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Cell进展:Noncoding RNAs: The Missing “Linc” in p53-Mediated Repression [复制链接]

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优秀版主 小小研究员

发表于 2010-8-13 09:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 轩辕之客 于 2010-8-13 09:17 编辑
5 y7 X* X, h5 K( h( p. P) g& T: @; u
3 y: V9 b( T- `3 h4 W. N7 }非编码RNA与P53介导的细胞凋亡:' o) k' w3 N) F4 J6 k- g
* e" c6 t* l6 G+ d3 O
Record Number: 10652 \. B+ I7 p( n
Author: A. M. Barsotti and C. Prives1 u4 _7 s7 e3 k1 @4 p
Year: 2010* _7 M( e. E3 o& Q& g
Title: Noncoding RNAs: The Missing "Linc" in p53-Mediated Repression  U7 i" y) g" X: _
Journal: Cell& e. e) ]- e- Q
Volume: 142
1 i" \0 P! W; Q) ~Issue: 35 v; F; s! j3 G6 s  X
Pages: 358-3606 K2 S# b) C0 f5 ?
Epub Date: 2010/08/10
8 s9 R& L4 k* |0 HDate: Aug 6  N0 I" |$ Q# {0 J) d5 S& J7 I9 W/ g
# W4 V6 W; }: O+ |4 X  L
0 y6 Z4 P  E+ {' D+ F$ a" ~( G+ ~
Noncoding RNAs: The Missing “Linc” in p53-Mediated Repression
+ Q" P; C' g* d* U( N9 V+ K* M# R* S% o
The tumor suppressor protein p53 coordinates the cellular response to stress through regulationof gene expression. Now, Huarte et al. (2010) identify a long intergenic noncoding RNA as a newplayer in p53-mediated repression of genes involved in apoptosis.
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