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牙周膜干细胞的培养 [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-3-20 08:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 qianqianlaile 于 2011-3-20 08:26 编辑 % [/ U& d: o  M; m
$ u! D9 N! c4 U/ k1 Y- \. E
Original Article0 W) A4 u* T4 C) U
Development of a Serum-Free System to Expand Dental-Derived Stem Cells:  PDLSCs and SHEDs
& A* k9 ?7 w! PTarle S.A.,1Shi S.,2  *Kaigler D.,1,3,4   
5 R+ P* F+ B2 f- S6 j1 Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI USA; " b" s' R' Z  c# B
2 Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, School of Dentistry, University of Southern
- t1 N6 u, p4 M2 S& z, N# [- Q; @9 JCalifornia, Los Angeles, CA USA;4 Q" ]$ X. H1 I* u
3 Michigan Center for Oral Health Research; Ann Arbor, MI  USA;, Z! x4 q1 |  _1 x) C: B
4 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI USA
# Q) t# ~, V, E( {7 `  EKey Words: PDLSCs   SHEDs   serum-free   media   regenerative medicine   dental stem cells) h; K: y* f1 Y9 l$ q7 ^
Figures: 5
# f; a7 E* U  _' x8 W: lTables: 4 6 a8 S3 g: \& w
*Corresponding Author: Darnell Kaigler, DDS, MS, PhD   P" n1 o# H4 A  d) Q; K
Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine 3 `( [. T9 h  p, v4 e6 a
University of Michigan : g- |! e! v  R% F8 n+ W- |
1011 N. University/ X5 d1 S/ b) N* u6 L1 N6 a
Ann Arbor MI, 48109, USA 6 E7 Y" k) K9 z4 y% k, M
Email: dkaigler@umich.edu
" V8 |3 f! J% l# I3 ~/ j2 |5 J0 cTel: 734-615-4023   l. L! n5 J( Q' h& M! E" h$ O# M, ~
Fax: 734-763-5503
, s! {0 w/ ?# h9 IContract grant sponsor: Burroughs Wellcome Fund; Contract grant number: CAMS-1006918.+ f( ~& {' a7 I" z% h7 t  s9 v
              Received 13 May 2010; Revised 21 June 2010; Accepted 23 June 2010
" o4 f6 _% n) B7 T9 pABSTRACT; Z. G* s: x2 [' h9 b5 A% r7 g
Recently, extracted teeth have been identified as a viable source of stem cells for tissue ' w( {& Z- h) v9 h0 I+ X
regenerative approaches.  Current expansion of these cells requires incorporation of animal sera;
9 h9 P& X) n/ \. Uyet, a fundamental issue underlying cell cultivation methods for cell therapy regards concerns in 6 }* P; K/ F+ A4 z0 x! l
using animal sera.  In this study, we investigated the development of a chemically-defined,
, g- s* _3 {' r; g" e. K( C( F- Fserum-free media (K-M) for the expansion of human periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) 3 [( Z- f+ |8 r5 P
and human stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs).  Proliferation assays were , a+ I* Y+ |( y/ a- g1 f
performed comparing cells in serum-containing media (FBS-M) with cells cultured in four
7 G+ I2 n  j6 n6 G' {different serum-free medium and these demonstrated that in these medium, the cell proliferation
( y3 q% p4 ~3 W5 Z5 h: \  ?8 `of both cell types was significantly less than the  proliferation of cells in FBS-M.  Additional - i0 V. S; z5 j* T+ x  T6 B
proliferation assays were performed using pre-coated fibronectin (FN) tissue culture plates and 1 [0 @) L. Y' u2 K8 _8 X
of the four serum-free medium, only K-M enabled PDLSCs and SHEDs to proliferate at higher
0 }8 F- L- Q, {0 U: ]9 }6 ?! {2 zrates than cells cultured in FBS-M.  Next, alkaline phosphatase activity showed that PDLSCs and SHEDs " w9 ?8 J. M1 I4 z
exhibited similar osteogenic potential whether cultured in K-M or FBS-M, and,
, y1 u6 u) `# P# Hadditionally, cells retained their multipotency in K-M as seen by expression of chondrogenic and
* y* U, m9 R; nadipogenic genes, and positive Von Kossa, Alcian blue, and Oil Red O staining.  Finally, 1 ^" m  F5 T/ r$ q+ U9 b* j
differential expression of 84 stem cell associated genes revealed that for most genes, PDLSCs
. A% F1 G2 R4 b/ D. V" sand SHEDs did not differ in their expression regardless of whether cultured in K-M or FBS-M.
5 y8 |" u; r5 x7 \( Q. _9 l! M/ |3 FTaken together, the data suggest that K-M can support the expansion of PDLSCs and SHEDs and . U8 F& q& a* E% N5 X' Z
maintainence of their multipotency." H( @, a& b  v" D& f* V4 [

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2011-3-20 08:22 |只看该作者
" U1 S( ?/ {8 n3 r# ?: o无血清系统培养扩增牙源性干细胞:牙周膜干细胞和脱落乳牙干细胞的进展/ U! z: Q2 g9 d* E! h; o# `
Tarle S.A.,1 Shi S.,2 *Kaigler D.,134
! I9 @0 k! j. N: }! f0 U1 MI美国安娜堡密西根大学,牙周病学和口腔医学系;7 z) g; }. ]; J8 c2 h
2 CA美国洛杉矶南加利福尼亚大学牙科学院颅面分子生物中心( {9 z8 C9 I3 H) T
3 MI美国安娜堡密西根口腔健康研究中心
1 O3 x) U' t1 O4 MI美国安娜堡密西根大学生物医学工程部
  M/ g' ^+ l- Y  W* A
: f) l3 i* @% q关键词:牙周膜干细胞 脱落乳牙来源干细胞 无血清 培养基 再生医学 牙干细胞
' l: v0 }' I4 O2 A/ o& }2 |标注:SHEDs  stem cell from exfoliated deciduous teeth脱落乳牙来源干细胞
3 t9 E' k$ t/ }5 O* G6 {
# e8 r( }  ?' U$ z8 Z+ @% P图片:5
$ I9 n. c" t5 c9 z表格:4
, q0 }: L9 ~7 s$ I! \" v1 m通信作者:Darnell Kaigler, DDS, MS, PhD0 Z9 ~) X0 D- Y  o: A$ p
, R/ Y4 K* O4 a- H" m/ F6 w电邮地址:dkaigler@umich.Edu6 G( t! L- A1 g  V! F3 F# F4 u& ?
电话:734-615-4023- s6 R; d1 w% G* H# s5 U1 F7 A" W
, u! m1 A% @% [0 {合同授予赞助商:伯勒斯威康基金;
7 b- s# V  z& r9 G; i% h5 O# p合同授予号码:CAMS-1006918  h5 _5 y$ {9 B
2010年5月13日接收;2010年6月21日修改;2010年6月23日发表! @. e6 B- m8 G1 a/ R
摘要; h2 Y$ \. i0 s- {$ |
近来,研究者认为拔除的牙可为组织再生的方法提供干细胞。这些细胞目前的扩增需要加入动物血清,然而,细胞疗法中细胞培养方法的根本问题与用动物血清密切相关。本研究中,我们研究了一种化学合成的培养人牙周膜干细胞(PDLSCs)和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞(SHEDs)的无血清培养基的研制。分析比较含胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞和四种不同无血清培养基培养的细胞的增殖状况,结果表明,无血清培养基培养的两种细胞增殖均明显少于胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞。用预包裹的纤连蛋白组织培养板后分析细胞增殖,结果表明,四中无血清培养基中仅K-M中培养的人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞增长率比胎牛血清培养基培养的高。其次,无论用K-M还是胎牛血清培养基培养人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞,碱性磷酸酶活性检测表明它们都拥有相似的成骨潜力;另外,K-M培养的细胞表达成软骨和成脂肪基因,钙结节染色、阿尔新蓝染色、油红O染色均阳性,说明细胞保持了它们的多向分化潜能。最后,84种干细胞相关基因的不同表达,说明无论用K-M还是胎牛血清培养基培养,人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞中大多数基因表达没有差异。总而言之,研究数据表明, K-M有利于人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞的扩增,并能保持其多向分化潜能。# D8 A- X) g6 K- X% Q* ~
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Rank: 8Rank: 8


论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-3-20 19:14 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tpwang 于 2011-3-20 19:16 编辑 : C! n, d& B. I! o& p0 }

' \+ V. f7 W* s2 A+ o8 U回复 qianqianlaile 的帖子
/ P) F2 Q" m2 `6 s0 A
/ e$ N+ x3 M, F4 H! L- ]都是自己翻译的吗?细节锻炼也很重要。两个小地方:, Q5 o% D0 m/ G2 A# M$ z: Y
Original article在这里是指期刊上的原发研究文章,以区别于评述、社论等其他文章,原文是指被翻译的原作。
; d+ H9 w. O9 w; TUniversity of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI USA,Ann Arbor是密大所在的城市,一般不把它放在大学名称前面。
; J' C9 R6 W! l' X/ V! \
9 r8 g9 m  q/ `" ^. _% i  \
4 u/ l& D/ f- L  RDevelopment of a Serum-Free System to Expand Dental-Derived Stem Cells:  PDLSCs and SHEDs; s: A/ ?. h1 W, |0 j9 {. Q# M
5 T/ ^: L8 q' v, ?8 v$ c) E7 J, i
近来,研究者认为拔除的牙可为组织再生的方法提供干细胞。Recently, extracted teeth have been identified as a viable source of stem cells for tissue regenerative approaches.
! m- \+ r! k* o* q5 K“近来,拔除的牙已被确认为一种组织再生干细胞的可靠来源。”" p/ L, O, @$ y0 S- E) ~
8 z% A. v. I5 O0 _% A
, d3 A" \+ o1 WCurrent expansion of these cells requires incorporation of animal sera;  yet, a fundamental issue underlying cell cultivation methods for cell therapy regards concerns in using animal sera. ; w/ }4 z5 {3 X! |$ c6 u
“目前扩增这些细胞需要添加动物血清,而动物血清正是细胞治疗所采用的细胞培养方法中需要克服的一个基本问题。”concerned issue带有负面的意思,即担忧的问题。. \. T) T2 Q/ U, @+ ?3 ?4 p
5 V& l* X) j: ]
; R5 N4 c% R% @一句话中重复了三个“研究”“研制”。investigate=探索、探究;development=发展、建立(见标题)。* L* u/ D5 H8 d9 x, E7 Y
% |5 V3 Y! T8 N' g4 g5 e. f$ P
最后,84种干细胞相关基因的不同表达,说明无论用K-M还是胎牛血清培养基培养,人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞中大多数基因表达没有差异。( B5 D) ?& ]; x8 s1 \
Finally, differential expression of 84 stem cell associated genes revealed that for most genes, PDLSCs and SHEDs did not differ in their expression regardless of whether cultured in K-M or FBS-M.) Z( v; Y( p! @- G- j0 n
这句翻译的不准确而且拗口。differential expression不是指“不同的表达”。
; r- l9 @; p& `7 ^
) L/ A2 P9 U* |9 A) T0 k5 t7 b总而言之,研究数据表明, K-M有利于人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞的扩增,并能保持其多向分化潜能。
5 w2 B; T4 l! T! m' ATaken together, the data suggest that K-M can support the expansion of PDLSCs and SHEDs and  maintainence of their multipotency.
3 U& _5 _  k1 L/ {3 i* K5 W“上述结果提示,K-M支持人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞的扩增并维持其分化潜能。”+ H- j8 Q- T; ~( z3 q: i5 ^! t
3 z8 ~  S% i! e$ D! W0 w/ b) X
已有 1 人评分威望 包包 收起 理由
细胞海洋 + 30 + 50 欢迎参与讨论

总评分: 威望 + 30  包包 + 50   查看全部评分

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2011-3-20 22:36 |只看该作者
都是我翻译的,不过这篇好像难些,翻译后自己也没完全理顺4 B  y& L( w  w( X! a
+ n2 ~: o) h9 P2 e0 s  o原发研究文章
, M! E& Y* K- n# f5 {1 z9 }+ N一种用于扩增牙源性干细胞即牙周膜干细胞和脱落乳牙干细胞的无血清培养系统的建立4 f( o) u! E7 {3 ]1 R1 y* j# {
Tarle S.A.,1 Shi S.,2 *Kaigler D.,134   @9 G# i; c$ d9 S+ s  r  }) O& n& z
1 MI美国,安娜堡,密西根大学,牙周病学和口腔医学系;/ B9 m) e0 ~& D6 h+ `
2 CA美国,洛杉矶,南加利福尼亚大学牙科学院颅面分子生物中心
( k' v1 U6 d( \  e3 ?+ m/ H3 MI美国,安娜堡,密西根口腔健康研究中心
& A$ _1 @0 G/ \4 D2 v% l4 MI美国,安娜堡,密西根大学生物医学工程部
7 k( J! [+ h! A, J4 p- x( ]4 `5 L
' y, P6 D, |) B  s# K关键词:牙周膜干细胞 脱落乳牙来源干细胞 无血清 培养基 再生医学 牙干细胞 . r- D0 ~/ i% Y4 g. k0 K
标注:SHEDs  stem cell from exfoliated deciduous teeth脱落乳牙来源干细胞" M' Q; _5 e" p" w4 y

( [. L+ Y) u; o, B3 ]; O1 H* H2 v图片:5: g$ X% c! H8 U- ]( `3 n4 {. O
表格:4' `9 m/ y1 q. x& W
通信作者:Darnell Kaigler, DDS, MS, PhD; O0 e/ k' s( E. F' O
美国48109MI,安娜堡,密西根大学1011N.牙周病学和口腔医学院! d/ B4 }1 m" I$ n
9 o2 Z1 Z6 w# ?3 i* j电话:734-615-40230 r" [- K. m2 }9 e( F
4 u' l* c1 T5 L4 {$ V合同授予赞助商:伯勒斯威康基金;1 y5 w0 a/ `# B1 B* b
合同授予号码:CAMS-1006918% i! m0 k' k, o0 Y. j- D- `/ t
4 z7 V7 a% b6 }- Z9 D2 r) {4 L0 n9 P摘要1 Y/ O- N- }$ ~
近来,拔除的牙已被确认为一种组织再生干细胞的可靠来源。目前扩增这些细胞需要添加动物血清,而动物血清正是细胞疗法所采用的细胞培养方法中需要克服的一个基本问题。本研究中,我们探索了一种化学合成的培养人牙周膜干细胞(PDLSCs)和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞(SHEDs)的无血清培养基的建立。分析比较含胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞和四种不同无血清培养基培养的细胞的增殖状况,结果表明,无血清培养基培养的两种细胞增殖均明显少于胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞。用预包裹的纤连蛋白组织培养板后分析细胞增殖,结果表明,四种无血清培养基中仅K-M中培养的人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞增长率比胎牛血清培养基培养的高。其次,无论用K-M还是胎牛血清培养基培养人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞,碱性磷酸酶活性检测表明它们都拥有相似的成骨潜力;另外,K-M培养的细胞表达成软骨和成脂肪基因,钙结节染色、阿尔新蓝染色、油红O染色均阳性,说明细胞保持了它们的多向分化潜能。最后,84种干细胞相关基因的不同表达,说明无论用K-M还是胎牛血清培养基培养,人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞中大多数基因表达没有差异。上述结果提示, K-M支持人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞的扩增并维持其分化潜能。
* Y. g2 k; ~  T; v" s3 s% ]: |- ]

Rank: 8Rank: 8


论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-3-20 23:03 |只看该作者
回复 qianqianlaile 的帖子6 r* `4 q1 }2 [9 J8 Y/ K4 q
5 Q" @% ^5 d6 L" J# G1 n2 ~
differential gene expression是一种方法,翻译为“差异化基因表达”或“差别基因表达”。因此,Finally, differential expression of 84 stem cell associated genes revealed that for most genes, PDLSCs and SHEDs did not differ in their expression regardless of whether cultured in K-M or FBS-M.这句的翻译应该为:
# `0 J8 r& m* `3 r. j
/ U3 T1 c6 U4 ^: l1 Q& G$ W最后,84个干细胞相关基因的差异表达分析表明,PDESCs和SHEDs的大多数基因的表达在K-M或FBS-M这两种培养条件下均没有差别。& p8 x. M0 n' N( T9 Z# F! G3 X$ Z. f

' o$ ]% m- M2 K' I' b' o& h一是说两种细胞没有差别,二是说两种细胞在两种条件下没有差别。6 u8 X( t" ], Y, \- Q

/ j) a: q# S! m5 k' L: L1 P9 |这一系列文章有原文吗?3 U! D8 N$ M* j

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2011-3-21 09:29 |只看该作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2011-3-21 11:28 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qianqianlaile 于 2011-3-21 11:29 编辑 ' L2 V* G) Y7 A- c

9 z6 T; G, C* e- @INTRODUCTION& w8 B5 X3 g' v5 Z" v
Cell therapy has tremendous potential in regenerative medicine, yet, there are concerns in
4 \" p  c  x" ?( N) {the utility of cell therapy due to questions regarding different cell harvest and cultivation + [) M- G" ~+ e' L, @
methods (Haack-Sorensen et al., 2008; Mannello and Tonti, 2007). Bone marrow derived % U; R3 ^: Q" i. H# ]: L
stem cells have been identified for a number of years, and there are a number of , d& T# }. i1 V2 w- u8 @9 N
ongoing clinical trials exploring the safety and efficacy of their use for a number of
' n6 J  p9 h  [4 ?: p0 n+ l4 ?clinical applications (Battiwalla and Hematti, 2009; Sadan et al., 2009; Satija et al., & ~  ]+ T; w- V8 K$ l1 `4 R
2009).  There has been an increased interest in recent years in the potential of oral-
. b- l, ?( d2 w1 H9 V, t& ~# oderived stem cells for cell therapy, primarily because they can be derived from a readily
* m3 ?2 S  K" }! y0 R0 A0 }5 ?6 mavailable source, extracted teeth (Gronthos et al., 2000; Miura et al., 2003; Seo et al.,
4 k5 r' w* @; A0 z2004).  These cells exhibit multipotency and regenerative capacities characteristic of
( Q1 ?# C9 n- U) T# e5 }9 q' F/ kmesenchymal stem cells (Batouli et al., 2003; Shi et al., 2005) and have the capacity to
6 Y  O0 c/ x( N* J6 S' O; y6 f1 ^repair and regenerate tooth structures in vivo (Krebsbach and Robey, 2002; Mao et al., 2006).
" ]' W/ K1 f) _ Because oral-derived stem cells have been more recently identified, clinical
( c) W# [- H1 xprotocols are still being developed for their use.  Regardless of the specific protocol " I3 e6 v- W6 j  U
used, most current cell therapy approaches rely upon ex vivo cell expansion in order to - Y9 V* p- x9 P$ p: R+ ]$ L/ b; d
produce sufficient cell numbers for transplantation.  Though a wide variety of protocols % s% n% g! v5 g, ^  U4 w
and culturing methods exist, one common aspect to most of them is the inclusion of
2 p8 Q5 o" Z& oanimal sera for cell expansion, in that it contains a rich source of nutrients and growth 9 o1 t9 L1 e% ^  W
factors (Mannello and Tonti, 2007).  Despite the widespread standard use of animal
; W9 G# v5 n& F# |9 vsera for in vitro cell culture (Freshney, 2000), there are several problems which exist * W! x& L2 ^  V2 t- O' y0 o
relative to its use for clinical application.
1 G( e# t' m/ Y8 ]One of the central issues regarding limitations in using animal sera for clinical cell / i3 R1 I" N4 X: S& g3 y/ z
therapy protocols is that its components are highly variable and, in many cases,
( f' H2 O$ U% Gunknown.  Though components of sera have identified, it has also been demonstrated
  w! H; h' X$ ~( k4 b+ othat consistency between different lots cannot be assured (Price and Gregory, 1982).  In & [( ^7 k# v8 y( Q
the context of multipotent stem cells, serum components and concentrations have # p  Z1 L8 W6 b1 g' A$ g2 e
significant impact on cell survival and proliferative capacity, phenotype, and multipotent ; D: W8 g4 ]- F2 T) o
potential (Agata et al., 2009; Sotiropoulou et al., 2006).  Additionally, for clinical use, the
2 F6 _6 A" F8 y- Pinclusion of xenogeneic serum for cell expansion carries immunological risks associated $ ~( [3 J% Q7 [4 }% m0 w% Y2 b
with the immunogenicity of serum proteins and the potential of transmission of prion
8 {& p0 a1 z% X; d+ F- L( Q9 Ydiseases and zoonoses (Shahdadfar et al., 2005).  These concerns have led to efforts 3 H( H- B' l" `$ M
aimed at incorporating FBS alternatives in cell expansion protocols, including the use of
; B) q. \- ?7 iautologous and allogeneic sera, and the proprietary manufacturing of serum-free media
; k! h8 T4 S* mformulations by different companies (Nakamura et al., 2008).  Even with these approaches,& z) A4 K: Z/ H& a
there are limitations in the availability of both autologous and allogeneic
5 K  z/ d) z7 g1 W! i* W5 Ksera and companies do not freely disclose their proprietary “serum-free” media
$ v/ x4 d; }$ @; V6 F" s" `components.  These factors not only prohibit clinical translation, but also limit
, o  O# r, W7 U5 o4 m3 |widespread use and study of more basic fundamental questions regarding specific
) ~2 m1 V  F/ F( imechanisms involved in the modulation of these media on cell function.  As such, there
! b, a# _4 C0 c' n. z1 x$ z7 A! v# S" Pexists a need for the development of chemically-defined media which can propagate the
+ s% T  p: f' ~cultivation of stem cells without adversely affecting cell function and phenotype ! Q9 L, _" u9 Y9 J0 ], i
(Mannello and Tonti, 2007)./ j" i( B2 J3 `
In this study, we aimed to develop a serum-free media (K-M) for the expansion o
. o/ n3 i6 H6 A  f( X" p. bdental-derived stem cells, including stem cells-derived from exfoliated deciduous (baby)
  G7 \. r5 T" e. {8 j6 Fteeth (SHEDs) and periodontal ligament stems cells (PDLSCs).  Cell expansion in this
- E1 Y3 d) A% ?/ fmedia was compared to standard FBS containing media used to culture these cells, # n6 D% D! B: a; Y5 ~
as well as three other serum-free media formulations (two of which are commercially available)
2 x- c% w% }$ C' Wused for culture of mesenchymal stem cells.   Additionally, through
$ M0 C9 c, s* \/ Idifferentiation assays and microarray analyses, multipotency and differential gene 2 H' k# a7 g/ d: \' I
expression of 84 stem cell associated genes was examined between cells cultured in K-
% S  l: ~0 D" O( M1 w5 J" lM vs. those cultured in FBS- containing media.

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2011-3-21 12:38 |只看该作者
引言; G& e" W; |7 L* t$ d
! o6 Z% C" n/ t2 T' P3 Y! |1 J( u% z限制动物血清用于临床细胞疗法的核心问题之一是动物血清组成成分高度变化,并且多数情况下变化是不可知的。尽管血清的组织成分已经确定,但Price 和Gregory的研究证实不同地域的血清浓度不同。用血清培养多能干细胞,血清组成成分和浓度显著影响细胞的生存和增殖能力、表型及其多能潜力。另外,将外源血清扩增的细胞用于临床会带来免疫风险,如血清蛋白的免疫源性和朊病毒疾病的潜在感染、人畜共患疾病的传播。这些担忧使研究者们致力于用胎牛血清的替代物来扩增细胞,包括用自体血清和同种异体血清以及不同公司专有制造的无血清培养基配方。即使用这些方法,自体血清和同种异体血清的效用仍有限,而且商家无法详细说明他们专有的“无血清培养基”的成分。这些因素不仅妨碍了临床应用,而且限制了其广泛使用以及对这些培养基调节细胞功能的具体机制相关基础问题的研究。因此,需要研制一种能使培养的干细胞增殖又不影响细胞功能及表型的化学合成培养基。
" `+ o5 h& ^6 D! M( f  @  C本研究中我们研制了一种扩增牙源性干细胞即脱落乳牙来源的干细胞和牙周膜干细胞的无血清培养基(K-M)。比较了K-M培养基、常用标准胎牛血清培养基和其他三种常用于培养间充质干细胞的无血清培养基中细胞的扩增情况。另外分化实验和微矩阵列分析检测并比较了K-M培养基和含胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞的多潜能性和84种干细胞相关基因的基因差异。
. [' Q9 `, ?5 F
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论坛元老 精华勋章 优秀会员 金话筒 专家

发表于 2011-3-21 21:22 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tpwang 于 2011-3-21 21:24 编辑 0 h" I$ x: }8 R% v- I% U6 _
5 d* `$ q8 w- M4 N! X( u+ e+ s
回复 qianqianlaile 的帖子6 R0 a. M) |9 h
: M2 h2 }/ q+ |; P! W
这篇翻译的中间一段问题比较多,感觉把握的不够细。1 S  K7 e$ E/ U' I( B
/ G) M" w  B# K! U- m
限制动物血清用于临床细胞疗法的核心问题之一是动物血清组成成分高度变化,并且多数情况下变化是不可知的。7 T& k6 S: R" S5 r/ K
One of the central issues regarding limitations in using animal sera for clinical cell-therapy protocols is that its components are highly variable and, in many cases,unknown., g3 f  U& d, I

. G8 \/ W# B. x0 J7 E2 @- c% k3 Y1 O- |, o7 t“动物血清产品用于临床细胞治疗的核心问题之一是动物血清成分非常不稳定,而且很多情况下不明确。”unknow也指的是components,而不是指variable。  
3 u$ E/ \, R7 R3 r$ d
1 U. {. P" t: ]6 M9 T  ]( N尽管血清的组织成分已经确定,但Price 和Gregory的研究证实不同地域的血清浓度不同。
5 Q! k" y! ~" u# C+ T4 ~Though components of sera have identified, it has also been demonstratedthat consistency between different lots cannot be assured (Price and Gregory, 1982).  
: R2 }  ]- ^2 ^. V" y0 Q! \* W8 j" ~/ \& D+ K
8 ]( `) S1 A" Z3 f5 s& `1 ^$ ]6 ^" |8 y; E4 g: [
另外,将外源血清扩增的细胞用于临床……0 F6 G5 W) z9 M1 |" @
Additionally, for clinical use, the inclusion of xenogeneic serum for cell expansion...
! w5 N3 V. c& e7 L/ Y: e6 ~( J  [; M' N5 F2 n# I) I: Z
exnogeneic指异基因的,这里应该是指异种(即动物血清),而外源可以是同种的。/ L7 ~7 c+ ~/ C; N4 r- N
: ]) ?' M. _1 @3 i- v+ f
' E& v# n8 D0 P& eincluding the use of autologous and allogeneic sera, and the proprietary manufacturing of serum-free media formulations by different companies
  B  C3 T& n3 r0 }  J
7 M6 n: w. h0 W8 o这里的proprietary manufacturing可以翻译为“独家生产的”,意思是这些产品的信息不是公开的,是生产者自己保有的,这就为研究这些无血清培养基的细胞功能调控作用设置了障碍。' v5 k! N+ d9 D3 ~0 N  i: `
4 h4 J+ g" S$ `5 h8 A. i2 B) v7 y
8 z  ]  d3 `& v9 ?...and companies do not freely disclose their proprietary “serum-free” media components.
  V4 R% k+ g4 [
: ~* V3 C/ J: X2 d2 `8 }“而且厂家不愿免费公开他们的专有无血清培养基的成分。”do not freely disclose不是无办法,而是有办法而无意愿。这一句是上一句proprietary manufacturing的进一步注解。$ u& ?- [9 V! C/ q. v/ k2 b. E" y3 y/ x

0 p  r: D# q% F因此,需要研制一种能使培养的干细胞增殖又不影响细胞功能及表型的化学合成培养基。
! S6 b! M; d5 v: wAs such, there exists a need for the development of chemically-defined media which can propagate the cultivation of stem cells without adversely affecting cell function and phenotype.7 r2 ]& `- V9 W6 l: p* Q: N

' S4 b$ ^9 L7 q  e' |' k“有鉴于此,需要研制具有明确化学成分的培养基……以便……。”有鉴于上面提到的动物血清不稳定不安全、商业公司自产的成分保密替代产品的局限等,所以要研制一种具有明确(公开)化学构成的培养基。* \& Y7 A( |0 t

2 @! S- l7 o$ b, d4 R8 I7 J文章的前后逻辑是连贯的,读文章翻译文章一定要注意“承前启后”的表达方式。 常见单独的句子翻译没什么问题,但段落和文章读起来没有连贯性。而且,理解后面的内容一定要注意与前面内容的逻辑关系,否则没有“情景”(context),理解容易出问题。这是大多数初学文章写作或翻译的同学们最常见的弱点。值得下功夫提升这方面的能力,首先要细心,要吃透。
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Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2011-3-21 22:37 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qianqianlaile 于 2011-3-21 22:45 编辑 ( `3 ^7 L; j" x4 L& p* r  y- y2 q
1 n: p1 i1 I- G* l" q
- R& E: y6 E. a! ?: p而且知识也有限,不知道生物制品的标准,脑子里也没有独家生产这个概念,所以没理解。; d. A* }4 |* V
9 ?) x9 U! }, K3 P* J! `修正后的译文(两段)如下:6 N- t- {/ O; t7 O2 r6 ^! i
摘要& s, q5 p  h" I; b  P- C" y
近来,拔除的牙已被确认为一种组织再生干细胞的可靠来源。目前扩增这些细胞需要添加动物血清,而动物血清正是细胞疗法所采用的细胞培养方法中需要克服的一个基本问题。本研究中,我们探索了一种化学合成的培养人牙周膜干细胞(PDLSCs)和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞(SHEDs)的无血清培养基的建立。分析比较含胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞和四种不同无血清培养基培养的细胞的增殖状况,结果表明,无血清培养基培养的两种细胞增殖均明显少于胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞。用预包裹的纤连蛋白组织培养板后分析细胞增殖,结果表明,四种无血清培养基中仅K-M中培养的人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞增长率比胎牛血清培养基培养的高。其次,无论用K-M还是胎牛血清培养基培养人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞,碱性磷酸酶活性检测表明它们都拥有相似的成骨潜力;另外,K-M培养的细胞表达成软骨和成脂肪基因,钙结节染色、阿尔新蓝染色、油红O染色均阳性,说明细胞保持了它们的多向分化潜能。最后,84种干细胞相关基因的差异表达分析表明,人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞的大多数基因的表达在K-M(一种无血清培养基)或胎牛血清培养基这两种培养条件下均没有差别。上述结果提示, K-M支持人牙周膜干细胞和人脱落乳牙来源干细胞的扩增并维持其分化潜能。' O2 A$ |: L7 O* c( P  O: a
3 `+ X( x9 V9 V. a1 z
7 @6 h& @6 }9 i0 O/ }细胞疗法在再生医学中有着巨大的潜力,然而不同细胞收获和培养方法带来的问题使得研究者们担忧细胞疗法的效用。通过数年的努力骨髓源性干细胞被鉴定,而且大量正在进行的临床试验探索着该细胞用于临床的安全性和效能。近年来研究者们越来越关心口腔源性干细胞用于细胞治疗的潜力,主要是因为该细胞能从拔除的牙中分离获得。这些细胞拥有间充质干细胞的多向分化潜能和再生特性,并能在体内修复和再生牙齿结构。因为口腔源性干细胞最近被鉴定,所以其用于临床的操作仍在建立中。无论使用何种特殊方法,最新的细胞疗法仍需依赖于体外细胞扩增为移植提供有效的细胞数量。虽然有多种程序和方法培养细胞,但大部分都用含有丰富的营养和生长因子的动物血清培养扩增细胞。尽管用动物血清培养体外细胞是普遍的使用标准,然而动物血清的临床应用还存在很多问题。
6 z, {8 u6 \9 q- v, i动物血清产品用于临床细胞治疗的核心问题之一是动物血清成分非常不稳定,并且很多情况下不明确。即使确定了血清成分,研究表明不同批次产品的成分的一致性难以保证。用血清培养多能干细胞,血清组成成分和浓度显著影响细胞的生存和增殖能力、表型及其多能潜力。另外,将异种血清扩增的细胞用于临床会带来免疫风险,如血清蛋白的免疫源性和朊病毒疾病的潜在感染、人畜共患疾病的传播。这些担忧使研究者们致力于用胎牛血清的替代物来扩增细胞,包括用自体血清和同种异体血清以及不同公司独家生产的无血清培养基配方。即使用这些方法,自体血清和同种异体血清的效用仍有限,而且厂家不愿免费公开他们的专有“无血清培养基”成分。这些因素不仅妨碍了临床应用,而且限制了其广泛使用以及对这些培养基调节细胞功能的具体机制相关基础问题的研究。有鉴于此,需要研制具有明确(公开)化学成分的培养基以便使培养的干细胞增殖又不影响细胞功能及表型。
1 R/ ^; |4 f9 w( v8 @% r* f本研究中我们研制了一种扩增牙源性干细胞即脱落乳牙来源的干细胞和牙周膜干细胞的无血清培养基(K-M)。比较了K-M培养基、常用标准胎牛血清培养基和其他三种常用于培养间充质干细胞的无血清培养基中细胞的扩增情况。另外分化实验和微矩阵列分析检测并比较了K-M培养基和含胎牛血清培养基培养的细胞的多潜能性和84种干细胞相关基因的基因差异。$ x# N" M7 ~% U
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