terminally differentiated cells can be induced to proliferate in a stable, controllable and reversible fashion.
3 k4 u3 m4 |* P. |
* @" N+ e, |, \* P: S, ]7 HThis volume deals with the most advanced areas of reactivation of the cell cycle in terminally differentiated cells. Terminally differentiated cells have long been regarded as irreversibly unable to proliferate. However, this view is being overturned, with great implications for both biological knowledge and potential therapeutic applications.
- d2 n2 w' D: N  j- i1 e/ \
& n# z% C- B8 E8 DTable of Contents
" W3 J. w1 g! z& t6 dReactivation of Terminally Differentiated Cells: Introduction     Marco Crescenzi
- |" `' o" q) ]$ c* l6 o' D1 TCell cycle reactivation in skeletal musce cells     Marco Crescenzi + r5 {2 _/ C9 C5 @  c0 w1 B( `
Myocyte Proliferation in the Failing Heart      Piero Anversa
% \/ H1 y6 c! f9 MReversal of terminally differentiated state in skeletal myocytes by SV40 large T antigen     Takeshi Endo ; T" t9 c3 p1 y4 m, d2 M+ j
Regulation of proliferation and apoptosis in the cardiac myocyte      Loren J. Field
  j9 o2 B- L' S+ o2 [, b0 y! u1 KThe "Post-mitotic" Phenotype in Cardiac Muscle Cells     Michael D. Schneider
9 v3 x5 s: n/ t* y7 x: }0 W$ E5 ECellular de-differentiation during regeneration: the amphibian muscle system     Elly M. Tanaka 9 N$ b: @; K8 p* F% d; v2 N
【在线阅读】http://www.ccebook.net/preview/0 ... ifferentiated-cells7 a5 d! ], n- w8 p% J& P$ ?

4 r" `9 h/ r6 I% w) AMitotic cycle reactivation in terminally differentiated cells by adenovirus infection. (腺病毒感染可再激活终末分化细胞进行有丝分裂)- K) \4 T$ J1 h- P* X: |$ r3 G
Journal of cellular physiology, Vol. 162, No. 1. (January 1995), pp. 26-35. doi:10.1002/jcp.1041620105 Key: citeulike:3503872
/ P- N- k: e. d, H* [Different cell types (e.g., neurons, skeletal and heart myocytes, adipocytes, keratinocytes) undergo terminal differentiation, in which acquisition of specialized functions entails definitive withdrawal from the cell cycle. Such cells are distinct from quiescent (reversibly growth-arrested) cells, such as contact-inhibited fibroblasts. Terminally differentiated cells can not be induced to proliferate by means of growth factor stimulation or transduction of cellular oncogenes. An important first step toward defining the molecular basis for such unresponsiveness is to find a practical means to overcome the proliferative block. Furthermore, determining whether terminally differentiated, postmitotic cells still retain a potential competence for proliferation that can be reactivated would have important theoretical and practical implications. To address these questions, we exploited the properties of adenoviruses. These viruses can infect postmitotic cells and express E1A, a powerful activator of proliferation in reversibly growth-arrested cells. We infected terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells and adipocytes with human adenovirus type 5 or 12, obtaining full reentry into the cell cycle, including DNA synthesis, mitosis, cytokinesis, and extended proliferation. Similar results were obtained with established cell lines and primary cells belonging to several species, from quail to humans. Genetic analysis indicated that the smaller splice product of E1A, E1A 12S, is sufficient to induce cell cycle reactivation in otherwise permanently nonmitotic cells. These results demonstrate that terminally differentiated cells retain proliferative potential and establish adenovirus as a convenient and powerful means to force such cells to reenter the cell cycle.  (http://www.citeulike.org/user/giovenko/article/3503872& z5 P0 w3 ^0 t' J0 b0 m
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精华勋章 金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-17 09:16 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子3 Z+ h1 z7 P" Y$ C% g

: C  o) P7 l8 G5 ^1 K% K4 U如果你这样定义细胞和活细胞的话,那么你相当于在说:所有的细胞,除了不是干细胞的细胞外都是干细胞。
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-17 09:26 |只看该作者
张也行 发表于 2011-5-17 09:16 ( d  q* d" ], U8 p: v$ i
回复 sunsong7 的帖子
$ l0 N6 [: b$ b) t
8 H! O9 h" A: Z7 |3 w. P6 Q如果你这样定义细胞和活细胞的话,那么你相当于在说:所有的细胞,除了不是干细胞的 ...

) ~8 s3 q; d$ k' l: Z0 d“活细胞就是干细胞”可以这样理解,所有具有完整细胞结构和功能细胞都具有可塑性,都是干细胞研究的对象;, A7 [9 Y0 ]; F/ \1 L! R
& R: D' p7 H% ?
另外不建议采用marker来定义干细胞,首先marker表达与细胞功能之间的关系具有不确定性,且容易受微环境影响发生改变;其次,许多marker在不同细胞谱系间存在交叉;更要命的是无论“干细胞(dry cell)”还是“湿细胞(dead cell)”都有相似的marker。
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精华勋章 金话筒 帅哥研究员 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-17 09:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 张也行 于 2011-5-17 09:40 编辑
& [3 r9 D. S& A- h: q, q% o. O  S5 P( i4 E" \, S0 y3 y
回复 sunsong7 的帖子
' S6 y7 l* s. w) k8 N1 p: i& w! s" g* x. g# t% v  n5 b- `5 v+ A4 ]1 P
! P& X  b8 Q6 h& [' C  D
# l2 C: K3 A% T5 n' H" m概念上如何理解就随意了,记得有个科学家曾经说过一句话,大意是这样的:掌握概念能够把一个人带入某个领域,但是如果他还是只止步于概念的话那就宣布他学术生涯的结束。所以,定义概念仁者见仁,智者见智。但是,关键还是研究干细胞的特性,从而促进再生医疗是终极目标。你说呢?
1 ~* U$ F0 T1 Q% n' J! @+ ~+ i4 @5 m0 c
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-17 10:01 |只看该作者
回复 张也行 的帖子+ s* u- h- Z: }$ W6 n
! ?* d7 H" X  |! Z. A1 q
很幸运“活细胞就是干细胞”这个话题能得到大家的批判,当初是marrowstem关于“干细胞演化——the Origin of Disease”的命题引起老狼思索,注意到我们头脑中一些根深蒂固的概念正在被干细胞所刷新...
2 G! [% N6 s$ B/ `# d& X3 t
. ?; Q: u. K* P- U) w0 A: A在此老狼倡导论坛成员更多地采用一些批判性思维(CriticalThinking)
* o$ H$ X* t! t% d+ b             ——问题比答案重要http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-39581-1-1.html
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专家 金话筒 优秀会员

发表于 2011-5-19 17:33 |只看该作者
回复 marrowstem 的帖子
- X# b+ h- I: J- D3 r5 L' B) d- S( k1 ]! u5 [
marrowstem老兄恐怕有点笔误,据我了解,蚂蝗是水蛭,和水螅同属腔肠纲动物,外形上还是有很大区别的,斗胆拍砖一下:4 |9 ?) J  @( S  R; `7 N
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