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Nature:物理学家的“捣乱思维”参与癌战 [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2011-7-3 18:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 sunsong7 于 2011-7-3 19:20 编辑 % y  D5 ~* l( Q" w& s. k' \

& T, Y9 |0 r" E1 k$ q$ j, s* _【摘译】Physics meets cancer: The disruptor
; Z1 c; k* L) i+ b! H, v" S# ZPaul Davies likes to ask big questions. But how did the freethinking cosmologist suddenly find himself probing the physics of cancer?
: w/ {3 V4 [0 H! C' K8 bPublished online 1 June 2011 | Nature 474, 20-22 (2011) | doi:10.1038/474020a . \+ ?- t- E% n& W2 I! g
  M8 O, W+ `) j9 ~& X3 |+ t- `5 j
$ b0 ?; M+ X- x" |

# G9 O3 x8 g  p! V4 {3 A5 q! g$ E; f% W1 c9 a1 w' ?
       都说隔行如隔山,但物理学家Paul Davies却在跨界之后从癌症研究中得到乐趣:因为生物学家们说,正是从他那些直指核心的“傻问题”中大受启发。——M. Michelle Waldrop
3 A* \9 V% v& J2 g( x  y$ e% j( m2 x$ P" j; h
       在此之前,不论是进行研究,还是撰写那19本科普著作,Paul Davies的动力来源都是当初在接受物理学和宇宙学训练时脑子里冒出的一些问题:宇宙是怎样产生的?宇宙定律为什么适用于生命?时间是什么?生命如何起源?* U; L; ^3 a$ n8 d- }; A

' [  A5 Y9 C& ?) W7 C/ ]- F     这种兴奋之情,就是65岁的Paul Davies还要开拓一个全新领域的动力,在这个年纪,大部分学者已经计划着退休了。
6 W6 w$ ^+ l: w! Y' A3 k  ^! A: w+ D# ^' g+ k- d  e, t' U
       2007年11月的一天,Paul Davies接到了那个改变自己职业生涯的电话。当时,他正坐在美国亚利桑那州立大学“超越中心”,“嗯,好,不过我对癌症一无所知”。“没关系,我们需要的就是新的见解”,打电话的是Anna Barker,当时美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)副所长,他想让Paul Davies在40年无果的“抗癌之战”中给她一些帮助。2008年12月NCI宣布了一个计划,要在五年内资助12个物理学-肿瘤学中心,每个中心从物理学、进化论、生物信息学和复杂系统四个角度研究癌症。
: k8 z' B2 u( h, z% m" f
, ^" t& C9 y* M# I. F: APaul Davies——“捣乱思维”的化身. }/ w, d, [( l# R, P2 l
: K; Q, c5 n9 w% m8 M7 Z
      他的幼稚有的时候让生物学家咬牙切齿。今年年初Paul Davies提出肿瘤是一种返祖事件,恢复了多细胞生命出现之前的早期遗传机制$ m) `/ o8 H& l/ n
; _4 ~1 V0 C- G: d9 ^& K* l# v
      “啊哈!物理学家!”明尼苏达大学生物学家Paul P Z Myers因此在博客中这样嘲讽他。
, S& \% l0 N' Z& _$ e9 A8 \$ N  `; f( O/ P. U: T
      “在一些生物学家看来,Paul Davies就是在捣乱”生物物理学家Stuart Lindsay说。. r7 ?( F) L0 S9 A$ k

1 ]9 @' O( u3 d" F5 f$ F      有一个事实让Paul Davies很受震动:目前,生物学家可以研究细胞的学多细节,几乎达到单个分子层面。不过,这种能力常使癌症研究着走入误区,这关注某些出现问题的基因和DNA片段,而不是把它们看成一个复杂的整体
8 b+ R6 [4 M! _. p5 _& N" J8 g1 i; J; M: X  j. R
# I' {6 k) H% G- K9 V; F- r; l; E# ]2 a2 d, v7 ?
     虽然现在出现了一个相对较新的学科——系统生物学,已经在从全局考虑生物学问题,但既便如此,还是少有癌症生物学家熟悉非线性系统分析、网络理论以及数学家和物理学家近几十年来开发的、针对复杂系统的其他工具。9 b/ r$ T, l6 ~0 D

: @( @! F, w8 i! G    Paul Davies 早期作品只反映他在纯物理和宇宙学方面的研究——黑洞的物理学、力的统一和量子理论,而后期作品则反映了他更广泛的兴趣。1980年,他来到英国纽卡斯尔大学物理系,这里有一半的人在研究地球物理。因而潜移默化中,他开始了解地球生命的漫长历史,随后却发现自己陷入里一个重大问题无法自拔:生命是怎么来的?在一个没有生命的宇宙中,自然规律如何独自创造出如此复杂的系统?Paul Davies在一系列科普读物中探讨了这个复杂问题:如1987年的《宇宙蓝图》,1995年的 《我们是唯一的吗》,《上帝与新物理学》《上帝的心智》等。2011年撰文《质疑砷基生命》, S; m* _1 \* Z4 S/ O

( i( u- n0 O* _【扩展阅读】: r( h- Y9 i2 _, [
遗传物质研究是解决肿瘤问题的方向性错误  http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-39452-1-1.html
* h0 {3 o4 z) g癌细胞的发生可能是一种“返祖”现象? http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-32073-1-1.html
7 f5 g1 f( i* K癌是第一代后生动物(Metazoa 1.0)http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-38154-1-1.html
6 ^( M6 }. C; _癌基因的远古起源:与后生动物的多细胞化相关 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-38158-1-1.html
# W, \( |; `% I8 e( N奥地利科学家在祖先多细胞动物中发现“原始的”致癌基因 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-38310-1-1.html
8 Z, m. O2 G8 e3 l% q癌可能是我们最古老的进化祖先 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-38172-1-1.html2 z3 s1 o% z7 _2 ?6 r) c4 E, {
癌——来自远古的鼓声 http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-40136-1-1.html
& E3 D; N) \/ V" e- V9 c贝塔朗菲原则——“整体大于部分之和”http://www.stemcell8.cn/thread-38778-1-1.html, d' A" x+ g$ ]* m0 F

# _& x% G4 M' t. l( i; J' h4 c! C; }' k, g  H
Paul Davies: Physics Could Help Fight Cancer  
6 d8 |; _0 ]6 Q7 T  O8 A6 M* E# dAt a science and tech policy discussion, cosmologist Paul Davies  talked about being recruited by the National Cancer Institute to study metastasis. Steve Mirsky reports/ ]: X$ Z8 A  G# o5 V) I

/ f. t& Z1 X8 m) T“Only 10 percent of people die from primary tumors. The real problem is when it spreads around the body. The problem of metastases.” Arizona State University’s Paul Davies, speaking at the Penn Club in New York. I don’t think we need to cure cancer. In fact, I don’t really think of cancer as a disease as much as an alternative form of living matter. We don’t need to cure it, we just need to manage it for long enough that people die of something else.”
( a) _2 F0 L( M& ?+ z+ E; s! G9 N2 ?5 W7 m) M
The cosmologist was asked to study cancer by the National Cancer Institute. “When cancer cells spread around the body, this is a physics problem. These cells are microscopic bodies being swept along in this raging torrent. They wriggle around, they latch on to surfaces, they drill their way through. This is the sort of language that physicists and engineers can understand. Cancer research is dominated by genetics and biochemistry. That’s why we have the therapies, genetic and chemotherapy, as the main approaches. I think that we can open up a whole new frontier just by thinking about the problem in a totally different way.9 X6 f. w1 D+ |9 G0 q/ ]
5 f3 _) g) D* L4 `3 m( w- D
—Steve Mirsky" `4 V! q- M% |- ?5 x0 e
( [& @  v. s1 L9 r
[The above text is an exact transcript of this podcast.]
# q$ u7 l9 h, l- a9 d* J6 F$ g1 Z. \- a: K: y  r& K5 e3 Q, T1 p7 e
引自:Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.co ... -help-figh-11-04-13
! h/ t  n2 P) W5 e5 r
, @1 |8 p  e& \
2 V3 v. s( _& N+ X+ w【Paul Davies】
  D# J  U/ w& n& r+ W; |Welcome to my website. Here you can find a description of my scientific work, information about my books and articles, and details of my media activities. If you want to go BEYOND and visit my new research center, it's here. If you want to see my work as PI of ASU's Center for Convergence of Physical Science and Cancer Biology, it's here. ) `7 G+ F% R8 f* ?
2 K6 u+ B5 _& s+ L
I am a theoretical physicist and cosmologist by profession, but these days I also work in astrobiology, a new field of research that seeks to understand the origin and evolution of life, and to search for life beyond Earth. I was born in London, and spent most of my life in the UK. From 1990 to 2006 I lived in Australia, but in September 2006 I moved to Arizona State University to establish BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. In 2008, I was also appointed co-director of the ASU Cosmology Initiative.# J2 X) z; L, e( j( x+ B  ^3 e( z! b
* W5 a3 @; U+ g& t6 a! I. W6 O
My interests are very broad, extending from the highly mathematical to the deeply philosophical. I like to ponder the big questions of existence: How did the universe begin? What is the destiny of mankind? Is there a meaning to the universe? I have written several books and articles on these topics, and even made a couple of television series.
) U5 i8 k0 D  |" E% Q1 A  y! L
* c  I* T5 {5 p: P0 N6 ^Professional scientists and academics will find details of my past and current research work, together with a full list of journal publications. The full text of some recent papers is available here. Other visitors may be interested in the selection of popular newspaper and magazine articles I have listed, or details of some radio and television productions. I have also listed the topics that I have worked on, and frequently lecture about. * i9 w7 b* u0 K

, `/ T4 @3 p, b$ K% A4 DMy research and lecturing activites take me to many countries, which provides good opportunites for exotic or amusing photographs.
: K0 h7 U2 A& J! J4 C7 H% e, y
5 e4 a6 `, @' U引自:http://cosmos.asu.edu/
6 C1 t4 T% O# J& b$ J$ E2 N  z0 @+ {9 K
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Rank: 4


优秀会员 金话筒 热心会员

发表于 2011-7-3 19:58 |只看该作者

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-7-30 23:04 |只看该作者
物理学家的思维真的非常与众不同,因为他们有很强的逻辑推理能力和及其严谨的思维方式,我也非常佩服物理学家转行做生物,并且他们往往能做得很棒,比如DNA双螺旋结构发现者之一的crick(这只是其中一个例子)。$ d7 r- M8 S" z* ^" z

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


论坛元老 精华勋章 金话筒 专家 优秀会员 优秀版主

发表于 2013-5-2 13:20 |只看该作者
看看物理学家是如何研究癌症的: g) f/ d8 A6 U" j- D. g1 r' |
8 ~) @; C2 A( M7 V
" u) k( B; Z) P) D) }& a对研究物理学的人来说,Santa Barbara 的KIPT无疑是理论物理学家都向往朝圣的麦加圣地。这里每年都会举行十来场 物理领域的前沿讨论会,时间长达2到3个月。其目的是希望给研究者一个充分交流和思想碰撞的机会。现在的主题是“癌症和癌症的数理模型”,大部分的录像和幻灯片都是开源的。对于不能参加而又对癌症和癌症的数理模型感兴趣的研究者,这是一个非常好的机会。4 ]4 W6 B; U6 B8 c6 h
8 y1 u* ~+ U, B, u- p











Jun 20, 2012

[size=+1]KITP Program: Physics and Mathematics of Cancer (May 21 - July 13, 2012)+ W7 x7 ]1 a1 V! j
Coordinators: Robin Bruinsma , Jean-Francois Joanny, Arnold Levine, Fuyu Tamanoi
9 T/ P3 N$ r! \* c/ BScientific Advisor: Larry Nagahara . r, X. K6 F% {5 K- S; w- r4 O0 C) ~




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5/21, 3:00 p.m.


Organizational Meeting

5/22, 10:00 a.m.

Arnie Levine) h: G% }1 K) ~9 q- k  n" R

Overview of Cancers[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/22, 2:00 p.m.

Arnie Levine
' t; ~0 Y  {: C! CIAS & KITP

Viruses and Cancer[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/23, 10:00 a.m.

Arnie Levine# ?# i: Z3 Q; Z$ b/ I" Q

Signal Transduction Pathways[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/23, 2:00 p.m.

Arnie Levine/ n, g, ]' Z% ~/ @% f" ^

Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/24, 1:00 p.m.

Joe Gray* n) _% ^) Q  ?9 V0 n  |3 `7 W5 @9 S
Oregon Health and Science University

DNA Sequencing of Cancer Genomes[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/25, 10:00 a.m.

Joel Smith
# R" r( O& f4 YMBL

Gene Expression Networks & Colon Cancer[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/25, 2:00 p.m.

Mark Taketo
" H" t2 \2 S: a) ?& b; b, zKyoto Univ.

Colon Cancer Progession: Studies on Mouse Models[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/25, 3:45 p.m.

Mark Taketo6 A* q7 d7 J* g
Kyoto Univ.

Colon Cancer Progession: Studies on Mouse Models (cont'd)[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/29, 10:00 a.m.

Harlan Robins
$ X5 X: x% q' cFHCRC & KITP

Immune Profiling by High Throughput Sequencing of B and T Cell Receptors[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/29, 12:15 p.m.

Arnie Levine0 `) j) K6 k9 a8 O5 l

Creating Stem Cells and Predicting Who Will Die of Prostate Cancers[Podcast][Aud][Cam]
1 z5 M) B; F2 L/ M5 }* VKITP Blackboard Lunch

5/30, 10:00 a.m.

Eytan Domany
/ f- f1 S/ n+ q# ~Weizmann Inst. & KITP

Transcription Regulation and Cancer[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/30, 11:00 a.m.

Elke Markert6 j! E4 @; x, {7 j4 \2 i" J' |6 L

Interpretation of RNA Microarrays[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/30, 11:00 a.m.

Mickey Atwal% y# J8 Z: ]6 x2 d1 Z

Interpretation of RNA Microarrays and Cancer Evolution

5/30, 2:00 p.m.

Martine Ben Amar5 w, S8 l4 @, S# ^8 W

Physics of Tumor Growth in Epithelium: The Case of Melanoma[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/31, 1:00 p.m.

Alexei Vazquez
/ Q1 \2 v7 }1 }! K( E7 u/ f+ F9 @The Cancer Institute of New Jersey & KITP

Cancer Cell Metabolism: The Warburg Effect Revisited[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

5/31, 2:00 p.m.

Jacques Prost" d$ h' G# e- Y7 U
Inst. Curie & KITP

Homeostatic Pressure and Tumor Growth[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/01, 10:00 a.m.

Gyan Bhanot
1 R) M9 V0 R, q; Z; [$ J1 T5 ~- qRutgers & KITP

A Physicist's Approach to Breast Cancer[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/01, 11:00 a.m.

Pascal Silberzan& R; d3 e3 r3 L7 A* D
Inst. Curie & KITP

Collective Dynamics of Epithelial Cells[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/01, 1:00 p.m.

Otger Campas
2 X, ]& `, Z7 o  ~UCSB

Measuring Physical Forcing in Living Cells

6/04, 10:00 a.m.

Gunnar Carlsson
- R* Z) k6 M" l) ]Stanford

Topology Based Data Analysis of Tumors[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/05, 10:00 a.m.

Frank Jülicher2 M& b9 e3 I- ?' b# N% u1 K, n& w
MPI Dresden & KITP

Gradient Scaling and Growth Control in Epithelia[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/06, 10:00 a.m.

Jens Elgeti
- K1 n  i+ P7 T, |9 H8 N  h0 XForschungszentrum Juelich & KITP

Tissue Simulations[Slides][Podcast][Vid][Aud][Cam]

6/06, 2:00 p.m.

Edouard Hannezo! O: G+ C2 S% @3 i

Formation of Intestinal Villi[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/07, 2:00 p.m.

Boris Shraiman' o: t( y: b8 c9 Q

Contact Inhibition and Mechanical Inversion[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/08, 10:00 a.m.

Petros Koumoutsakos
7 `) R! y3 R/ X  f; {ETH Zürich

Imaging and Simulation for Angiogenesis and Tumor Growth[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/11, 10:00 a.m.

Tongli Zhang
# \3 e  \( s7 IUniv. Oxford & KITP

Understanding Cellular Decision Making by Integrating Switches and Oscillators

6/12, 10:00 a.m.

Chang Chan- Y6 J: V3 c, \& `6 J6 N3 b/ D

p53 and Genetic Anticipation

6/12, 2:00 p.m.

Clare Yu5 E/ L  O- W( Y9 _4 h1 a

Cancer, Stiffness, and the Tumor Microenvironment[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/13, 10:00 a.m.

Erwin Frey: q! g5 I* Z' a1 P3 s" U7 k( ^
Ludwig Max. Univ. & KITP

Symmetry Breaking and Cell Division

6/13, 2:00 p.m.

Markus Basan
! g0 u7 d% l! X* nUCSD

Swirls, Fingers and Directed Bulk Motility in Spreading Epithelial Sheets[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/14, 2:00 p.m.

Dan Needleman& Q" g) I0 [, ^  J5 G# q4 q
Harvard SEAS, MCB & KITP

Mechanics of Cell Division and Cancer[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/15, 10:00 a.m.

Jun Song3 K( ~. a( Q* |, U5 y, ^

Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression

6/15, 2:00 p.m.

Dan Needleman1 T3 k, E" ?) t6 }. W
Harvard SEAS, MCB & KITP

Measuring the Dynamic Structure Factor of the Mitotic Spindle[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/18, 10:00 a.m.

Helene Delanoe-Ayari$ I4 k2 Z% I; _5 g5 T5 O
Univ. Lyon & KITP

Physics of Cell Aggregation[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/18, 2:00 p.m.

Iman Tavassoly
: i% _8 G; |; c: yVirginia Polytech & KITP

Autophagic Response in Cancer Cells[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/19, 10:00 a.m.

Tom Chou
6 x+ z. ?$ F6 ~4 h, }+ nUCLA & KITP

Multi-stage Models of Tumor Progression[Podcast]

6/19, 2:00 p.m.

Colin Phipps) R$ X# l; q8 l( [
Univ. Waterloo & KITP

Models of Angiogenesis and Metabolism[Podcast][Aud][Cam]

6/20, 10:00 a.m.

Luisa Iruela-Arispe
" K  ~9 O0 m$ Z0 z. uUCLA

Angiogenesis in Tumor Progression

6/21, 2:00 p.m.

Megan Valentine0 \) p& E( ?  M; ]! e' O

New Methods to Measure Force Transmission in Tissues

6/22, 10:00 a.m.

Martin Bergo# o0 T- I, A7 _* O0 F
Univ. Gothenburg & KITP

Mouse Models of Ras- and Braf-induced Cancer

6/22, 2:00 p.m.

Jaewook Joo2 J9 m: `+ ]2 y5 I( H7 B! R* O0 \
Univ. Tennessee & KITP

Mathematical Modeling of an Inflammation Network

! p% e- O' H# C) x5 U6 X2 U
/ o) F/ [9 d& Z. w* t( z$ m
! O) [1 `5 t8 j' n" c, y& v
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