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干细胞之家 - 中国干细胞行业门户第一站 干细胞之家论坛 细胞与微环境 沙龙区 中国人热火朝天干iPS细胞,美国人悄无声息搞aECM...



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中国人热火朝天干iPS细胞,美国人悄无声息搞aECM...   [复制链接]

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-23 20:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-23 21:03 编辑
! J2 O" E" u/ @; t) x: k) V% Y2 L% s2 j# W7 ^) M

3 a$ g7 h( [7 K2 D/ @/ \0 C  @
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发表于 2011-5-23 21:08 |只看该作者
回复 sunsong7 的帖子- N  `' j" H* C# _7 Z
7 U$ A- A' x3 o  K! K0 D9 G
哈哈,谁画的,挺幽默。aECM是什么?extracellular matrix?

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-23 21:15 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-23 21:17 编辑 ) S4 Y; F! _% w: \6 x. V
" m4 T% S- Y' Z! F+ B
回复 tpwang 的帖子
+ I' H1 E7 h% n7 W; M0 I9 i7 ]6 k% {3 ^7 I) I+ P) e
【老狼作品】artificial extracellular matrix in-situ regeneration3 P3 c  ~+ M' b

: o" T# I: [4 w) J+ x子曰:上善若水 大成若缺  干细胞治疗的终极解决方案就是不使用外源干细胞(cell-free is the final solution of stem cell therapy )

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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-23 21:37 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-23 21:38 编辑 # U6 O# h) D: c- j/ O' r1 Z+ w

' M: P# N$ N( p4 f* J* y& EState-of-the-Art Review 2003
: D; W+ ^. S# ~! d, {6 i8 t) rJ Hematother Stem Cell Res. 2003 Dec;12(6):689-99.6 r! E! R4 B/ i3 O% t
+ h; e+ R+ \8 _' M; D5 O
Artificial niches for human adult neural stem cells: possibility for autologous transplantation therapy. , K, M& P  N. c; o
Liu CY, Westerlund U, Svensson M, Moe MC, Varghese M, Berg-Johnsen J, Apuzzo ML, Tirrell DA, Langmoen IA.2 X# ~+ J% N3 O7 F
SourceDepartment of Neurological Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 90033, USA. chasliu@cheme.caltech.edu3 v9 v6 m2 i/ i1 Q( k" L

3 w4 C% B, @9 s' F$ E+ JCellular transplantation therapy is thought to play a central role in the concept of restorative neurosurgery, which aims to restore function to the damaged nervous system. Stem cells represent a potentially renewable source of transplantable cells. However, control of the behavior of these cells, both in the process of clonogenic expansion and post-transplantation, represents formidable challenges. Stem cell behavior is thought to be directed by extracellular signals in their in vivo niches, many of which are protein or peptide based. As only one example, activation of Notch plays an important role in normal development and is the strongest known signal for stem cells to choose glial over neuronal fates. Therefore, artificial extracellular matrix proteins represent a potentially powerful tool to custom design artificial niches to strategically control stem cell behavior. We have developed a family of aECM proteins that incorporate the active domains of the DSL ligands to the Notch receptor into an elastin-based backbone. The development of our DSL-elastin artificial proteins demonstrates the design strategy and methodology for the production of bioactive artificial extracellular matrix proteins aimed at modulating stem cell behavior, and this method can be used to design other bioactive aECM proteins. In addition, we have developed a method for the isolation and characterization of adult human neural stem cells from periventricular tissue harvested from living patients. This paper reviews cellular transplantation therapy from the clinical perspective and summarizes ongoing work aimed at exploring the intriguing possibility of autologous transplantation, whereby neural stem cells can be harvested from adult patients, expanded or modified in vitro in artificial niches, and retransplanted into the original patient.0 t5 F0 A3 ?: \9 U: i5 {; V4 K9 q
3 t( I* T) n  l6 s
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发表于 2011-5-23 21:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-23 21:52 编辑
  V* B! R4 P" L: T; j) |* Z) D% `0 g6 w
《Advanced Materials》 Volume 21, Issue 32-33, pages 3255–3268, September 4, 2009
( o- W' S  j% D' i# L3 h4 F/ [, x( T: |" I. g% c: v! M! }
Artificial Stem Cell Niches3 l) C7 b' K$ }) L; ^1 f
Matthias P. Lutolf1,*, Helen M. Blau2,*
: k  I" `0 H2 ?; n9 i- |7 _Article first published online: 28 MAY 2009
# j3 [6 u. W& b4 |1 mDOI: 10.1002/adma.200802582
# Y/ J1 }- k4 m! @Copyright © 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
& @! a9 @' ]% b' h# r4 K
# ^: ~6 }3 ?# L. ~, hStem cells are characterized by their dual ability to reproduce themselves (self-renew) and specialize (differentiate), yielding a plethora of daughter cells that maintain and regenerate tissues. In contrast to their embryonic counterparts, adult stem cells retain their unique functions only if they are in intimate contact with an instructive microenvironment, termed stem cell niche. In these niches, stem cells integrate a complex array of molecular signals that, in concert with induced cell-intrinsic regulatory networks, control their function and balance their numbers in response to physiologic demands. This progress report provides a perspective on how advanced materials technologies could be used (i) to engineer and systematically analyze specific aspects of functional stem cells niches in a controlled fashion in vitro and (ii) to target stem cell niches in vivo. Such “artificial niches” constitute potent tools for elucidating stem cell regulatory mechanisms with the capacity to directly impact the development of novel therapeutic strategies for tissue regeneration.
3 C9 [% S5 B4 q+ |! f+ ~: i; a, a; g' q4 I+ w' }
Artificial niches that direct stem cell fate (无法查看的新作 http://www.endocrinologyadvance. ... 10)01718-7/abstract! d( R: ?( _: |
1 Jan 2011 ... Artificial niches that direct stem cell fate. M.P. Lutolf.
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论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-5-23 22:02 |只看该作者
Engineering microenvironments to control stem cell fate and function. D7 ?5 O/ X, Y8 G
*Shawdee Eshghi1, David V. Schaffer1,§) j! _/ T. I; Z9 K
1Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA7 D% f8 X0 M, I2 l
The two definitive characteristics of stem cells, the capacity for proliferation without loss of potency and the ability to differentiate into specialized cell type(s), endow these cells with great promise for the development of cell replacement therapies for degenerative disease and injury. Furthermore, stem cells are increasingly being recognized as versatile systems for developmental biologists to study lineage specification and tissue organization.0 ?3 V8 Y$ _* t: o7 l" d
+ s% t& P( Z1 w" o4 G5 y! u7 e
Understanding the mechanisms that underlie stem cell self-renewal and differentiation is central to realizing this potential, and efforts have increasingly focused on elucidating the signals that regulate cell function in the tissues where they reside, i.e. the endogenous stem cell niche. The governing principle of this niche, first proposed 30 years ago, is that stem cell fate decisions are influenced by cells’ interactions with components of their microenvironment, and these cell extrinsic factors include soluble and immobilized factors, the extracellular matrix, and signals presented by neighboring cells. Thus, recreating or simulating this microenvironment may be critical for properly expanding and controlling the differentiation of stem cells outside the body, for both basic biological study and therapeutic translation.
2 J1 z# }9 g: q1 g) O0 |
: J0 _" b: T2 ^- XIn this chapter we review the biology of stem cell niches, focusing on the mechanisms and “strategies” by which various niche components support stem cell functions, including immobilization of signals to control activity and dosage, progressive specification of cell behavior by a series of sequential signals, complex signaling feedback from adjacent niche cells, and presentation of mechanical cues. We then illustrate how these mechanisms can be translated into design criteria for stem cell engineers to create biomimetic microenvironments that emulate the ability of native niches to precisely control cell function.% t1 k" G! L; O' b7 [' F* }6 `

' d& t2 @/ w: n8 S+ u+ A
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发表于 2011-5-23 22:05 |只看该作者
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发表于 2011-5-23 22:19 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-5-23 22:24 编辑 - N% y! e2 Z0 F- W5 f$ h3 L: A

2 B/ ~" O$ Q4 Y* B7 v  v【扩展阅读】& |& K2 h  U5 k% r' g
干细胞用于治疗性新生血管进展:未来治疗“无细胞”?http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-32312-1-1.html! E/ y. @4 h$ Y
再生医学骨髓干细胞源旁分泌因子现状和治疗潜力 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-31674-1-1.html
" W' z+ [$ ~+ c美发明新医疗技术 有望不靠干细胞使器官修复 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-25489-1-1.html
) }8 D- I+ i7 s! k- X! }* r! L; q干细胞移植后是如何在宿主体内发挥治疗作用?http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-31326-1-1.html- w3 x. [* A) p  P* t) v
纤维蛋白作为仿生微环境诱导早期内皮祖细胞分化和干细胞标志物表达 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-33037-1-1.html
6 y  |- y3 m# C: b间充质干细胞的旁分泌效应 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-28618-1-1.html
0 D9 g; d- p; ?6 p% h% W7 E* U日研究人员利用特殊细胞因子修复实验鼠头骨 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-39636-1-1.html
) @* u& Z+ E4 C治癌新思路——“以癌治癌” http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-34147-1-1.html
* L4 W! g# r+ B$ k  x: {Nature:人工合成干细胞培养基质 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-35732-1-1.html
# w2 |7 {# I  f6 ~  Q1 b, t3 \
9 P6 ]1 P% b- N, l2 _6 ]) U4 n, D; s$ m
5 c  [2 N+ X/ X  s6 W
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发表于 2011-5-23 22:37 |只看该作者

( \! f' \9 r) S  v# m2 vThree-dimensional hydrogel scaffolds designed to mimic the extracellular matrix are being created that incorporate biomimetic motifs, such as cell binding sequences, proteolytically degradable crosslinks, and regulatory protein analogs. Surface coatings tuned to resist non-specific protein adsorption and cell adhesion are being explored, which can then be tethered with cell binding and regulatory protein sequences to address fundamental questions in cell biology and tissue engineering.
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发表于 2011-5-24 08:21 |只看该作者
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